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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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You are beyond clueless. BEYOND.


There are 3 different types of specs Assassin / Shadows can have.


You want to gimp them completely in PvE?


This post PROVES you have no concept of balance as it applies to MMOs. Please stop posting.


Operatives are gimped in PVE. So it doesn't matter.


Shadows/assassins are overpowered. The video I linked above proves it, but I'll link it again just in case.



Prepare for major nerfs, they are deserved.

Edited by Redmarx
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Nope, so wrong. You must not read the forums because its "common" knowledge that no darkness 'sin should loose to anyone 1v1. When I say a well played marauder can give me all I can handle and can be beat by one, I am told to l2p.


Having an advantage in every 1on1 fight is not the same thing as winning all of them.


Versus Marauder whoever gets the jump will almost always win that fight. If both characters saw each other at the same time, there's a very slight edge to the Assassin if both played perfectly. Marauder is likely to come ahead if both made small mistakes (i.e. they Camo and you Overload instead of Force Shroud since Overload cannot pop Camo if they're Annihilation), and Assassin will win if both makes big mistakes (i.e. no Camo no Shroud).

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This is true, although I'd still argue that infiltration needs more damage mitigation. It doesn't matter if it takes the form of decreased stealth CD, higher chance to defend attacks, or better 1st tier armor skills, the spec just needs a tiny bit more resilience and it would be just fine.


Now, tank and balance specs? Those are totally fine.


I agree I was messing around with changing the broken "Shadow's Training" ability to be changed from +50% project damage to a base +500-1k armor buff.


I think that would go a HUGE way into improving Inf/Bal survivability while bringing the KC on par with Vanguard and Guardian Damage reduction (which is 5-10% lower in most cases)

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Who cares let them Nerf every class..Good players will figure it out, and the baddies who called for the nerfs will still be bad.


If half the bads had a clue they would be rolling sent/mara and Jugg/guard for 1.2


but go ahead roll tankasin....dont say I didnt tell you so.

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Nope, so wrong. You must not read the forums because its "common" knowledge that no darkness 'sin should loose to anyone 1v1. When I say a well played marauder can give me all I can handle and can be beat by one, I am told to l2p.


Common knowledge? You've got to be kidding me.


Sents/marauders are a great class, and if you have sub-par gear, they'll burn through you with ease. Even after the nerf, they'll still be one of the best classes for rated WZs. The only edge a shadow/sin has on them is more CC and the ability to escape, which is a trade-off since sents/marauders have far better defenses.



Shadows/sins = Sents/Marauders, as it should be. I still think Guard/Jugg DPS needs a huge boost and BH/trooper shouldn't be getting a healing nerf.

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Having an advantage in every 1on1 fight is not the same thing as winning all of them.


Versus Marauder whoever gets the jump will almost always win that fight. If both characters saw each other at the same time, there's a very slight edge to the Assassin if both played perfectly. Marauder is likely to come ahead if both made small mistakes (i.e. they Camo and you Overload instead of Force Shroud since Overload cannot pop Camo if they're Annihilation), and Assassin will win if both makes big mistakes (i.e. no Camo no Shroud).


Yeah I was trying to be sarcastic. Whenever I get into a 1v1 against a well played marauder the fight is always a close one.

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Common knowledge? You've got to be kidding me.


Sents/marauders are a great class, and if you have sub-par gear, they'll burn through you with ease. Even after the nerf, they'll still be one of the best classes for rated WZs. The only edge a shadow/sin has on them is more CC and the ability to escape, which is a trade-off since sents/marauders have far better defenses.



Shadows/sins = Sents/Marauders, as it should be. I still think Guard/Jugg DPS needs a huge boost and BH/trooper shouldn't be getting a healing nerf.


Actually Tankasin are as close to a strong counter to Marauders as it gets if there is no Force Camo, which is going to be nerfed in 1.2.


Without Force Camo, pretty much every fight between a Tankasin will end up with Tankasin winning with something like 20% health but he will win every one of them. Right now due to Force Camo half of those time the Tankasin loses the last 20% health due to the dots + the last hit from the Marauder before he dies so it's a pretty balanced fight. This won't be the case in 1.2 when Force Camo will get popped by an Overload (at least I assume no damage immunity implies the stealth can be broken).

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Common knowledge? You've got to be kidding me.


Sents/marauders are a great class, and if you have sub-par gear, they'll burn through you with ease. Even after the nerf, they'll still be one of the best classes for rated WZs. The only edge a shadow/sin has on them is more CC and the ability to escape, which is a trade-off since sents/marauders have far better defenses.



Shadows/sins = Sents/Marauders, as it should be. I still think Guard/Jugg DPS needs a huge boost and BH/trooper shouldn't be getting a healing nerf.


Yeah I realized my sarcasm was not that obvious. I am kidding you

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Operatives are gimped in PVE. So it doesn't matter.


Shadows/assassins are overpowered. The video I linked above proves it, but I'll link it again just in case.



Prepare for major nerfs, they are deserved.


classes are not OP..The players skills are..The only thing that video proves is that the player has good pvp skills. You bads calling for nerfs or re-rolling assasin will have a rude awakening as you will still be bad..


I dont claim to be a pvp god but im pretty good and I can play any class in this game well.


Just because you got beat by a certain class does not mean if you re-rolled that class you will play better.


1-49 bracket is littered with terribad re-rolls...

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I agree I was messing around with changing the broken "Shadow's Training" ability to be changed from +50% project damage to a base +500-1k armor buff.


I think that would go a HUGE way into improving Inf/Bal survivability while bringing the KC on par with Vanguard and Guardian Damage reduction (which is 5-10% lower in most cases)


Hmm, agreed. Since Shadows Training is broken anyway, tanks wouldn't miss the extra damage, and the DPS specs would benefit greatly from it.


Actually, that still constitutes a small shadow tank damage nerf, and yet fixes the DPS specs. Will this appease the whiners? Probably not...

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Operatives are gimped in PVE. So it doesn't matter.


Shadows/assassins are overpowered. The video I linked above proves it, but I'll link it again just in case.



Prepare for major nerfs, they are deserved.


So you take a video posted by 1 Shadow community member and feel that's enough evidence to call for a blanket nerf to the Shadow / Assassin.


This is the last scrap of trollfeed you will get.



And Operatives need to whine more. Stop keyboard turning and back-peddaling and mayb you guys wouldn't get lit up so bad.

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Ever wonder why PVE content is so easy? It's because PVP'ers cry about classes being OP which causes the Dev's to nerf said classes, then have to reduce the difficulty of PVE content so the PVE players that actually took an unneeded nerf can deal with it.


Cry more PVP'ers. Instead of learning how to handle a situation like everyone else in the world, cry to mommy and daddy because it's not fair that you were beaten.

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Everyone is going to make one with Legacy, because of how OP the class is.... Then they'll have to turn around and nerf them in 1.3


Warzones will be over 50% Shadows/Assassins.


Masses of SWTOR Nerds will rage because they leveled a Shadow and then it gets nerfed.


I would be vastly better to bring their nerfs now, with all the other class changes.


This will come to shadow/sin, just as soon as the pvp baddies start the QQ train, same as it did for sage/sorc.

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Actually Tankasin are as close to a strong counter to Marauders as it gets if there is no Force Camo, which is going to be nerfed in 1.2.


Without Force Camo, pretty much every fight between a Tankasin will end up with Tankasin winning with something like 20% health but he will win every one of them. Right now due to Force Camo half of those time the Tankasin loses the last 20% health due to the dots + the last hit from the Marauder before he dies so it's a pretty balanced fight. This won't be the case in 1.2 when Force Camo will get popped by an Overload (at least I assume no damage immunity implies the stealth can be broken).


Against sin tanks, you want to use your Force Camo vs their 3-stacked FLs. Good sins will pop Force Shroud before hitting you with their FL to prevent stuns/KBs. The only way to counter this ability (which hits like a truck and heals 12% of their health) is to Force Camo as soon as you see it. If you don't neuter their FL, you will lose the fight.


Marauder's ability to force camo out of FLs remains unchanged in 1.2

Edited by Krytycal
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Yet another "Anyone who beats me are OP!" thread. :o


Hence why i avoid pvp.


If i win, i get moaned at for playing a OP class and when i lose, they rub it in my face like a immature brat, so i stick to pve content, the AI doesn't rub it in my face when they kill me.

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Operatives are gimped in PVE. So it doesn't matter.


Shadows/assassins are overpowered. The video I linked above proves it, but I'll link it again just in case.



Prepare for major nerfs, they are deserved.



Your vid show mostly a dps shadow hold me back doing dps the highest crit i saw in dps was another hold me back 5k. When he was in tank spec he did 2k crit with on lightning with 600 white damage omg thats again a lot. Any dps class can do 5k crits i seen as high as 8k on dps jugs. Your p;oint is so invalid

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Stop crying for gods sake. I play a deception assassin and i can take on anyone 1v1 because well im simply good with my class. You all probably assume that I am a hybrid tank or whatnot because of the way i utilize my skills. I get *****ed at all the time. Assassin is not the easiest to play due to its lack of defense and light armor rating. Maybe a Tank in dps can be a little OP, but it is not impossible to kill. If it was such a problem youd see everybody crying about it when in reality we only see these threads because you got murked by an assassin and think they are OP when its just someone who knows how to play the class. Im no tank, but i average atleast 25+ kills and less than 5 deaths a game doing a min of 200k damage and im not even in full champ gear. So stop your crying Ive died to many sents,sorcs,guardians,bh, EVERYTHING and you dont see my crying my *** off. Deal with it. Edited by Pretty_Flacko
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Your vid show mostly a dps shadow hold me back doing dps the highest crit i saw in dps was another hold me back 5k. When he was in tank spec he did 2k crit with on lightning with 600 white damage omg thats again a lot. Any dps class can do 5k crits i seen as high as 8k on dps jugs. Your p;oint is so invalid


Stop trying to defend your obviously OP class, you sound like a sorc or an operative.


The assassin/shadow nerfs are coming, your easymode is going to be taken away.

Edited by Redmarx
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