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1.2 Legacy Armor is Disappointing.


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Even though the PVP armors are fugly I could care less since I don't pvp much. The main problem I have is that 90% of the "New" Legacy armors is that they are just recolored versions of full orange sets we already have in game!!! I mean c'mon I saw like maybe 5 or so sets that were actually new. Don't get me wrong I'm totally stoked to finally have the belt look I've been wanting on my Smuggler and to FINALLY have an orange belt and bracers on my marauder but did you really have to give us skirts again?!? Go get some Lightsabers and put a skirt on then try to emulate our moves in game and see what happens... go ahead I'll wait.

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I think the point of legacy gears was to make you stand out as an experienced player from the start, hence the the reskined icon gear. While new players are going to have starter planet commendation shirt in BT the Legacy BH is Boba Fett look.
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I think the point of legacy gears was to make you stand out as an experienced player from the start, hence the the reskined icon gear. While new players are going to have starter planet commendation shirt in BT the Legacy BH is Boba Fett look.


I can see that logic but why didn't they make "New" sets for all the classes instead of just a few? And I'm not trying to be super sexy on my male marauder, I want to look good and be functional at the same time. Where is our non-robotic gear with hoods up at?!?

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Don't get me wrong I'm totally stoked to finally have the belt look I've been wanting on my Smuggler and to FINALLY have an orange belt and bracers on my marauder but did you really have to give us skirts again?!? Go get some Lightsabers and put a skirt on then try to emulate our moves in game and see what happens... go ahead I'll wait.


Maybe the lower Robes are supposed to be more like a Hakama? And for those that don't know .... they look very much like a skirt, but really are a very large pant. And I could do quite of few of the moves in the game with a Hakama on.


Let me just say ... that I don't disagree with you. Just wanted to point out your last line really. :)

Edited by Yeren
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Buy orange agent leggings, profit. Or hell, use one of the many available orange marauder leggings that aren't skirts :rolleyes:


I'm already wearing agent leggings and a jacket and I look horrible. I would like to see these orange marauder pants because I've only come across one pair the whole time and I've been playing since early release.

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Maybe the lower Robes are supposed to be more like a Hakama? And for those that don't know .... they look very much like a skirt, but really are a very large pant. And I could do quite of few of the moves in the game with a Hakama on.


Let me just say ... that I don't disagree with you. Just wanted to point out your last line really. :)


Maybe so but Juggernauts and Marauders are both warriors and Juggs really don't have this problem is all I'm saying.

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It would be nice if one of the maurader sets of legacy armour wasn't a skirt to give more options.


They also don't look as epic as I would have imagined for legacy armour and costing a million credits for the set without any mods. I'd wager with a few credits, comms and missions you can outfit most the stuff short of a belt and bracers (as they don't exist currently as orange). So for this to be LEGACY Armour and 1 million credits I expected more Iconic.

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It would be nice if one of the maurader sets of legacy armour wasn't a skirt to give more options.


They also don't look as epic as I would have imagined for legacy armour and costing a million credits for the set without any mods. I'd wager with a few credits, comms and missions you can outfit most the stuff short of a belt and bracers (as they don't exist currently as orange). So for this to be LEGACY Armour and 1 million credits I expected more Iconic.



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Getting very tired of the ugly, lazy designs of new armors. It's not like bioware doesn't know what looks good and what doesn't... they always have awesome looking sets in their trailers yet they are not available in game. These armors are rejects from the bottom of the garbage can they just slapped together and called "legacy armors"


check out what the marauder is wearing in this trailer




that's what I want, not this crap...

Edited by Angelshooter
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You asked me for a constructive feed back BW so here it is (input surrounding Sith Warriors/Inquisitors):






2) I Can't stress this enough both Jedi and Sith MUST HAVE A HOOD ON/OFF OPTION on Every armor they wear!



3) For refference on a good costume design: Look at the original Darth Revan, Darth Vader, Darth Nihilus, Starkiller's stalker armor just to name a few. These are a REALLY cool looking designs as they give this star wars feel to it.



I like your SWTOR Cinematic Sith warriors gear design and that's how it should be!

instead of them wearing short sleeves robe you could replace it with cape like the one Darth Malgus wore - and once again MASK underneath HOOD is a MUST!!!



Under/inner Robe is a must too on both Jedis and Siths, for example look at your Sith warrior's Heavy Ancient Vindicator chest piece, it has under/inner robe but it is WAAAAAYYYY TOO SHORT!!! and this under robe SHOULD be a sepparate piece instead of making it one - piece to the cape.



Skirts on Sith Inquisitor's gear and Jedi cosulars... REALLY !!???SKIRTS!!?? I assume that you get this skirt idea from Darth Revan, but it will be so much better if the skirts have splits/cuts, so it does not look streched as if the characters are wearing rubber skirts.



ROBOTIC feel is good BUT you overused it too much! look at your RAKATA gear for Sith warriors for example! if you tone it down, darker color scheme, throw a hood with cape with mask undernath it. A simple change like that for me is to die for!






READ AND LISTEN TO OUR INPUTS PLEASE! you have to understand BW... your gear designs really1000000x sucks big time!!!!



IF YOU READ THIS - PLEASE REPLY TO ACKNOWLEDGE to let us know that you're listening to ur feedbacks and inputs!

Edited by Altaress
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Everything is so ugly.

Open the door to the moders community, some of them are 100 times more talented.

A MMO its all about the characters you are playing and if you can't find the right clothes, armors your only hope is to leave the game and look elsewhere.

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