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Your thoughts on SWTOR as a whole


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I think Bioware did a study(the one GZ keeps mentioning) and found that causual players are where the money is and so they made the game strictly for casuals.


I don't blame them, business is business... The fact is this game lacks about 40-50% of the features of a game like WoW, and that's after copying wow for 90% of it's features..


I have played EQ/EQ2 hardcore for almost 10 years and am burned out. Been there, seen it, done it, bought the tee-shirt. I have been looking for a casual alternative for almost two years and have played all the usual suspects (with the exception of WoW as the community was a huge turnoff for me). SWTOR is the ONLY game that has piqued my interest sufficiently to sub. The added advantage is that I am in from the beginning.


I am a former hardcore gamer playing this game casually. Bioware certainly has my money as they have devs that are doing their jobs and providing enough to keep me interested.

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My opinion is that they had a lot of talent working on game implementation, without a lot of Management oversight.


1- The end-game is catered toward PvP and raiding, yet they are not designed for the hardcore PvPers or raiders


2- There are no sand-box elements catering to the more "casual" (eww I hate that obscure term) players which the PvP and Ops seem to be catering to.


3- I wouldn't say the game is hard, i would say you are mostly fighting broken mechanics because they changed the game from hard Flashpoints...to 2 or 3 varying levels of flashpoints/Ops riddled with more bugs and weird mechanics than difficulty.


4- The costume designers should not be fired, they should be taken out back and shot.


That being said, the leveling and story quests were really nice, a solid game and a not so bad end-game (albeit lacking in content). But this is still early doors, and soon they may realize that they tried to cater to too narrow a sub-set and keep failing to give them what they want.

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Big surprise there that people are early morning during the week are of to work or school, what are you thinking?


TBF a lot of EU MMORPG games have a big pre-work/school surge, and reasonable population throughout the day.


EQ1, WoW, LOTRO and WAR certainly did.

Edited by Goretzu
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Loved levelling my first 50, bored when I try to level any others.


Got geared far too easily and quickly, I feel like I have put no effort in at all.


Not much to do at 50, 1.2 isn't adding much end game either...


SO yes, it's a game I recommend to at least experience, but I wouldn't expect much longevity out of it.

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I had fun the first playthrough to 50 but endgame is impossible to get into due to low population. I tried to work on alts but it just wasn't as enjoyable as the first time, and the lack of players, of community makes me not even want to log in anymore.


I'm really trying to find a reason to stay but as nice as 1.2 sounds to some, it's a waste to me. I'll never be able to find a group for the new op or FP. And the legacy gimmicks aren't enough to make me want to work on alts anymore (my legacy level is already at 25 anyway).


Sub ends in late April.

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Good, should have more uniqueness (it really does feel like wow sometimes) the repub side needs more love and they seriously like unequivicobly need to either a hire more bug fixers or b hire better ones. Still even with the flaws I enjoy it a lot. Edited by Macabakur
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I think its a really good, solid MMO, i think that the levelling experience is by far the best i've experience in comparison to others, WoW, Rift etc.


Im not really a raiding man so hardcore endgame doesnt concern me at all.

The only issue im having with the game is lack of people playing it (on my server anyway) and lack of an LFG.


I have a level 39 BH that i started rolling as an alt.

I havent been able to run 1 flashpoint or even 1 heroic/group quest since nobody is interested, or willing to wait for people to join.

Im sat at Social level 0.

It makes it 10 times worse when there is 40-60 people on the Fleet at peak times.

Grouping is non-existant.

Even PvP is starting to take 30+ minuites to que for.


Not having an LFG system from the start was Bioware's biggest fail with this game.

Its destroying low pop servers, turning them into single player servers, which is fun, but not what we are paying for.


All other 47 members of my guild have quit so i cant do anything with them either.


I wil contiune to support this game judging on what 1.2 is like, but considering it doesnt add an LFG (which to me is top priority) then it might be lights out for me.


The game is very good in all areas apart from lack of LFG and Illum.

Also that 1.2 features should have been in at launch, then maybe my server might look different.

The game has so much potential to become more unique than its opponents, i just hope bioware know this and dont just copy and paste more things

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The game has so much potential to become more unique than its opponents, i just hope bioware know this and dont just copy and paste more things


That's where it's strenghts are, I've no idea what it didn't play to them, rather than trying to play to WoWs strenghts.

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Too easy, and boring, and not enough people to play with.


Combat is sluggish, classes are meh design, leveling is so incredibly boring.


I can't imagine anyone, myself included, would even be playing this game if it wasn't called star wars.




Game is quite boring once you have run one character to level 50.

Servers are ghost towns, trying to run Heroics or FP I don't even bother now.

When I look up and see the entire planet has 20 people on it at peek time I just think what a joke.... what other game can I play?

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i think it's a great game with huge, massive potential.

i'm a big fan of space/sci-fi stuff in general moreso than strictly star wars so it fits my interests more than a elves/orcs fantasy would. (i'd prefer it to be stargate/startek/firefly/babylon 5, etc rather than star wars but star wars is fine)


love the companion system, like the legacy system and hope it grows, i like the crew skills but would like to see it expanded as well.


big fan of huttball but the other warzones are average to below average.


grouping needs alot of help.


i really wish the engine/and graphics were alot better but i guess that's something one has to live with if they're going to stick with the game.


all in all i think it's a solid start with a bright future and plan to stick with it for the long haul.


my main concern right now is that i'm going to level up all the characters i want to and then i'll be left without much to do seeing as i don't raid and mainly play for the class storylines. i'm not sure what they plan to do to keep things going in that area but that is a definite concern i have. i'm not really the end game type but the journey getting there so if i finish my journeys i'm gonna be sittting in an awkward spot.


i'd like to see more advancement with your spaceship, and companions... and continuation with the story, and shared cargo bays between your legacy.. i will need more character slots than 8 and hope to see new classses with new storylines, etc.


maybe with expansions put less focus on voice acting and more focus on the choices and the effects they have, possibly expanding things to six choices instead of a basic 3 with more more complexity and deeper meaning.


i feel like the people making the game have a great passion for it and will keep it growing and advancing which gives me hope that it will continue getting better.

Edited by teambff
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Loved the leveling experience the first time through, but the more toons I do it on the less I want to do it ( and this coming from a guy with 13 80+ in WoW ).


I'm on a fairly decent sized server, but after about midnight there isn't much you can do but play solo. I see less and less players doing groups for the heroic 4's and even less for the 2's ( I assume most are waiting til they are able to solo them).


The game has lots of potential, and they are adding some interesting stuff for 1.2, I'm just not sure its the right stuff. Personally expected a same server LFD tool to already be out, or at least coming for 1.2, kinda down that its not.


Guild activity has started to dwindle as people have become bored, lots of dissatisfaction that a guild bank wasn't at least there for launch.


Basically I think in another 6-8 months the game may be something awesome to play. Problem is I'm not sure just how many people will be left playing it by then. My wife has already unsubbed, my closest friend is unsubbing, and I'm desperately clinging to hope that 1.2 will keep me interested and hopefully bring them back. No LFD tool though is killing things for lots of people.

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