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"Resolve is broken" challenge


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Ok, I want to throw a gauntlet to all supporters of opinion that resolve is broken.


Please post a vid or link to a vid where someone is affected by stun or mezz or knockback or pull while having white resolve bar.


By affected I mean - hit by new one, one that filled resolve bar SHOULD work.


If you will get me a vid, we can then ask BW to fix it.


If not, I am going to direct all resolve-complainers here.


One more time, get me a vid or stop QQ about resolve please.




after 35 pages of discussion about resolve, diminishing returns, roots, slows, huttball, game developing and amusing amount of posts from people who not only do not understand how resolve works now, but didnt even bother to read more than thread title and 2 first senteces of this post, no one posted a vid showing that resolve is not working as intented.


Therefore, it is working as intended. You may not like how it works, but it working fine.


Still waiting for video proof that it is otherwise.

Edited by Kaarsa
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And character repositions - pulls and knockbacks.


You can't be knocked back or pulled at full resolve... once in a while you might see it that way but it's called 'rubberbanding'. It's your client catching up to the sever (or theirs) which means the client doesn't update fast enough. It looks like player A got knocked over the edge, but the client catches up and gets an update from the server and TA-DAAAA they are 5 feet ahead of you.

Edited by Organikal
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When people say "Resolve is broken" they mean it in a broader sense than just "Resolve is bugged".


What they mean is that Resolve in its current incarnation isn't a sufficient mechanic to counter chain-CCs in the way something like....say "Diminishing Returns" would.

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Only time I EVER am stunned the full time and die is when the whole team hits me.Is it a $#@% move to stun someone even tho your whole team is there, yes of corse it is BUT think of it this way that nub wasted a CC move on you even tho you would have died anyway.
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When people say "Resolve is broken" they mean it in a broader sense than just "Resolve is bugged".


What they mean is that Resolve in its current incarnation isn't a sufficient mechanic to counter chain-CCs in the way something like....say "Diminishing Returns" would.


Only CC that is not a part of resolve system is root and slow. Can you even imagine how this game would look if roots and slows would fill resolve systm?It would be unplayable.


And BTW, a lot of people say "resolve is bugged becuse I was stunned 3 times in the row"


Video please.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Actually if something is broken it implies that it is not fit for purpose whether or not it operates within its stated techinical parameters is a completely different matter. It being broken is a matter of opinion and cannot be proven by some video or any other means.


Furthermore without a combat log its impossible to prove even with video evidence that it is not operating as claimed since the visual clues in this game are not exactly timed to perfection and variations can be attributed to lag.....



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STICKY!!! ZOMG so tired of people qqing about resolve not working and normally as a result they just spam cc whenever they feel like it.


DO NOT CC thus filling resolve when they are not on fire or 1 inch from goal line.. Save cc for people that can blast them off the goal or grapple them back.. if they get on fire or are just about to score THEN cc. If you CC them before they get close to goal most of the time they have a healer in range anyway they have to be close to goal for los on pit and to range them if their healer is stuck behind fire.




stop being noobs and figure it out lolz. or just leave cc alone for people that know how it works

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STICKY!!! ZOMG so tired of people qqing about resolve not working and normally as a result they just spam cc whenever they feel like it.


DO NOT CC thus filling resolve when they are not on fire or 1 inch from goal line.. Save cc for people that can blast them off the goal or grapple them back.. if they get on fire or are just about to score THEN cc. If you CC them before they get close to goal most of the time they have a healer in range anyway they have to be close to goal for los on pit and to range them if their healer is stuck behind fire.




stop being noobs and figure it out lolz. or just leave cc alone for people that know how it works


Well said. People perceive resolve as something that should give them ability to act and win in 1v3 situations, while it is designed to 1v1 and to x v x fights, when CCed and focused by one team target is in the same time protected and healed by the other side. Every time you are CCed and killed during CCit is in 1v multi situation (or you started fight at 20% hp;) ).


Resolve is a good system, it just require some thinking. Shame it is too much for many players...

Edited by Kaarsa
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Meele classes says resolve is fine. Range classes says resolve is broken.

Some CC ignore resolve.

My opinion is that resolve can't works in future as it works now. E.g. 4 sec stun on knight/warrior means for range class(e.g. sage) time to leave from LOS or give a little dmg. Nothing special. 4 sec. on sage means, half of HP down. Operative can kill sage during 2 stuns. Resolve doesn't solve problem that stun for light armor classes is deadly. Stun for heavy armor classes means very few.

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Meele classes says resolve is fine. Range classes says resolve is broken.

Some CC ignore resolve.

My opinion is that resolve can't works in future as it works now. E.g. 4 sec stun on knight/warrior means for range class(e.g. sage) time to leave from LOS or give a little dmg. Nothing special. 4 sec. on sage means, half of HP down. Operative can kill sage during 2 stuns. Resolve doesn't solve problem that stun for light armor classes is deadly. Stun for heavy armor classes means very few.


Fun fact - only light armor ranged class is sorc/sage. By accident, it is class with probably biggest CC and kitability potential in game. It would be really weird if sorc/sages would complain about resolve.


BH/troopers wear heavy armor. Gunslingers/sniper wear medium and have if I am not mistaken only a bit less of CC than sorc/sage. Again, hard for them to complain about resolve.


Everyone else is melee:)


PS. Waiting for a vid.

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Resolve may very well be "working as intended", but it works for absolute **edit**!


I don't care if it's a root, dizzy, knockdown, knock back, twirly, stun, root, pull, push, slow or whatever else there is...if I have a FULL resolve and pop my snare break, NONE of them should effect me. NONE! And ALL should contribute TOWARDS my flippin resolve.


Resolve, as it is, is ridiculous.

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Resolve may very well be "working as intended", but it works for absolute **edit**!


I don't care if it's a root, dizzy, knockdown, knock back, twirly, stun, root, pull, push, slow or whatever else there is...if I have a FULL resolve and pop my snare break, NONE of them should effect me. NONE! And ALL should contribute TOWARDS my flippin resolve.


Resolve, as it is, is ridiculous.


Slow and root can not affect resolve. Why? Do you play character with charge? Imagine how your gameplay would looks if anyone and their mother would have constantly full resolve (since we have alot of aoe slows) and root would be affected by resolve - you would be unable to charge to anyone.


Slows as part of reolve = ranged chars kitting melee chars all the time in circles using instant attacks.


Root and slows as part of resolve = broken pvp.


Time for you and many others to understand that.


I dont even want to touch Huttball topic in that scenario, it would be a complete disaster, basicaly no way to stop ballcarrier.

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Slow and root can not affect resolve. Why? Do you play character with charge? Imagine how your gameplay would looks if anyone and their mother would have constantly full resolve (since we have alot of aoe slows) and root would be affected by resolve - you would be unable to charge to anyone.


Slows as part of reolve = ranged chars kitting melee chars all the time in circles using instant attacks.


Root and slows as part of resolve = broken pvp.


Time for you and many others to understand that.


I dont even want to touch Huttball topic in that scenario, it would be a complete disaster, basicaly no way to stop ballcarrier.


Yes, I play a character with no "charge".


EVERYTHING that effects movement should contribute to resolve. I could live with push's and pulls not contributing to it, but EVERYTHING that impairs or impedes my movement SHOULD.


Maybe it's time for YOU to understand that movement impairing skills, no matter what they're called, are simply NO FUN!

Edited by TUXs
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I agree slows and stuns should not fill the same resolve as slows and roots, but roots especially should have something to address them. Being chain rooted for a melee is no better than being chain stunned for a range, only there is nothing you can do about the root. Playing a deception Sin or Op can be pure hell from the chain roots and snares. Situations like that simply aren't fun, and with as many AOE snares and roots that are easily available, it's a serious issue for some classes that creates alot of uneeded frustration.,,


Honestly though, resolve isnt that bad the way it is, my only real gripe with it, and one I seriously believe should be corrected, is the fact that your resolve will drain WHILE you are CCed, it shouldn't start counting down until the end of a CC. This is particularly noticeable with Mezzes.

Edited by Guiken
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Resolve works fine.


First of all, we need to clarify some nomencalture.


CC is Crowd Control. By crowd control, we mean abilities which remove a combatant from a fight completely for a duration of time.


A STUN is a short term CC ability that takes a player out of the fight for its duration, which is only a few seconds. It is marked by two conditions:


  1. A stun is not broken by damage
  2. A stun renders a toon incapacitated for its duration


A MEZ is a long term CC ability that takes a player out of the fight for its duration as well, but a mez (like Sleep Dart) lasts a lot longer than a stun, and is marked by two conditions:


  1. A mez is broken by damage, any damage, including DoTs
  2. A mez renders a toon incapacitated for its duration


These are the only two types of abilities which are effected by resolve. Movement impairing effects, which are abilities which simply deny you movement, are not effected by resolve. Neither are interrupts (like Distraction), which are abilities which specifically interrupt the channeling of another ability.


Before we can have any discussion on resolve, people all need to be on the same page. Resolve is a very specific mechanic intended to effect very specific abilities. If you think resolve is broken because you can be denied movement, then Bioware is going to tell you: "Working as intended."


Now, whether or not resolve is a good system is a thing in of itself. I think resolve is a creative attempt to introduce rate limits to CC, as opposed to just simple diminishing returns, which offer no additional strategy. Resolve means you can only be CCed so much before you become immune to it for a time, and after that time is up you become vulnerable to it again.


Resolve offers a new level of strategy to the game, and Bioware saw fit to sticky a thread about it at the top of this forum. I like resolve, but I also know how it works, and I know how to use it, and more importantly I know how to use it against another player. I know precisely what effects of mine will trigger resolve, and by how much.


If the system is a bad system, then discuss the details of the system, but do not ever imply resolve is bugged. I have put resolve through it's paces over and over... I practically bank on it. It works. It is not bugged. It has never failed me.

Edited by TheGreatNeechi
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Yes, I play a character with no "charge".


EVERYTHING that effects movement should contribute to resolve. I could live with push's and pulls not contributing to it, but EVERYTHING that impairs or impedes my movement SHOULD.


Maybe it's time for YOU to understand that movement impairing skills, no matter what they're called, are simply NO FUN!


Actually, forced-movement skills (knockbacks and pulls) not being part of resolve system would be much worse than roots and slows.


Moving imparing skills may be not fun when you are on the receiving end, but they are necessary for game balance. Kiting and gap closing relies mostly on those 2 CC categories and those 2 aspects of pvp should be determined player vs player, not player vs protective game mechanism.

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I dont think resolve is broken. I do however think that it's not NEARLY strict enough.


Nobody should be chain stunned from full hp to dead while their resolve bar only makes it to half full. I just think it needs to be more strict.


They also need to add a few seconds of stun immunity after using a CC break skill. I mean what in the hell is the point in using a CC breaking skill if you can be immediately stunned again afterwards. People say "dont use it until your resolve is full blah blah blah" well...If you are dead before your resolve is full *** was the point in saving it?


I think as far as roots and snares go, they need their own diminishing returns. Just like in Rift where CC's and roots/snares have separate diminishing returns. It worked out great, you could not be CC'd more than twice in a row, and you could not be snared/rooted more than twice in a row. But Bioware sort of bottlenecked themselves here, I mean do they put in 2 resolve bars?

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Resolve isnt bugged, its just a piss poor system design to counteract the fact that there is ENTIRELY too much CC in this game. And even then it lolfails.


There's no reason that high damage ranged classes should have stuns, slows, roots, and knockbacks. It makes it OP no matter what the game or class is in ANY MMO.



The fact of the matter is - for those stubborn voices like Kaara in this thread- is OBVIOUSLY the greater portion of the community has a problem with having a full resolve bar and still being chain stunned/rooted/knocked back/slowed.


I don't need to post a video of it happening- and neither does the community. We all know we get chain stunned WITH full resolve, its not really a secret. Its happened to me so many times its funny, especially as a ball-carrier in Huttball.


What you don't get is the THEORY/DESIGN ideology is really quite stupid, as it takes away control of your character for pretty meaningful time portions of any WZ- and people DO NOT like that. Period. There's already too much CC in the game- if someone has a full resolve bar, that means they've already been CCed to death- IT DOESNT NEED TO HAPPEN ANYMORE with FULL RESOLVE!


Players don't find it fun to lose control of their avatars at any point, and have their ability to even COUNTER those things with defensive abilities or movement taken away.


Thats what YOU and Bioware are missing. The CC in this game is stupidly out of control because they are giving ranged DPS classes most of it- which is not even close to how a balanced PvP game works.


I could see the logic behind disarms or similar mechanics, as players still have control but are kept from using attacks or certain abilities under certain conditions. The problem with this game is that you have NO options when all the chain CC's start flying around.


I'll give you a good example. If you are melee toon and use force leap to close the distance, and a Sorc uses his knockback + root to stun you, then lol lightniong spams you- unless you have zealous leap qued, you're now at a distance again with no way to close the gap, and they are free to keep spamming their attacks on you when you can do NOTHING.


Lets say you do manage get back in range. 4 second stun FTW, they run, and spam you again. Lets say Force leap is recharged by then- you get back into melee ranged. Guess what- their knockback/root probably is as well. If not- guess what, they have another stun they can use on you or a slow, and you're left with your only closer on a cooldown most of the fight while any sensible Sorc is blasting your *** into oblivion while kiting. Get in range again, oh, don;t worry, they have Force speed to speed away and spam you some more.


You honestly think thats fun? If so, seems like you're as sadistic as Bioware wants you to be. Let me guess- do you also play a ranged class in this game?


Whats worse is- this is an example of what ONE Sorc can do in a game against a melee toon. Now go que up and face 6 of them in a WZ like we do constantly. Yeah..... :rolleyes:

Edited by Valant
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Resolve isnt bugged, its just a piss poor system design to counteract the fact that there is ENTIRELY too much CC in this game. And even then it lolfails.


There's no reason that high damage ranged classes should have stuns, slows, roots, and knockbacks. It makes it OP no matter what the game or class is in ANY MMO.



The fact of the matter is - for those stubborn voices like Kaara in this thread- is OBVIOUSLY the greater portion of the community has a problem with having a full resolve bar and still being chain stunned/rooted/knocked back/slowed.


I don't need to post a video of it happening- and neither does the community. We all know we get chain stunned WITH full resolve, its not really a secret. Its happened to me so many times its funny, especially as a ball-carrier in Huttball.


What you don't get is the THEORY/DESIGN ideology is really quite stupid, as it takes away control of your character for pretty meaningful time portions of any WZ- and people DO NOT like that. Period. There's already too much CC in the game- if someone has a full resolve bar, that means they've already been CCed to death- IT DOESNT NEED TO HAPPEN ANYMORE with FULL RESOLVE!


Players don't find it fun to lose control of their avatars at any point, and have their ability to even COUNTER those things with defensive abilities or movement taken away.


Thats what YOU and Bioware are missing. The CC in this game is stupidly out of control because they are giving ranged DPS classes most of it- which is not even close to how a balanced PvP game works.


I could see the logic behind disarms or similar mechanics, as players still have control but are kept from using attacks or certain abilities under certain conditions. The problem with this game is that you have NO options when all the chain CC's start flying around.


I'll give you a good example. If you are melee toon and use force leap to close the distance, and a Sorc uses his knockback + root to stun you, then lol lightniong spams you- unless you have zealous leap qued, you're now at a distance again with no way to close the gap, and they are free to keep spamming their attacks on you when you can do NOTHING.


Lets say you do manage get back in range. 4 second stun FTW, they run, and spam you again. Lets say Force leap is recharged by then- you get back into melee ranged. Guess what- their knockback/root probably is as well. If not- guess what, they have another stun they can use on you or a slow, and you're left with your only closer on a cooldown most of the fight while any sensible Sorc is blasting your *** into oblivion while kiting. Get in range again, oh, don;t worry, they have Force speed to speed away and spam you some more.


You honestly think thats fun? If so, seems like you're as sadistic as Bioware wants you to be. Let me guess- do you also play a ranged class in this game?


Whats worse is- this is an example of what ONE Sorc can do in a game against a melee toon. Now go que up and face 6 of them in a WZ like we do constantly. Yeah..... :rolleyes:


Wow, a really big L2P example... if you cant stick to a sorc as jugg/marauder, nothing in the world will help with your pvp experience.


Everyone knows you are often stunned with full resolve and dont need vid proof for this? Well, if everyone is often in that situation, it cant be so hard to find some proof in multiple youtube vids posted?


I will repeat - noone, ever, in no reslve is broken thread posted single 1 video proof for stun working on someone with full resolve bar. It is a bit strange if it is common, dont you think?


Again, post a proof and I will shout for fix to BW louder than any other forum member, I swear.


Until then, resolve is working fine. Prove otherwise.

Edited by Kaarsa
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Cheers, Kaarsa, great idea to start this thread. It maybe be hard to grasp the concept of resolve at first, and I saw quite a few 50-es (even battlemasters) who still didn't know what "that white bar" does, but it's no reason to say that something in that system is broken. It works perfectly well, makes great sense and I'd like it to stay the way it is. And, for the record, I play as a scoundrel, class with no charge/pull/knockback/whatever. And yet I use resolve and CC to my advantage all the time. No matter what class you are, you can always make it work.
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Wow, a really big L2P example... if you cant stick to a sorc as jugg/marauder, nothing in the world will help with your pvp experience.


Everyone knows you are often stunned with full resolve and dont need vid proof for this? Well, if everyone is often in that situation, it cant be so hard to find some proof in multiple youtube vids posted?


I will repeat - noone, ever, in no reslve is broken thread posted single 1 video proof for stun working on someone with full resolve bar. It is a bit strange if it is common, dont you think?


Again, post a proof and I will shout for fix to BW louder than any other forum member, I swear.


Until then, resolve is working fine. Prove otherwise.


Repeating it over and over and over and OVER doesn't make it any more fun.


As I said, sure, it may be working just fine, and if it is, how it's designed to work is for utter **edit**!


Being unable to move (CC'd), no matter HOW it happens or what you call it, is a BS game mechanic and absolutely NO FUN! There is NO reason a root shouldn't fill resolve the same way a snare does, or a knock down or knock back or a dizzy or a twirly or a mez or ANYTHING!!! I don't care what you wanna CALL it, EVERYTHING that impedes my movement SHOULD both FILL resolve AND be removed by my 'snare' breaker.


Again...resolve may very well work EXACTLY as designed...but it's an absolute **edit** design.

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