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I'm curious as to some gender statistics in the game


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So I'm curious how many male players play as males in the game and how many female characters play as females, as well as males playing as females and vice versa. I really am interested in this demographic, because it seems like there are a whole lot of female characters in the game, more than I've seen in any other game. I don't know how to set up a poll, but if I could, it would be easier to collect this data, and also have it be anonymous as well. You don't have to share if you don't want to, not trying to be creepy or anything lol.
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Not too long ago I saw a stat saying 70% of characters are male. I think it was in the Guild Summit notes, if you want to find it.


I'm a guy and I play a male character (and have done so in almost every RPG ive ever played) but Im pretty much sure my next character will be a female.

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I'm a male and I don't have any male characters, which I just realised right now. I've tried making them before, but I think the character models, especially the hairstyles, are all terrible. I'm also not a big fan of males in general, so it makes sense.
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I'm a male and I play about 50-50 male and female characters. I do have a more difficult time making male chars though. As a roleplayer I just find it alot easier to make a great female character than a great male character. Not sure if it's because the females in my life have just been more inspriring than the men. There's also more ground to be original with female characters since male heroes/antiheroes/villains are more popular in fantasy so more archetypes have been beaten to death.


But I don't "feel" any different playing a male character or a female if that's what your interested in. To me it's alwyas been like the difference between being the writer of Wonder Woman and being the writer of Batman. Your just telling stories about fantasy characters either way. I do admit however, I force the 50-50 split on myself cuz i don't like being "that guy that only plays female toons"

Edited by avariambush
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I'm a rare one ;) Female that always plays male characters. Just the way I roll, I guess.


...That and damn, I could listen to the SI voice actor all day.


Your right this is the rarest breed there is. Extremely rare.

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I am a male and I play a mix of male and female characters. It really comes down to how I want to play the character I am making and their interactions with others both PC and NPC.


I have found it is easier for me to play a flirtatious and arrogant character as a male as the story choices feel more genuine where as for a light side goodie goodie it felt right to be a female.

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One thing I've noticed and it may just be the group I run with but it seems like there are a lot of couples that play this game. It does feel like SWTOR has a higher female population than most games I've played and I'm not just talking guys who play female chars. Still about half of the female chars I know are played by guys which isn't that unusual. Currently I have 2 male and 1 female char.
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I have just created a female char - trooper. I was bored with playing DS and wanted to do some republic. But I find the male voice acting on the republic side not really to my liking. So i rolled a female and am enjoying the way I can interact with the world around me.


In most RPG's I will usually play a male character but I always l;ike to play a feamle char at least once to experience the story from another angle, and experience their relationships etc.

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Male here with 8 toons 3 male 5 female. An odd note here is I can't play female empire side its not the voice acting but I think its more to do with evil feels like more of a masculine roll to me i dunno perhaps I'm wierd lol
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