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Server population is dropping...


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50's don't log into our server anymore. FACTS: There are 2 50 guilds on our server, Guild one has 247 members we never have over 11 on at any one time in the week. Guild two has 147 members and never has over 20 members. These are the only 50 guilds on our server.


1.2 won't help. We need:


1. Cut the number of servers by a factor of 3

2. Cross server transfers

3. LFG server wide

4. Cross server events

5. LEVELS 51-100, why play a game if you cant even level?

6. A LOT more content redoing the same dailys 250 times is so boring

7. Rare spawns/rare drops


You have about 2 months or this game dies and we all move to Diabio etc.

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50's don't log into our server anymore. FACTS: There are 2 50 guilds on our server, Guild one has 247 members we never have over 11 on at any one time in the week. Guild two has 147 members and never has over 20 members. These are the only 50 guilds on our server.


1.2 won't help. We need:


1. Cut the number of servers by a factor of 3

2. Cross server transfers


Fxd... you were asking too much... this is a reasonable request that will make the game enjoyable,

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1.2 is the only reason my guild and myself are still playing this.. BW has one more shot to keep me and my guild paying them. It honestly cant come fast enough.. there is literally nothing to do in this game except reroll.. Edited by Bamxk
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You guys are "special". I'd take some time to ..go from server to server and type in "level 50" ..or whatever level you want, because the server population isn't dropping. All of you on the forums are acting like little children. I might get 20 people on fleet, but when I type in "level 50" in the search box. I get 83 lvl 50's online.



TLDR THe fleet isn't the only zone in swtor. Learn to research and come to your own conclusion using FACTS.


I dare anyone to send me a screenshot of how many level 50's they have on their server, at any given point in time, just send me a private message link to a screenshot. Showing how many lvl 50's ..your server has. I dare you ..


Hi mr. "Iknoweverythingabouttheothersgameplay" when for 17 hours dosn't start a warzone how many people do you think there are on the server?

The answer is... NOT ******* ENOUGH... we need that merge or that transfer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE... or Diablo III will be the way for many of us and so for others that don't have people to play with... this i a fabolous game but a mmorpg without player is like a cream without sugar...

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Hi mr. "Iknoweverythingabouttheothersgameplay" when for 17 hours dosn't start a warzone how many people do you think there are on the server?

The answer is... NOT ******* ENOUGH... we need that merge or that transfer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE... or Diablo III will be the way for many of us and so for others that don't have people to play with... this i a fabolous game but a mmorpg without player is like a cream without sugar...


Holy god 17 hours? It's time to find a new game man. Seriously.


Unless re-rolling is a viable option.

Edited by Blankchild
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This is funny how someone says this game isnt worth it when 1.7 million people play. (Yes probably less but not that much less.) Funny when it is your opinon and mine as well. But telling someone this game isnt worth it, is far idiotic.


Let's be real, if this game was a sci fi mmo called "Space Pirates", "Wow in Space" or whatever, it wouldn't have 1.7 million players.


It has 1.7 million players because it just so happens to have the words "Star Wars" in its' title.


There is, and I'll be the first to admit it, a small amount of people that came because it was made by Bioware.

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Anybody remember launch when there were so many threads demanding more servers to cut down on the queue times? :p


Haha, yea. They should of known what would happen tho, or have a system in place to cope when things died down

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I just do not have the interest or better to classify it as unexcited to continue playing this game.


I have two chars. One a lvl 50 and another as a 37. I thought if I rerolled I would reclaim some of that excitement, sadly I have not.


It has become difficult to find players or to join groups to complete Heroics and Areas missions. This sadly has taken away from some of my gaming experience and enjoyment. It can be contributed to paltry numbers of players on planets and at station or in server in general.


I found the game play to be repetitive and with the sense of a over rated single player game with sharing mission space with other players with minimal interaction.


I want to thank everyone whom I have played with as it was enjoyable and wish everyone the best of luck in the future.


In concern of Star Wars, I hope you find a solution to some of these issues. Combine servers reinvent player interaction. Reduce load times, decrease server shutdowns/reset times (even have them scheduled daily). Add more rewarding missions and interaction for lvl50 players. I don't have any answers but something needs to be done. In my opinion fast. I am leaving but hopefully you might find a way to keep things going for others.


In any effect I wish you LUCK as you really do need it SWTOR.

The rest of ya. Have fun.



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Let's be real, if this game was a sci fi mmo called "Space Pirates", "Wow in Space" or whatever, it wouldn't have 1.7 million players.


It has 1.7 million players because it just so happens to have the words "Star Wars" in its' title.


There is, and I'll be the first to admit it, a small amount of people that came because it was made by Bioware.


Not sure why that is a counter? If there are a lot of people who came because there is SW in the title and stayed for whatever their reasons were...it's still a lot of people.


And, I fit into the "because it is Bioware" part. Had no intention of playing a SW game, not my thing but got dragged here by my husband. I was surprised that I ended up liking it.


I kind of wish it were a bit more "Bioware-ish" though (like the April Fool droid thing).

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Not sure why that is a counter? If there are a lot of people who came because there is SW in the title and stayed for whatever their reasons were...it's still a lot of people.


And, I fit into the "because it is Bioware" part. Had no intention of playing a SW game, not my thing but got dragged here by my husband. I was surprised that I ended up liking it.


I kind of wish it were a bit more "Bioware-ish" though (like the April Fool droid thing).


Because Star Wars is a huge franchise. When Rifts came out most of the people it attracted were wow players. It was even marketed toward mmo players as a wow killer. Star Wars is so huge that people who have never ever played an MMO came because they were fans of Star Wars.


This game is refreshing in that way because sometimes it's nice to play an mmo and meet someone that has never played wow. Sometimes.

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Haha, yea. They should of known what would happen tho, or have a system in place to cope when things died down
They did know it would happen. They told us it would, and attempted to convince us to accept the queues. We wouldn't listen.


The situation is the community's fault.

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They did know it would happen. They told us it would, and attempted to convince us to accept the queues. We wouldn't listen.


The situation is the community's fault.


Nope, they built the game, have control over the game they set the rules to the game. It was short sighted of them.

As you can see they learn't with the oceanic servers, they wanted more severs and bio didn't open any because of past mistakes.

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Nope, they built the game, have control over the game they set the rules to the game. It was short sighted of them.

As you can see they learn't with the oceanic servers, they wanted more severs and bio didn't open any because of past mistakes.

If you have any pride for this game take a little responsibility. The developers had a plan but we were too impatient.


They didn't have a choice; player's were launching campaigns demanding more servers, and the uproar was getting so big that the mass media outlets were starting to pay attention. The developers are the ones who have to clean the mess, but they didn't make it. They did everything they could to convince us to let them stick to their plan, but we didn't allow it. They predicted the losses we're suffering now based on industry patterns, and knew perfectly well they would end up with too many servers to host thriving communities on all of them. It just demonstrates what happens when players selfishly push the "give me what I want now" mentality in this industry: the industry pushes back.

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Well, their last figure was 1.7 million so the number of subs hasnt really changed. But, the thing they havnt been telling us are the number of hours played by players.


I bet a lot of people are still subbed, but just arnt logging in. Maybe they should tell us how many subs there are as of now (April) and tell us how many hours have been played compared to Launch.



I'm pretty sure everyones noticed people not logging in anymore. Even if we still have 1.7 million subs like they way, player hours played has to be down by more than half since launch.


I login to fleet and sometimes im the only person. I'm on Anchorhead, which was one of the most popular servers at launch. Only servers constantly populated seem to be Fatman and Swiftsure. I dont think they're fooling anyone.

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If you have any pride for this game take a little responsibility. The developers had a plan but we were too impatient.


They didn't have a choice; player's were launching campaigns demanding more servers, and the uproar was getting so big that the mass media outlets were starting to pay attention. The developers are the ones who have to clean the mess, but they didn't make it. They did everything they could to convince us to let them stick to their plan, but we didn't allow it. They predicted the losses we're suffering now based on industry patterns, and knew perfectly well they would end up with too many servers to host thriving communities on all of them. It just demonstrates what happens when players selfishly push the "give me what I want now" mentality in this industry: the industry pushes back.


If they didn't have a game plan with launch and looking to cover bases should certain situations arise, then thats just bad business.


Like i said It's there game, they pull the punches hold the strings, im sorry you don't understand that.

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Nope, they built the game, have control over the game they set the rules to the game. It was short sighted of them.

As you can see they learn't with the oceanic servers, they wanted more severs and bio didn't open any because of past mistakes.


There are several threads of people threatening to quit if the queues did not cease!


Feel free to read through them!

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If they didn't have a game plan with launch and looking to cover bases should certain situations arise, then thats just bad business.


Like i said It's there game, they pull the punches hold the strings, im sorry you don't understand that.

If you truly believe that you know absolutely nothing about business, buddy.


It's impossible for a business to exist in a vacuum; there are times when they have to give the customers what they want, even if they know the customers will simply choke on it.

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I login to fleet and sometimes im the only person. I'm on Anchorhead, which was one of the most popular servers at launch. Only servers constantly populated seem to be Fatman and Swiftsure. I dont think they're fooling anyone.
There are several others; you simply have to log onto the server to adequately measure their populations.
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They did know it would happen. They told us it would, and attempted to convince us to accept the queues. We wouldn't listen.


The situation is the community's fault.


Bioware claimed that staggered access would help avoid queues (it didn't, it made them worse).


A lot of people on the forums claimed the pain of staggered access (i.e. 4-6 hour queues day in day out for weeks) was worthwhile as it would avoid the Rift scenario (dead servers at between 3-6 months). Clearly that didn't work out either.


Bioware should always have planned for the Rift situation, that they didn't is not the players fault.

Edited by Goretzu
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A lot of people on the forums claimed the pain of staggered access (i.e. 4-6 hour queues day in day out for weeks) was worthwhile as it would avoid the Rift scenario (dead servers at between 3-6 months). Clearly that didn't work out either.
Staggered launch was only part of their launch plan. They were also going to limit the number of total servers. If they had been allowed to do this the game's population would not be as spread out as it is.
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Monday 05/03/12 4582 -19,42% -61,17%

Tuesday 06/03/12 4371 -9,37% -62,96%

Wednesday 07/03/12 4398 -6,62% -62,73%

Thursday 08/03/12 4272 -4,92% -63,80%

Friday 09/03/12 4216 -8,03% -64,27%

Saturday 10/03/12 4487 -5,68% -61,97%

Sunday 11/03/12 4652 -8,26% -60,58%

Monday 12/03/12 4384 -4,32% -62,85%

Tuesday 13/03/12 4170 -4,60% -64,66%

Wednesday 14/03/12 4299 -2,25% -63,57% free 7 day trial

Thursday 15/03/12 4444 4,03% -62,34% free week end

Friday 16/03/12 4667 10,70% -60,45%

Saturday 17/03/12 4981 11,01% -57,79%

Sunday 18/03/12 5186 11,48% -56,05%

Monday 19/03/12 4237 -3,35% -64,09%

Tuesday 20/03/12 4025 -3,48% -65,89%

Wednesday 21/03/12 3950 -8,12% -66,53%

Thursday 22/03/12 4029 -9,34% -65,86%

Friday 23/03/12 3908 -16,26% -66,88%

Saturday 24/03/12 4238 -14,92% -64,08%

Sunday 25/03/12 4323 -16,64% -63,36%

Monday 26/03/12 3774 -10,93% -68,02%

Tuesday 27/03/12 3718 -7,63% -68,49%

Wednesday 28/03/12 3657 -7,42% -69,01%

Thursday 29/03/12 3638 -9,70% -69,17%

Friday 30/03/12 3508 -10,24% -70,27% all-time low

Saturday 31/03/12 3718 -12,27% -68,49%

Sunday 01/04/12 3911 -9,53% -66,86%



You can argue the validity of the numbers, but this is the X-fire breakdown of what's occurred in TOR since March. Keep in mind the number of Xfire players of TOR peaked @ around 12000 in December.


It's not definitive by any stretch, but it is alarming. These type numbers coupled with anecdotal evidence paint a picture, and it ain't pretty.

Edited by CrackboneFTW
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If you truly believe that you know absolutely nothing about business, buddy.


It's impossible for a business to exist in a vacuum; there are times when they have to give the customers what they want, even if they know the customers will simply choke on it.


You are right we are the customer and Bioware provide a service we pay for. Bioware did make a projection this would happen which is fine if they had also prepared for it which obviously they did not. How difficult is it to put a free transfer system in place and allow players on the lower population servers to make choice of which server they wish to move to before closing that server, if they wish to stay with their guild and name whichever friends they may want to stick with. Then can do the best to arrange this similar, possibly, as they did with the guild system on the website prior to thegames launch.


HeavensAgent as I have had a few words with you in another thread too its obvious that you are heavily biased to Bioware and cant be objective. Its a point to note that debating with you is fruitless.

Edited by joneb
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