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Your Legacy Begins


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I would like to see legacy ships. Like say your father was an imperial agent but the son is a republic jedi. I think you should still be able to have access to your father's ship since it belongs to a family member...


Just a long shot but I think it would be something cool to be able to have access to the different class hips as a legacy unlock.

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The new Legacy System sounds really cool, but how do species unlocks (for example) help people who have already created 8 characters on their original server? Once my Chiss bounty hunter gets to lvl 50 I'd love to create a Chiss Jedi or maybe a smuggler. But I'd have to delete one my other characters to do that. Not cool.


To solve this problem, are we going to get new character slots per server sometime soon?


Alternately, will there be a way to have a Legacy span multiple servers?





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The new Legacy System sounds really cool, but how do species unlocks (for example) help people who have already created 8 characters on their original server? Once my Chiss bounty hunter gets to lvl 50 I'd love to create a Chiss Jedi or maybe a smuggler. But I'd have to delete one my other characters to do that. Not cool.


To solve this problem, are we going to get new character slots per server sometime soon?


Alternately, will there be a way to have a Legacy span multiple servers?






This has been asked and answered many times in this thread. Maybe GZ's quote should be put in the OP?


Anyhoo, GZ said that they are planning to make available a way to add more character slots.

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It may happen at the same time, but it doesn't mean they are the same age doing it.


Origin worlds are not birth planets. Several of my characters were born on planets that aren't even ingame. My smuggler's father was alive during the Sith Return, retired from the military after seeing Coruscant sacked and then the treaty signed, and recently came back after being asked to join Havoc Squad.


After he retired 28 years ago, he fathered a son to a woman who left him and settled on Tatooine to raise her son, and then he fathered a second son whose mother died, and he raised himself, who later became a bounty hunter with no political affiliations due to being disillusioned by his father's hypocrisy.




The problem is that it works only for classes where the age is not stated in prologue. So, for trooper or for smuggler it will work. Other classes - not so much.


With with Jedis or with Siths (while SI's prologue does not state the age, the plot twist with Zash implies that SI is young too) you don't have that workaround.


They are young at the beginning of the game, they cannot have adult children who join Havoc Squad or become notorious smugglers.


And here's the problem. If I want to unlock some force abilities for my smuggler or BH, I will have to put Force users as their parents. But it doesn't fit in the story at all.

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"The first companion you unlock of each companion combat archetype (ranged tank, ranged DPS, melee tank, melee DPS, and healer) gives you a unique unlock for that companion type that grants a passive stat bonus."


Is the stat bonus for your companion or for you?

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I think the Legacy system you have started is very cool. It's great seed to spark many hours of fun. Though I see few flaws, and missed opportunities. This feature beyond the perk unlocks which everyone will like, really is most appealing to role players. The problem lies in the fact role players generally speaking like to interact with other role players.


First up will we be able to view the family trees of others either by inspecting them or say if they invite us to view them in game?


Secondly, there is no way for us to attach ourselves to other players family trees. The way it works now given your example of the Skywalker legacy, Luke and Vadar are the same player meaning they could have never had their famous confrontations owing to the fact they could never log in two characters of the same account. Now, I could see perhaps down the line you adding a system where we meet a AI npc version of your characters in a story arch but that will never be as satisfying as actually having two players meeting up.


I also would like to see a de-coupling of surnames from Legacy names, as someone else suggested.


I think the legacy system down the road needs to be opened up more to allow for us to pick other players who agree to it to be husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, allie or enemy. It would go long way into starting to form bonds outside of our own little Star Wars world, and help the community as whole because of it. The truth is many role players are already doing it, but we would love way for it to be in the official tools you are offering to deepen our Star Wars experiences in the form of the Legacy system!


I am seriously looking forward to seeing where this all goes and thank you for all your hard work!



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"The first companion you unlock of each companion combat archetype (ranged tank, ranged DPS, melee tank, melee DPS, and healer) gives you a unique unlock for that companion type that grants a passive stat bonus."


Is the stat bonus for your companion or for you?


For you.

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The problem is that it works only for classes where the age is not stated in prologue. So, for trooper or for smuggler it will work. Other classes - not so much.


With with Jedis or with Siths (while SI's prologue does not state the age, the plot twist with Zash implies that SI is young too) you don't have that workaround.


They are young at the beginning of the game, they cannot have adult children who join Havoc Squad or become notorious smugglers.


And here's the problem. If I want to unlock some force abilities for my smuggler or BH, I will have to put Force users as their parents. But it doesn't fit in the story at all.


Interesting... I've rolled all 8 storylines, and I have yet to see an age specified. I've only seen ambiguous terms such as "young" or some such, which can include quite a wide range of ages.


To me, 32 is young. Yet, when my mom (in RL) was 32, I was 16, which can apply here. Both are actually "young".


TL;DR - It's subjective and is however you want to make it.

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You may have already started your Legacy by picking a Legacy Name. This happens when you finish Chapter 1 with your first character. From this point' date=' all of your characters on that server are now considered part of your Legacy, regardless of faction. [b']This means that any existing characters which have not been played past Chapter 1 will gain a Legacy Name,[/b] and any newly created characters will also have their Legacy Name available from character creation.


So I'm confused a bit... ???


So if I have a character past chapter one and have not chosen a legacy name, I create a 2nd character and complete compater one, I can have TWO legacy names? The characters who have completed chapter 1 will not gain the legacy name? What happens to them?

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Way to waste time on a bunch of worthless crap Bioware.


All while there are serious issues and concerns regarding keeping your customers happy. Congratulations, you guys truly deserve what you have coming.


Yeah, because they only have one team and had to pull all of the bug fixers to do this, right? :rolleyes:


They're doing both, dude. BW, unlike other MMO developers, have several dedicated teams.

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It works however you want it to work. Just because the stories appear to take place at the same time, doesn't mean that it has to be that way for you. Every time I go to the fleet, I see 20 Khem Val's running around. That doesn't 'make sense' but noone complains. Pick a story that makes sense for you, don't ask someone else to come up with something, 'cause it will never make you happy in the end.




Well, I have no problem with meta-gaming stuff like hundreds of khem vals, nameplates floating above people heads, etc. But the Legacy system is promoted like a story element. And as a story element it doesn't make sense.


If it was allowed to set that say, my SI, BH and Smuggler have unspecified common ancestor that allows them all use some force tricks but only one of them ended up as powerful force user - it would work. But I cannot imagine how to justify putting SW, who is a "young warrior" as a farther to my adult trooper, smuggler or IA just because I want to unlock SW abilities for them.

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No need to hate... buddy


not hate man, sympathy. for the lack of what some might say appears as anything else...


I can't say i'd ever wish to advertise let alone take any form of pride from such an underachievement...


how many hours played? ... do you sleep or eat? ... maybe you are not the only person who played?


But this is all off topic and i have already been given warnings...GL on getting more alts in the upcoming 1.2 legacy release...

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Yeah, because they only have one team and had to pull all of the bug fixers to do this, right? :rolleyes:


They're doing both, dude. BW, unlike other MMO developers, have several dedicated teams.


Also, don't forget that all of 1.2 is just the legacy stuff. It doesn't include metric tons of new end game content and bug fixes, not to mention hi-res textures, sprint at level 1, a crafting system overhaul that makes all crafts viable at end game and engine performance gains for all computers.




It's all just the legacy fluff stuff.

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Yeah, because they only have one team and had to pull all of the bug fixers to do this, right? :rolleyes:


They're doing both, dude. BW, unlike other MMO developers, have several dedicated teams.


Unlike other MMOs huh? Laughable like the PVE content in this game..


No company that spends millions on a product just somehow forgets to or can't seem to implement server transfers. Only a fool would believe such tales, it is obvious that they are putting all their chips in this legacy BS the only thing they didn't copy from WoW.

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Also, don't forget that all of 1.2 is just the legacy stuff. It doesn't include metric tons of new end game content and bug fixes, not to mention hi-res textures, sprint at level 1, a crafting system overhaul that makes all crafts viable at end game and engine performance gains for all computers.




It's all just the legacy fluff stuff.



Sure, Sure don't worry 1.2 is going to fix eeeverything and everyone will return to the game and play happily ever after.


Keep dreaming kiddo, I've seen this play out before... Bad decisions lead to bad endings. The only people that can't see what's coming here are people that do not have much eperience with MMOs and that's fine. I hope BW keeps enough customers to keep the game going but to customers that know the product of MMOs, this game lacks way too much for the fee they want to charge.

Edited by Quintan
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Unlike other MMOs huh? Laughable like the PVE content in this game..


No company that spends millions on a product just somehow forgets to or can't seem to implement server transfers. Only a fool would believe such tales, it is obvious that they are putting all their chips in this legacy BS the only thing they didn't copy from WoW.


Actually, server transfers are coming when it's most timely. Now is not the time. But it is coming.

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Just more RP stuff frankly. How about giving us a viable PVP game -- like giving us credit for valor/token for open world kills on a PVP server, or some sort of territorial PVP?


sorry buddy...swtor isn't a pvp game. Yes there is pvp in it, but that doesn't mean it's a pvp game :)

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Sure, Sure don't worry 1.2 is going to fix eeeverything and everyone will return to the game and play happily ever after.


Keep dreaming kiddo, I've seen this play out before... Bad decisions lead to bad endings. The only people that can't see what's coming here are people that do not have much eperience with MMOs and that's fine. I hope BW keeps enough customers to keep the game going but to customers that know the product of MMOs, this game lacks way too much for the fee they want to charge.


50 cents a day? For more content than any other MMO has ever launched with? And with more content coming? 1.2 has a new flashpoint, a new Operation, more content to ALL 8 storylines is coming, content has already been written a year in advance....


Seriously, bring your head back into the light so you can see what's right in front of you.

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Interesting... I've rolled all 8 storylines, and I have yet to see an age specified. I've only seen ambiguous terms such as "young" or some such, which can include quite a wide range of ages.


To me, 32 is young. Yet, when my mom (in RL) was 32, I was 16, which can apply here. Both are actually "young".


TL;DR - It's subjective and is however you want to make it.


Well, I had a story which worked perfectly until that Legacy came along. Most of my chars were connected in some way (won't go into details, too long to write), they all take part in the same main events, some help each other, others get in a way, and they all are in early 20s-mid 30s age range. Some are family, but they are brothers/sisters.


But now, apparently, I have to rewrite it all just because I want a force choke for my smuggler?


Or am I missing something and force abilities can be unlocked not only through parent-child relationships but through allies/rivals connections too?

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Sure, Sure don't worry 1.2 is going to fix eeeverything and everyone will return to the game and play happily ever after.


Keep dreaming kiddo, I've seen this play out before... Bad decisions lead to bad endings. The only people that can't see what's coming here are people that do not have much eperience with MMOs and that's fine. I hope BW keeps enough customers to keep the game going but to customers that know the product of MMOs, this game lacks way too much for the fee they want to charge.


Yep, anyone who doesn't think like you is obviously new to the genre. We haven't all been playing since EQ or before and have a little patience for games. There's literally no way we could be happy with this game since you aren't. If the game doesn't have server transfers or a cross-realm LFG system it cannot be fun or engaging. It will fail because it doesn't have the features YOU want.


Clearly they don't care about the player base since they haven't finished the server transfer system that they've previously talked about. They intend to alienate the players so that they'll quit playing.


People like you amaze me.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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