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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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It is only because they are spamming an aoe on large crowds that inflate wz dmg numbers.


Please try to keep in mind that those assassins you see at the top of the dmg chart are likely deception or madness, not darkness (the tank spec)


No, they are Darkness/Kinetic spec, they are using double strike to proc their bursts. They are using Combat Technique, not shadow or force technique. They are casting uninterpretable lightning and telekinetic throws.


It is not hard to tell what you are dealing with.

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It should be obvious that I"m of the opinion that Darkness is overpowered but some of the posters talking about how awesome they are is just hilarious. If you can fight 2vlots, either the enemy team is completely stupid or you're saying they should nerf the turret that's keeping your 2 alive by providing LoS. Any healer + tank combination can comfortably do 2vlots in this scenario anyway.


As awesome as a Darkness Assassin is, he's not even going to be able to stop 3 random DPS making a beeline for a non merc healer. He also can't even stop one mirror match since every trick you can use, the mirror match has the same tricks to counter, and generally would have a hard time stopping even a single Marauder too.


If your healer is a merc, they're pretty much indestructible with Guard on, but don't worry that's getting nerfed in 1.2 so you don't have to worry about being overpowered when teamed up with a healer that can tank 4 guys at once without Guard.


If you can win 1v2, you must not play against anyone who's remotely in the same skill/gear level as you. I can take any two gimps in full Centurion gear and defeat 1 top player of any class. Most likely one of the two gimps will die but the top player will still lose in the end. 3 gimps will comfortably beat a standard 2 man team of healer + Darkness, especially if the gimps are allowed to roll the same overpowered specs. Something like Marauder, Darkness, and 1 other will easily crush a top team of 2 because all your awesome strategy gets countered by guys who have exactly the same moves as you, except they've a man advantage.

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I swear over 50% of my server exclusively plays Shadows. DPS Shadows are perfectly balanced, everyone should be brought to around their level. Tank Shadows are jokingly OP. The ability to single handedly win Huttball, to stealth, to dish out 400k+ damage while guarding 100k is too strong. Too hard to kill, and too much utility packed into a damage dealing machine. I'd argue even without the broken damage tankassins running around, normal shadow/tankassins are broken--they are without a doubt the best tanks in the game right now.
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I swear over 50% of my server exclusively plays Shadows. DPS Shadows are perfectly balanced, everyone should be brought to around their level. Tank Shadows are jokingly OP. The ability to single handedly win Huttball, to stealth, to dish out 400k+ damage while guarding 100k is too strong. Too hard to kill, and too much utility packed into a damage dealing machine. I'd argue even without the broken damage tankassins running around, normal shadow/tankassins are broken--they are without a doubt the best tanks in the game right now.


If this nerf process continues, your class is likely next.


And also, DPS shadows need a big survivability buff.

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Except Marauders, which have almost just as good survivability abilities as a shadow tank, got buffed.


Yep. They buffed the Focus/carnage tree I think. Wasn't needed but i could care less since all I see in 10-49 warzones are Backpedaling tunnel vision Marauders/sentinels doing 1/2 -1/8 of the damage I do. Even just today I see 10 Marauders/Sentinels in huttball. Only 1/4 or 1/5 of them did normal damage and actually did something useful like carry the ball/Speed buff.


That is Definaitly another topic all together. Lets talk about Shadows now :)

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Yep. They buffed the Focus/carnage tree I think. Wasn't needed but i could care less since all I see in 10-49 warzones are Backpedaling tunnel vision Marauders/sentinels doing 1/2 -1/8 of the damage I do. Even just today I see 10 Marauders/Sentinels in huttball. Only 1/4 or 1/5 of them did normal damage and actually did something useful like carry the ball/Speed buff.


That is Definaitly another topic all together. Lets talk about Shadows now :)


Shadow tanks and other "hybrids" need the slightest nerf to bring the balance back. The 2 shadow DPS trees needs a survivability buff. Then marauder will be cried and QQd about next.

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Give the "hybrid" tank spec a slight nerf if it is needed so badly. But you have to increase the viability of the other 2 trees for group combat, if this is going to happen.


This is what should happen...


Considering its BW... This is what would happen most likely =\


Give the "hybrid" tank spec a Huge nerf. But you have to leave the of the other 2 trees alone.
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he pulls this quite often. Can't find a huttball one in my SS folder, but I can ask if u are interested.


700k damage as a tank spec ? Working as intended Ez. The tank shadows in our guild are so confortable with there damage they use tank relics.




U can 2v6 too (not even bm geared) since u have guard and just about the same damage as a pure DPS (if u don't believe me come to my server). That vid is pretty much how every Alderaan we play is. 2vX almost the entire team and cap everything else Easy.


I could care less if they are nerfed or not, 95% shadows suck regardless and thats being generous apparently. Keep in mind, if shadows are untouched agian this 1.2 patch its pretty much a buff to them since other classes are toned down.


ok I stand corrected on only being voidstar, and the video was not bad. You guys obviously know how what you are doing.

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This is what should happen...


Considering its BW... This is what would happen most likely =\


Yeah they would do something like that. I will still rock darkness though I actually like the spec and regardless of what could happen to that I'll keep playing it.

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I can't speak for the tank spec, but deception does not need a buff at all. I can do crazy amounts of damage and melt back into the shadows before getting killed. The class is designed to be used for surgical strikes and then running away before being surrounded. If you are having problems with survivability then you are probably wading into combat with the other heavy hitters which is just not where the assassin/shadow belongs in this spec. Edited by DarthxRage
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You people have no clue, "hybrid" needs a nerf, infiltration needs a big buff.

Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about, fools.








If they took your advice of, "Don't post if you don't know what you are talking about, fools," then these forums would be a whole lot less crowded.



As they say, "By crying nerf you're showing everyone you don't know how to play."

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I've only gotten one to 29 and it was easy and bland to me =\. Totally diff at 50 i'm guessing... o wait


That's pretty funny consider you won't have Harnessed Darkness at that level and a Darkness Assassin without HD would be spectucularly weak.

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Are you serious? Please stop talking about things you have no clue about.




It even has the exact same cooldown as Force Shroud does FFS.


Wow. Someone rages pretty easy I see. You should seriously consult a doctor and get that checked out.


I don't play an operative so I would have no idea that they can talent into evasion removing hostile effects.


I just said in the fair chance they DON'T have an ability like that, they should. Now that I know they do, it makes sense.


Seriously, get that rage checked out though, it's not going to be so hilarious when you burst a blood vein in your head because you got mad someone didn't put mayo on your hamburger at mc donalds.

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I've seen the video before... dude is average.


thats even more of a reason to tone the class down. 2v6ing is "average." 1v3ing BMs ..."Average"... 2 month old video, Same Spec, and doing the exact same thing or worse to everyone.... "Average " :)

Edited by Vyndeta
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I play both marauder and sin at 50. Marauder is actually stronger than tank sin. Assassin gets the edge on utility, marauder gets the edge on damage. They both have about the same average suvivability (marauders have more with cds up, sins have more with cds down). The only map I'd rather play my sin over my mara is huttball.


It would be silly to nerf one and leave the other one untouched.


Holy ****. Knowledge!


Thank you for schooling these kids.

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Wow. Someone rages pretty easy I see. You should seriously consult a doctor and get that checked out.


I don't play an operative so I would have no idea that they can talent into evasion removing hostile effects.


I just said in the fair chance they DON'T have an ability like that, they should. Now that I know they do, it makes sense.


Seriously, get that rage checked out though, it's not going to be so hilarious when you burst a blood vein in your head because you got mad someone didn't put mayo on your hamburger at mc donalds.


Trust me I wasn't raging. You wouldn't like me when I'm raging :rolleyes:


"I don't play X and I have no clue what their abilities are but they are Y and therefore Z" is no basis for an argument.

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thats even more of a reason to tone the class down. 2v6ing is "average." 1v3ing BMs ..."Average"... 2 month old video, Same Spec, and doing the exact same thing or worse to everyone.... "Average " :)


Come on though, I have seen some pretty bad players running the spec and you have had to as well.

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thats even more of a reason to tone the class down. 2v6ing is "average." 1v3ing BMs ..."Average"... 2 month old video, Same Spec, and doing the exact same thing or worse to everyone.... "Average " :)


I heard your guild was going to another server? What happend - why aren't you guys gone yet?

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Damn cry babies with nothing better to do, Bounty hunters will still be doing massive damage and they worry about shadows lol.


TM and rail shot are both getting nerfs which'll effect BHs. Also, mercs can be shut down easy, and pyrotechs can be sitting ducks once they've blown their load or without lucky procs. Shadows/sentinels though don't have that luck or run out of steam aspect- they can keep pressure on for a far longer time and have far better defensive CDs than any other class.

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For the guy who said Marauder and Assassins on average have same survivality. This is only true in 1on1 situations. In a group fight, Force Camo offers NO survivality because it's a pass-the-buck skill. When the 3 guys focusing on a Marauder loses their target, they just turn around to kill someone else because there's literally no other alternative. When an Assassin uses Force Shroud, it's entirely possible he continues to be hit by the same 3 guys (who really should turn around and hit someone else, but usually won't). If you go by that metric, a Sorc would by far be the class with the highest survivality. You can friendly pull a victim and then Force Speed to get away while the victim dies horribly. That'd increase your survivality but can't be seriously considered as a survival tactic that's beneficial.
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