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Name calling?


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he's correct. The leader is determined by the highest x where x is the amount of valor at the current level.


It's a known bug.


Ok, I reread and what you are saying is that if a valour 20 is, say 8k/9k to 21 and a valour 70 is 1k/60k (made up numers) then the 20 will get Ops leader because of the total valour earned between levels is higher.


Am I now cooking with grease? (Took another cup of coffee for me to catch up).

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Ok, I reread and what you are saying is that if a valour 20 is, say 8k/9k to 21 and a valour 70 is 1k/60k (made up numers) then the 20 will get Ops leader because of the total valour earned between levels is higher.


Am I now cooking with grease? (Took another cup of coffee for me to catch up).



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You know what gets me in Huttball? When people rage about me getting killed (stunlock or not) but yet not a single person is within range for a pass going forwards or sideways.


I don't rage at anyone over it, but once I've eaten my second stun and my health is dropping, I'm feverishly scanning for someone to pass to - and I find no one.

Edited by Paralassa
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Ok, thanks for the constructive feedback how to be better to pvp, I will try doing this, but this is the only warzone were its happened or anything like this. I guess I just should read one of the guides here :).
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Ok, thanks for the constructive feedback how to be better to pvp, I will try doing this, but this is the only warzone were its happened or anything like this. I guess I just should read one of the guides here :).


No worries, we all made the same mistakes when we first started. I personally waited til 50 to start PvPing on my main (I do it exclusively now with him).


I just wanted to enjoy the quest stories the first time through, so when I went into 50 PvP I couldn't have been any less equipped (literally and mentally) then I was a few weeks ago.


You'll make mistakes, and learn from them. Then you'll be here advising other new players - enjoy the game!

Edited by islander
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You know what gets me in Huttball? When people rage about me getting killed (stunlock or not) but yet not a single person is within range for a pass going forwards or sideways.


I don't rage at anyone over it, but once I've eaten my second stun and my health is dropping, I'm feverishly scanning for someone to pass to - and I find no one.


haha I love that feeling too. Sometime it meets success, other times I turn around to see my whole team fighting and chasing and just say **** it

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Thanks guys! I only listened to him because this was my second 50 warzone, and my server (Hex Droid EU) is only standard pop, and i dont want a bad reputation. Oh, and I am pretty good at ignoring ppl, so it was no problem. I just had to be sure;). But, thanks again:D


i agree with the people here BUT....



do not put him on your ingore list. the problem is you won't be able to see him calling out incomes. and even idiots can sometimes write this usefull information into the chat. ;)

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He shouldn't have called you away when you were the sole person guarding the turret.


However, you should really have said "I'm the only one here, can't come help" or something like that, rather than come over.



But the idea of someone calling you over then calling you an idiot for doing so, is pretty funny. They were probably trying to save face if they realized what they did.

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Actually, I think of taking her (it was a fem char, or him, idk) of ignore list. But it was quite fun, because i like people act child-ish in chat. I dont act that child-ish, even though I am 13.
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I'm a brand new 50 and pretty new PvPer and mostly just ignore someone if they are being a jerk. I do try my best although I look like a chicken with my head cut off sometimes. In most of the PvP zones I've played, most of the abuse is someone getting worked up and calling the whole group noobs. I don't really care though---getting so angry and worked up just makes the person seem out of control. If someone took it to general chat, I would probably keep ignoring it. Most folks just aren't good sports about things and PvP seems to bring out the worst in people.
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The only time you should leave a turret undefended is if your team needs to pull off a three cap (pull the goalie as someone else put it) to have any shot of winning the match. Even then it's an iffy proposition but you don't have anything to lose at that point.
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Not always true. There are times when leaving it has several advatanges.


Lol, I would love for you to give some examples please :)



(keep in mind you said "several")



Also, please tell me you don't pug as Pub on The Swiftsure.

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This is normal from my experience. It seems like almost every losing WZ has some guy that can't handle it. Bob the General and theoretical strategist always knows how the wz could have been won if not for other player's stupidity. I've noticed that Bob quite often likes to defend the non-contested turret so he can dispatch his superior knowledge better. Edited by Qoojo
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ToMyMa, What surprises me is how no one else on your team called the raid leader out for his stupid suggestion. Did no one on your team notice what a dumb thing he was asking you to do?


I've had the exact same scenario happen before and quickly told the lone defender to go back to his turret and ignore the clueless raid leader. Being raid leader doesn't actually mean they are a good player.


Whenever I see a raid leader make what I believe is a stupid call I do not hesitate to challenge him/her on it.


As to name calling: no, no, and no. I realize that there will always be new and learning players and that I should always try and help them out and, of course, compensate. Calling them names honestly does no good.

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People have to keep in mind that there will always be noobs starting, and that's a good thing. The problem is the established people have low tolerances for it. Being a Republic player, you already going in knowing there's a good chance you will be wiped out (at least on my server) and having to school or argue with your own team just adds to the frustration.


For instance last night on the turret map we took the middle, but kept losing either west or east. We would almost over come one side and I feel with a little more help we could have taken it. But the real kicker was I ended up in the middle and there were three guys standing around guarding it, while we had pretty much every imperial fighting us on the west.


LONG STORY SHORT: (I wasn't the OPS leader) but I was going to "call out" the three guys in the middle and say "I don't think we need 3 guys there", but hope was pretty lost and there was no reason to start a discussion in the middle of a WZ.


So to the original poster my recommendation is don't take anything to heart, but voice your opinion. The key is "how you say it". Again it depends if he called you out personally, then at that time I would say "I'm the only one guarding".


I'm still a noob when it comes to PVP: 36 valor with 1/2 & 1/2 Centurion and Champion gear. I'm ranged DPS so I have to let guys in WZs know me guarding a door, turret, etc, is usually futile. So again play to your characters strengths (TANK, HEALER, DPS) and any other PVP players should know that.


By biggest suggestion is as soon as you spawn in a WZ and everyone is buffing, I usually break the ice by asking "left and middle??" Or whatever is appropriate. Then you put it on someone else to make the choices.

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As to name calling: no, no, and no. I realize that there will always be new and learning players and that I should always try and help them out and, of course, compensate. Calling them names honestly does no good.

^^^ Agree!


Yesterday we were doing the Star Destroyer data core raid thingy, and these two guys were going at it. Like literally typing full sentences cursing each other out. Name calling at it's worse. I really wanted to say something, but again it was best to let these guys just go at it. The fight was already lost.

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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it).



OK, a few issues.


1. I doubt he said "Hey, ToMyMa, leave the turret and come help mid". I bet he said "everyone to mid!!" or "all help mid" and simply expected you to understand that he didn't mean you. Because, if you are solo defending left, and someone says "all to mid", that excludes you by default. They have to explicitly say "including those defending left" if they want to you abandon your post. So, leaving was likely your fault.


2. Calling you names was uncalled for and rude. Putting them on ignore is your choice, but I would have just ignored it (not /ignore, but just paid no attention) because, this is PvP, and in PvP, people can be juvenile/name call, its part of the PvP atmosphere. If you /ignore everyone that calls you a name, you'll fill your ignore list fast.


3. Your gear isn't really a tactical issue, its a power issue. Staying or leaving the node would have nothing to do with your gear. Him calling you names may, however, since, again, juvenile people call names, and likely he may have judged you as "bad" because of your gear. After 1.2, everyone will have starter PvP gear and it won't matter much anymore.

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This sort of thing happens several times a day on HoG. In fact, it's already happened about 5 times today already. I say /Report then /ignore and move on as best you can.


Show me a perfect player and I'll tell you the meaning of life,


Just try not to let it get you down. This game is chock full of some wonderful characters.

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Today I was in Alderaan civil war. I was sole guarding left turret, when the raid leader called me in to mid turret for help. When I ran over there, I was am ambushed, and we lost left turret. Then the raid leader began calling me a idiot, and I put him/her on ignore. Is this what I should have done, and is this normal? Oh, and it was in the 50 bracket. But, I was in levelling gear from Voss (almost all orange, commendention gear, and bonus series gear. Oranges got blue and purple mods in it).


Had a similar experience after the game was already lost the leader started complaining about everyone. I of course gave him my reply and added him on ignore as well.

It sucks bad enough to lose a round, but to have the team "leader" run everyone down make you disgusted.

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This is normal from my experience. It seems like almost every losing WZ has some guy that can't handle it. Bob the General and theoretical strategist always knows how the wz could have been won if not for other player's stupidity. I've noticed that Bob quite often likes to defend the non-contested turret so he can dispatch his superior knowledge better.


to be fair, anyone defending a quiet turret is sacrificing valor for the sake of the team. Defending a quiet turret = not fun. Neccessary, though.

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Rodingo@: I pug on EU Hex Droid (I did post that before if I remember right).

Senzuflicker@: Lolz, but this is Alderaan, not Huttball (I love you Tarkin, hate those annoying Organas:p).

Zaodon@: He called out me, by name, I postes that before. And what do you mean about free pvp gear? I dont remember that on PTS notes. But that would be a waste if thats right, already opened two champion bags, and got Eliminator centurion belt from centurion comms.

Edited by ToMyMa
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Lol, I would love for you to give some examples please :)



(keep in mind you said "several")



Also, please tell me you don't pug as Pub on The Swiftsure.


I think i can answer that. When you are getting close to the point of no return, when it doesn't matter anymore if you get a 2nd turret, why defend the one you have? throw everything you have in attacking, thats like taking out the goalie in hockey.


Sometimes it work and you win

Sometimes it doesnt work and you lose the turret you have, so the game will end sooner.


That is two advantage and we all know that more then one = several.

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