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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which AC Do YOU Fear The Most


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On my Marauder--->Good Snipers and Tankasins


On my PT---->Good Marauders, Great Snipers, and Tankasins


On my Sorcerer----> Good Marauders, Good PT's, and Tankasins

Edited by jitsuo
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Tankasins I fear the most in a 1v1. There's just nothing I can do to them as a guardian. Sents are a close second because although the fight will be close, they usually always win because of their damn 99% dr cd at the end. Edited by Smashbrother
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Good darth mauls are probably the most problematic, a real good marauder is right there though.


Next would be an operative that doesn't need to have full control over you to be useful, some of them are excellent with their interupts.


After that marauders that need all their cooldowns followed by operatives that need all their cooldowns.


Tracers and snipers are probably the worst things to have targetting you if you are stunned or rooted in the open, otherwise they are reasonably easy to avoid.

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Depends. In group fights I tend to fear operatives, pyro PTs and snipers. They kinda pop out of the blue and your health just plummets. A couple of them on you and your healer better be paying attention.


In 1vs1, I think twice before trying to wrestle a turret away from a good tank assassin or marauder. They don't scare me as much in group situations because they don't pack the burst damage the aforementioned classes do and its easier to heal through.

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On my Marauder--->Good Snipers and Tankasins


On my PT---->Good Marauders, Great Snipers, and Tankasins


On my Sorcerer----> Good Marauders, Good PT's, and Tankasins


Are you saying you don't fear gunslingers as a sorc but only as the other classes? Sorcs are the easiest kills for gunslingers.

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i dont fear any class, but as a sniper im incredibly annoyed by sorc/sages. if i had a dollar for every time i was one shot away from a 1v1 kill, and the bastard bubbled, stunned me, stunned me again when i brok the first stun, force sprinted way out of my range, and used the buff exploit to heal back to full in like 1 second....


im sorry. but thats WAY too much utility for one class. No other class in the game can do all that. all i can do is dps, and i cant even MOVE while im doing it. not to mention the fact that every stun, snare, root, and knockback in the game knocks me out of cover.

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The AC I fear the most in a WZ is a Mercenary/Commando healer because they're practically impossible to kill and influence matches the most. As a Marauder and Operative, the two classes I don't want to fight 1v1 are Tank spec Assassins/Shadows in DPS gear and Pyrotechs. Assassins should beat me due to their amazing mitigation and self heals and Pyros can simply get moderately lucky and 3 shot me.
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AC? None


Its the players behind them that are worth/not worth fearing. Currently, in PvP nothing is overpowered or singnificantly ahead.

I play a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and I have to agree completely with Slurmez on this one.


However, the ACs that give me chills are Sentinels/Marauders that know what they're doing, particularly when and where to use their defensive cooldowns. They will hurt you BAD if you're not paying attention.


The other is Scoundrels/Operatives under the control of a good precision player. If they catch you with your escape and other cooldowns blown, they can drop you in just a few seconds.


Gotta respect that.

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on either my op or sorc healer, i'd say vanguard/powertech dps. i haven't run into many good ones so i don't have much experience with how to deal with them, and the good ones just roll over me hard before i figure out what im doin.
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I play a Kinetic Combat Shadow, and I have to agree completely with Slurmez on this one.


However, the ACs that give me chills are Sentinels/Marauders that know what they're doing, particularly when and where to use their defensive cooldowns. They will hurt you BAD if you're not paying attention.


The other is Scoundrels/Operatives under the control of a good precision player. If they catch you with your escape and other cooldowns blown, they can drop you in just a few seconds.


Gotta respect that.




My mara/sent fights with my 'sin are always close against one that knows how to play it correctly, a miss uses cd can easily bring you a loss.

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Isnt it amazing how no one named Sorc? The class getting the biggest nerf.


Sorcs suck in 1v1, everyone knows that. However it's balanced around teamplay where sorcs are in fact overpowered in due to all of the utility that they get via hybrid specs that is getting nerfed in 1.2.


Anyways, as people have stated, there isn't just one class that I am fearful of, it's based on the players playing said class. However, assuming well-played in a 1v1 scenario...

1. Dps Operatives

2. Deception and Tank Assassins

3. Lethality Snipers and somewhat their turret spec'd burst version.


Lethality snipers > whatever their turret spec is because I can't completely mitigate their damage for 6 seconds with 90% accuracy reduction while they're lethality spec'd.

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