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(Video) here is why they should nerf sorcs! -Punkdout


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This video is crazy...



A small PvP video featuring Punkdout on the Swiftsure server in Warzone pvp. All fights are lvl 40+ and 2v1 up to 5v1.


This just shows how OP SORC are ROFL LOL


Does anyone have any other "sorc owns face videos?"


That didn't really prove anything. Sorc's aren't OP. The people on the node were stupid for running off.

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This video is crazy...



A small PvP video featuring Punkdout on the Swiftsure server in Warzone pvp. All fights are lvl 40+ and 2v1 up to 5v1.


This just shows how OP SORC are ROFL LOL


no it is about how well your level 49sorc is equipped and how stupid your enemies played.


but i agree that <50 a sorc/sage is a bit overpowered against most classes due to the equip limit. but after 50 this dramatically chances as sage/sorc scales very bad with equip, considering the other classes how they scale

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no it is about how well your level 49sorc is equipped and how stupid your enemies played.


but i agree that <50 a sorc/sage is a bit overpowered against most classes due to the equip limit. but after 50 this dramatically chances as sage/sorc scales very bad with equip, considering the other classes how they scale


This is simply not true, I've seen lvl 50 Sorc's with Battle Master take on several people at the same time and out heal all their DPS because their force just never runs out... If spec right Sorc's are brutal and that is why there getting nerfed in 1.2


Sorc's have been OP since beta, and it didn't help they could exploit a mechanic that allowed them to reset their Global Cooldowns...

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I didn't see a single OP thing in that vid -- i don't play a Sorc, i have a Jugg main and some low level alts.


What i saw was someone being tactical and playing well: using LoS, splitting up groups, fake casting and pulling out stealthers, etc. I also saw a lot of enemies playing horribly... people letting themselves get split up and pulled off the node, allowing the Sorc to control the fight; at one point two people who are at half health follow the Sorc to a health thing... The Sorc just healed and they both come at him ready to die.


Nothing OP, just good ol' fashion outplaying by one person vs another (or two, or three...).

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This is simply not true, I've seen lvl 50 Sorc's with Battle Master take on several people at the same time and out heal all their DPS because their force just never runs out... If spec right Sorc's are brutal and that is why there getting nerfed in 1.2

a dd sage/sorc cannot outheal anything and he gets oom with a few heals!


of course you saw 50 BM sorcs owning several other players.... so what? show me one non-healer sage/sorc owning a single good one of ANY CLASS with both at least champ gear!


Sorc's have been OP since beta,

no, but bad players are the loudest screamers.


i can own with my vanguard in fresh 50 gear any bm non-healer sage/sorc with ease!

and i mean ANY!


edit: actually dd sage/sorcs is one of the two WEAKEST / underpowered classes!

yes, exactly WEAKEST!

Edited by me_unknown
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This video is like tips for how to beat people with 11k HP. I don't think I saw one decently geared, and for that matter, skilled person in the entire video. At one point he's getting attack by a Marauder... that doesn't even have lightsabers. I mean, it's great he's trying to give people tips to help them play better, but everyone in this video he was fighting could've been beaten by smashing his head on the keyboard.


It's certainly not an example of being "OP"


Disclaimer - I play a Scoundrel.

Edited by ImSaved
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I'm a 50 sorc wearing BM and Champ gear, guess what, we're squishy. Get more than 1 person to focus a sorc, or even 1 sent or scoundrel and we crumble pretty quick. Dont get me wrong I hold my own and get plenty of damage, but we are very squishy. Sorc is not OP and w/ the nerfs coming will be even less so.
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I'm surprised players as bad as those shown in the video actually exist.


i am not. i see a lot of them everytime a log in. actually they are the reason why i still can have a lot of fun with my sage, even though he is not my main anymore.


though, sometimes i wish i could talk to my defeated opponent and tell him what he did wrong :D

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Yes sorcs are sooooo weak and pitiful thats why its the number 1 class played ... lol


I don't think they are weak and pitiful, just squishy. By no means are they op as this post and many other imply. They can be beat if you play your class right.

Edited by Space-Guerrilla
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I don't understand all this OP SORC talk! I own them every time i come across them. So squishy!


Yea because at 50, Sorcs are not the kings of Huttball...Because immunity over hazards, speedboost, heals, extrication/rescue, multiple CCs, does really matter since they are squishy lol

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no it is about how well your level 49sorc is equipped and how stupid your enemies played.


but i agree that <50 a sorc/sage is a bit overpowered against most classes due to the equip limit. but after 50 this dramatically chances as sage/sorc scales very bad with equip, considering the other classes how they scale




@49 on my sorc i was full purples and pulling down 425k a game cause well i could with the split spec, dont mean its OP means i had the funds to gear my alt out and have fun...


Once i hit 50 i was hard pressed to do 200k lol and live longer than 7 seconds...

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He clearly played BETTER than everyone in that video. Lol at the commando, lol at the assassins, lol at everyone. Why can't he win a 1v2 or 1v3 if he clearly plays better than everyone? I won so many 1v2 or 1v3 with a lot of classes: Guardian, Sentinel, Shadow, Scoundrel.


I don't really get the whine. Yes, Sorc/Sages are incredible good from 10-49, however they fall of at 50. Also this guy has some pretty crazy gear, probably epic lvl 49 mods. He also has the epic lvl 48 biochem stuff.



So guys, stop this useless whine.

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