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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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You act like objectives are hard


They are as long as the enemy prevents you from reaching those objectives.


"No plan survives contact with the enemy..That´s why we call him the enemy!"



And just in case:


TATOOINE! It´s already there!

Edited by XElementalX
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4 v 4 is the way to go with tanks BW...btw


Ok I play on the biggest PVP server...The fatman Some of you prob play there too.


The BEST players so far that I've played with...AND I've played with a lot....


ARE WOW PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SWG lol






The greatest PVP players are BY FAR WOW players..


Come get some on da fatman if u'd like, I'm open for duels anytime, And in a couple week I'll Roll you in Huttball too!




So much bias in this post its ridiculous. Turn your troll off!

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So much bias in this post its ridiculous. Turn your troll off!


Lets see if it's BIAS


The fatman....Send me a tell.........Swidgen............WOW PLAYER......I'll duel you and after we'll see if it's BIAS or fact.


Can't tell from a duel you say............I'll take 2 gear slots off.........2!





And Unlike YOU I will PROVE IT!


All you have to do is show up today and in HUTTBALL in 2 weeks!

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LIES...The greatest PVPers in the world (WOW) are Gladiators not Grand Marshels.


But lets not make this about WOW,


Lets make this about letting you do what ever it is you do and Me and MINE doing what makes us HAPPY.



ARENAS here yet BW?


Ummm no... the greatest PvPers in the world play RTS and FPS games.

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Arenas - kill this guy...kill him now...kill him now. game over


Objectives at least involve more strategy. And they incorporate the "hard" parts of arenas, such as coordinating CCs and good positioning.


You get punished for dying in arena, in warzones, you simply respawn. Warzones are extremely noob friendly. Cause you can be bad at the game and still "play the objective".

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Don't understand why people are against it. It's just extra content, you can still stick to other pvp modes if it were implemented.


It's not needed. You have Outlaw's Den. Plus, the main issue here is people thinking that being good at WoW makes you an amazing PvPer.

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You get punished for dying in arena, in warzones, you simply respawn. Warzones are extremely noob friendly. Cause you can be bad at the game and still "play the objective".


Yeah, there's no door in Huttball or Voidstar, and in Civil War I respawn where I was just fighting...oh, wait...

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Don't understand why people are against it. It's just extra content, you can still stick to other pvp modes if it were implemented.


Because everyone can see what arenas did to WoW class balance. And many people dont want to see it here. 8v8, I have nothing against it. Anything less is dangerous.


And to OP - come to your server and duel you? And this game is maybe balanced around 1v1? If you think duels are meaningful, I suggest playing Street Fighter.

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Yeah, there's no door in Huttball or Voidstar, and in Civil War I respawn where I was just fighting...oh, wait...


Anyone good or bad, can stand in front of a door and spam an aoe. Anyone good or bad can stand at a node and yell "Help @ Snow". Anyone good or bad can score in hutball if being guarded and chain healed.


However only good players can avoid death, when being focused fired in an arena environment.

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4 v 4 is the way to go with tanks BW...btw


Ok I play on the biggest PVP server...The fatman Some of you prob play there too.


The BEST players so far that I've played with...AND I've played with a lot....


ARE WOW PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SWG lol






The greatest PVP players are BY FAR WOW players..


Come get some on da fatman if u'd like, I'm open for duels anytime, And in a couple week I'll Roll you in Huttball too!




Grats, you can pull an example that has no real factual basis out of your *** and act like it applies to everyone. My server (Helm of Graush) has some great PvPers and a lot of them are from SWG and GW (which, by the way, takes more skill than WoW. Go on, go try and do GvG after only a short time playing, I dare you.) Being good at WoW doesn't mean you're a world class PvPer.


Also, to your subsequent post, 1v1 doesn't matter. The fact that you think it determines whether or not someone is good really shows a lot about you.

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Anyone good or bad, can stand in front of a door and spam an aoe. Anyone good or bad can stand at a node and yell "Help @ Snow". Anyone good or bad can score in hutball if being guarded and chain healed.


However only good players can avoid death, when being focused fired in an arena environment.


Doors...as in rez doors...the ones that punish you for getting killed by keeping you from objectives. And no, not against other good players they can't. Only good players can avoid death by focus fire? Ha. Funny. Pretty sure there's focus fire in WZs too.

Edited by dschlan
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Go back to WoW.


Btw. If you're saying "Snow" or "Grass" you aren't arena material. Learn the difference between east and west and you might be seen as dedicated enough to find success.


And go back to wow.

Edited by Celebrus
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Doors...as in rez doors...the ones that punish you for getting killed by keeping you from objectives. And no, not against other good players they can't. Only good players can avoid death by focus fire? Ha. Funny. Pretty sure there's focus fire in WZs too.


Of course there is focus fire in WZs, but it doesn't matter as you're right back on the playing field 5 seconds later. The rez doors are on average less than 10 seconds. Half the time I die I'm back into the fight instantly.


I've seen a good premades get destroyed in voidstar by bad players (These dudes seriously couldn't kill a gnat if they needed to alone) who simply zerged over and over and over. Thats not strategy, thats just understanding the fact deaths mean nothing in this games PvP. In not arena, some type of game style that doesn't have respawns, make people have to defend themselves instead of just zerging over and over, which seems to be the best "strategy" outside of hutball.

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Of course there is focus fire in WZs, but it doesn't matter as you're right back on the playing field 5 seconds later. The rez doors are on average less than 10 seconds. Half the time I die I'm back into the fight instantly.


I've seen a good premades get destroyed in voidstar by bad players (These dudes seriously couldn't kill a gnat if they needed to alone) who simply zerged over and over and over. Thats not strategy, thats just understanding the fact deaths mean nothing in this games PvP. In not arena, some type of game style that doesn't have respawns, make people have to defend themselves instead of just zerging over and over, which seems to be the best "strategy" outside of hutball.


Or you could be competent players and realize that zerging is a terrible strat that only works against bad teams and is easily countered.

Edited by dschlan
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Of course there is focus fire in WZs, but it doesn't matter as you're right back on the playing field 5 seconds later. The rez doors are on average less than 10 seconds. Half the time I die I'm back into the fight instantly.


I've seen a good premades get destroyed in voidstar by bad players (These dudes seriously couldn't kill a gnat if they needed to alone) who simply zerged over and over and over. Thats not strategy, thats just understanding the fact deaths mean nothing in this games PvP. In not arena, some type of game style that doesn't have respawns, make people have to defend themselves instead of just zerging over and over, which seems to be the best "strategy" outside of hutball.




Bad pre-mades get destroyed in voidstar, and elsewhere, by pugs.


You've seen bad pre-mades, not good ones, you wont be convincing anyone of that simply because the godly-all-winning "zerg" strategy simply doesn't hold the weight that you're slinging it around with.

Edited by Celebrus
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Or you could be competent players and realize that zerging is a terrible strat and only works against bad teams.


Sadly that just isn't true. I don't care what the skill level is, one node/door is always a zergfest.

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Bad pre-mades get destroyed in voidstar, and elsewhere, by pugs.


You've seen bad pre-mades, not good ones, you wont be convincing anyone of that simply because the godly-all-winning "zerg" strategy simply doesn't hold the weight that you're slinging it around with.


Granted it was only 4 of them, but they are some of the best PvPers on the server.

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Ranked arenas would be awesome, but I hated the way wow did theirs.


I would like a few varieties of arenas.

1v1, or a 2-10 man free for all, or I suppose your standard 2v2/3v3/4v4


One of the most fun things that Aion implemented was their crucible arenas.

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Sadly that just isn't true. I don't care what the skill level is, one node/door is always a zergfest.


Uhm, what other way is there in? Should 1 person hit the east side, 1 person hit the west side, and the rest of the team just sit back winning by mind power alone? The only way in is in alternating from one side to the other, or by zerging (mostly used by pugs AGAINST pugs).


You are really doing yourself no favors here.

Edited by Celebrus
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Of course there is focus fire in WZs, but it doesn't matter as you're right back on the playing field 5 seconds later. The rez doors are on average less than 10 seconds. Half the time I die I'm back into the fight instantly.


I've seen a good premades get destroyed in voidstar by bad players (These dudes seriously couldn't kill a gnat if they needed to alone) who simply zerged over and over and over. Thats not strategy, thats just understanding the fact deaths mean nothing in this games PvP. In not arena, some type of game style that doesn't have respawns, make people have to defend themselves instead of just zerging over and over, which seems to be the best "strategy" outside of hutball.


Than it was not a good premade. Maybe you and your friends are not as good pvpers as you think? Maybe using such things like selective CC, synchronized killing, separating enemies, simple traps are above your skill level? Maybe, just maybe mindless slaughtering enemies is not everything that pvp is about?

Edited by Kaarsa
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Uhm, what other way is there in? Should 1 person hit the east side, 1 person hit the west side, and the rest of the team just sit back winning by mind power alone?


You are really doing yourself no favors here.


Thats exactly my point. There is no other option. Warzones are nothing but a skill less zergfest. It's what I have been saying this entire time....

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