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Why were Sorcerers ever considered OP?


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LOL at everyone saying they weren't OP. I play a Sage, and me playing an OP class AND the fact that I'm probably the best pvp'er ever to have lived, no one ever kills me. At least with the nerfs, I might actually get down to about 50-66% health before they die :rolleyes:


Translation: You're pissed at the nerfs & have likely died plenty before. No one likes a bragger like that man.

Edited by Darth_Solrac
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LOL at everyone saying they weren't OP. I play a Sage, and me playing an OP class AND the fact that I'm probably the best pvp'er ever to have lived, no one ever kills me. At least with the nerfs, I might actually get down to about 50-66% health before they die :rolleyes:


well if they were OP they will stay OP. because the nerf is literally nothing, a few % less critical chance, no less CC, just some stuff with mindcrush and that's it.

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LOL. Bad sorcs as JKs will be hilarious. ok bud, you go and spam Slash. you'll do great in PVP.


Haven't PvP'd yet, play on a PvE server. Just saying, he made it sound like you have to know something other than how to use a keyboard well to play said class. It's a skill bar brah. Pretty sure you don't have to stretch or certify you're a black belt beforehand. Also think I'm a pretty great Sorc. as I'm coasting through the game relatively easily.


Mmm k?

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LOL at everyone saying they weren't OP. I play a Sage, and me playing an OP class AND the fact that I'm probably the best pvp'er ever to have lived, no one ever kills me. At least with the nerfs, I might actually get down to about 50-66% health before they die :rolleyes:


Pretty much the only honest sage in all of ToR. The rest remind me of religious zealots that will say/deny anything to protect there class an make countless threats to unsub or reroll because they will no longer be the most powerful class in the history of mmo's


" I won't lie to you, Every single man or woman who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought a sorceror has died. But where they have failed, you will succeed"

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Pretty much the only honest sage in all of ToR. The rest remind me of religious zealots that will say/deny anything to protect there class an make countless threats to unsub or reroll because they will no longer be the most powerful class in the history of mmo's


" I won't lie to you, Every single man or woman who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought a sorceror has died. But where they have failed, you will succeed"


Hmmm....making me more interested in rolling a Sage this is. Where's that quote from?

Edited by Darth_Solrac
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havnet logged on in like 2 wks but i use to go on streaks of like a week w/o my force litening being interupt.. lol. so reason #1, baddys dont know game basics.


then there was lots of QQ cos of asassins, srsly if there wouldve just been a diff icon this nerf never woulda happened, asassin icon is litening so they think its all sorcs and that asassin they cant kill is a sorc. especialy if its asassin who plays like a sorc like a lot of em do. so reason #2, baddys dont know game basics.


kept my sub 1 more month just to check out 1.2 for a min. since teras not out just yet. but yea its hard to see giving bio any more $$ after that since they base nerf on QQ of ppl who dont know how to use basic skill like interupt and cant even tell the diff from a sorc and asassin. aoe dps spec was fun, yea i can kill some kids w/ more madness but if i want to be single target dps i woulda picked other class w/ more survivebility, no real reason to be dps sorc in pvp any more unless u alrdy got 1 and dont want to quit it. (which i dont rly get cos theres all these other games comin out).

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Yes, there are two classes that have a pull, if they are in their tank variation. Due to that pull's cool down, it's not going to be wasted on generic DPSer of the opposing team. That's either going to be used on a healer attached to a tank, or the ball carrier. Stealth isn't always viable, mostly due to the fact that positional lag can place your opponent within five meters of where they are on your screen. While you may believe that you're walking behind them, you could very well walk right in front of their character, resulting in visibility.


Also, they do have the ability to have a stealth scan going on near themselves for 10 seconds, every 20 seconds. It has a 30 meter range, and really should be placed on choke points at all times. Unfortunately, this ability isn't utilized as much as it should be. =/


As a Stealth Operative, you're not going to waste your stealth open on a BH that isn't actively attacking you, due to his damage shield and heavy armor. It usually results in the fight taking too long, especially since they can just knock you off once you open on them. I don't really see why you're trying to trivialize the strengths of the turret classes in this game. Yes, they crumble if they stand toe to toe consistently with players, but when they use the level to their advantage which requires very little effort, they become significantly better.


I meant that Shadow/Assassins also have the same knockback that Sorcs get, and stealth. You should think about that combo a little more in relation to that line of Sorcs on the narrow walkways that are giving your team problems. : )


As for Shadow + any stealther, you can set up a passing lane via sprinting into the pit and passing it off to your stealthed receiver, and never once have to deal w/ Sorcs knocking you back from anything.


Pulling them also works, but like you said, it's much better to save your pull for more important targets, like the ball carrier, or peeling for teammates.

Edited by Varicite
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I think people got bored of complaining about them and started learning about other classes.


Note all the class complaint threads about classes that haven't/have hardly changed in months. People weren't complaining about them then.


"Hey wait, that's a good class too! but...WE CAN'T HAVE GOOD CLASSES IN GAMES! OP! OP! OP! OP!"


It's an embarrassment.

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Did I say that playing Shadow is difficult? It's not difficult at all, it's nowhere near as easy as a Sorc/Sage is to play.


I guess Sorc. is easy to play. FUN too. This is my 1st class, 1st choice , so can't really speak on the difficulty of other classes.


I look forward to playing every force class really.

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I think people got bored of complaining about them and started learning about other classes.


Note all the class complaint threads about classes that haven't/have hardly changed in months. People weren't complaining about them then.


"Hey wait, that's a good class too! but...WE CAN'T HAVE GOOD CLASSES IN GAMES! OP! OP! OP! OP!"


It's an embarrassment.


Either that, or they got to 50, got at least Champion gear, figured out that there's no such thing as a 31/31/31 Sorc and that ACTUAL Sorcs are pretty balanced and easy to kill for most people in a 1v1 situation.


Meanwhile, the classes that take a lot more time to show their true colors have had... a lot more time to show their true colors.

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Pretty much the only honest sage in all of ToR. The rest remind me of religious zealots that will say/deny anything to protect there class an make countless threats to unsub or reroll because they will no longer be the most powerful class in the history of mmo's


try 2 get trolled even harder next time, see if u can break your own record

Edited by Darth_Ricky
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Pretty much the only honest sage in all of ToR. The rest remind me of religious zealots that will say/deny anything to protect there class an make countless threats to unsub or reroll because they will no longer be the most powerful class in the history of mmo's


" I won't lie to you, Every single man or woman who has stood their ground, everyone who has fought a sorceror has died. But where they have failed, you will succeed"


I couldn't help but notice that in 4 pages of a thread entitled "Best 1v1 Class", you are the ONLY person who even dared to mention a Sorc.


That should really tell you something.

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They have good group utility, are good at running the ball/assisting the ball carrier in Huttball, and can heal.


That's about all I've got. 1v1's were a joke, my Tankassin, Marauder, and PT Pyro could smoke them without a second thought. They had no burst and their best ability (Force Lightning) was channeled, so it was interrupt city on that.

Top 5 Reasons:

5. Don't know when to interrupt or use a cc (as a last resort).

4. Refuse to understand our single dmg output is not very high when compared to other classes.

3. The medals awarded were based on dmg and healing totals.

2. Think non-damage utility abilities makes us gods of PvP (in general).

1. Tons of butt-hurt because they lost to one...





Now before I get the great, snide and, rude comebacks, I would like to say that the exploit needed to be fixed, and 1.2 does that, but as far as the other stuff goes, this is NOT a nerf, its a buff for those not using the exploit. Bad, average or good, I will be better.... We will still be the target of more nerf-bats by skilled and unskilled alike when people realize this...



Read this then you can fire away.....LOL


Dear Juggs/Maur/Sents/Guards,


The funny thing is we socs/sages don't really do anything well besides having quite a few AoE abilities. Most people on this post confuse variety for overpowered.


1. Yeah..... its great to stun a person, then insta-cast force lift (and stun on break), but how much HP have you lost because of that? VERY LITTLE!! Like 500HP...Not 5k, FIVE HUNDRED


2. Yeah... its great that my force wave/force quake/force in balance can make up for my shear lack of DPS ability and get my "TOTAL DAMAGE" on par in a PvP gameboard total, but in a 1v1 scenario DOES 3-5k crit = 5-7k crit? NOPE!


3. Yeah its great being at the 30m range with my spam TK throw with no CD(and auto-slow)..... Oh yeah I forgot, most classes have some sort of mitigation for that like Obliterate...so much for keeping that Jugg/Maurad at bay...


4. Yeah, its great to have light armor. Need I say more??????


5. Yeah, its great to throw out some Heals to teammates, but 2-3 sec cast and easily interrupted, not very useful unless no enemies are around...


6. Yeah, it's great being the annoying little brother who can make your life tough on the battlefield, but how much actual damage can I really cause? NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE IT WORTHY OF A NERF!!!




High-Level Sages

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Forum QQ does not get classes nerfed. FOTM rollers and rerollers do. When a class like the Sorc is percieved as OP, even slightly, eople will flock to it. Are they an awesome 1v1 class? No they are not. Do the tend to get better the more of them are in a group? Yeah they do. And when a WZ or an Ilum is 50%+ of one spec of one class, that tends to get them nerfed. So again forum QQ does not nerf a class, FOTM does.
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I couldn't help but notice that in 4 pages of a thread entitled "Best 1v1 Class", you are the ONLY person who even dared to mention a Sorc.


That should really tell you something.


haha I was trolling sorcerors need to calm down about this nerf its so minor its funny how much of an uproar the sage/sorc community is in.


Dude I lived near westlake center than lived in lynnwood in cali atm but moving back to washington we should get a beer k

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