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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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Replace "majority" with "highly vocal minority". The best part is also that these whiners are also the most invested in the game, which is why they have such emotional responses. In other words, you'll be here the longest, even though people who actually enjoy the game want you gone.






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not in my eyes...it wont last....as of this morning witing this...10:17am...toons deleted game uninstalled...to many complaits to list...final straw is up comming medkit nerf...as is being a warrior ((thats fully geared)) doesnt suck enough...need an armed ecort to get cases on illum as it is...
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not in my eyes...it wont last....as of this morning witing this...10:17am...toons deleted game uninstalled...to many complaits to list...final straw is up comming medkit nerf...as is being a warrior ((thats fully geared)) doesnt suck enough...need an armed ecort to get cases on illum as it is...


Isn't this what your companion is for, or are you talking PvP?


Medkit nerf won't affect you either way, really.


The only people that will actually notice the nerf are raiders.

Edited by Azzras
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WoW that is one of the most poorly written rage posts I have ever read. I honestly hope he didn't go on a shooting spree afterwards..because he fits the profile.


Yet you liked it. :eek:


It is OTT, but makes some fair points too.


‘It’s like WoW, but…’
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WoW really took off and became the 600-lb. gorilla of the gaming world because it changed the way MMOs were done. The big kid on the block before WoW was EverQuest. EQ went for immersion;


I think one of the biggest differences between EQ and WoW, and why WoW was a lot more popular, was that hardly anyone had computers that could run EQ. You pretty much had to spend money on an expensive 3D card to run EQ, while WoW had much more lax video requirements -- which meant that people that saw their ads on TV (another thing that WoW did a lot of) could actually run the game.


People that couldn't run EQ were not very likely to become EQ subscribers.

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People replying: "This game will only last 1 year and then go F2P soon!" or "The content is weak and so is the fan base!"


Are seriously living under a rock. They have so much ahtred towards a game that didn't live up to a 7 year old game. (WoW) This game is 4 months old. (Dec 22) and still has a major player base. People are busy during the week and basically all servers are on standered during the weekends, minus the european servers. This game is only expanding.


"This game will die with the content it has now.." Uhm no da? But have you ever heard of a game that doesn't expand its content? Otherwise it does die out.


New updtes, content and surprises await us in the future.


Most predicitons of this game's death are 99% wrong. So its a laugh reading them.

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It's certainly not impossible, however 10 years is a bit of a stretch. Gaming technology changes so much so quickly that in 10 years time they would need to have completely overhauled everything to the point that it would probably make more sense just to create a sequel instead.


WoW has lasted what, 7 years? Even though I used to love that game I'm amazed it's done this long. Especially when you look at how poor the graphics and gameplay are nowadays.


But like I said, it's not impossible.

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I think it is quite possible that not all of the current servers will survive for 10 years.


It's certainly not impossible, however 10 years is a bit of a stretch. Gaming technology changes so much so quickly that in 10 years time they would need to have completely overhauled everything to the point that it would probably make more sense just to create a sequel instead.
A sequel does not necessarily mean that the game needs to die. EQ released an expansion late last year and is still going, even though they released a sequel in 2004, which is also still going.


EDIT: Not all EQ properties are doing so well. Apparently today the servers are being turned off for Everquest Online Adventures on the PS2: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-03-01-sony-shutting-down-ps2-mmo-everquest-online-adventures


Let's all raise a glass.

Edited by sjmc
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I don't think a lot of the people posting on these forums understand what a real "profit margin" is. EA is all about one thing, profit, and as long as this game keeps a steady subscription base this game will be profitable. I imagine most mmo players out there perceive a successful subscription ratio to be around 8 million and up, mainly because you've been playing WoW too long, but all Bioware needs to do is keep a bare minimum subscription rate that nets profit and EA will keep forking out more cash for further updates & expansions. It's a figures game, the forum opinions really don't matter to EA, they just want the profits and they'll get it because the Star Wars brand is one of the top entertainment brands in the world.


So I don't see this game going free to play, because EA would never support a free to play mmo that cost as much as this game did to create. As far as the 10 years mark, too early to say. You can venture a lot of hypothetical opinions on what the future holds for ToR, but the only thing that is certain is EA and their lust for a profitable game, if the game stays profitable the game will continue.

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I think one of the biggest differences between EQ and WoW, and why WoW was a lot more popular, was that hardly anyone had computers that could run EQ. You pretty much had to spend money on an expensive 3D card to run EQ, while WoW had much more lax video requirements -- which meant that people that saw their ads on TV (another thing that WoW did a lot of) could actually run the game.


People that couldn't run EQ were not very likely to become EQ subscribers.


EQ was also released in the early era of 3D though, that was normal for gaming PC's back then. There was a huge difference between a cheap 2d card and a a 3dfx voodoo or the like. Then directx came along, and 3D became relatively cheap.



In terms of playerbase wow is also much much much more player friendly than EQ. EQ had these bizarre things like camping spawns for days or weeks, competitive spawns and a death penalty. WoW only really has competitive spawns and they mostly got rid of those because it was a stupid idea (bosses on 1 week timers that are shared for the whole server sort of thing, what TOR is calling world bosses).


In general though, while SWTOR, or any MMO, can theoretically sustain themselves indefinitely on 50-100k subscribers I would seriously doubt LucasArts will leave them the licence if they fall much below 1.5 million. LucasArts doesn't get into a business to not be a market leader, and these days, if you don't have a couple of million subs you can't call yourself a market leader. If you look at the data from http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-1.png or http://mmodata.blogspot.ca/ in general the curve for SWTOR is too early to pin down, but no one else has the sharp drop immediately after release the way SWTOR does, which might be a data artefact. Right now Aion is over 2 million subs, and if EA can't match that I'd expect LucasArts to start looking elsewhere for an MMO property. The numbers are still early and without an asian launch, and a I suppose 1.2, it's hard to even guess how this is going to play out.

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In general though, while SWTOR, or any MMO, can theoretically sustain themselves indefinitely on 50-100k subscribers I would seriously doubt LucasArts will leave them the licence if they fall much below 1.5 million. LucasArts doesn't get into a business to not be a market leader, and these days, if you don't have a couple of million subs you can't call yourself a market leader. If you look at the data from http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-1.png or http://mmodata.blogspot.ca/ in general the curve for SWTOR is too early to pin down, but no one else has the sharp drop immediately after release the way SWTOR does, which might be a data artefact. Right now Aion is over 2 million subs, and if EA can't match that I'd expect LucasArts to start looking elsewhere for an MMO property. The numbers are still early and without an asian launch, and a I suppose 1.2, it's hard to even guess how this is going to play out.


Some interesting stuff in those links.

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SWG lasted 8.5 years on a subscription model even after SOE did everything in their power to destroy it.


SWTOR is a much better game than SWG (after NGE anyway) and BW seems to be a lot smarter than SOE.


Good chance SWTOR lasts 10 years.

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It's certainly not impossible, however 10 years is a bit of a stretch. Gaming technology changes so much so quickly that in 10 years time they would need to have completely overhauled everything to the point that it would probably make more sense just to create a sequel instead.


WoW has lasted what, 7 years? Even though I used to love that game I'm amazed it's done this long. Especially when you look at how poor the graphics and gameplay are nowadays.


But like I said, it's not impossible.


There are still people playing UO and the original EQ. So...seems like there always will be some folk who aren't chasing the latest in tech.


Talked to a friend who is STILL playing EQ and swears he will stop only when they shut down the servers. That is either dedication or insanity. Heh.

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I am finding this thread very entertaining.



I find it funny how many people are astroturfing on these forums. Must be very hard for people to live such sad and unsatisfying lives.



Now to the person who said SWG shutdown because they lost the license. That is an untrue statement. They did not lose the license they chose not to renew it. Sony released a statement stating that they wanted to focus on their own IP in the future and it was their decision not to renew. Search the net for their statement!



This game will be just fine. I know players who only play MMO's on weekends and some even log in once or twice a month because they are busy with life. Just because servers seem dead does not mean they lack sub accounts.



To those who keep saying they keep publishing phony numbers and statistics. They are a publicly traded company. Feel free to look up laws and penalties for lying to your investors.



To those who are armchair programers, game designers, writers and professional know it alls. Since you are all such experts why are you not employed at Bioware or for that matter any game company. With such expertise you must have the credentials to get a job at any MMO developer. I mean playing for X amount of years must mean you are all knowing when it comes to MMO. If you lack expertise why not invest in the game? Surely if you became a big enough investor you could force Bioware to do things your way!



As to the few who said Bioware do not read the boards or listen to the players. Are you kidding me? Why do you think there are too many servers? Players whined and cried about queue times until Bioware caved and added extra servers. If you don't believe me feel free to search the word queue and read those threads. Too many servers can be

blamed on Bioware and the players equally.



Much of update 1.2 is based on player input. Just because Bioware did not reply to your thread or a comment in a thread does not mean someone isn't listening. There is a whole thread full of responses given by the Dev team to player threads. They even have this thread in one convenient spot for players to peruse and see the feed back rather than searching individual threads page by page.



Don't get me wrong I am not defending Bioware I think they dropped the ball and released this game 6 months too early because of EA and investor pressure. That said I am glad to see that the game is getting the much needed improvements it needs to qualify as a AAA MMO. I think 1.2 should have been where beta began and after 2 months more of polish the game released. That said I am having a blast playing the game and am glad it released early.



I have never played an MMO that started off exceptional. Most of them did not even start off as good. It took time and the players and Dev team working side by side to make them good and some even great. It is amazing what constructive criticism can achieve not to mention following procedures.


This game will be fine now and in the future. As to the original question will it last 10 years? My answer: WHO CARES, enjoy the ride while it lasts!


My one final thought to those who are astroturfing. Thank you for paying for an account and financially supporting this game. I do find it pathetic people would pay 15 bucks a month just to bash a game, whatever floats your boat I guess! This does not apply to those with constructive criticism.

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Now to the person who said SWG shutdown because they lost the license. That is an untrue statement. They did not lose the license they chose not to renew it. Sony released a statement stating that they wanted to focus on their own IP in the future and it was their decision not to renew. Search the net for their statement!


Some stuff on the SWG shutdown.


Never swallow PR without being fully certain of what it's hiding.




To those who keep saying they keep publishing phony numbers and statistics. They are a publicly traded company. Feel free to look up laws and penalties for lying to your investors.


It's not about "lying", it's about what sub numbers actually represent.


The majority count anyone who is paying for a subscription, anyone in a free trial period or anyone who has been active on an account within the last month. They make no distinction for users with multiple accounts so they will be counted separately.
Edited by Goretzu
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