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Playing TOR with your wife/girlfriend or Husband/boyfriend


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How many here play TOR together with their wife or girlfriend / husband or boyfriend?

If so, how did you fool your better half into playing TOR?


And, more importantly, do you enjoy the game together? :p


Currently trying to fool my better half into playing TOR with me and I'm just looking for some tips :D

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no fooling necessary. I got my wife (then GF) into DAOC because that was the best way we could spend time together and with our friends.


From that point on, I ALWAYS have to buy 2 game copies of everything even if she ends up not playing it.


It helps to explain that you can spend quality time doing a shared activity together. set her computer up near yours so you can chat with her about things. It doesnt help if you and her sit in different rooms to play.


Also, if you have mutual friends to play, it's additional peer pressure to join. Get her into crafting and exploration and more time consuming stuff. there are reports and anecdotal evidence that the things that guys find tiresome, woemn find to be engaging.


For example, collecting items, crafting mats, fishing etc... if it's just about leveling up, they probably will quit after the first week.

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I'm very lucky. I didn't have to convince my wife to play swtor. In fact, she loves the Star Wars universe since her childhood. The only real issue was to build 2 decent computers with a low budget. :jawa_smile:
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I met my wife in EQ2 and she introduced me to SWTOR when she got a Beta invite. The game was part of our Christmas present to each other (I know, aw sweet). If it wasn't for the fact that we play together I think we both would have quit because of the lack of activity on our server.


We usually play classes that compliment each other and we just rolled a Jedi duo that are great fun together (sentinel-sage), between us we have a maxxed out crafter of each profession and pretty much one of each class. We have played together for years now in different games and I'm hoping BW make it easier to play SWTOR for a good while longer.

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How many here play TOR together with their wife or girlfriend / husband or boyfriend?

If so, how did you fool your better half into playing TOR?


And, more importantly, do you enjoy the game together? :p


Currently trying to fool my better half into playing TOR with me and I'm just looking for some tips :D


My BF and I both love video games so it was easy to get him to play. Life is great if you are with someone who plays the same game, IMo. They unerstand what it means when you say "hold on I'll be to dinner in a second - there's 30 seconds left in this warzone and we might be able to pull off the win!"


Having a partner who also plays will be more likely to understand the value of such a statement, thus making life easier :D

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My BF and I both love video games so it was easy to get him to play. Life is great if you are with someone who plays the same game, IMo. They unerstand what it means when you say "hold on I'll be to dinner in a second - there's 30 seconds left in this warzone and we might be able to pull off the win!"


Having a partner who also plays will be more likely to understand the value of such a statement, thus making life easier :D


Haha! I can definitely see the value in that! A bit frustrating when my better half gets rather annoyed when I wanna finish the last minute of a WZ to get that win and she starts eating alone :p

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Haha! I can definitely see the value in that! A bit frustrating when my better half gets rather annoyed when I wanna finish the last minute of a WZ to get that win and she starts eating alone :p


Haha, yes, I dated a guy once who didn't play and he didn't understand when I would say things like that.


Here's a tip to get your significant other to play: start off by asking them to just make their own character. Tell them you want them to make a character "just for fun" and that they don't have to play it if they don't want. You can say something along the lines of "I just want you to see how cool it is! you can make them with different appearances, weights, hair styles and colors, etc."


I have tried this with friends, significant others, and family members and they really get into customizing their character. By the time they were done spending 10 minutes customizing a character they thought was "pretty" or "bada**" looking, I'd say something like "well, why not just play for a few minutes? I mean you gotta see him/her in action now!"


Maybe you could try this tactic?

Edited by Shlamorel
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Haha, yes, I dated a guy once who didn't play and he didn't understand when I would say things like that.


Here's a tip to get your significant other to play: start off by asking them to just make their own character. Tell them you want them to make a character "just for fun" and that they don't have to play it if they don't want. You can say something along the lines of "I just want you to see how cool it is! you can make them with different appearances, weights, hair styles and colors, etc."


I have tried this with friends, significant others, and family members and they really get into customizing their character. By the time they were done spending 10 minutes customizing a character they thought was "pretty" or "bada**" looking, I'd say something like "well, why not just play for a few minutes? I mean you gotta see him/her in action now!"


Maybe you could try this tactic?


Already done :D Got her making a character, and she even admitted it was fun! Now I'm just stuck trying to make her continue :p

Gonna try giving her the 7-day trial so we can play together. Maybe that will do the trick! *Crosses fingers* :D

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Already done :D Got her making a character, and she even admitted it was fun! Now I'm just stuck trying to make her continue :p

Gonna try giving her the 7-day trial so we can play together. Maybe that will do the trick! *Crosses fingers* :D


Good luck :) I hope you can get her to play. I know this sounds cheesy byt going through a fictional galaxy with your significant other by your side is a pretty fun way to play a video game :)

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I got my wife interested in MMOs by getting her to make a character on old EQ ages ago. Later we both got invited to closed beta on SGW. She liked it so much we played 'till the NGE ruined it.

Now we are back to Star Wars'ing it and having a ball together! :)

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Been playing MMO's for many years, and met my husband in SWG... fell and love the rest is history. Been married some years now!! We still game together, not so much as we once did *side by side* but we do enjoy the same games and guilds etc!!! and it does make for better understanding and more acceptance. Sadly though, when he wants to nap or not play I am usually saddened by it. Rage cause he doesn't end up playing. Kidding!!!
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