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What will your spec be post 1.2 if you don't cancel


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I am a 50 powertech, carolina parakeet, and I am getting nerfed. Which is amazing considering sorcs aren't getting nerfed but somehow I am. I am paid up until april 22 I cancelled my sub and may not renew it depending on how this works out.


Should I not rage quit, and these changes go in as intended, whats going to be the most viable pvp spec? I liked the hybrid spec because it gave me good dmg and maintained my ability to tank, with that one simple change to pyro it has eliminated my spec as viable. From what I've just read shieldtech is also taking a nerf to ShIELDS which don't proc correctly in pvp already. Having not played an advanced prototype i've no idea what they did there.


So, are we weakened across the board, or have you come up with a spec already? Or if **** is inevitable, to quote the great Bobby Knight, why not lay back and enjoy it? Because that's what they're doing to our class.


Other games are on the horizon. Catering to msg board nerf whiners(which is why I sometimes wish games didn't have official boards)may not be in your best financial interest. My entire guild is looking at moving to another game which I won't name here when it drops.



/gg bioware

/rude bioware

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I am a 50 powertech, carolina parakeet, and I am getting nerfed. Which is amazing considering sorcs aren't getting nerfed but somehow I am. I am paid up until april 22 I cancelled my sub and may not renew it depending on how this works out.


Should I not rage quit, and these changes go in as intended, whats going to be the most viable pvp spec? I liked the hybrid spec because it gave me good dmg and maintained my ability to tank, with that one simple change to pyro it has eliminated my spec as viable. From what I've just read shieldtech is also taking a nerf to ShIELDS which don't proc correctly in pvp already. Having not played an advanced prototype i've no idea what they did there.


So, are we weakened across the board, or have you come up with a spec already? Or if **** is inevitable, to quote the great Bobby Knight, why not lay back and enjoy it? Because that's what they're doing to our class.


Other games are on the horizon. Catering to msg board nerf whiners(which is why I sometimes wish games didn't have official boards)may not be in your best financial interest. My entire guild is looking at moving to another game which I won't name here when it drops.



/gg bioware

/rude bioware


You must only read a very limited amount of patch notes. Every class is getting nerfed in one way or the other. And yes, sorcs are also getting nerfed quite a bit. Maybe you should read the patch notes a bit better before pulling a rage quit stunt.


There is one AC that goes by pretty much unnoticed this patch, its assassins, they are probably were BW wants them. Although I could deffinently see them buffing deception and madness and the mirror trees on shadows.


My PT is pyro, I dont see us getting many nerfs. 1 thats more or less a nerf, depending on the player really, I dont mind the change.


@the bolded part in the quote. What does that really make you? Whining here about nerfs and threatening by quitting, not only you but your whole guild.


What BW is doing is balancing the game more and more. None of the changes in the patch are gamebreaking, classbreaking or even specbreaking. If you leave games at the slightest whim of a nerf to your class you probably wont grow old in any game.


I've stuck with games through major class nerfs, I've adapted and learned to play them again, not really noticing nerfs. Just because you feel the need to have that skill preforming just like that hitting for that much or doing that thing, doesnt mean the devs see it that way or other players playing the class.


Since all classes are getting "nerfed" (I prefer the words tweaked or balanced in this case), no class is singled out. Its a major game balance patch, probably based on very serious numbers.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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My spec will be exactly the same post patch as the spec I am now. That is 31 Pyrotech, Mecenary of course.


I think Bioware is really going to be cracking down on tank like specs doing tons of damage while having lots of survivability like Carolina Parakeet provides.


It is also worth pointing out that Sorcs are getting nerfed pretty hard in damage and the healing department. Specifically with their force bending and madness change.


For Powertechs I imagine we'll see more people trying out Advanced Prototype, or most likely just going 31 Pyrotech even with the changes to PPA.

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You must only read a very limited amount of patch notes. Every class is getting nerfed in one way or the other. And yes, sorcs are also getting nerfed quite a bit. Maybe you should read the patch notes a bit better before pulling a rage quit stunt.


There is one AC that goes by pretty much unnoticed this patch, its assassins, they are probably were BW wants them. Although I could deffinently see them buffing deception and madness and the mirror trees on shadows.


My PT is pyro, I dont see us getting many nerfs. 1 thats more or less a nerf, depending on the player really, I dont mind the change.


@the bolded part in the quote. What does that really make you? Whining here about nerfs and threatening by quitting, not only you but your whole guild.


What BW is doing is balancing the game more and more. None of the changes in the patch are gamebreaking, classbreaking or even specbreaking. If you leave games at the slightest whim of a nerf to your class you probably wont grow old in any game.


I've stuck with games through major class nerfs, I've adapted and learned to play them again, not really noticing nerfs. Just because you feel the need to have that skill preforming just like that hitting for that much or doing that thing, doesnt mean the devs see it that way or other players playing the class.


Since all classes are getting "nerfed" (I prefer the words tweaked or balanced in this case), no class is singled out. Its a major game balance patch, probably based on very serious numbers.




To be fair we were going to try guild wars 2 regardless; I just may stay if they end up crippling my class, you seem to think it won't, ill give it a try, but they under delivered with this game already, if they gimp me it'll be that much easier for me to walk. Here has been my experience with these games and nerfs, I played daoc for a long long time and know the process, we'll all move to another spec and start having success and then they'll nerf that. All the kiddies rolled force user classes and it hurts their feelings to lose to someone w/o a lightsaber.(of that last bit may be a bit of a rant:)

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We just need to make sure the name Carolina Parakeet survives the patch, even if the spec doesn't.


Seriously, PTs will be exactly where they are now after the patch goes live and everyone but Assassins and Maras get changed in some way.


PvP balance can't be judged in a vacuum. PTs may not have such absurd burst, but Sorc healers won't have such absurd heals either. In the end, balance requires looking at all of the class changes, not just the changes to your class.

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I'll potentially revisit 31 Pyro to get TD back as a filler ability now.


The AP/Pyro Hybrid build I fiddle with will most likely change to 0/24/17


I'll have to assess the validity of 8/x/25+ Builds (Which is currently my favorite PvP Build) once patch hits since I did not get a char copy on the PTS.


I'll continue to adapt to changes, until changes make it so i can no longer adapt.

Edited by exphryl
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To be fair we were going to try guild wars 2 regardless; I just may stay if they end up crippling my class, you seem to think it won't, ill give it a try, but they under delivered with this game already, if they gimp me it'll be that much easier for me to walk. Here has been my experience with these games and nerfs, I played daoc for a long long time and know the process, we'll all move to another spec and start having success and then they'll nerf that. All the kiddies rolled force user classes and it hurts their feelings to lose to someone w/o a lightsaber.(of that last bit may be a bit of a rant:)


If you don't like a game, don't play it. Simple as that, there's no need for QQing on the forums and apparently the 'need' to let Bioware and the TOR community on the forums know that you're going to quit because you're displeased with this, this and that.


Because thats the point of patches: they change the game and some people will be happy, others will be less happy. The thing is, you can't always be with the 'happy' part, as a lot of people apparently are expecting to be. Every game has patches, they're always going to nerf this and buff that until the end of times. And if you cannot adapt, if you're stuck in always the same mentality...well, thats quite frankly an issue of your own.


My point here is, if you were already displeased with the game from the very start, unsub and find something else. Because nothing is going to change that, not continuing to play and definetely not adding yet another post to the endless list of whiney posts that are already here.

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Well just got in the game and have made it to level 32 with a Hybrid Bodyguard/Arsenal spec originally promoted by Werdan. Funny how this patch shows up just when I got SCG and was trying to learn how to be a backup healer :p.


Once the patch hits, I will be going straight arsenal which in a way provides a nice straight forward role for my character...and less need to explain/defend my spec to PUGs/Guildmates :D.

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Funny how people have no problem playig their class when they get a buff, but oh let a nerf come along, no matter how small, and they rage and howl like frothing maniancs. Save the drama for your mamma, I could care less. Rage quit and take your guild with you. I don't need you to enjoy the game and you will not be missed and I wont have to work as hard sorting the good posts from the whines.






I'll still play the same spec for my PT ( fully tank) but oh, don't let me get started on my concealment op (thank goodness i said i'd play heals op for my guild)

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Hello everyone,


This is a heads up that we recently had to remove several posts from this thread for being off-topic. Please try and keep your discussion focused on possible spec changes for when Patch 1.2 is released.


If the conversation continues to focus on overall planned class changes in Patch 1.2, it will be redirected to a previously existing thread.


A reminder that regardless of the topic, it is part of our Rules of Conduct that:

  • Never insult another member of the community.
  • Respect other community members, whether they agree with you or not.
  • Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!
  • Don't make spam posts like "first," "in before the lock," or "bump."
  • Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.

Thank you for understanding.

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I intend to remain Merc Pyro (I pvp and not much else) and don't see any need to cry or majorly change my game.


Yeah, there are some changes and I doubt much will really need to change for me or my performance.


It is as much what you do with your tools, as the tools you have.

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I dumped the werden spec and went back to straight arsenal. Kolto shell was pretty borderline to begin with (the once every 3 seconds really blew in PvP, its only saving grace was that it was free and spammable, and it wasnt even always worth the GCD to be honest). The changes to kolto shield and supercharged gas make timing those abilities more hassle than they are worth. I don't think any of these abilities were overpowered in PvP but I can see how they are in PvE, where supercharged gas is up almost perpetually. Its a shame a fun PvP spec got the nerf bat, but thats the way she f***** goes.


As for Arsenal, I really am looking forward to an increased proc chance on unload. Fusion missile->unload->explosive dart->tracer->HSM->Rail Shot is absolutely lethal and it all hits quicker than it looks like it should.

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bad players QQ and pretend they are gonna quit. good players adapt because they are good players.



If you think class changes are gonna hurt your play then that is because the nerf was needed. Bad players find crutches to lean on because they lack the skill to play without them.

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im not changing my spec at all. since both arsenal and pyro are getting "nerfed" and i already have a corruption healer (which is also getting nerfed yay!) im gonna see how exactly arsenal is getting changed


i rolled a mara also rofl

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  • 3 weeks later...
bh pyro and bh merc heal have a lot to complain about because they were normal they weren't over powered at all. They were working as they were suppose to be doing. It was the other classes that were whining that was broken. To try and fix something off pvp is a false testing to begin with because of all the variables. Because of all the false whining about trooper and bh which was totally false for the most part as being too OP due to lack of skill on the pvper opponents fault now its truly busted and you have bh's being dropped like a rock in water and quitting or being shelved. Watch you watch PVE groups and pvp tell me if you see a lot of mercs after this lame patch which is equivalent to NGE or the Druid bust on WOW. So you think we are whining its because you whined and now caused us grief and problems in our happy mmo style that we now are whining.
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bad players QQ and pretend they are gonna quit. good players adapt because they are good players.



If you think class changes are gonna hurt your play then that is because the nerf was needed. Bad players find crutches to lean on because they lack the skill to play without them.


Comments like these are hysterical. There is no "skill" in playing an mmo, that you think there is really reflects some sort of void in your RL that you need to fill by pretending to be elite at a video game, seriously.


Skill in an mmo is what? Keeping your gear up, using a few alt binds, not mouse clicking, and knowing how to strafe and either reading the forums enough to figure out(or figure out on your own) a rotation??? There are 10 year olds that can do that, so try to not take this, or yourself so seriously.


This is what I've noticed from pvp yesterday, played about 10 matches........



I was CP, which was probably OP due to teh combination of survivability and dps, but I switched to FULL dps after 1.2 and found my DPS cut in 1/2 literally from pre 1.2 levels.



Am I going to cancel? No, because I already did before this patch ever came out as I was already disappointed with this game, what this patch did was make it likely that no matter how bored I get I will not resub. I have about seven days left, this is a very mediocre title with a few appealing elements, if it survives it may be a good game a year or so down the road. I will never know. flame away...........

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These changes in the Carolina Parakeet build are on par with what was done to Assassins a while back (which I'm assuming is why they weren't really hit this patch) when they made the Raze proc only with a certain charge and no longer with Dark Charge.


I remember forums blowing up that the Assassin class was now broken, Darkness didn't do enough damage and Deception and Madness were too squishy, so the class was now completely unplayable forever. And, at least on my server, Sins have thrived.

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These changes in the Carolina Parakeet build are on par with what was done to Assassins a while back (which I'm assuming is why they weren't really hit this patch) when they made the Raze proc only with a certain charge and no longer with Dark Charge.


I remember forums blowing up that the Assassin class was now broken, Darkness didn't do enough damage and Deception and Madness were too squishy, so the class was now completely unplayable forever. And, at least on my server, Sins have thrived.



Ya know, I am sure that the new spec being new to me had something to do with my dmg being lower, and the fact that I was Queing solo and all the premades were out, I am pretty sure I could go with something in full shields and still be pretty competitive. The nerf just frustrated me and I was already somewhat disappointed with this game.


Raged out on Hizoka a bit just now because the notion of "skill" is laughable. Anything you can do high, drunk, or while eating cheetos is not a freaking skill. :)

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My spec will be exactly the same post patch as the spec I am now. That is 31 Pyrotech, Mecenary of course.


I think Bioware is really going to be cracking down on tank like specs doing tons of damage while having lots of survivability like Carolina Parakeet provides.


It is also worth pointing out that Sorcs are getting nerfed pretty hard in damage and the healing department. Specifically with their force bending and madness change.


For Powertechs I imagine we'll see more people trying out Advanced Prototype, or most likely just going 31 Pyrotech even with the changes to PPA.


Ya by doing this full on tank classes are royaled "messed" up. Try losing over 10% shield chance and 5% aborpstion THEN the "Talent" that is supose to give us the absorption does not even work correctly. It is supose to buff us in absorption everytime we flame burst or flame sweep, it only works on flame burst. Congrats bio you just killed the only AOE tank in this game. So Powertech wreck face in PVP by doing 500k plus in damage...so obviously it makes perfect sense to nerf tanks (drentched in sarcasm). YOU BARELY touched dps powertechs and just made us useless. Now i have 2 choices respec DPS or Quit and i am not sure whats going to happen.

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