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The rakghouls aren't scary.


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Why is it that in game they talk about the rakghouls being such a threat capable of turning you into a monster by spreading a contagious disease yet our character seems to be immune?


I can dive into hordes of rakghouls and have them beat on me yet the worst I get is a debuff that reduces my health by 1-5%.


How do they explain my character unable to turn into a rakghoul? Seems awfully convenient I am the only one immune to the disease apparently...

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Why is it that in game they talk about the rakghouls being such a threat capable of turning you into a monster by spreading a contagious disease yet our character seems to be immune?


I can dive into hordes of rakghouls and have them beat on me yet the worst I get is a debuff that reduces my health by 1-5%.


How do they explain my character unable to turn into a rakghoul? Seems awfully convenient I am the only one immune to the disease apparently...


So you want your character to become a mindless shell?

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Wouldn't it be cool if they infected you, and then you couldn infect other people, and then those people would infect others as well as NPCs, and it would even spread to the Imperial Fleet (and Republic counterpart)...yeah.
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Why is it that in game they talk about the rakghouls being such a threat capable of turning you into a monster by spreading a contagious disease yet our character seems to be immune?


I can dive into hordes of rakghouls and have them beat on me yet the worst I get is a debuff that reduces my health by 1-5%.


How do they explain my character unable to turn into a rakghoul? Seems awfully convenient I am the only one immune to the disease apparently...


There is a quest on taris where you need to get infected by the rakghoul disease in order for a scientist to draw antibodies from you to make a vaccine.

She sais something along the lines of "only someone of the utmost physical excellence can withstand the disease." so i guess youre simply one of the very small percentage that can withstand the disease.


but that small percentage is nothing compared to the millions and millions that arent immune and get turned into rakghouls.

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It's a game. Your character cannot die. Nothing is scary when your worst case scenario is to click a button and after a fade-to-black, come to in a medical center.


(I'm not complaining.)


That's not true. I mean beyond the death mechanics in this game. There aren't any severe penalties for death in L4D (2), yet those games manage to be terrifying. That is, of course, until you've played them over and over again. Why?


Because what makes something terrifying is usually the unknown factor. Almost all of us fear something because we don't understand it. Dark water (what's below the surface?), the night (what's behind that shadow?), and some creature staring at you with lifeless eyes (what's it thinking?)--to set up a few examples.


When you add in some moody lighting and eerie music, you've got yourself a horrific encounter.


My impression of rakghouls is that we're told they're terrifying, horrible monstrosities yet the way they're presented leaves much to be desired. If you play Republic side, you encounter your first rakghouls as little more than another monster mob in broad daylight. The Empire has the benefit of seeing them at night, yet it could hardly be called night when you can see just as far and clearly as you could on Republic Taris.


They could use some terrifying screams, some interesting game mechanics, and some suspense (what if you didn't see them until it was too late?).


I'm with you, OP. They're a disappointment.

Edited by Dezzi
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Wouldn't it be cool if they infected you, and then you couldn infect other people, and then those people would infect others as well as NPCs, and it would even spread to the Imperial Fleet (and Republic counterpart)...yeah.


Read this in a 9 year old's voice. This made me laugh.

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Why is it that in game they talk about the rakghouls being such a threat capable of turning you into a monster by spreading a contagious disease yet our character seems to be immune?


That's kind of a recurring theme in SWTOR. The stories talk up someone, and you being the prodigy have no problems in dispatching him. That's why the story is completely comical in the later levels. I've killed thousands of imperials, and some NPC laughs when I say surrender or you are dead, then it's me versus 1 LT and 2 normal fall over easy guys. At least show a little fear. :rolleyes:

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It would be so cool to have a medication to prevent you from becoming a Rakghoul. THen they could implement something like a temporary transformation from getting infected after so many stacks and you would become a mindless creature attacking friendly NPCs and mates until it wore off.


It would almost be like the Lichking came to SWTOR! :) The Ghouls of WoW when the RotLK patch was released made it worthwhile to play for that period. Then it ended. boohoo... that was back in the day when DKs were heroic.

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Read this in a 9 year old's voice. This made me laugh.


He started to sound like he wanted the WOW zombie plague but reading like you said makes it very humorous.


However, while it's not some scary horror flick scary, it does make for one of the better flashpoints in the game.


and I'll skip another forced played game spreading plague event that caused more grief than actual fun. Then again if you got fun out of griefing someone there is a problem there as well.

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Wouldn't it be cool if they infected you, and then you couldn infect other people, and then those people would infect others as well as NPCs, and it would even spread to the Imperial Fleet (and Republic counterpart)...yeah.


It would be, but they did the whole "zombie plague" thing in WoW.


Many said "epic", but the people who didn't want a loss of being able to play their character for even a brief period of time QQ'd too much.

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Also, it's noted that you (the protagonist) have that one-in-a-zillion resistance to the plague (if you do the vaccine missions and volunteer to be infected).


Ergo, everyone else is hosed, you won the lottery. All they can do is tear you limb from limb.

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He started to sound like he wanted the WOW zombie plague but reading like you said makes it very humorous.


That's what I was eluding to. A lot of people didn't like that event. This post remind me of that. :D

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Yea man and how come i can run around hoth naked without freezing?:rolleyes:


Wouldn't it be cool if you got frostbite, then got froze and can't moves dues to the frostbite and you can't tell your guild that you gots frostbite, then rolled another char, then tried it again, then got frostbite again, then clicked the unsub button, then got frostbite?... yeah.

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Before dying yes. At least it would make the whole idea of the rakghoul plague an actual threat.


They just should have come up with a better story, these alien zombie infection creature plot line seems lame.

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