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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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tl;dr - fun for a few months, then (like every MMO I've played) gameplay starts to seem overly simplistic and redundant and I unsubcribe


I've played the game basically continuously since release and I've generally enjoyed it, especially on my earlier characters when I was going through planets and quests for the first time. I played it mostly as a single player game, grouping occasionally for heroics and some of the flashpoints.


Inevitably though, I feel I've explored enough of the game to not find it particularly compelling anymore. The missions are almost all killing things, with almost no puzzles that I could find (unless clicking once on glowing blue things counts - the only puzzle-like thing I can think of is the 'Sith code' one on the Imperial side) and only rarely any peaceful resolution possible. I thought the datacron searching would be interesting but with the endless respawning aggro and unavoidably laggy jumping system I mostly didn't try.


The very corridor-like 'planets' don't help. I also wonder why places like Nar Shadaa and Coruscant are apparently nothing but angry gang members wanting to kill everyone and the like, but perhaps our characters simply never bother to go anywhere else because they crave the battle just that much (even the Jedi!).


I suspect too that I'd enjoy fighting things over and over more if the combat didn't feel so laggy and somehow unexciting. Perhaps in another patch or two Bioware will have fixed the slow response times and bizarre ability animation stuttering.


And, the endless little bugs, while none game-stopping on their own, eventually add up to make the game surprisingly annoying at times.


All that written, I have enjoyed the game for the past few months which is more fun than I have with most games. Bioware has created an impressive array of content, 8 different class questlines where even the 'generic' quests have a few unique lines based on your class. I do recommend that anyone with any interest in science fiction try out at least one appealing class, even playing it as a single player game if they like.

Edited by ZincThallinide
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defenitely not...most boring end game ever seen...if i wanted to play a wowwannabe game id choose wow not swtor. btw this game will be dead by summer(so me and my 80 g.mates will not resubscribe) :)


Wow, he speaks for 80 other people. Nice


I feel like a song is needed:

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Excellent post. And I pretty much agree with everything you said.


This game was released early in order to cash in on a Christmas money grab. To be honest, it feels like we're still playing in beta.


But each week that passes less and less people log in - guilds and noted players start disappearing, and the entire time I ask myself why I'm still playing this game.


Fortunately my own guild is really cool people and (quite frankly), if there was a better alternative, I'd ask them to join me there.


Guildwars 2 is looking to be a great game, have you seen the open world pvp they are planning to install that is going to be good also they said they are removing gear advantages and leaving it down to peoples skill, so in pvp enviroment people are equal in gear it comes down to skill so the game will be about having fun not grinding items just to compete.


check this out



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Wow, he speaks for 80 other people. Nice


I feel like a song is needed:


You need to understand some people actually come as guilds and leave as guilds, there is others doing the same. So he would be speaking for his guild they would be deciding a new game to play together not all guilds dont form a active community.

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Most PvPers, these days, are whiners. Thus, PvP in that game, too, will be whined to death. Just watch.


You have to admit the your gear is better than me will be gone though, it will come down to skill, also did you know they are having a way of giant battles that apparently will have sieges and many other interesting ideas. It is also free to play and no buy to improve model, people can buy looks and things which dont impact balance of game or affect anything so pay to win isnt part of it. It new and may be the future of MMO if they do it sucessfully.

Edited by unseenmaji
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You have to admit the your gear is better than me will be gone though, it will come down to skill, also did you know they are having a way of giant battles that apparently will have sieges and many other interesting ideas.


Pink butterfly combat animations and cute little gnome people just scream PvP, don't they?



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You have to admit the your gear is better than me will be gone though, it will come down to skill, also did you know they are having a way of giant battles that apparently will have sieges and many other interesting ideas. It is also free to play and no buy to improve model, people can buy looks and things which dont impact balance of game or affect anything so pay to win isnt part of it. It new and may be the future of MMO if they do it sucessfully.


It's gone in TOR. I PvP without a single shred of PvP gear, and in basic level 50 gear, and still do quite well.


It only matters if you let it matter in your head...

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Yes i will keep my subs up for now.


The reason is not that I think this game is perfect but i see potential and I’m willing to back Bioware to see if they can turn the game into what it should be, not what it is now.


The game is sorely missing cross server matchmaking for PVP and cross server flashpoint maker tool. I’m on a server that is currently going through a downwards spiral of players leaving / rerolling on busier servers and the net effect for me is this has turned into a mostly single player game.


PVP Queues at level 50 take anywhere from 20-60 minutes during prime time and after about 11PM seldom ever pop, so I usually average about 5-6 warzones in a 4-5 hours gaming session which is really sad. On the PVE side it is practically impossible to get a group for any hard mode flashpoint as the people on fleet has gone down from about 120-150 during prime time about 6-8 weeks ago to the 20-35 that we have during prime time now on our server. Almost impossible to find a full group with tank and healer, often the only people that want to do the content are of the incorrect classes to make a full group.


Top this off with all the bugs in the game and there is plenty of frustration to go around.


Now I have been through several MMO releases and i realise that things never get released in a finished state so I’m going to be showing my support for Bioware to see if they can make the big improvements I would like to see in a timely fashion. If I cannot see these updates coming by the time 1.3 patch notes are out then I will re-evaluate the situation. Until then, I’m happy to continue playing

Edited by TheRealFury
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Unless they do something DRAMATIC fast this will be my last month. My guildmates gave me money to keep me playing because they want people to play with them but really, unless 1.2 comes out next week and it's AMAZING I'm canceled.


People are PAYING me to play the game because the PVP is so bad. Thats pretty freaking sad.

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Unless they do something DRAMATIC fast this will be my last month. My guildmates gave me money to keep me playing because they want people to play with them but really, unless 1.2 comes out next week and it's AMAZING I'm canceled.


People are PAYING me to play the game because the PVP is so bad. Thats pretty freaking sad.


I'm absolutely NOT surprised this is coming from you. So, what's so bad about the PvP? PvPers who PvP just to PvP is dying breed... Oh well...

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I will keep my sub going in order to help my friend out.


He moved to a new server and started his own guild. I don't think it will become a raiding guild since most people that joined are low level and just like that he helps out a lot with planet heroics. Also he will run guild mates through a FP real quick.


In two months if his guild doesn't work out I'll stop playing. Already feel like stopping but I gave him my word.

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I log in for about 30 seconds before im bored now, I have a 30 something Jk and lvl 10-25ish of everything else and I cant stick with one character. I like the game but it just got tedious for me... i really wanted to stick with this game but im bored. Dunno why i thought this would be different, havent stuck with a MMO since the 5 years of UO. Not hating the game, just frustrated that i cant stick with one game anymore.
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I log in for about 30 seconds before im bored now, I have a 30 something Jk and lvl 10-25ish of everything else and I cant stick with one character. I like the game but it just got tedious for me... i really wanted to stick with this game but im bored. Dunno why i thought this would be different, havent stuck with a MMO since the 5 years of UO. Not hating the game, just frustrated that i cant stick with one game anymore.


The game is different. You are just too picky as this game is a lot more fun than most mmo's. And UO, are you serious? rofl.

Edited by rustybook
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Re-Subed April 6, after a month off.

Hoping 1.2 does for me what the game should have done from day 1.


I will stay for a month and hope to see 1.2 in that time to make me want to play the game again.


Yeppers, I will re-roll on a more populated server just to see. I have no one left in my guild save 1, and he is not on very much. rolling a new server is not that big a deal for me right now as it were.


So, BW, lets see 1.2 and let the good times roll.

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Nope, I'm out in 9 days. And I love Star Wars, but I'm not paying them to play on an empty server. 2 x 50's and 2 x 30 something’s I'm not starting over. The entire end game is built around questing with people and I can't.


There are too many F2P games I can play to waste time that have more content, between those and D3 I should be good for the summer. Hope to come back around the end of the year.

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No. When time card runs out it's done.

All my servers are total ghost towns. 1.2 doesnt solve anything. What this game needs are server merges, character transfers and cross-server FP/OP finder, not some garbage legacy stuff so you could grind yet another alt in complete solitude.

Massive multiplayer, what a laugh.

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A friend convinced me to join saying it was fun and had cool features. And indeed it has, I like the style and everything but.. is it really massive multiplayer?

I get online at times and see one people in "Who" in certain planets: me.

I get to the Imperial Fleet to look for people for a Flashpoint - 2-3h searching - nothing.

Figures there might be too many servers, with a few merges such problems would go away.. or crosserver'ing stuff lol.

If the population remains as is.. well Im out as soon as sub ends.

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I'm actually on-and-off frequently with the game.

It's not because I don't like it, it's because I buy a month based on how much time I'll have to play. If it looks like I'll be swarmed with papers for school, then I wait a few weeks to resubscribe.

If the question is simply "will I keep playing", then my answer is heck yes.

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finally bit the bullet and unsubbed today. I really enjoy this game, and the PvP aspect of it. The fact that I have to wait until afternoon on a weekend to get a full group in a WZ pretty much makes it unplayable.


will resub when there are merges.

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"Yes" for now. Let's just say that I'm a bit agnostic about this game.


I'd categorize SW-TOR as a flawed masterpiece: so much to love, so much to hate (has more grinds than a Starbucks).


I'll continue to sub until something better comes along.

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A friend convinced me to join saying it was fun and had cool features. And indeed it has, I like the style and everything but.. is it really massive multiplayer?

I get online at times and see one people in "Who" in certain planets: me.

I get to the Imperial Fleet to look for people for a Flashpoint - 2-3h searching - nothing.

Figures there might be too many servers, with a few merges such problems would go away.. or crosserver'ing stuff lol.

If the population remains as is.. well Im out as soon as sub ends.


I recommend both you and your friend roll on a more populated server, now that you've just started.

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"Yes" for now. Let's just say that I'm a bit agnostic about this game.


I'd categorize SW-TOR as a flawed masterpiece: so much to love, so much to hate (has more grinds than a Starbucks).


I'll continue to sub until something better comes along.



I guess I could see that if this were my first MMO as well.

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