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Bioware Does Not Understand MMO Players


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You paid to play the game on December 20th. They're doing an early access for your benefit and theirs.


Just think, if they hadn't done a staggered release, there would be 5000 posts about how crappy the servers are and how Bioware doesn't understand how to run an MMO.


Most people are never happy.

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yeah, it is crystal clear that Bioware has no clue.


The thing is though if you go and check the Server Status list http://www.swtor.com/server-status you will see that the early access has gone quite well and most likely completely according to Bioware's plan. As you can see most servers have a "High" to "Medium" amount of players and some of those may be low because of folks who have early access today but are still at work....



Looks like a smashing success to me! :D

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People are refering to wow's launch problems even now, i've heard it repeated many times today by people as an example of a failed launch.


They seem to forget that WoW's launch was almost a decade ago and many mmos have launched without many problems since.


And last I checked, WoW is still going strong with more players than ever other MMO combined.


So...what's your point?

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How many MMO's have u actually been at launch for?


I would trade not playing today for 200,000 people being able to play on stable servers, and doubling that amount every day. If the servers remain stable rather then people sitting in 6 hour queues that keep getting reset because the server crashed every 35 minutes, and entire planets go down for hours at a time.




I've been a part of all AAA mmo launches since WoW, i wasn't a part of WoW launch itself, but all since. They all let everyone in from day 1 of servers going up, and they all did just fine. For me, this is the worst launch ever, it's the first time i've ever preordered an mmorpg and i can't play on first server up.

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MMO player handle lag, they handle log in queues especially in an early game start, what they don't ever handle well is waiting with little to no precise information.


They said starts at the 15th, they said starts at the 13'th. no one forced them to push the start 2 days ahead. The way they are handling it, they might as well have told us that Euro players get it first then US people later, following lists and announcing those lists are bad.


You don't tell mmo-players here you go, now you can start waiting if your lucky you get in if not you don't, if this is followed up with login queues in the holliday season, your loooking at bad buisness in the new year with new competeing mmo's and big titles lining up.

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1) Pre-Orders have been advertised since July. Like--- everywhere. If you chose to wait, that is no one's fault but your own.


2) BW added to extra days. They didn't have to do that but they did. Pretty amazing actually.


3) Every day they will be adding new servers. You will still be able to have your server first that will be forgotten 3 months from now.


4) Go ahead and cancel. Funny thing is, you'll still get the pre-launch invite and be able to log in. Which you know you will do.


Grow up people. It's a game.


"I Can't play this video game! EVERYONE AT THE COMPANY WHO MAKES IT IS A FAILURE!!" #Firstworldproblems

Edited by Beatmiser
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staggered launch is something every mmo SHOULD have done to avoid the huge issues like server imbalance, over populated starting areas and lagfests.. But they all end up caving and catering to the whiners ie YOU. Shut up and wait till its your turn, theres no "server firsts" here. Go back to WOW if thats what you are looking for.
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Bioware never must do:


1 - Arenas or any type of Rated PVP

2 - Listen to people that want everything easy, quick and dirty.

3 - Do not ever, ever, ever make something stupid like Look for Group, or worse, Look for Raid.

4 - Never NERF something that is hard.

5 - Never implement something stupid like wow currency system (valor / justice points)

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BTW to the OP official launch isn't until Dec 20th!


I really wish people would stop getting their *** hairs up over the use of the word LAUNCH.

My god, even BW said "This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™" - see that word in there..... launching.



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Bioware Does Not Understand MMO Players


What that the most vocal of you are some of the whinniest forms of life on the planet? That can't see that the way they're doing it is smart and makes it so launch is actually playable because they're so stuck up and selfish that they didn't get an inv in the first wave they're all crying?


Yea totally I don't think they want to understand them but would much rather cater to 90% of the people who pre-order who'd rather just play the *********** game(Letting 1mil+ people onto servers at the same time isn't how you do that BTW).

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The thing is though if you go and check the Server Status list http://www.swtor.com/server-status you will see that the early access has gone quite well and most likely completely according to Bioware's plan. As you can see most servers have a "High" to "Medium" amount of players and some of those may be low because of folks who have early access today but are still at work....



Looks like a smashing success to me! :D


All servers med-full, with only the lucky few able to play. Most players are still locked out of the game. Sounds just like a major fail mmo launch with crashing servers and queues. At least in the latter you'd have a higher percentage of players able to actually play and we'd all have an equal chance to play at that.

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staggered launch is something every mmo SHOULD have done to avoid the huge issues like server imbalance, over populated starting areas and lagfests.. But they all end up caving and catering to the whiners ie YOU. Shut up and wait till its your turn, theres no "server firsts" here. Go back to WOW if thats what you are looking for.


I don't play WoW, robmancool. You're so cool, to have cool in your name, why didn't I think of that, i'd be like so cool.


It's cool to call yourself cool, all the cool kids are doing it!

Edited by SinisterWarlock
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Honestly I would rather there have been absolutely no early access to this horse crap. This is gamer psychology fail 101. The rush of release is one of the pinnacle moments of MMO's and they blew it hard.


Then show Bioware how you feel about it, cancel your order, and go back to WoW.


Because whining on the forums accomplishes absolutely nothing.

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Actually, no one is going to give a flying crap after the 20th.


I'm confused, do you people exist in real life? Because I've never actually met anyone as whiny as the people on these forums.


Ha, have you never worked in customer service ever?

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- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.
Yeah, let start EVERYONE at the same second and the servers crash, makes for many more happy customers. Srsly, that was supposed to be a point?
- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.

- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.
Fanbois will whine all day long and then buy the second account so they can twink while they twink....

- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.

Small companies do much worse in fact.

- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.
Yes it does. It saves the others from the rabble. And it marks a 'do not cross' line for the whiners. Guess what happens if you let them influence the game? Then they'd lose even more people.

- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.
As far as I am aware they're only compiled into one thread, but do offer deeper insights. Besides if I ran this forum, I'd ban the whiny ones and move them to the end of the early access queue, so I think this is quite a nice way to deal with all this nonsense. Edited by Keyol
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Game hasnt launched yet...so im not sure why the OP is complaining. People should feel lucky to get in early and deserve it for pre ordering. I think this "New" type of launching will catch on and help fuel other mmo's when they are starting up. I like it.


Edit: Also those "hardcore" power levelers who only play to be the first to get to level cap should of been aware of the early access and planned accordingly. Just like every other facet of the power leveling race (quest paths, where/when to grind, when to isntance etc...), pre ordering was just another detail they had to cover

Edited by Ramingtonx
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- Tons of people want to be the First to do something on their server. This is the whole game to them. So it's already ruined for many people. Luckily I'm not like that but many are.


Those people have probably pre-ordered and are already starting.


- MMO Players are some of the meanest, whiniest most fickle customers you can ever have. Do not underestimate their negativity. A few bad decisions will destroy your game.


- Negativity breads more negativity which seriously brings down MMORPGs - all by itself. If you underestimate the negativity feedback loop then you've already lost.



I agree with you there. The problem is that it's the 1-3% that are vocal and end up ruining the game for the rest of us. I'm pretty tired of the hardcore vs. casual arguments.


- No company is too big to fail with MMOs.


- Just like in the stock market, it doesn't matter if you're a stable player who likes the stock/game, droves of pissed off negative people leaving your stock/game WILL HURT YOU. It hurts the game, which hurts you. So "Go back to WoW" is not a fix.


- Bioware has already started removing/closing posts to control the complaints. This sort of thing usually backfires.


I had this issue with the MMO Horizons. I actually loved playing the game, I had a good guild, lots of friends and was having fun. Besides...It was the ONLY game where you could be a dragon and fly! Anyway, they (Virtrium) destroyed the game when they "balanced" they game to make it more difficult. In the process, they overdid it and made it so you could barely solo a green-con mob. That's when it no longer became fun and I left. I'll play a game as long as it remains fun. Once I'm no longer having fun, I'll leave.

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If I ran an MMO Forum, rampant negativity would be squashed immediately, for the exact reason OP said. The negative feedback loop cannot be avoided or stopped. It can only be crushed with extreme prejudice. I agree, mass closing threads is a bad idea. Outright deleting them and IP banning left and right with abandon, privately and with no announcement, is the best way to go.


You can't scream and whine when you're dead without warning.


Forums should not be run like a democracy. They should be run like Darth Vader's Empire. My first priority as a CM would be making sure I had the ability to ban someone with a single click. Also, unless there's an active account attached to game, you no get to post.


* Ranting, nonconstructive threads about a game should be deleted and the poster banned for 1 week, first offense. Repeat offense within one month = Permaban.


* "I quit" posts immediately result in a permanent ban from the forums. You quit, so here's the door. Permaban.


* Constructive, well-thought out threads about the game should be immediately deleted, but a copy forwarded onto the feedback team along with a PM sent to the poster thanking them. Anyone who reposts, 1 week ban. Peramban on second offense in a month.


* Anyone commenting on my draconian forum moderation would be IP banned permanently. First offense, Permaban.


* No appeals. Not worth wasting my time. If you posted something that made my ban finger twitch the wrong way, it was close enough. ;)


Bioware, please listen to OP and FLATTEN this negativity. You gain nothing from it. ;)

Edited by McVade
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