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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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SWG survived for 8-ish years, even though it lost most of its fan base with NGE and all that. I think SW:TOR will do the same, and maybe last even longer than SWG (If George doesnt decide to cancel SW:TOR too and come out with yet ANOTHER MMO).
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The real question is can the game make it to 10 years before Lucas Arts decides it likes some other companies idea for a Star Wars MMO better then this one and pulls the license.


If you talking about Sony online then it had nothing to do with Lucas Arts. It was Sony who desided not to reaply for the SW license due to the falling numbers of SWG.


If your not on about that then sorry.

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The real question is can the game make it to 10 years before Lucas Arts decides it likes some other companies idea for a Star Wars MMO better then this one and pulls the license.


That totally depends on the contract, and the performance clauses in it. Lucas Arts may not be able to pull the exclusivity license if Bioware is meeting all their terms of the contract.


Likewise, I am sure there are minimums in the license fees guaranteed toLucas Arts, to insuure Bioware performs.


Of course by mutal consent, they can both tear up the contract. It's not easy to get mutal consent though for an imporant license on an important IP.

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no way , wow will have some all access subscription with there other mmo before they go free 2 play , i would bet this one is free 2 play in a year,


After playing the MOP beta.....they need to go F2P as soon as possible; god it was like driving a model T after TOR.

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


LoL, i find your statement far off because its BioWARE. I like the company and they never seem to disappoint me.

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LoL, i find your statement far off because its BioWARE. I like the company and they never seem to disappoint me.


They never disappointed me either until DA2. That made me think twice about swtor but the lure of another Knights based game was to great not to give it a try.

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There are few things they shall do fast, like merging dead servers. Other than that, and I said it from day one, this game will be good after 1 year of development. It is quite playable as it is now as well. If you do not have $15 per month for subscription come back in 9 months, you will find game polished and with enough end game content to keep you busy.
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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


free + EA = .......... does not compute

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The game may not go anywhere for 10 years, but 98% of the playerbase will move on to better games.


So which company are you astroturfing for? When GW2 disappoints you, are you going to be posting the same drivel on their forums? Though I thank you for paying to post on the forums and supporting this game. I hope you keep up your sub just to point out how this game is failing. Thank you for helping to keep the updates coming! I mean between players who enjoy the game and sub and those who sub just to be doomsayers how can this game not last 10 years?


For those who keep bringing up WOW. During the beginning of WOW there were many players post how the game was doomed, how it sucked and would never last. Though it got boring for me it still became a decent game. Though I don't like the new direction it is headed I am sure there are many tweens giddy with anticipation for the pandas and Pokemon!


This game will be just fine. Astroturfing has become so common that you just learn to recognize it for what it is and move on.

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So which company are you astroturfing for? When GW2 disappoints you, are you going to be posting the same drivel on their forums? Though I thank you for paying to post on the forums and supporting this game. I hope you keep up your sub just to point out how this game is failing. Thank you for helping to keep the updates coming! I mean between players who enjoy the game and sub and those who sub just to be doomsayers how can this game not last 10 years?


For those who keep bringing up WOW. During the beginning of WOW there were many players post how the game was doomed, how it sucked and would never last. Though it got boring for me it still became a decent game. Though I don't like the new direction it is headed I am sure there are many tweens giddy with anticipation for the pandas and Pokemon!


This game will be just fine. Astroturfing has become so common that you just learn to recognize it for what it is and move on.


Yeah I remember back in January 05 two month after launch there was thread after thread of screaming and doom-saying Folks were going back to EQ or DAoC and the Blizzard devs just wasn't listening...sound familiar? And honestly having played in the WoW beta and being there at launch I can tell you that this game is a polished gem comparability.


But as you said the Astroturfers are out in force.

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yawn. Guess they had the same clever argumentation during early planning meetings of TOR.


being online for 8.5 years without going free to play, with a solid subscriber base, having a glorious death to sacrifice for the next "big SW MMO" which was supposed to be TOR is not exactly unsuccessful.


SWG is legend.

SWG is gaming history.


Yes, it is a legend and gaming history as one of the biggest flops and an example of 'what not to do'.

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Let's not stop at MMO's...

DA2, ME3, TOR...

I can't see myself buying another title made by BW until they show they can make a quality game again.


You ought to click the second link in my sig if you haven't yet to maximize your disappointment and anger.

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It was looking hopeful with 1.2 but then they started pulling classes out of hats and randomly nerfing/buffing things. In all honesty I don't see it lasting 10 not with their current mentallity, they seem unwilling to listen and just dismiss or delete anything that may contradict what they are thinking. I had high hopes but I just don't think they are capable of releasing their death grip of denial.


If they stop with the tunnel vision and the mind set of "Only we know whats best" then they have a chance but if they continue even their most loyal base will drop off slowly over time.


Its a shame so many games have gone down this road and yet none of the new MMO's seem to learn from the mistakes of past MMO's.


I hope it last 10 years, but I highly doubt it will.


Theres a time to stick to your guns and a time to realise maybe just maybe you should take some advise from your customers.

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Yeah I remember back in January 05 two month after launch there was thread after thread of screaming and doom-saying Folks were going back to EQ or DAoC and the Blizzard devs just wasn't listening...sound familiar? And honestly having played in the WoW beta and being there at launch I can tell you that this game is a polished gem comparability.


But as you said the Astroturfers are out in force.


funny thing was wow after the first month did lose as many players as swtor did and with all new mmos coming out this year this game keep losing ground with the nerfing of class with no pvp progression and buying gear with gold in 1.2 game membership will drop again.


O and did wow have a free weekends 4 month into the game or drop the price of the game lol they are getting hard up for new players

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Only if Bioware is willing to abandon its pre determined developement cycle and develope what the fans want instead.


If they develop what the fans want, this will turn into a big pile of crap, because fans are stupid.

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funny thing was wow after the first month did lose as many players as swtor did and with all new mmos coming out this year this game keep losing ground with the nerfing of class with no pvp progression and buying gear with gold in 1.2 game membership will drop again.


O and did wow have a free weekends 4 month into the game or drop the price of the game lol they are getting hard up for new players


Actualy WoW was is worse

They hit 1mil sub AFTER the first year

Forums,trolls etc etc was the same if not worse than swtor back then at vanilla

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I woudlnt be surprised if ME mmo is already in the works lol


Many are speculating that the endings to ME3 are the way they are just for that reason.

If they do release one, I hope it fails hard so that I get the last laugh of the ending of ME3.

Edited by Tuscad
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