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(Video) here is why they should nerf sorcs! -Punkdout


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As a Battlemaster Sorc, here is my opinion. Pre-50 Sorc are pretty OP, however we don't scale well with gear. Once you are in lvl 50 WZ, don't even bother trying to 1v1 any other class equally skill/geared, we are suppose to lose 10 out of 10 times.


So am I saying Sorc are underpowered? No, BW already clearly stated that they do not balance the game around 1v1 PvP. This is a team game and if you want to do well, you will need to play your class in a way that complement its strengths. Sorc's strength right now happens to be sitting in the back while frying noobs that gather around doors/capture points smacking other tanky classes.


Most people are pretty lazy or just not very good. Their thought process doesn't get more complicated than "see a player with low health, go smack him." This is why 99% of WZ end up with melee and tanky people bunching around an objective while healers and range DPSers get to sit in the back and do damage freely. If everyone have the whole "Smack lowest health" mentality, Sorcs/Sages will come out ahead as this is what they are good at. If this is the role you want to play then please roll a Sorc.


A well-geared Sent/Mara ***** me in a few seconds and there is nothing i can do about it. However, you are not going to do very well if you use the same "Smack lowest health" mentality. You have to use your head and pick your targets better.


IMO Sorc's popularity doesn't have that much to do with its ability in PvP. It's storyline and voice actor just blows every other classes' out of the water. You are a freaking Sith Inquisitor! I got this game as a birthday present and did zero research when I started playing. I picked Sith Sorc instantly without hesitation.


I will however have to admit the skill cap on Sorc is pretty low... I guess this explains why bad players think they are OP. I just started a Sith Mara because I think they have the highest skill cap and makes the biggest difference when played right.


Lastly... if you believe this video support the specific nerfs in 1.2 then you have no idea what the changes in 1.2 are. The Sorc in the video is 31 points Madness spec. Instead of a nerf, they actually buffed this spec slightly... This video have nothing to do with the Hybrid Wrath-CL spec or the Corruption spec nerf. Maybe you should consider changing your title.


I dont know what your talking about, sorcs own in Wzs at 50

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I dont know what your talking about, sorcs own in Wzs at 50


marauders / sentinels > sorcs anyday (especially heal sorcs)...


and once you start healing ppl its going like that..


grapple stun stun *try to force sprint away* sentinel/marauder charges on you (which actually goes through full resolve).. and repeat. SO FUN <3 pubs!


i always feel so flattered when they try to zerg me with 6 ppl.. but that only works if we actually got random ppl (0-100 exp) in the wz...

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marauders / sentinels > sorcs anyday (especially heal sorcs)...


and once you start healing ppl its going like that..


grapple stun stun *try to force sprint away* sentinel/marauder charges on you (which actually goes through full resolve).. and repeat. SO FUN <3 pubs!


i always feel so flattered when they try to zerg me with 6 ppl.. but that only works if we actually got random ppl (0-100 exp) in the wz...


everyone says mara/sent **** sorcs... I just think sorcs dont know how to play. They have enough CC to kill a mara easily

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This video is crazy...




A small PvP video featuring Punkdout on the Swiftsure server in Warzone pvp. All fights are lvl 40+ and 2v1 up to 5v1.


This just shows how OP SORC are ROFL LOL


Does anyone have any other "sorc owns face videos?"


All I see in this video is a good player beating bad players. It's not the class that's OP, it's the noobs that are underpowered.


With that level of skill disparity you could've made almost the exact same video with a sniper/gunslinger, doesn't mean they're OP.


...For the record I don't play a sage/sorc

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everyone says mara/sent **** sorcs... I just think sorcs dont know how to play. They have enough CC to kill a mara easily


I doubt you've yet to meet a good one then. We have the tools to keep them off of us and drag out the fight for a good bit of time, but a Mara/Sent that wants you dead will kill you.


Then you'll respawn with WW and Electrocute on cooldown and they'll kill you even quicker.


I have terrible Operatives on my server, except one. Before meeting that Operative, I thought they were a joke. Perhaps you have the same scenario, except with Mara/Sents.

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Yea because at 50, Sorcs are not the kings of Huttball...Because immunity over hazards, speedboost, heals, extrication/rescue, multiple CCs, does really matter since they are squishy lol


Immunity over hazards? Your thinking of the sin.

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The Swiftsure and Fatman are two of the best PvP servers in the game, and believe me at 50 he will not be doing crap for damage. If your a Sorc and in anything less than Full Champion you can expect just about every melee to double crit you for 5 to 6k. In the pre 50 warzones people are still learning their classes, but at 50 that just is not the case.
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everyone says mara/sent **** sorcs... I just think sorcs dont know how to play. They have enough CC to kill a mara easily


Ok they got the healing debuff which reduces the healing on yourself got 6 sec interrupt and a channeled stun you might wanna change that statement once you found a good marauder not to mention that its hard to avoid them when they got charge/leap. The BM marauder of my guild burns me to half hp in like 2 secs so btw and im about smthg like 17k.. only chance i got vs him is to los him.


Not guarded heal sorc = dead sorc.

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LOL maybe you should roll one and you will soon see. As a mostly BM S.I you get killed very quickly and againt something like an imperial agent you will die with barely a chance to get one move off in under 6 seconds.
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This is simply not true, I've seen lvl 50 Sorc's with Battle Master take on several people at the same time and out heal all their DPS because their force just never runs out... If spec right Sorc's are brutal and that is why there getting nerfed in 1.2


Sorc's have been OP since beta, and it didn't help they could exploit a mechanic that allowed them to reset their Global Cooldowns...


No you haven't. Not unless the "several people" have no gear.

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LOL maybe you should roll one and you will soon see. As a mostly BM S.I you get killed very quickly and againt something like an imperial agent you will die with barely a chance to get one move off in under 6 seconds.


since when did this post change from sorcs are OP to people should roll mara/sents?

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