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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I wouldn't expect a merge any time soon.


While the existing players may want it, the problem is that when potential new customers hear that SWTOR is having a server merge _already_, it gives the impression that the game is flopping.

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I don't understand some people.


Server population is clearly a problem. Some people, myself included, are unfortunate enough to be on a server with a low population where we are unable to enjoy a number of this game's features, like flashpoints and PvP. Some of those same people have already invested dozens of hours into at least one character, and don't have the time to start over on a different server.


With that in mind: why on earth are people still defending Bioware and saying that a transfer/merger is unnecessary? It wouldn't affect those opposing, it can only help players who want to experience the multiplayer portion of this game.

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With that in mind: why on earth are people still defending Bioware and saying that a transfer/merger is unnecessary? It wouldn't affect those opposing, it can only help players who want to experience the multiplayer portion of this game.


They have already weighed in on the subject, your going to have to wait.


Saying "are we there yet" over and over doesn't make you get any closer.

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They have already weighed in on the subject, your going to have to wait.


Saying "are we there yet" over and over doesn't make you get any closer.


"Are we there yet" can also be a little motivation to get to drive faster.

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I wouldn't expect a merge any time soon.


While the existing players may want it, the problem is that when potential new customers hear that SWTOR is having a server merge _already_, it gives the impression that the game is flopping.



I don't understand the logic in this. Every game that comes out, that's hyped will have a huge explosion in players and will over a few months die down, regardless of the genre. Too many servers at launch, may have been the right move. Regardless, now is the time to keep the current customers happy - 1.2, and populated servers. If those currently paying are happy more will come.


The alternative, do nothing and lose including myself will leave within the month - now THAT will drive away 'new' customers.

Edited by nosmos
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I am just completely taken back by the fact that there has been no response.


Instead when a new thread starts up regarding this issue - and is locked, the moderator simply says "Hey there! We have people chiming about this issue in another thread, please go there! Thanks"!@@TTER##




It's Saturday EFFIN night and my server has 40 people on the fleet. Oh, lets see I'll pvp with my latest (4th) 50 assassin - oh huttball 24/7 FUN STUFF...Hmm only 5 guild members on ok, maybe I can find a pug group to do hm or normal operations on - good luck with that!


What the hell bioware? You guys respond to the 1.2 armour stuff, and countless other crap in the dev tracker and yet this is just out of sight, out of mind...nothing is being said until they have a resolution - well I would recommend saying SOMETHING before then.


1.2 is due out when, in a few weeks? If nothing is announced by the launch of 1.2 to fix this issue, I am out - along with the 35 percent of those on the consistently light servers.


P.S: Yes I am pissed off, I have had enough with this no reply crap. Transfer one of my 50's to the fatman or something. Give me something to do. FFS

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I wouldn't expect a merge any time soon.


While the existing players may want it, the problem is that when potential new customers hear that SWTOR is having a server merge _already_, it gives the impression that the game is flopping.


I wouldn't either, why? because it's something the game needs and it's something the players actually want.


A potential new customer could tell which servers are hot and which are not hopefully. Not like there's anything directing people to actually play on low pop servers either.


Those that have leveled multiple level 50's with populations that were like the The Fat Man upon launch, but has dwindled to a third of that or worse now. Can see the need for merges and free transfers (I know people would love to pay to do so but the thought of paid transfers makes me cringe and I think that would be a weak move to profit off of players server choices at launch)


Yes please gimme some legacy fluff and mix-match warzones when the world feels empty and there's no one to share it with anymore.


The forums alone can tell the tale that the game is flopping, the impression isn't going to get any better when issues like this are ignore either.

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It's fair to think that Bioware has their hands full if they don't respond to a very serious and obvious problem as dead servers.


Rather than address the issue they label servers with 50 people as "standard" population.

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Dude if it mattered to you that much then you would have researched it. They are already working on server transfers. That's it. Don't play if you don't want to play.


The EA/Bioware CFO must love you.


"If you don't want to drive an AMC car go drive a Toyota !"


Yeah! That's gonna work out well for this game.

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I love how the re-roll apologists haven't mentioned about losing your orignal name which will be the case to a bigger/larger server, I could swallow my legacy but not my unique name :(


I've already had to change two of my character names as I re-rolled to a new server. Didn't bother me a bit or influence my enjoyment of the game in the least.

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From what I'm seeing the pops are dropping continuously even on well populated servers. My first roll was on nathema witch is the 4th least populated server. Sometimes i was alone on a planet. I switched to mind trick republic and empire. Ten times better but i Had to start two new toons and wasted 2 months of game time. The fact that Bioware does not have the guts to even address the issue tells me they dont care about their players. I think if they dont address pop or offer transfers in the next 3 months Ill unsub. Its star wars yes but I cannot deal with this level of incompetence.
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I am just completely taken back by the fact that there has been no response.


Instead when a new thread starts up regarding this issue - and is locked, the moderator simply says "Hey there! We have people chiming about this issue in another thread, please go there! Thanks"!@@TTER##




It's Saturday EFFIN night and my server has 40 people on the fleet. Oh, lets see I'll pvp with my latest (4th) 50 assassin - oh huttball 24/7 FUN STUFF...Hmm only 5 guild members on ok, maybe I can find a pug group to do hm or normal operations on - good luck with that!


What the hell bioware? You guys respond to the 1.2 armour stuff, and countless other crap in the dev tracker and yet this is just out of sight, out of mind...nothing is being said until they have a resolution - well I would recommend saying SOMETHING before then.


1.2 is due out when, in a few weeks? If nothing is announced by the launch of 1.2 to fix this issue, I am out - along with the 35 percent of those on the consistently light servers.


P.S: Yes I am pissed off, I have had enough with this no reply crap. Transfer one of my 50's to the fatman or something. Give me something to do. FFS


This sums up my feelings quite well.


One of the other guys mentioned going back to WoW...well even that flashed across my mind last night (with a shudder down my spine) when there were <50 people on Imp Fleet at 21:00 :(


I do enjoy this game but I do think that BW could use patch 1.2 to implement all of the 'nice' features in the world and it would not stop people leaving in their droves unless the issue of falling population is adressed.

Edited by PalihoJ
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I joined this game with 2 friends.

1 bought 6 months, but has not been on now for the last month as he says he is bored with too few people on the server.

My other friend unsubbed as he was fed up with this too and went back to WoW.


Last night there was a handful of people on Ilum. I count myself lucky to join a group for heroic. That was rare. I hadn't done that in over a month.


In Fleet it was down to 15 players and my guild looked dead.


So now my friends have gone, I'm sort of holding out for server merge and maybe one will come back online. It took me 3 months to get 1 char to lvl50. I don't fancy doing it all over again on another server to find the same happens there.


How long will I wait? 2 weeks max I guess. I mean it's not as if this has been unknown.

I can put up with game bugs, graphics glitches etc...

I have no real care on Legacy or the 1.2 content.

I just want to play star wars with others and not on my own.

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Well, its not an impression. İts a fact and BW must face it.


Haha, you're cute. 1.7 million subs and growing... yep! Total flop!


Here's an idea for you people on standard-load servers: How about trying to make a desirable community? Instead of being full of vitriol and bile? My server is thriving, and it has a great community. I would never even know people were unhappy with the game, if I didn't come to the general forums for a good laugh.

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I was just reading the post:


I can't believe it, really Bioware/EA haven't answered this still?


No wretched response of any kind at least??


The people is just asking for some information about this issue.




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