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please let us shoot oursleves with healing hammer shot


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i would like a little injection of kolto gas as the animation or something, but as a balancing mechanic, i really don't understand why we can't use hammer shot to heal ourselves


as a 'makes sense' mechanic, perhaps i can see it, but the filler heal could have been any other animation (little probes like every other heal) that allowed self heals that made sense

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probably would make the animation gas venting from the gun... tho the self heal of the medic in team fortress 2 would be funny...


i always thought that merc should be able to put a pistol to their head and pull the trigger anyhow...


Come 1.2 and they should all do that....

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Free uninterruptible healing on the move and in combat?


Well I guess I'd like it but why would they :confused:

because come 1.2 its a nessesary part of our rotation to keep our ammo up. it wasnt needed as much before but in pvp especially it should be given.. we'll be spending most of our time out of ammo
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i always thought that merc should be able to put a pistol to their head and pull the trigger anyhow...




And a Commando props the Assault Cannon on the ground and puts the barrel in their mouth.

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Or, they could get rid of the silly stacking charges mechanic, eliminating the need to spam your hammer heal out of combat like an obsessive compulsive person. :)


1) I'd like it for healing myself. For charge stacking you are either in a group or with a companion so you always have a target.


2) I think the big complication is "Who does it target if you are targeting an enemy?" If you target an enemy and cast a heal, it auto-self targets. If you have no one targeted you want HS to auto-self-target, but if you have an enemy targeted? Presumably you want it to attack.


3) The stacking of charges isn't as simplistic as it sounds. It provides an interaction between HS and our regen beyond it being free. Currently 1 HS cast adds 3/30 charges, and 30 charges = 2 Ammo. That means that 1 HS returns the passive regen + 0.2 Ammo if you use SCC every chance you get. That's an additional 1.67% regen per cast, or just over 1% per second. Of course, the 1.2 nerf cuts that in half.

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Troopers/BH's are already extremely hard to kill as healers. Free uninterruptable heals on yourself at all times is a bit over the top. I have a merc healer, and I would have to disagree.


Hammer Shot does ~300 HPS. How much DPS does any DPS do? If you can't counter 300 HPS you have bigger problems. Like being naked and facing the wrong way.

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Hammer Shot does ~300 HPS. How much DPS does any DPS do? If you can't counter 300 HPS you have bigger problems. Like being naked and facing the wrong way.


Either you're not level 50 or your gear is really, really, weak.


Each tick of mine is 174 healing, I then have 47% crit and 77% crit multiplier (tech remember).


Which is about 700 healing per HS.


because come 1.2 its a nessesary part of our rotation to keep our ammo up. it wasnt needed as much before but in pvp especially it should be given.. we'll be spending most of our time out of ammo




You can already do that.


The bit this thread is suggesting is to have that free uninterruptible healing on the move and in combat on yourself.


I'm not saying I would mind being able to regen 700hp/GCD (including crits) because presumably this would apply to any type of commando.


I'm saying it would be an unusual act of random generosity to let us shoot ourselves in the head after all the nerfs.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Either you're not level 50 or your gear is really, really, weak.


Each tick of mine is 174 healing, I then have 47% crit and 77% crit multiplier (tech remember).


Which is about 700 healing per HS.



Hammer Shot heals for exactly your bonus healing. With high end gear you probably have around 450 bonus healing. You do not have over 500.


At 450, a non-crit heals for 450 in 1.5s, that means it heals for 300 in 1s, which is 300HPS.


If you want to involve crit and surge, your 450 becomes:


EH = 450((1-0.47) + 0.47*(1.77)) = 612.855


And, reduced to 1s instead of 1.5s, this becomes 409HPS (healing and damage are done in integers).


So, I apologize if the simplification was too much. Allow me to rephrase, if you cannot do more than 409DPS, you are either naked and facing the wrong way or there is something seriously wrong with you.


To put it in perspective, if I remember correctly 2 stacks of the Sc/Op HoT heals for 274HPS. Does a passive HoT pose a problem for your DPS as well?


And let's also keep in mind that a Scoundrel or Operative can cast their free heal on themselves, although it is currently ~50% of the HPS of HS. Once 1.2 hits it will be sped up considerably and they will be much more comprable in realistic levels of Alacrity, although regardless of cast time they will still require standing still.

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Hammer Shot heals for exactly your bonus healing. With high end gear you probably have around 450 bonus healing. You do not have over 500.


Should be a comedy moment then when I say Oh Yes I Do







Thats 172 before a 30 stack buff, 174 after, 174*3 = 522




Which equals 707 healing per HS.




The other half of the issue is you decided to say 300HPS which has two meanings.


It is clear what you were meaning by 300HPS after you referred to time in your next post.




Anyway, none of this was what I was saying in the first place and it's deviating from the thread.

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Anyway, none of this was what I was saying in the first place and it's deviating from the thread.


HPS means Healing Per Second. It has no other meaning.


What was your point in the first place?


At 501 (heh) Bonus Healing, with the crit and surge values you listed, your Hammer Shot does 454.87 HPS.


Let's see, a Sage's armor at the same level of gear does, if memory serves since I dont feel like looking up the exact variables, ~3800 healing in 1.5s, or 2533HPS.


A Scoundrels EMP does 1.38*bonusHealing + a base heal of ~900 if memory serves, so we are talking something on the order of 1000HPS, which is spammable under 30% health and is otherwise useable (now) up to 3 times in a row + as any procs (~6s ICD) from their rolling 275HPS HoT.


I was never clear on what your point was. Something about how 450HPS of instant cast healing would be overpowered despite the other healers having heals far in excess of that.


I'm tired and grouchy from dealing with some other issues (which are why Im up at 330am) so please excuse any curtness.

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HPS means Healing Per Second. It has no other meaning.


In that case let me be the first to tell you that hps also means hitpoints.



I'm tired and grouchy


Well to save more reading, my point is up the page and can be summed up thusly in a cut and paste of it:


I'm not saying I would mind being able to regen 700hp/GCD (including crits) because presumably this would apply to any type of commando.


I'm saying it would be an unusual act of random generosity to let us shoot ourselves in the head after all the nerfs.

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In that case let me be the first to tell you that hps also means hitpoints.


1) Hitpoints are generally abbreviated as HP. In fact, I've never seen them abbreviated as HPS. Perhaps as HPs, but even that would be very odd.


2) HPS is the healer equivalent of DPS. These are common and standard terms. While I am sure other things could have the same abbreviation, in this context you can generally safely assume that any and all *PS reference is a "per second".


Well to save more reading, my point is up the page and can be summed up thusly in a cut and paste of it:


Am I correct in assuming that you are merely commenting on the current pro-nerfing-healers-into-the-ground stance making any real buffs or QoL improvements unlikely?


If so, you are, sadly, probably correct.

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Hammer Shot does ~300 HPS. How much DPS does any DPS do? If you can't counter 300 HPS you have bigger problems. Like being naked and facing the wrong way.


LOL, im starting to enjoy reading commando threads, at first it was all serious business, now we're all tired of trying to knock some sense into the devs and ignorant players...

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LOL, im starting to enjoy reading commando threads, at first it was all serious business, now we're all tired of trying to knock some sense into the devs and ignorant players...


It gets exhausting. BW needs to step up their customer relations, and soon. Serious testers are already leaving the PTS because they don't feel like BW is listening to anything they say, which is the same thing many people apparently said in the beta (I wasn't in beta, but Ive seen that complaint a lot).

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Buffed i do 3x 200 HP with HS. With crit and surge this is around 500 HPS (HEALING PER SEC). Full charged supercharge cell.


Heck, i have never heard of HPS as hitpoints :). It was always the equivalent to DPS for healers.



And Gyronamics, is this screenshot from PTS? Or is it this usefull to give up the set bonus for the orange items? Or is this just for the look.



But shoting yourself for heal? even though it might be funny, its sad as well that commandos are close to doing this already, even without the healing :).

And it would be a bit to powerfull to run around with an instant selfheal for 500 HPS, that is not interruptable to be honest.

Edited by Aritok
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It's amazing that anyone thinks HS on self would be op. Especially compared to sage shield or hot (I have no idea what scoundrels can do).


But I don't really pvp, and I don't think pve should play poorly because of pvp. As a pve healer, it is extremely frustrating to be able to heal 7/8 players with HS, because I don't look at names much when I'm healing, I look at missing health, and this leads to trying to HS myself a lot, and having it not work.

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