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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


If you have a dead server where you cant get a group ever what kind of community do you REALLY have. I feel like this is a stock response. The easy stuff I dont need community for. You will still have to maintain community for a good pvp team or an operation team. Boring content I dont want to spam in a dead fleet without a full server communication method. If community is so good why do so few use the LFG tool?

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I was originally against the idea of a cross-server LFG, but that was when I thought my server had a high enough population to support its own LFG pool. Now I don't think it would work unless the tool was cross-server.
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and how about Hott and Voss?



no-one except so-smart-you can do that…


i heard this like 100 times already


one of the reasons why "LFG flag" is s**t - it is completely passive, you flag yourself and pray that someone will invite you, but real world is cruel and almost every spot for you in fp grpups will be taken by players who stayed at fleet, react fast for spam LFM and actively search for groups, or among 10players that flagged LFG new groups will pick not you (who flagged like several hours already) but another player who joined only half a minute ago

Make up your mind people. Is it too hard to find people for a party or not? It's either one or the other. If it's hard to find people then they'd take you regardless of what planet you're on. You're trying to tell me they'll see you wanting to go on another planet and not invite you because you're not on fleet!?!?!?

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Make up your mind people. Is it too hard to find people for a party or not? It's either one or the other. If it's hard to find people then they'd take you regardless of what planet you're on. You're trying to tell me they'll see you wanting to go on another planet and not invite you because you're not on fleet!?!?!?


It's very hard...period. Maybe not on your server. But for a lot of players it is. The tools in the game donot work for the majority of us. That is what we have been saying. You can put yourself flagged and stay that way for hours and never get a invite for a Flashpoint. Oh...you may get a whisper from someone on the planet you are doing for a 2 man heroic which most of those can be soloed anyway. It is "end game content" ( Flashpoints, Operations ) we need a cross server Looking for group tool for. Simple logic will tell you it will not work on a single low population server.

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There shouldn't even be a debate about what is needed in this game. Like everything else in this game you have the OPTION to not do things that you don't want to. Just like the LFG or FP/dungeon finder, you the end user, have the option to NOT USE IT. So by all means don't use it when it comes out. But to sit there and cut people down that want it is ludicris.
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All I'm seeing are people who seem to be jumping on a bandwagon without actually understanding what the issues were/are. The "community" argument? It's been debated and facts given over and over again already, so doesn't need to be done again (but no doubt it will no matter how painless and enjoyable it turns out to be after it's added if it ever does).


The instant porting issue? What these people don't seem to realize is that in world of warcraft as great as that feature is, there WAS something lost, and that something doesn't even exist in this game. GETTING TO THE DUNGEONS COULD BE ABSOLUTELY EPIC ADVENTURES. No, they weren't based from a major hub where you ported to a shuttle and selected an instance. No way. They were out in the world and in out of the way places. And if you hadn't unlocked a flight path, well. You could have a really, really long trek, which frequently took players across entire zones. On foot before they had mounts. And in the case of some, higher level areas where you literally died your way there. Some are in enemy territory. They could be in continents you hadn't even been to. There are new players since LFG who don't even know how to find the instance portal if they die, let alone where they are on the map. And before you say I'm making all this up, look up Scarlet Monestary, Shadowfang Keep, Deadmines, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs just to name a few.


It's a non-applicable argument in this game. It's convenience at the cost of nothing at all.


Depends on whether or not a cross server LFG tool was the only tool available like it is in WoW. If the choice is one or the other then I vote no. But then again, all these spoils come back to people wanting this game's fresh coat of paint to be just like their other game's coat of paint - only fresher.

Actually I was under the impression that in SWTOR there was very little difference between tanks, healers and dps's to the point where a flexible group make-up would still be viable. That would be something which could render this request unnecessary. But the game isn't like that. And there isn't a viable alternative to this feature. It's all been tried numerous time and failed. There is an alternative, though. No individual servers. A different system more like EVE or GuildWars. Just one or two massive server/s. Apart from "L2P" or "get more friends and make them log on more", is there any other alternative?

Edited by Darnu
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Actually I was under the impression that in SWTOR there was very little difference between tanks, healers and dps's to the point where a flexible group make-up would still be viable. That would be something which could render this request unnecessary. But the game isn't like that. And there isn't a viable alternative to this feature. It's all been tried numerous time and failed. There is an alternative, though. No individual servers. A different system more like EVE or GuildWars. Just one or two massive server/s. Apart from "L2P" or "get more friends and make them log on more", is there any other alternative?


Yeah, when I first leveled up it was difficult finding someone who was caple of healing/tanking out of spec which slowed things down. After all the tanks/heals leveled there was a shortage of tanks/heals leveling and is one of the reasons why no one does flashpoints while leveling. Dual spec while leveling would of helped this tremendously like in WoW, oh well.

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*hold out hand*


please, Bioware, may I have LFG tool? :(


Go watch the Podcast video when they talk about LFG, it's all a bunch of fat americans who literally play 6+ hours a day. They don't want to lose their elite position by adding a LFG.

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Go watch the Podcast video when they talk about LFG, it's all a bunch of fat americans who literally play 6+ hours a day. They don't want to lose their elite position by adding a LFG.


There were actually quite a few European guilds there. But your biased opinion probably overruled your ability to notice that.


Somebody linked a video of the Guild Summit part where they talked about an LFG tool. The room overwhelmingly cheered when they heard it was server-only. This also means your European brethren didn't want it as well. Somebody earlier stated it was due to a stacked audience that was hand picked by BioWare, which is actually incorrect. If you applied and were capable of making the summit, you were almost guaranteed an invite. My guild was invited because I applied for us, but unfortunately our only Texas native was going to be out of state at the time, and couldn't make it.

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I cancelled my account today. I stupidly subbed for 6 months initially. When I unsubbed, I told BW they have until my sub expires to find a way to get me into groups quickly and painlessly or I'll take my money and time elsewhere.


I don't care how they do it. They could do single-server LFG, x-Server LFG, or find a way to get so many people onto my server that there are always groups easy to make when I spam the General channel.


I don't really care.


But I'm pretty sure if there's no x-server LFG by the time my sub is up, I'll be playing GuildWars 2 instead of SWTOR.


Another I need it now player....Is sad really.

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Once again guys, let me remind you they are adding a LFG tool, server side only for PVE, cross server for PVP....the issue with that and the subject of this thread is a Cross Server one for PVE also. A server side only LFG tool for PVE is not going to help much at all on low pop servers when it comes to wait times to get a group. Edited by Valkirus
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The instant porting issue? What these people don't seem to realize is that in world of warcraft as great as that feature is, there WAS something lost, and that something doesn't even exist in this game. GETTING TO THE DUNGEONS COULD BE ABSOLUTELY EPIC ADVENTURES. No, they weren't based from a major hub where you ported to a shuttle and selected an instance. No way. They were out in the world and in out of the way places. And if you hadn't unlocked a flight path, well. You could have a really, really long trek, which frequently took players across entire zones. On foot before they had mounts. And in the case of some, higher level areas where you literally died your way there. Some are in enemy territory. They could be in continents you hadn't even been to. There are new players since LFG who don't even know how to find the instance portal if they die, let alone where they are on the map. And before you say I'm making all this up, look up Scarlet Monestary, Shadowfang Keep, Deadmines, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs just to name a few.


You realize that every freaking flashpoint is based at the fleet in this game right? So I'm not sure what is 'lost' by getting a port to the entrance instead of fighting through loading screens to get there.

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There were actually quite a few European guilds there. But your biased opinion probably overruled your ability to notice that.


Somebody linked a video of the Guild Summit part where they talked about an LFG tool. The room overwhelmingly cheered when they heard it was server-only. This also means your European brethren didn't want it as well. Somebody earlier stated it was due to a stacked audience that was hand picked by BioWare, which is actually incorrect. If you applied and were capable of making the summit, you were almost guaranteed an invite. My guild was invited because I applied for us, but unfortunately our only Texas native was going to be out of state at the time, and couldn't make it.


I think Bioware needs to look not at how some players reacted at a summit, but rather at how many subs they will lose without a cross server tool for PVE. :cool: To say the audience there represent the majority of the player base is not being realistic.

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There were actually quite a few European guilds there. But your biased opinion probably overruled your ability to notice that.


Somebody linked a video of the Guild Summit part where they talked about an LFG tool. The room overwhelmingly cheered when they heard it was server-only. This also means your European brethren didn't want it as well. Somebody earlier stated it was due to a stacked audience that was hand picked by BioWare, which is actually incorrect. If you applied and were capable of making the summit, you were almost guaranteed an invite. My guild was invited because I applied for us, but unfortunately our only Texas native was going to be out of state at the time, and couldn't make it.


So if you had the time/money to get to Texas you could cheer at whatever crumbs Bioware threw out? That sounds like hardcore players to me, which do NOT make up the majority of players. Even if they did represent a true cross-section of the playerbase it would remind me of election projections-"With 0.5% of the votes counted we declare candidate X the winner. The rest of you might as well just go home."


Again, if they wanted real numbers they could do an in-game poll.

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All I'm seeing are people who seem to be jumping on a bandwagon without actually understanding what the issues were/are. The "community" argument? It's been debated and facts given over and over again already, so doesn't need to be done again (but no doubt it will no matter how painless and enjoyable it turns out to be after it's added if it ever does).


Those facts are not facts at all, but either made up stories, or at best, your own personal opinion. And to say that we are deliberately jump on a bandwagon, what bandwagon? People who want cross-server are the ones jumping on the bandwagon. Cross-server from that other game is the "latest fad". Anti-cross-server-LFD people cannot jump on the bandwagon that isn't the latest fad.


Without understanding what the issues are? What an arrogant statement. Many of us have played WoW before LFD, and we are intelligent enough to understand the issues and we have explained many times why we do not want cross-server LFD. The idea that only people like you understand the issues is very arrogant and I suggest you refrain from that attitude if you want to be taken seriously.


Unlike you who just tout out words like "debated over and over again" and "you people don't understand the issues, we do", I'm gonna give you REAL FACTS that people don't want cross server group finder. They do want group finder, but single server only.


Watch this from the 12:05 mark.


When he mentioned that it would be single-server only, people started cheering when they didn't have to. This is PROOF that a lot of people want single-server dungeon finder.


The MC even understand the issues, that with reputation, "random AFK dude" won't be so AFK. He is bound by his language, but what he really wanted to say was, people will not be so obnoxious once there are consequences. Cross-server will encourage bad behavior because people are from different servers and nothing will happen if they engage in disruptive behavior.


The people who are at the guild summit know what the issues are, ask good questions, are civilized, and don't just start accusing the devs of not understanding the issue the moment they hear something they don't like to hear.


The instant porting issue? What these people don't seem to realize is that in world of warcraft as great as that feature is, there WAS something lost, and that something doesn't even exist in this game. GETTING TO THE DUNGEONS COULD BE ABSOLUTELY EPIC ADVENTURES. No, they weren't based from a major hub where you ported to a shuttle and selected an instance. No way. They were out in the world and in out of the way places. And if you hadn't unlocked a flight path, well. You could have a really, really long trek, which frequently took players across entire zones. On foot before they had mounts. And in the case of some, higher level areas where you literally died your way there. Some are in enemy territory. They could be in continents you hadn't even been to. There are new players since LFG who don't even know how to find the instance portal if they die, let alone where they are on the map. And before you say I'm making all this up, look up Scarlet Monestary, Shadowfang Keep, Deadmines, Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs just to name a few.


It's a non-applicable argument in this game. It's convenience at the cost of nothing at all.


Funny that at the start of your post, you said that "It's been debated and facts given over and over again already, so doesn't need to be done again" yet here you are enthusiastically debating this part, but not the first part. I wonder why?


Here is one sign that people like you, didn't even play the game. There are actually instant ports from planet straight to fleet without using up your emergency fleet. The fact that you made no mention or critique of it shows you do not know all facts.


In WoW, why do you think you cannot have the AH at every location instead of just the main cities? Why can't you give people this AH convenience of it being available everywhere?


Answer: Community. They want one in the major city.

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You realize that every freaking flashpoint is based at the fleet in this game right? So I'm not sure what is 'lost' by getting a port to the entrance instead of fighting through loading screens to get there.


Really? Which ship is Battle of Ilum and False Emporer on then??

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Those facts are not facts at all, but either made up stories, or at best, your own personal opinion. And to say that we are deliberately jump on a bandwagon, what bandwagon? People who want cross-server are the ones jumping on the bandwagon. Cross-server from that other game is the "latest fad". Anti-cross-server-LFD people cannot jump on the bandwagon that isn't the latest fad.


Without understanding what the issues are? What an arrogant statement. Many of us have played WoW before LFD, and we are intelligent enough to understand the issues and we have explained many times why we do not want cross-server LFD. The idea that only people like you understand the issues is very arrogant and I suggest you refrain from that attitude if you want to be taken seriously.


Unlike you who just tout out words like "debated over and over again" and "you people don't understand the issues, we do", I'm gonna give you REAL FACTS that people don't want cross server group finder. They do want group finder, but single server only.


Watch this from the 12:05 mark.


When he mentioned that it would be single-server only, people started cheering when they didn't have to. This is PROOF that a lot of people want single-server dungeon finder.


The MC even understand the issues, that with reputation, "random AFK dude" won't be so AFK. He is bound by his language, but what he really wanted to say was, people will not be so obnoxious once there are consequences. Cross-server will encourage bad behavior because people are from different servers and nothing will happen if they engage in disruptive behavior.


The people who are at the guild summit know what the issues are, ask good questions, are civilized, and don't just start accusing the devs of not understanding the issue the moment they hear something they don't like to hear.




Funny that at the start of your post, you said that "It's been debated and facts given over and over again already, so doesn't need to be done again" yet here you are enthusiastically debating this part, but not the first part. I wonder why?


Here is one sign that people like you, didn't even play the game. There are actually instant ports from planet straight to fleet without using up your emergency fleet. The fact that you made no mention or critique of it shows you do not know all facts.


In WoW, why do you think you cannot have the AH at every location instead of just the main cities? Why can't you give people this AH convenience of it being available everywhere?


Answer: Community. They want one in the major city.



OK so they're stories. Many stories. Not just my personal experience (read previous posts in thread - I played wow long before LFG let alone cross-server) and those of people I know, but also official numbers support it. Those people who feel all entitled? They were there before LFG came out (remember the whining about people not geared enough for an attempt in COS for the drake? Classic example. People getting kicked from the group and whinging in trade and ensuing *****torms?. Ninjas? Before LFG came out. Meeting people on your server? Didn't stop with LFG, and if anything the biggest barrier is that people play with guildies and friends instead of meeting new people. LFG didn't change that. I'm sorry if you're one of those people who once people had the choice of doing things with you or strangers chose to go with strangers, but that isn't everyone's experience.


I'm sorry, but you're not in the majority. And go back and read posts about population of wow servers and SWTOR servers. With a server cap of 1200 as well as promoting rolling alts instead of end-game and being marketed to casual players, does that sound like this game can even be comparable to wow?


So do tell. If I'm saying you can be ported from Fleet to all the Flashpoints, what is lost by the convenience? Once again the only people BW/EA listen to are people who are anti everything that they don't want and who don't even try to see why people want it. Who don't even have a deep interest in the matter. 4 threads on this issue, many asking for it and none of those people or their experiences matter to you. Unbelievable.


I get it. You don't want to play with people who aren't on your server. I would like to be able to do the content I would like to choose. For a game that is so casual and a population so sparse the term MMO doesn't really apply how is cross-server a bad thing? Why do you believe that those people opposed to the tool porting you to the dungeon is wrong? Why do you feel waiting for someone who was out in the world doing things to start a dungeon is such an integral part of the game it's wrong to have it just for the sake of convenience and that it's lazy?


And also that video has already been discussed on this thread. Only a few pages back.

Edited by Darnu
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