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I wanna see the score board during the game


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fine ill be that guy


i only do premades....winning is getting boring. out of the 12 wz we ran last night, we lost 1 and it was because i got up to answer the door and my side got capped in VS. pretty much the only fun at this point is competing with the other players in my premade for medals since winning is pretty much a guarantee and id like to see what medals i have and which ones i dont have yet.

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It is super smart to not allow the scoreboard to be seen for many reasons.



I'm stunned by all the posters in this thread that don't understand this. Like, why do you people want to see it anyways. Unless it is 'number of deaths', none of you pro-thinkers are leading the charts.


Guess you will have to convince me why being able to identify healers early in the match is a bad idea.

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Absolutely not, disagree. Having to identify and mark healers, judging who is the biggest threat etc. is part of the challenge.


Also, if a group of 8 Empire were being attacked by a group of 8 republic in this fictional world, they wouldn't be able to just look at their wrist and be like "Oh they got 2 healers, 2 tanks and 4 dps, okay cool." The only place this would be viable would be Huttball as it's actually a game with a scoreboard.


There are many other specific scenarios in which this would be a terrible idea that I don't have the time to go into and it would probably be TL;DR anyways but no, bad idea.

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All this would do is support medal farmers and people just looking to top damage/healing charts, IMO.


Aren't there easier ways to tell this? I mean if you're 0-4 on huttball or Round 1 on defense with 4 minutes left defending the datacore, or three capped on alderaan.


In my honest opinion looking at the scoreboard prior to the round ending would negatively affect gameplay. People getting too obsessed with their score, rather than the game. It's already bad enough in that regard.


You could see the other team in Warhammer.... and lots of people would just quit before the fight even started.



SWTOR is attempting to stop this by no showing the scoreboard ahead of time. A smart choice.


The two people above me would be THE VERY FIRST TO BAIL AND QUIT.




Be thankful people, for the way it is new. It's better this way.


Please concentrate harder on "fighting" in the "Warzone"... There are enough distractions with the improper use of ops chat for whining, crying and yelling at eachother.


All the people who made the above statements think abstinence education works as effective birth control too.

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Love the idea. When I first started playing as a level 12 I tried finding the button that showed the score board.


You have to understand this is a game. I want to know how I'm performing in this game. How my team mates are performing. and how the enemy is performing.


If we are given that we can make a strategy better suited for all the players involved.

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I want to know who I'm fighting.


I want to see what classes there are.


I want to see if my team is bad half way into a game.


Let me see the scoreboard during a Warzone!



One of the minor things that have bugged me about SWTOR pvp for a while now. I too would like to be able to view the score screen prior to the end of the game.




Anyone against this I really think is trying to be malicious or has ulterior motives of some kind because there is no negative side to adding this simple convenience to the game.



-Yes some guy somewhere will do something stupid because he is staring at the scoreboard, but he is the same guy who is doing something stupid right now while staring at the map (or afk'ing).

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Absolutely not, disagree. Having to identify and mark healers, judging who is the biggest threat etc. is part of the challenge.

Also, if a group of 8 Empire were being attacked by a group of 8 republic in this fictional world, they wouldn't be able to just look at their wrist and be like "Oh they got 2 healers, 2 tanks and 4 dps, okay cool." The only place this would be viable would be Huttball as it's actually a game with a scoreboard.


There are many other specific scenarios in which this would be a terrible idea that I don't have the time to go into and it would probably be TL;DR anyways but no, bad idea.


That isn't a challenge. Especially on server specific PVP. You will know most of the names and what they are doing anyway.

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I like the idea of having this as an option for all of the above reasons discussed so far in this thread, and I would like to add another one.


Post 1.2 when we will be able to vote-kick afkers I would really like to see if this person is not contributing to the wz and not just take some random pug's word for it. If said afker has been in the wz the whole time it's as easy as popping up your stats window and seeing nothing but zeroes to confirm that they are not contributing to the wz and should be kicked.

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Not to sound like a medal farmer, but I've had times playing on my Combat Medic where I've wished for an in-game scoreboard after ending the match with 2 medals, 68,000 damage, and 74,000 healing (lowbie, PuG games where nobody has much more than 150,000 total damage+healing). If I'd been able to see the scoreboard I could have weighted my efforts one way or the other to guarantee at least a 3rd medal. Even ignoring the medals, it's nice to be able to get in-game feedback about your overall performance relative to the rest of your team. Edited by Dzhokhar
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Post 1.2 when we will be able to vote-kick afkers I would really like to see if this person is not contributing to the wz and not just take some random pug's word for it. If said afker has been in the wz the whole time it's as easy as popping up your stats window and seeing nothing but zeroes to confirm that they are not contributing to the wz and should be kicked.


As I understand the vote-kick, your concern isn't a huge issue. All of the voters have to independently vote to kick the person without any prompting. Additionally, the person doesn't get kicked if the game detects them participating after the vote occurs (I assume it looks at ability activations or in/out of combat states).


(That said, someone could lobby for a kick in ops chat or you might want to use the scoreboard to determine if you want to kick a person in the first place.)

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Not to sound like a medal farmer, but I've had times playing on my Combat Medic where I've wished for an in-game scoreboard after ending the match with 2 medals, 68,000 damage, and 74,000 healing (lowbie, PuG games where nobody has much more than 150,000 total damage+healing). If I'd been able to see the scoreboard I could have weighted my efforts one way or the other to guarantee at least a 3rd medal. Even ignoring the medals, it's nice to be able to get in-game feedback about your overall performance relative to the rest of your team.


Agreed, If the warzone is going to end fast, either a quick win or lost in huttball, sometimes you've been busy scoring the ball the whole game and then you realize that you only have 1 medal in the Warzone. Winning a WZ with 1 medal gives like 1.5k valor as opposed to the 3k you would get from winning with 4 medals. Medals do have some importance and knowing your progression into them would be helpful.

Edited by JFTremb
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you know one of the icon is the number of medals? okey they don't tell you "which one" u got as the final score but if u have 1 medal it's just try harder :p


it's more tricky when u have 3 and want a 4th one but u can only read 3 and u dont know what u got but really in the new system there will be many new medal with more meaning like (scoring) (capping) those are preatty obvious and u know if u got it or not


so i say is useless to see the score in the middle.

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Absolutely not, disagree. Having to identify and mark healers, judging who is the biggest threat etc. is part of the challenge.


What a bunch of crap. Here let me take this to its next logical conclusion:




Showing HP of allies and enemy should not be allowed! Having to identify and judge who is the biggest threat by figuring out how geared they are is part of the challenge!


Plus if you showed HP people would just quit if they saw that the people on the other team had good gear, and would immediately quit if they saw people on their own team didn't have good gear!


Good job Bioware for not showing HP like all those other MMOs.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Agreed, If the warzone is going to end fast, either a quick win or lost in huttball, sometimes you've been busy scoring the ball the whole game and then you realize that you only have 1 medal in the Warzone. Winning a WZ with 1 medal gives like 1.5k valor as opposed to the 3k you would get from winning with 4 medals. Medals do have some importance and knowing your progression into them would be helpful.


You have a medal count on your bar that says how many you've earned thus far. Generally speaking if you've only earned one it's pretty easy to know what that one was (usually 2.5k hit/heal or killing blow). If you want to know how close to the 75k or 10 kill markers then it goes against the notion of objective-based pvp to me.



I understand the desire, but think far too many people would get caught up in scoreboard watching over actually playing the objective. You argue 'it wouldn't distract me' and 'I want to use it to identify the other side's strengths/weaknesses' and other such options, well you may personally put it to good use but I would be willing to bet most would not and it would be ultimately a negative in warzones.



Also I know the common healers/ballcarriers/etc. on my server and if its that need-to-know can always do a /poke player X's name while sitting in the waiting room.

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Im good on seeing a roster. But flat out no on scores/medals. Just supports medal farming.


By that logic, they really shouldn't notify you when you earn medals or provide you with an in-match count of how many medals you've earned, and they should modify the combat log they're adding in 1.2 so it doesn't output any PvP data until after the match is over.


Personally, I don't think adding an in-match scoreboard would encourage medal farming much more than what they already have.


Edit: Heck, they probably shouldn't even tell us that medals exist. Just track them entirely in the background and give us different rewards (commendations/valor) without telling us why.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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People who farm medals now will continue to farm medals if they put in mid game scoreboards.


Did you even read what I said?


Try again... I would like to a -ROSTER- ( meaning no scores).

Don't want to see a scoreboard. In fact I would prefer is the medal count wasn't visible at all so the don't know what they have until the end.

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Did you even read what I said?


Try again... I would like to a -ROSTER- ( meaning no scores).

Don't want to see a scoreboard. In fact I would prefer is the medal count wasn't visible at all so the don't know what they have until the end.


If people want to farm kills or damage or whatever, nothing will stop that. Taking away information, or giving them more information will change nothing.


If people want to farm medals, they will. Fact of life is people will do what they want.

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If people want to farm kills or damage or whatever, nothing will stop that. Taking away information, or giving them more information will change nothing.


If people want to farm medals, they will. Fact of life is people will do what they want.


Except increasing the cap.to 8 and adding the objective medals it does become a little harder to track without the info. It might not be a huge difference but i do believe it would make medal farmers work a little harder at least.

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