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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ARENAS/Death match....NOW


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^Wow was ruined because Blizzard listened to the whines of pretentious brats in the forums.The same thing is happening here.Some kids with large epeen because they were carried by their comp want arena here too.






There you go,i was a good pvper in WoW and don't want arena system in this game.

No,i wasn't 1500.As if rating= skill.Its more like class comp=rating.


What was your rating. There is a difference between good and great.

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^Wow was ruined because Blizzard listened to the whines of pretentious brats in the forums.The same thing is happening here.Some kids with large epeen because they were carried by their comp or class(spec) want arena here too.As well as other things that are not part of this topic.






There you go,i was a good pvper in WoW and don't want arena system in this game.




Toons name/realm solves this...you can prove me wrong RIGHT now...


Cuz I smell FAIL.


1800 plus is a GOOD player. So GIVE it and I will stand corrected. Comp doesn't stop you from getting 1800! (I could get Rogue Rogue to 1800) Only you & your ability (Or lack there of) could do that.

Edited by Swidgin
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Toons name/realm solves this...you can prove me wrong RIGHT now...


Cuz I smell FAIL.


1800 plus is a GOOD player. So GIVE it and I will stand corrected. Comp doesn't stop you from getting 1800! (I could get Rogue Rogue to 1800) Only you & your ability (Or lack there of) could do that.


1800 is not good at all. 1800 is garbage.

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1800 is not good at all. 1800 is garbage.


Dude enough. if you got 1800 then you know your class well enough to be a PVPer. It's above avg in wow so we are going to use it. Don't question me...lol.


And if you like insulting people GIVE me your toons name and Realm!

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Dude enough. if you got 1800 then you know your class well enough to be a PVPer. It's above avg in wow so we are going to use it. Don't question me...lol.


Well, you are claiming you smell fail from these players...yet you then state 1800 is above average.



So what I am actually smelling, is fail from you if you think 1800 is good enough.


its bad


and here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sargeras/Cdubb/statistic#21:152


Cdubb Sargeras.


Havn't played that game in so long, but I did do a wintergrasp run about 2 months ago to help my little brother...

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Now more rude people please.


We all know who the people are that don't want ARENAs. No need to call them out or say anything rude to them.



Lets make this about why they AREN'T HERE YET!!!!!!!!!!


BW give me a break. You ever see the secondary .coms for WOW? (I can't name them, Mods get mad)


It's a HUGE part of ANY MMO!




1. WoW - 2v2 arena's - Healers are over powered and have no mana burn or very little of it if any


2. WoW - ratings - Screws people who want better gear but can't get it because most wow players exploited their way to high ratings.


3. WoW - Blizzard creates FOTM classes to maintain player base - Bioware is duplicating this process - Thus FOTM rated arenas are again unbalanced.


4. Wow - Cross Server Q's - more undergeared people Q'ing for rated warzones and arenas than you would wish on your worst PVP enemy. Which inevitably leads to nerf's which leads to FOTM which leads to mental retardation and laziness.



What do you think will happen in SWTOR with arenas?

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Well, you are claiming you smell fail from these players...yet you then state 1800 is above average.



So what I am actually smelling, is fail from you if you think 1800 is good enough.


its bad


and here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sargeras/Cdubb/statistic#21:152


Cdubb Sargeras.


Havn't played that game in so long, but I did do a wintergrasp run about 2 months ago to help my little brother...


You are better then me sir.


I don't like you.


My Rated BGs are better though...lol ....Boo that means nothing!

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You are better then me sir.


I don't like you.


My Rated BGs are better though...lol ....Boo that means nothing!


I didn't play rated bgs that often cause arena was superior...thats why I support this arena thread because OBJECTIVE PVP GETS OLD FASTTTTTTTTTTT



But as stated 1000 times already, most people don't want arena so objective pvp will be what we get. It's lame and it does not require more skill...I can garuntee it.

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^A gnome?lol everything you say is invalid. :p

Joke aside.


I got to 2000,2200 with a dk and came back to main.As if arena rating ever mattered about something,except getting the gear.all you need is basic knowledge about the game + teamspeak + a freind + good class/spec synergy.


Unless you don't know you are not rated alone in the arena.The team is rated.Comp and synergy matters,more than individual skill.No matter how skilled you are,you must play certain class and comp to go hight rating.And even IF YOU DID,you had rating in arena,nothing more. You can still suck in other forms of pvp.

Before i gave arena a try for real i destroyed arena players in duels,with a DESTRO(i had arena gear from weekly cap).


I say these things because someone claimed that only bad pvpers don't want arena.

I WANT arena,but in WoW,if i want to play arena,i will go back to WoW,because let's face it ,pvp mechanics are better there..

What i DON'T want is to be forced to do arena to get the best gear(or at least the best looking gear),in THIS game.

Edited by Kaedusz
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What in gods name is taking so long?



BW make a 150m * 250m room and let us do the rest.


Afraid your game can't stack up balance wise?



+1 im in. I always wanted a straight deathmatch! :D

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I got to 2000,2200 with a dk and came back to main.As if arena rating ever mattered about something,except getting the gear.


Unless you don't know you are not rated alone in the arena.The team is rated.Comp matters,not skill.No matter hos skilled you are,you must play certain class and comp to go hight rating.And even IF YOU DID,you had rating in arena,nothing more. You can still suck in other forms of pvp.

Before i gave arena a try for real i destroyed arena players in duels,with a DESTRO(i have arena gear from weekly cap).


I say these things because someone claimed that only bad pvpers don't want arena.

I WANT arena,but in WoW,if i want to play arena,i will go back to WoW.

What i DON'T want is to be forced to do arena to get the best gear,in THIS game.


I played demo lock, ret pally and mut rogue to 2350 in like season 6.


Don't give me COMP is the only thing that wins those games...its horse ****.


Also in 2's I played lock hunter to 2450, lock/rogue to number 1 in the world.


Yes, comps do matter...but they only matter to people who are bad. Example, bad team 1 plays non fotm comps vs bad team 2 with fotm comp, fotm comp wins because they are both bad. Now example 2, bad team fotm, vs GOOD TEAM any comp, good team wins because they are better.


But yes, the good players will go FOTM cause it makes it much easier, but they would have the same success rolling other comps. I have done it multiple times. Why would you play 500 games to get to 2500+ when you can play 200 games to get 2500+ with the stronger comp. It's a waste of time, thats why people play FOTM.


IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CANT PLAY NON FOTM and be successful, it just takes longer, and most people just don't want to waste the time.



And how can you say arena requires no skill at all. So you are playing RLS/RLS in arena...Is it just random RNG that team 1 wins? Or did they play better that game, MEANING THEY WERE MORE SKILLED.


good god

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Also in 2's I played lock hunter to 2450, lock/rogue to number 1 in the world.


I find that unlikely ,but for the sake of argument:

Now go to the arena boards and see how many of those are in the first places.See if the first.. what... a few hundred spots what comps are they,and if almost all of them are the same.



Yes, comps do matter...but they only matter to people who are bad.


This is the most insanely idiotic thing i have ever heard about wow arena pvp.


I think you haven't played seriously pvp in wow since tbc...


* * *

And how can you say arena requires no skill at all. So you are playing RLS/RLS in arena...Is it just random RNG that team 1 wins? Or did they play better that game, MEANING THEY WERE MORE SKILLED.

Wooohoo,relax, i didn't say skill doesn't matter in arena.I said skill is not as important as some people proclaim it is and that arena players are not nesseserily better in pvp than non arena pvpers

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I find that unlikely ,but for the sake of argument:

Now go to the arena boards and see how many of those are in the first places.See if the first.. what... a few hundred spots what comps are they,and if almost all of them are the same.


I havnt played wow in so long, I quit due to constant endless homoginizing changes, taking away core abilities from most classes. I don't doubt you that the majority of players are all playing the same comp. I actually believe you, and it was like that when I played also.


But no 2550 or whatever it was in season 5 as lock/rogue was highest in the world by sk gaming. This was before the fear blind nerf. After fear blind nerf we werent able to do it again.


Before WoW was thrown into the toilet, arenas were awesome, are they awesome now? no they are awful, because they change that game every 2 seconds due to qq.


If they implement arena here, just keep the same rewards as the rated wzs so there is no discrepancy and it shouldn't matter to anyone. You can simply pick what you want to play. I personally, would play arena. You can get 2 irl buddies and have a good time embarassing other people. To me, it was fun, to others it wasn't fun but they can still do their rated wzs.

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I find that unlikely ,but for the sake of argument:

Now go to the arena boards and see how many of those are in the first places.See if the first.. what... a few hundred spots what comps are they,and if almost all of them are the same.





This is the most insanely idiotic thing i have ever heard about wow arena pvp.


I think you haven't played seriously pvp in wow since tbc...


* * *


Wooohoo,relax, i didn't say skill doesn't matter in arena.I said skill is not as important as some people proclaim it is and that arena players are not nesseserily better in pvp than non arena pvpers


Arena players who are high rated are better players then the bg hero. There is no way you can argue against that.


Example) john is a warlock, and loves bgs. Is the best bger in the world, he totally can face roll people who are afk most of the time jumping and rolls over people who are trying to get gear. He goes into the arena with a team and just can't quite figure it out so he loses, but doesn't matter cause he does own in those bgs.


chris is a warlock, loves arenas. He arenas at a high rating so his situational awareness is much higher, his communication is better, and he has a full understanding of how to counter almost anything any class has simply by learning and adapting. He also goes into bgs when he is bored and absolutely rolls anyone that he plays because he is playing people who really aren't that good in arena.


He sees john and they start to have a 1v1.. john gets rolled because he is not as good as a warlock as he thinks he is.


end of scenario.


and I have arena'd since tbc. I quit the first season into cata. There was 1 comp that I agree was rediculous and it was double melee cleave with a warrior. They could eat me up without any real skill, so I agree on that. That was the only comp I ever saw when playing that game for 6 years that I could absolutely do nothing to counter. If the game is still like that and not fixed, then it's blizzards fault.

Edited by Cwild
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lol. comp isn't the determining factor in arena?!?! haha funny stuff


even in wow no one participates anymore




Just check out the history. Almost 300,000 fewer active 3v3 teams than season 3 and season 3 had just over 300k active teams.

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Only in arena.Not nesseserily in 1v1 when they both fight. And yes 1v1 was never balanced,neither was arena.


it is safe to say, that 99.9% of people who succeeded in arenas are better then the person who didnt.


There is still that .1% though, i'll give you that.




If I came across a warlock back when I was playing, if he wasnt 2200 or higher and fought me regularly he would have about the same chance of winning megamillions last friday.


It's irrelevant now because I don't play, nor do I want to.


I'm just arguing the fact that arena will help this game keeps subs, and it might actually improve some peoples game play, because frankly the majority of the players who I go up against in this game, are very below average.


It might be because they never pvp'd competitvely or are coming from a game that didn't have much pvp in it. That is fine, but they will not get better by doing warzones...warzones teach you nothing in this game because of all the other variables.


In a condensed zone with a smaller fight, you will get better the more you play.


I want arena, would be fun, don't have it reward the highest tier gear, just make it an option to obtain the highest ranked gear like warzones and call it a day.


Boom, everyone happy

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Arena players who are high rated are better players then the bg hero. There is no way you can argue against that.


Example) john is a warlock, and loves bgs. Is the best bger in the world, he totally can face roll people who are afk most of the time jumping and rolls over people who are trying to get gear. He goes into the arena with a team and just can't quite figure it out so he loses, but doesn't matter cause he does own in those bgs.


chris is a warlock, loves arenas. He arenas at a high rating so his situational awareness is much higher, his communication is better, and he has a full understanding of how to counter almost anything any class has simply by learning and adapting. He also goes into bgs when he is bored and absolutely rolls anyone that he plays because he is playing people who really aren't that good in arena.


He sees john and they start to have a 1v1.. john gets rolled because he is not as good as a warlock as he thinks he is.


end of scenario.


and I have arena'd since tbc. I quit the first season into cata. There was 1 comp that I agree was rediculous and it was double melee cleave with a warrior. They could eat me up without any real skill, so I agree on that. That was the only comp I ever saw when playing that game for 6 years that I could absolutely do nothing to counter. If the game is still like that and not fixed, then it's blizzards fault.




Actually I can argue with it easily.


Never broke 1500 rating, but would destroy 2000+ rated players.


Rating doesn't = skill


Why did I beat these 2000+ rated players? 2 reasons:


1. I'm not a scrub to PVP.


2. I know their classes better than they knew their own.


I also didn't play FOTM classes. I played underdog classes for a reason... It makes me a better player than most when I don't have a crutch to fall back on. It's pure skill then.


And despite that the QQ flew when said 2000+ rated players lost to me... All of the sudden my class was overpowered.


Sound familiar in SWTOR? (Concealment/Scrapper nerf's)

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it is safe to say, that 99.9% of people who succeeded in arenas are better then the person who didnt.


There is still that .1% though, i'll give you that.


Rubbish... and you know it.


Also check what the above poster said.(the one with the statistics)

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It kinda sucks how the people who played WOW are so against add=ding some new content like an arena/deathmatch game. THis is my first mmo, and PvP is now a big part of my gaming experience that I love, and arenas sound awesome to me! But just because it was implemented in a bad way or because the devs tried to balance that game around 1v1 through arenas, we have all these people thinking the same thing is gonna happen here.


WoW looks like garbage compared to this game in my opinion and idk why this game is being held back because of mistakes that blizzard made like 5 years ago or whenever.

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Actually I can argue with it easily.


Never broke 1500 rating, but would destroy 2000+ rated players.


Rating doesn't = skill


Why did I beat these 2000+ rated players? 2 reasons:


1. I'm not a scrub to PVP.


2. I know their classes better than they knew their own.


I also didn't play FOTM classes. I played underdog classes for a reason... It makes me a better player than most when I don't have a crutch to fall back on. It's pure skill then.


And despite that the QQ flew when said 2000+ rated players lost to me... All of the sudden my class was overpowered.


Sound familiar in SWTOR? (Concealment/Scrapper nerf's)



Then WoW must have changed a bunch since I last actively played. Because there is no reason for you to not break 1500 but **** people who have a higher rated unless you were a counter to them.


But I feel ya brother, I play an operative as well, it is the only character I have in Swtor, and I constantly **** baddies which then say our class is OP which cause us to be nerfed 5 time.


The cycle of the mmo.


and there is a 3rd reason to why you probably beat them. They bought there rating which seems to be very popular these days but werent in s2-3-4-5 when I got glad.

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Then WoW must have changed a bunch since I last actively played. Because there is no reason for you to not break 1500 but **** people who have a higher rated unless you were a counter to them.


You got it all wrong.What we are talking about here unwillingness to play arena.we are NOT talking about giving your best ,playing arena all day,and STILL be at 1500.



Also your wow pvp knowledge is kinda outdated,see no reason for you to continue mention it.

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What we are talking about here is ,not wanting to play arena(unwillingness).we are NOT talking about giving your best ,playing arena all day,and STILL be at 1500.


Also your wow pvp knowledge is kinda outdated,see no reason for you to continue mention it.


Okay, well then it shouldn't matter if arena is implemented, you can just not play it.


Work over for me though, so I'm out. Have a good night folks. Be safe

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