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RE: Dungeon Finder and Dual Spec


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LMAO at this post lol I'm still LMAO


90% of SWTOR is copied from WoW and given a different name LMAO


And SWTOR still has about 40%-60% less features than WoW, which looks amazing on my PC with all it's colors. Unlike SWTOR that like everything else, half-aszed the colors in the game like they were working with 8 bit color.


Bioware should call Blizzard and offer them a percentage of this joke so they can step i and save it for them. GG

Ya ... good luck with that. Nothing like hitching your wagon to a dying horse:


"BlizzCon 2012 video gaming convention canceled"

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So we just assume it won't come until expansion? Where is the logic here?


What about 1.3, 1.4, 1.5?


That's not what I said. All I said was that we don't know when these features will be introduced. Someone thought they would be in 1.3, and we do not know if that is the case.

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LFG yes


Duel Spec, NO. Duel Spec is what killed wow for me. I think we should be able to reroll the primary tree, but duel spec imo is one of the worst things. I like to be able to build a toon for a specific roll. In wow it was a bad idea and I think the same would be true for TOR.


How does dual spec prevent you from building a char for a specific role? Nobody is forced to use it.

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I've NEVER played World of Warcraft. Never will. I originally began playing the original Everquest back in 99. Not at all interested in the cartoonish garbage that Blizzard put out. This isn't World of Warcraft, and it never will be. Flashpoints and Operations are inherent to Star Wars: The Old Republic. That's their name, that's what they should be called. Comparing this game to a piece of trash like WoW, is simply asinine.


I'll be playing post 1.2. I'm excited for the changes coming. I'd love to see some of Everquest's features implemented into ToR. Alternate Advancement points, the one guild all factions option. Faction players being able to help one another in quests (At a reasonable amount of risk of course). Good stuff right there.


Regardless of your opinion, WOW is far and away the most popular MMO out there. Bioware (and every) othergaming company out there) would be fools if they didn't make an effort to learn what worked and was popular in WoW and consider what would work in their game. And both dual specs and LFG were very popular in WoW. BW has to at least seriously consider introducing it in the game, even if they decide not to implement it.


But just saying "WoW is cartoony! Nothing from WoW should ever go into my game!" Is naive and short-sited.

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Dual Spec is necessary because...

I can be in full tank spec and then switch to full dps spec.

In 1.2 tanking will be more demanding because healing is getting locked down significantly.


I am not going to spec full tank and be unable to enjoy the other 2/3 of content the other 5 days of the week when I'm not raiding.


For me it's just a gear switch right now. I have a full (enough) tank, pve-dps and pvp-dps set that I can switch to as needed.

I just won't spend the effort to respec several times per week even though it's possible to do so (and technically affordable)


If you already have a system for your keybinds you can switch between multiple roles and classes effortlessly because similar kinds of binds should already be on similar keys. *See taugrim's keybind guide.



LFG tool is only important if done well. Which means it will be 1.4 before its useful.

It lets you automatically join a Flashpoint by indicating "My role is a ____, please queue me for a group for flashpoint X, Y or Z."

In Swtor there is no gear score. No easy way to gauge how "ready" players are for content.

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I'll continue for a while after 1.2 just to see how it plays out, but without a LFG tool I'll probably quit for a while. Lack of dual spec doesn't bother me personally.


I've heard the mention of an LFG tool coming out in 1.3, but that brings up the question: what's the expected timeframe for 1.3 to come out?

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Next time you link an article, you may want to spend a minute to read the article.
Fully read & comprehended. Here's some more to wet the ol' whistle ...

WoW served well but it's broken. No reason to replicate what's making it fail. The dog's had its day, allow it to mercifully RIP.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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How does dual spec prevent you from building a char for a specific role? Nobody is forced to use it.


Players don't want to be expected to have a specific spec to fill a role someone else thinks they should be filling for the other person's convenience like healing or tanking. I can understand the sentiment to an extent in certain circumstances.

Edited by terminova
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I've NEVER played World of Warcraft. Never will. I originally began playing the original Everquest back in 99. Not at all interested in the cartoonish garbage that Blizzard put out. This isn't World of Warcraft, and it never will be. Flashpoints and Operations are inherent to Star Wars: The Old Republic. That's their name, that's what they should be called. Comparing this game to a piece of trash like WoW, is simply asinine.



As a general rule, if I'm looking for a credible opinion on a game I will ask people that have actually played it. Thank you for your 2 cents though, I'm saving up for a happy meal.

Edited by Rocksors
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Fully read & comprehended. Here's some more to wet the ol' whistle ...

WoW served well but it's broken. No reason to replicate what's making it fail. The dog's had its day, allow it to mercifully RIP.



I wonder if WoW is in decline because of the LFD or because it's 7 years old?


Your entire premise is false.

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If I blast through the new HM op in less than 4 hours played the first try (like the current op) I am out. The other stuff is nice fluff, but if there is nothing to challenge me what is the point. I justified a sub in other MMOs because it took weeks at a casual (6-9 hours per week) pace to kill some new bosses. I don't pay a sub to basically watch a movie.
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I wonder if WoW is in decline because of the LFD or because it's 7 years old?


Your entire premise is false.

↓↓↓ This ↓↓↓ was the post that started the discussion you dove into the middle of. Not sure what its premise was or if it even had one. But I suppose WoW's decline could be based on either LFD or being 7 years old ... or neither ... or both.

LMAO at this post lol I'm still LMAO


90% of SWTOR is copied from WoW and given a different name LMAO


And SWTOR still has about 40%-60% less features than WoW, which looks amazing on my PC with all it's colors. Unlike SWTOR that like everything else, half-aszed the colors in the game like they were working with 8 bit color.


Bioware should call Blizzard and offer them a percentage of this joke so they can step i and save it for them. GG

Edited by GalacticKegger
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First many people say this game is to much like WoW, now they say this game needs more wow features.


I realy dont understand why those people want this game to be WoW in space.


Dungeon finders only destroy the comunity, if you find yourself to be unable to talk to people in order to find a group you should realy ask yourself if you should be playing a MMO.


Specialy in this game where almost every Flashpoint is entered via the space station its realy easy to group up. Talk to others, befriend them and they will invite you again. Join a guild that shares your interest.

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Im rolling a new BH and im level 39, i havent been able to run 1 flashpoint at all.

Not even 1 heroic quest.

My social level is 0.


Nobody is asking/looking or willing to group because of the lack of people on my server (Hex Droid EU PVP)


So yea, a dungeon finder to me is the most important feature that needs implementing and is far more important to me than any feature in 1.2


Massive, massive fail for not having this implemented in the first place. its just so stupid.


If they do not add one before my next subscription is renewed which should hopefully be after 1.2 is released, then i think i will give up, as playing this game alone, although fun, is not what im paying for

Edited by Rhymez
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what he said.


Im having fun with this game.

For all of you who dont, you will NOT be missed.




Funny thing is ... if there are more people that DON"T enjoy this game than DO; and they leave - they very much WILL be missed. You'll stand on your respective fleet and watch the tumbleweeds roll past.


Telling players to leave, G T FO, or some other "witty" comment is not how you bolster a player base; nor its community.

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It was a pain to have to go to the capital city every time I wanted to switch roles slightly to accommodate the different activities.
yeah i also was thinking that respec in BC was pain in a**

before here i saw 98k for spec change…

Edited by navarh
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This game badly needs a LFG tool.

Why would they put a LFG tool for warzones, but no LFG tool for flashpoints? It can't be that hard to implement one.

I will not be renewing my subscription if they just add new content to 1.2 and not add a LFG tool. If i can't find a group for the current flashpoints, there's no point in paying for this game.

Edited by Slobozache
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If dual-specs don't come out, I don't see myself here long-term. I don't care about anything else. But killing my ability to group with the people that I already know, but that currently can't group with me because our roles don't match up perfectly every night, really bugs me. For example, tonight two tanks are online, me, and a dps...oh well, we can't do a hardmode flashpoint smoothly. That's just dumb.
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Dungeon finders only destroy the comunity, if you find yourself to be unable to talk to people in order to find a group you should realy ask yourself if you should be playing a MMO.


In SWTOR I come to the Fleet and start scanning /1 for a suitable group. In WoW I turn on LFD.


In SWTOR I send a tell "hi, i'm dps for cademinu" when I see a suitable group. In WoW I click "Enter Dungeon" when LFD pops.


In SWTOR I either get invited to the group or not. In WoW I either get teleported into the dungeon or not (someone declined or was AFK).


In SWTOR once inside the instance I say "hi". In WoW once inside the instance I say "hi".


SWTOR already follows the same formula as WoW! BioWare just needs to make it work just as well as WoW's.

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