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Server population is dropping...


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Niman Server is Dead!


Prime Time 20 People at fleet Top

Ilum 2 or 3 lost souls

Wz take around 15 to 20 minutes to pop and wen they do all teams are broken cause miss half of the player that signed for it.


Wondering wen the game reviews will Star talking about Tor population it will be a Disgrace for BugWare!


This is the end...

Edited by Szadek
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If you want servers to merge or close, the best thing you could do is unsubscribe and wait for this game to die.


The developers REFUSE to give paying customers a playable environment and instead choose to focus on attracting NEW players.


After a month of no acknowledgment from the game about these issues, I am gone.

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So what you're saying is that there aren't that many people online early morning on a Wednesday?




So you're saying that in order to achieve the full experience, he has to play when everyone else does? What about timezones? Differing work schedules?


The game should provide a healthy population no matter what time of the day it is--while still allowing that off-peak times will see a dip. But a dip where there's only 4 people on a planet as opposed to the 20-something on right now on my own server, then we have a problem.

Edited by Dezzi
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So what you're saying is that there aren't that many people online early morning on a Wednesday?




No, I think it is a reference to the fact that server pops are declining rapidly on many servers. that simple. Need proof, just check the 60 day trend here for TOR:




This is for all servers or page back one or two to see direct links to servers people are showing there own links and information. Facts are facts, servers are dieing out and people are bailing or jumping to other high pop servers just so they can play with more people. This is not an assumption but hard fact and to contrast it I will show an example.




Feb 1st they averaged 20% Light server capacity throughout the day, as of today they averaging nearly 80%.


Server-Zakkeg Beast


Feb 1st they averaged 40% or so Light server capacity throughout the day, as of today it is around 30% (that being a spike where just a couple days ago it was 0%)


Those figures alone do not do justice though. Look at a median and you will see certain servers dead and dieing in the water and a definitive trend that can not be denied (as in imagine a ruler and mentally draw a line through those plot points for all the proof you need). A few severs have stayed right at average but those servers have had a strong population base and are the exclusion. My server at prime time hours is lucky to have 20 people on a planet, maybe 100 in fleet. Just roll up another toon you say? That is stupid, a waste of my time money and effort, and just idiotic. Idiotic I say because again, re-rolling a new toon is akin to a server transfer in the first place but without having to trudge through what you already did.


We need a LFG system in place to let people have the tool to choose to utilize to play with other people. If you don't want to use it don't, but I sure will because I honestly am not subbing every month to sit around for fruitless hours on my time off trying in vain to find a group. If I wanted to play a single player game I would dust off Skyrim. If I wanted mindless PvP I would log back on my 360. I want to play an mmo.

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So when is BIOWARE gonna give its customers an indication of what its planning on doing about the massive population problems.


Before they even start losing more customers, Not because the game is bad, but becuase there is nothing to do most of the time, due to lack of players.


Last night, am on Tott Deeta server, we had a whole population of 50 rep and 50 imp side.


So i logged out to see other servers, and on the european servers, only 2 were listed as standard, every other server was light (like tott deeneta).


All today on our server, THere has been less than a total of 40 players on the rep side, and less than 50 on the imp side.




I've played free private wow server with much higher population than this.


Patch 1.2 will not save this problem, There will still be nothing to do due to lack of players.


Give us a indication of WHAT you planning bioware ?

Edited by Tumster
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Fleet pop on RMP has halved over the past month (peaking at ~90 and we're a standard server).. imperial side too so I imagine its worse for republic. That aside, my sub ends after 1.2 launches so I'll be able to check the game out and see if people really return to the game... probably won't be subbing for too long after that unless they introduce merges/transfers.
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There's no hope, leaving 3 lvl 50's behind since 20 people in the fleet during primetime is a gosh darn joke. Not sure i'll reroll or i'll play a game where i actually can play with people.


Just food for thought here but..... If you had the time to take three classes to 50, couldn't you have spent that time rolling class #2 or 3 on a more populated server?

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There are no problems, SWTOR has 5 million subs and growing.

All servers are super populated.


5 million subs, they are obviously not on most of the european servers.


Less than 80 mplayers on the entire server, most of the day, is UNACCEPTABLE.


Get your facts straight before posting comments.

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Swiftsure maxes out at 180. Weeks ago it was 340.

On top of that, 180 is becming very rare. Was down to 66 last night.

Lowest ive ever seen. If one were to graph the data. It would be downhill.

One of the most popular active servers. :mad:

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5 million subs, they are obviously not on most of the european servers.


Less than 80 mplayers on the entire server, most of the day, is UNACCEPTABLE.


Get your facts straight before posting comments.


While you were posting this, SWTOR hit 6 million subs and growing, all servers are experiencing wait queues.

There is clearly no issues with population

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5 million subs, they are obviously not on most of the european servers.


Less than 80 mplayers on the entire server, most of the day, is UNACCEPTABLE.


Get your facts straight before posting comments.


You got trolled. Pretty hard :D

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While you were posting this, SWTOR hit 6 million subs and growing, all servers are experiencing wait queues.

There is clearly no issues with population


lolwut? I linked proof that server pops are on the decline. Where is your proof of the above, link please. I just checked the server list, nearly all is "Light".


Obvious troll is obvious.

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THe worse thing is, This is only gonna get worse the longer they leave it, as more and more players are leaving due to nothing to do, due to lack of players.


That's like one of the hundreds of reasons people are leaving.

I originally thought it would take until GW2 release to kill this game for good. Now I'm thinking its deathblow might be far sooner.

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lolwut? I linked proof that server pops are on the decline. Where is your proof of the above, link please. I just checked the server list, nearly all is "Light".


Obvious troll is obvious.


BW just posted on twitter that subs have hit 7 million and counting due to their success in the Oceanic region

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Wow (no pun intended), I had noticed my server going really quiet but I never realised almost every server is now lightly populated.


I guess they expected the game to be far more popular. It's only been 4 months since release, so it doesn't bode well.


Server mergers are an obvious step, but don't be surprised if they do what Lord of the Rings Online did to save their game, make it 'free to play'.


And by free I don't mean free obviously, but free enough to use the pulling power of that word, lure loads of people in and them make money from an in-game store where you can milk players little by little, one micro-transaction at a time. Players still leave, but new players come in to replace them more easily than now because of the 'free to play' tag.


I hope that doesn't happen though, because it ruins the game when aspects within it are aimed at making you spend money.

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