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BH Jetpack 'disengage' ability - Please Bioware!!


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If any of you played "The Game that Shall Not Be Named" (ie WoW) then you should be familiar with the Hunter ability that was known as disengage. I believe it was on a 30 second cooldown and basically enabled the Hunter to "disengage" from a target that was attacking him by jumping/leaping backwards about 20m.


This is a PERFECT ability that I really think Bounty Hunters and Troopers need. With the ammount of snares and gap closers that melee have, I think that this sort of ability would really level the playing field against melee.


AND, it would be AWESOME to have this ability as a Bounty Hunter because we would simply aim ourselves backwards and the animation would be our JetPack boosting us backwards.


I just thought of this idea because I have been getting really frustrated with PvP on my main toon, a Mercenary DPS Bounty Hunter. It's probably been mentioned before on the forums, but I would love to see Bioware implement a change like this to our class.


Any thoughts/feedback/suggestions?

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Been saying this since i rolled my main. (pyro merc)

Upward and backward mobility would be great for the class and would give us something completely unique. Letting us escape over walls that others would have to walk around. Heck, let it share a reduced cool down with jet escape.

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Not bad idea. Signed.


As told before, mercenary could be utilizing jetpack for this, but how would this ability be mirrored to commandos so that it would make sense? My suggestion would be some kind of grenade jump.

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Not bad idea. Signed.


As told before, mercenary could be utilizing jetpack for this, but how would this ability be mirrored to commandos so that it would make sense? My suggestion would be some kind of grenade jump.



Gunna use a CoD:Black Ops zombies reference here: for anyone who has unlocked the Zeus Cannon (like a grav gun) this will make sense...


Basically I envision the commando taking his huge grav cannon thing and shooting directly at the ground angled backwards. It would emit this shockwave animation and just boost himself backwards.


Ooooohhhh.... I just really want this ability to be added :D

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I like the idea of an escape. If it's in the form of Disengage I'll gladly take it. Something needs to be added for Mercs to escape though, loving having melee on my *** with my only real choice is to hope I can kill them first.
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They will never do it, do you know why? because they think merc has too much DPS, probably they think it's the best for it so it HAS to be fragile and die like flies so no interrupt, a joke shield (wherease others have immunity/absorb/deflect and so on bubbles), low on CC and useless one...this is how BW balance classes, let's see sorc :D
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I'd probably "disengage" right into a fire trap....or acid pit with my luck


For sure, I use jet boots as my "Disengage" blast them back, get out of LOS, and If i am really worried about them ill Stun them.

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