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Bh top dps


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my top dps overall was 430K



tracers for 2.8k, HSM for 5.6K

unload ticks 2.0 - 2.4k

DFA ticks 2.7k

rails shot 2.2 - 2.4k

power shot 2.2k


This is buffed with class buffs in rakata gear except the matrix cube and a champion relic.

And I have crafted augmented earpiece, one implant and xenotech belt.


And these are crits... with ia buff i get up to 41% crit

Edited by Wisz_Rethon
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Around 420ish


2 peice Rakata/mostly BM gear.


i tend to save the adrenals to 1v1 situations, ofthen get sombody who whants to follow me around =)


I think i can do more, but i play the objektives, heal team mates.


now days i get about 300k every match and im newer in a premade group.


If pocketheald and in a preemade i would do maybe 500k i guess, easy!

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I heard DPS means Damage Per Second, which is useless if the target has a healer who just heals thru it!


Moving on to the total "Damage Done" value which is also useless if people are getting healed thru it.

(i.e you're trying to kill a tank specced player instead of going for the healer laughing in your face and healing the tank ^^)


Play for objectives, peel people off the healers and focus on downing the enemy healers and keep objectives safe > Randomly zerging people to see high numbers and by that potentially loosing the game.


And if you're a merc, it always depends on how well the enemy team counters your immobile turret stance or if they let you just stand there.


Leveling a PT Pyro on the side as my merc is R70+ and nothing to spend BM tokens on, I can say that PT Pyro without the 1.2 internal cooldown nerf has great potential and utility with mobility and no need to worry about interrupts.

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Why has every reply been pvp focused? Most damage per second parses would come most reliably from pve encounters yes? OP is looking perhaps for PTS dummy parses?


Vague request tbh, maybe someone has data for PTS dummies ...

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Why has every reply been pvp focused? Most damage per second parses would come most reliably from pve encounters yes? OP is looking perhaps for PTS dummy parses?


Vague request tbh, maybe someone has data for PTS dummies ...


He asked for WZs:confused:, though DPS is thrown around as a misnomer more than half the time

Edited by dangbusta
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Ty all for posting you war zone scores that's not bad but I was comparing to my friend sorc who got 977k damage in a wz. I was w him am saw it. So my question is why is bw nerfing us. It's no we're close to that. I understand they want us to use other moves but instead of nerfing a viable skill which requires arsenal spec to use at least 3 times on 1 person why not buff other moves or at least let other moves leave a heat signatuthank it's worth using in the rotation. All i can see is our damage dropping come 1.2. Top wz damage I've seen on bh is 400kish which Is not insane. An that's fully geared bh. Maybe bw should stick to pve games like they have in the past cause obv pvp is not their strong point.
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While I agree that no NERF is in order, and I agree that Mercs are usually around the middle of the pack in damage done in WZ, I think you are missing something.


The changes they are enacting are most likely going to INCREASE our DPS. TM with the skill will active in the same 1.5 seconds for 16 heat, exactly the same. We will lose 10% damage per shot, but Unload will proc more often, plus Heatseeker will do 10% more damage. Remember Unload gets +25% damage when proc'd. So we will be using Unload more often, and Heatseeker will be more deadly. TM was never a DPS skill anyway.


Now, the NERF to DFA, that does hurt. It may even go from a must have to a remove from my bar type skill.

Edited by AAmedeo
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I get 4k tracers routinely (relic and wz adrenal popped), highest HSM I've ever gotten was 6.4k. This is with 2pc rakata and rakata weapons + BM for the rest of the slots and matrix cube (33% Crit 76% surge and as much power stacked around that).



I know we can hit ~700k in voidstar, 500k in huttball, 400+ in cw

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Ty all for posting you war zone scores that's not bad but I was comparing to my friend sorc who got 977k damage in a wz. I was w him am saw it. So my question is why is bw nerfing us. It's no we're close to that. I understand they want us to use other moves but instead of nerfing a viable skill which requires arsenal spec to use at least 3 times on 1 person why not buff other moves or at least let other moves leave a heat signatuthank it's worth using in the rotation. All i can see is our damage dropping come 1.2. Top wz damage I've seen on bh is 400kish which Is not insane. An that's fully geared bh. Maybe bw should stick to pve games like they have in the past cause obv pvp is not their strong point.


arsenal does not seem to be getting much of a nerf, while dps sorc is getting a big nerf


end of the day i bet with 977k damage he still did not do much killing, lots of aoes that just make people run


and kills in WZ stats dont count because if you damage them and they die you get a kill... that is just a guy epeening...


BH arsenal can take a guy down in 10-15 seconds and move on to the next guy... there is no way to parse out "effective" dps vs "stat padding" dps.

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Since then he has respec to full lighting. To practice with 1.2 nerf an he does consistently 600k his top was 713k . Always top on every wz list. I'm sure not every sorc will pull his numbers but as u can see its still high numbers. Although its a lot less than his 900k wz. Either way bh never comes close to this. An after dfa nerf gg .
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Since then he has respec to full lighting. To practice with 1.2 nerf an he does consistently 600k his top was 713k . Always top on every wz list. I'm sure not every sorc will pull his numbers but as u can see its still high numbers. Although its a lot less than his 900k wz. Either way bh never comes close to this. An after dfa nerf gg .


A bh never comes close to 600-700k? Well that's a lie. You seem to not really know what you're talking about. I do 400-600k most games, any less is disappointing. Most mercs are bad, hence them all getting like 150-300k and making us look bad in general.

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A bh never comes close to 600-700k? Well that's a lie. You seem to not really know what you're talking about. I do 400-600k most games, any less is disappointing. Most mercs are bad, hence them all getting like 150-300k and making us look bad in general.


I can see 400k for dmg done, and thats with minimal deaths and good heals. but 600k?!?!?!?! What spec are you!?

and i'm avg-in 350k-400k a full match.......... and im arsenal spec

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I can see 400k for dmg done, and thats with minimal deaths and good heals. but 600k?!?!?!?! What spec are you!?

and i'm avg-in 350k-400k a full match.......... and im arsenal spec


I suspect he is prob a PT Pyro posting in the wrong forum (happens often). Under the right conditions PT pyro (long Voidstar game with a pocket healer for example) can do some crazy damage. A merc doing more than 400K in a WZ had a pretty good game I would say.

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This has also got to vary by server. Early access servers are filled with lots of people who pre-ordered...aka somewhat hardcore players on average.


Later servers have more casual players then hardcores (theoretically).


A server with low PvP competition will allow good players to mop up in warzones. High pop servers with lots of hardcores / geared players are less likely to see insane damage numbers.


I'm almost a war hero and I don't think I've ever seen more than about 600k on our early access server. There's just not enough noobs to supply that much target practice.

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I got 568k on Voidstar with pyro last weekend - personal best.


I find it hard to believe that a merc regularly gets 400-600k every game and finds less than that disappointing. A few snipers I see regularly hit it though.

Edited by Diddley
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running wzs solo and usual result is around 300k with my merc pyro, personal best slightly over 400k but I am usually around 270-330 for most games. Which is by the way in first 3 top damages in 95% games on my server. I don't have any piece of rakata gear, I don't have full BM but 80% of it (I simple don't like look of any end game helmet so I am using some orange one with bm mods and enhanments but not with armoring and I know I am nerfing myself on expertise, having 404 or something like that and on some stats. I have cybertech so no access to end game stims and adrenals, just what I found on GTN.


So numbers over 500k sounds totally realistic for me, especially for arsenals.

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why is it so hard to believe we can put up over 600k as arsenal?


here's a 13min voidstar, premade with an awesome healer http://i.imgur.com/jh9q6.jpg


here's a full duration voidstar, solo q'd died once http://i.imgur.com/4i3pA.jpg


Thats pretty solid. But I'm on a server thats 98% dps, 1% tank, 1% healer. I don't see any pugs wtih 2 healers over 300k healing. I wish healers existed on Fatman.

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Right around 500k for both arsenal and pyro. In a long voidstar I pretty much always clear 400k. I guess I don't always keep track of exact numbers. I prefer pyro since I can hunt down enemies better and make sure they die. Overall damage is very similar, but being able to snare someone with sweltering heat while moving really helps make sure I finish the job (plus rapid shots are more powerful with pyro assuming the target is burning, so that is a another ability I can use while moving that can be effective). Plus increased stealth detection can be a life saver. Edited by McGarnagle
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