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Not nerfing Shadows with 1.2 is a huge mistake.


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I do have one question as a merc Bh and as a PT Bh.


Where the **** is your team when YOU are having all these one vs ones and why the **** aren't you with them?You know doing objectives to win the game.




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Nope nope nope. Tanks can and often achieve 700k all the time in warzones and not just voidstar, all of them mainly huttball. Of course I dont have any videos or screen shots but if you hear it on the internet it has to be true, right?




/end sarcasm


*Sigh* Even if those numbers were correct... WZ damage does NOT equate to 1vs1 dps. There are several factors and reasons that aren't even worth posting, but just because you have a high total dmg on the chart at the end of a warzone DOES NOT mean you have high dps...

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*Sigh* Even if those numbers were correct... WZ damage does NOT equate to 1vs1 dps. There are several factors and reasons that aren't even worth posting, but just because you have a high total dmg on the chart at the end of a warzone DOES NOT mean you have high dps...


Oh I know. I just find it funny is all.

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Who cares if they did 580k. The other team got smoked so bad the Shadow coulda AFK'd and you guys would have won.


That shows nothing.


Huh? lol The shadow is me, and also I wasn't trying to prove anything.


And yea its voidstar haha.

Edited by Darth_Acherus
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Huh? lol The shadow is me, and also I wasn't trying to prove anything.


And yea its voidstar haha.


Yeah I see that from the sig now haha


The people in that voidstar must have been cent geared for u to break 500k

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So I did.


Remember your own quote above as you read the rest of this post.


Here's a post with you asking for sorc nerfs:




There's more.


Here's one of you asking for a nerf to mercs with a cooldown for tracer missile:




Here's one of you asking for nerfs to operatives because a level 50 operative killed your level 38 sage.


Yeah, this one is the best so far.




I didn't look further than this because I got bored of it after a couple of minutes.


In conclusion, well, I'll just use your own words:


Yes and how old was that post about the operative? And I had every right to complain at THAT point because it was ages ago when geared 50's were lumped in with lowbies. I had not even rolled a shadow when my sage was level 38, clutch at some more straws, and I still stand by my statement on Sorc/Sage Utility.


Your just focussing on me because you don't have a valid argument, so you pick through posts I made months ago before I even created my shadow.

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If that shadow had been a sentinel in the exact same setup and situation he'd probably have done over one million damage. The only argument against this prognosis is that the members of the opposing team probably didn't have enough uptime themselves to allow for that. Look at all the Troopers having quite impressive stats themselves. All of them. On the other hand, the Imp team hasn't really achieved anything. This is a perfect example of a very unbalanced match in both setup and obviously player skill and proves absolutely nothing in the context of class balancing.


Shadows/assassins will be considered for a single spot in a 8man rated warzone group, but only if they are tank specced. Sadly, this is the only viable spec currently, and as it stands, it is perfectly balanced.

Edited by Dianaid
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Yes and how old was that post about the operative? And I had every right to complain at THAT point because it was ages ago when geared 50's were lumped in with lowbies. I had not even rolled a shadow when my sage was level 38, clutch at some more straws, and I still stand by my statement on Sorc/Sage Utility.


Your just focussing on me because you don't have a valid argument, so you pick through posts I made months ago before I even created my shadow.


If you read the above in a really quiet room, you can actually hear the crying.


Anyway, shadows/assassins are:


- After the 1.2 operative nerfs, the only viable stealth class for rated warzones, and

- After the 1.2 PT nerfs, the best tank class by far


ALL 8-man teams who can will take at least 2 tank assassins for their utility, damage, survivability, CC and guards/taunts, some might take more.


What other class offers so much?

Edited by Redmarx
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Too late. 1-49 WZs are nothing but shadows, guardians and sents.


Actually, and quite a few Powertechs. And Operatives too.


But I was in a low level wz a couple of days ago and we had 6 PTs and they had an equal number of Vanguards. Not pretty. ;)

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Reading through, found this and nearly loled.


Second worst, Commando has worst. None is worse than one.


Check back more for additional commentary.

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- After the 1.2 operative nerfs, the only viable stealth class for rated warzones, and

- After the 1.2 PT nerfs, the best tank class by far


ALL 8-man teams who can will take at least 2 tank assassins for their utility, damage, survivability, CC and guards/taunts, some might take more.


Both points are highly arguable. What exactly makes stealth attractive as an ability? Its efficiency greatly depends on what follows after you leave. Leaving combat into stealth isn't breaking the game. coming out of it and practically burst down an unprotected non-tanking class in an instant however is. That's why Ops get another set of adjustment, STILL enabling them to do as described, maybe with the occasional need for 1-2 shots from a ranged team mate. Shadows/Assassins never could burst in this manner and still can't in 1.2, no matter their spec. Ops will be perfectly viable in a 8man setup, they won't get more than 1 spot normally, but then again, no class should.


Same goes with assassins, groups that stack them will never outperform more balanced groups. Guardians have more mobility in exchange for damage output and even after the nerf a PT will have more dmg output in dps spec with better offensive utility tools. PT won't be as good in tank spec, but hey, sins totally blow in any spec besides tank, so that seems fair. All the rage aimed at sins pulling off high numbers in TOTALLY UNORGANISED, POORLY MATCHED random warzones, where they can pick their victims easily, without being targeted much themselves, because it's too much of a hassle for a single player in said unorganised team. Hybrid assassins are only able to deal as much damage as they are willing to trade off in survivability, making them easier to focus down. Any well organised rated warzone group will know that and have their sorcs and ops ready, one of each will suffice to burst down any sin in dd gear, no matter what spec, within seconds.


I'm really looking forward to rated wzs because I've never seen a game so balanced entering that particular field. I hope the patch hits soon, because obviously people have too much time at their hands worrying in vain. Seriously. All of you stop crying for nerfs, for good. If you consider a class too strong, go roll it. Convince your whole f'king guild to do so, because it must make sense for all eight of you to play fotm. See how much good it will do.

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I actually had no idea that the poster made previous nerf posts and just championed what someone else said as I grasped for straws even though I posted a completely valid argument made by that original poster


You literally took what someone else said and rode its coattails. You really are a baddie. His argument was completely valid against Sage/Sorcs.


His argument was also completely valid against Powertechs.


You know how I know it is? Because Bioware literally nerfed both of the things he brought up.




ALL 8-man teams who can will take at least 2 tank assassins for their utility, damage, survivability, CC and guards/taunts, some might take more.


What other class offers so much?


No that's just plain gimp.

Edited by Zintair
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Both points are highly arguable. What exactly makes stealth attractive as an ability? Its efficiency greatly depends on what follows after you leave. Leaving combat into stealth isn't breaking the game. coming out of it and practically burst down an unprotected non-tanking class in an instant however is. That's why Ops get another set of adjustment, STILL enabling them to do as described, maybe with the occasional need for 1-2 shots from a ranged team mate. Shadows/Assassins never could burst in this manner and still can't in 1.2, no matter their spec. Ops will be perfectly viable in a 8man setup, they won't get more than 1 spot normally, but then again, no class should.


Same goes with assassins, groups that stack them will never outperform more balanced groups. Guardians have more mobility in exchange for damage output and even after the nerf a PT will have more dmg output in dps spec with better offensive utility tools. PT won't be as good in tank spec, but hey, sins totally blow in any spec besides tank, so that seems fair. All the rage aimed at sins pulling off high numbers in TOTALLY UNORGANISED, POORLY MATCHED random warzones, where they can pick their victims easily, without being targeted much themselves, because it's too much of a hassle for a single player in said unorganised team. Hybrid assassins are only able to deal as much damage as they are willing to trade off in survivability, making them easier to focus down. Any well organised rated warzone group will know that and have their sorcs and ops ready, one of each will suffice to burst down any sin in dd gear, no matter what spec, within seconds.


I'm really looking forward to rated wzs because I've never seen a game so balanced entering that particular field. I hope the patch hits soon, because obviously people have too much time at their hands worrying in vain. Seriously. All of you stop crying for nerfs, for good. If you consider a class too strong, go roll it. Convince your whole f'king guild to do so, because it must make sense for all eight of you to play fotm. See how much good it will do.


Lucid, well thought out, logical argument here.




So so nice

Edited by Zintair
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Of course its voidstar.




he pulls this quite often. Can't find a huttball one in my SS folder, but I can ask if u are interested.


700k damage as a tank spec ? Working as intended Ez. The tank shadows in our guild are so confortable with there damage they use tank relics.




U can 2v6 too (not even bm geared) since u have guard and just about the same damage as a pure DPS (if u don't believe me come to my server). That vid is pretty much how every Alderaan we play is. 2vX almost the entire team and cap everything else Easy.


I could care less if they are nerfed or not, 95% shadows suck regardless and thats being generous apparently. Keep in mind, if shadows are untouched agian this 1.2 patch its pretty much a buff to them since other classes are toned down.

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I could care less if they are nerfed or not, 95% shadows suck regardless and thats being generous apparently. Keep in mind, if shadows are untouched agian this 1.2 patch its pretty much a buff to them since other classes are toned down.

Except Marauders, which have almost just as good survivability abilities as a shadow tank, got buffed.

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he pulls this quite often. Can't find a huttball one in my SS folder, but I can ask if u are interested.


700k damage as a tank spec ? Working as intended Ez. The tank shadows in our guild are so confortable with there damage they use tank relics.




U can 2v6 too (not even bm geared) since u have guard and just about the same damage as a pure DPS (if u don't believe me come to my server). That vid is pretty much how every Alderaan we play is. 2vX almost the entire team and cap everything else Easy.


I could care less if they are nerfed or not, 95% shadows suck regardless and thats being generous apparently. Keep in mind, if shadows are untouched agian this 1.2 patch its pretty much a buff to them since other classes are toned down.


700k dmg... and 34 kills? Did he actually kill anyone? lol

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700k dmg... and 34 kills? Did he actually kill anyone? lol


kinda hard to kill wen there is like 2 actual dps and the other team has over a mil damage going out on to the healers and him (he had 350k damage taken he said and didnt even die) and they had 2 decent healers.


P.S. he types while he facerolls. thats how Ez shadow is apparently lol

Edited by Vyndeta
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700k dmg... and 34 kills? Did he actually kill anyone? lol


This is why damage numbers are very poor indicators.


A marauder or operative "beasting" in a game is going to pull lower damage numbers because guess what? He is actually killing away potential damage.


What is better, wiping the opposing team or padding the meter's with aoe?

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kinda hard to kill wen there is like 2 actual dps and the other team has over a mil damage going out on to the healers and him (he had 350k damage taken he said and didnt even die) and they had 2 decent healers.


P.S. he types while he facerolls. thats how Ez shadow is apparently lol


I suggest you try playing the class before suggesting it is easy, thanks.

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