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Profitting off crew skills


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How is everyone making their money in this game? On my main I sold my excess crafting mats that I didnt use on the GTN for a moderate to above average price. This generally kept me hovering after all my expenses at 100k credits (I was buying speeder trainings, and leveling my armstech skill). Some of my guildies in comparison have been floating around at 5 million + creds, so obviously Im doing something wrong.


Any suggestions on other ways to make creds?

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Run slicing missions constantly and pray for crits. Scavenging + Underworld Trading mission schems sell for 10-25k each.


So slicing is a highly desirable crew skill than, eh? Problem with that though is that I would have to give up a crew skill that I am using to level a crafting skill I have.

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So slicing is a highly desirable crew skill than, eh? Problem with that though is that I would have to give up a crew skill that I am using to level a crafting skill I have.


Yes, when you run missions for slicing boxes there's a chance to get a mission schematic for other crew skills if you crit the mission. Some of these (like the scavenging + UWT) are very valuable. Others (like cybertech + investigation) are nearly worthless.


If you don't have room on your main, i'd suggest leveling an alt up to 15ish really quickly and picking up slicing. You'll be able to run two missions at once and the credits from the boxes you get for running missions pretty much pay for the leveling. With only two companions available for running missions it won't be super profitable, but it'll be pretty helpful for funding your main until you get the time to level the alt to 50 (so you can run 5 companions at once).

Edited by Goldenstar
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On my main I plan on doing so, I've heard that there are excellent drops to be had from doing so. However I am more interested in learning money making tips for 1-49.


Don't die at all during your lvling especially once you get in the higher ranges when dying starts costing you several K to repair all your gear. You could sell blue and purple weapons, armor or orange gear for the lower lvls and of course mats from the various gathering. PvPing everyday completing those dailies + the money in the bags from them also adds up.( at lvl 50 though) Do this on more then 1 char everyday if you have time and you'll rack in tons of creds. Play the GTN perhaps a bit with your gather/craft and there you go. But dailies pve/pvp at lvl 50 is the easiest and guaranteed way to make a profit. It's just well boring. Selling stuff to friends and guildies work alot better and the idea that you also helped someone gear up perhaps ain't too shabby either.

UWT missions 340 will give you several mandolorian iron and those silks as well and mandolorian iron goes 20K + per piece on my server.

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Dailys on ilum + Belsavis + the main 8 space ship missions = 300k a day


Cybertech Space Ship grade 6 upgrades sell for 30k each. i sell one or two sets per day. = 150k a day.


Artifice Color Crystals. 45k for lvl 47 purples and 20k for lvl 39 purples. sell 2 of each per day. so about 110k a day.



560k a day. at one point i had over 20 million credits and that was about a month ago.



The way i feel about it: if you don't have money, then you must not want it.


side note: i don't pvp. have never played a warzone.

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Before the crystal vendor, I was selling +31 crystals of all colors for around 40K a pop, and magenta crystals for close to half a million. That market has dropped off some, but I expect it will pick back up after 1.2 and the vendor goes away (and we have a host of new schematics). I'm sure the new willpower shields will be popular too! Augmentable light sabers sell well too (I got 2.5 million for one). I stopped doing dailies after making my first million off artificing (i've since bought a while crystal for 2.5 mill, purple and cyan crystals for another 3/4 million and STILL have over 2 million, heh) With no real goal for things to spend creds on, I havent put much effort into making money in over a month (which is why i'm ONLY at 2 million)! Edited by Natarii
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Sometimes I think people are terrible at math or they just don't care.


On my server, Zal Alloy sells around 1.3k - 1.5k each.


340 Scavenging Missions sell in the 10k - 12k range and you usually get right around 25 Zal Alloy.


If you buy the missions for 12k and they cost 3k to run, your cost is 15k. 25 Zal Alloy * 1.3k is 32.5k. You are easily doubling your money but yet the missions sit and sit and sit on the GTN.

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People don't care. Most people aren't going to take the time to make a spreadsheet and figure out what the unit price is and then go to the GTN and see what they are selling for and make a calculation to determine if it is worth it.


I did, but I have an MBA and that was the first thing I started doing.


You need to get the knowledge out that its a great deal, people will trust most knowledge in-game, however anecdotal. Most people don't even go to the forums. There is so much information here that is very useful in game that most people have no clue about.

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It's not that people are dumb, it's that people don't have time to waste dealing with the horrid GTN interface, when they can just do their dailies and pocket 300k per day, then slog off to run HMFPs or Ops.


QFT on the horrid interface plus lazy players - as evidenced by the numerous items I buy every day that have been posted at the auto list price yet have a market value significantly higher.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I'm Synth, and I saw profit all the way up the lvls, making purple & orange gear, the lower lvl stuff 9-30 seems to sell the best. Key is to roughly figure out what is cost to make...mats, missions etc.. & sell it for 3-10 times the number. Keep track of what sells & what doesn't and change price accordingly.


I have some orange gear that cost 200 to make & sells for 3k, it's not fast but consistent.


Only run rich missions if you can. Watch the GTN for base price mats & crafting missions...you'd be surprised how often they come up.


Sell you random drop blue gear, GTN base price is usually way to high, but you can cut down the price and still get double to tripple the vendor price.


All of this takes work & time.......lots of credits this way is possible but not easy.

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i often see complaints about the "horrible interface" of the gtn....and i just don't get it.


what are people having trouble with? i can find anything after like 2 clicks....like if i'm looking for UT missions...


select Missions...then UT....and there they are....


what is all the fuss about?

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Some really great posts on this thread so far, lets keep em coming people.


Lately I have been buying artifact level companion gifts on the GTN for around 5k and selling them back for 10-15k. The only problem with doing this is of course that you are not guarantyed to sell anything.

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I make my money off tradeskills, mostly.


With cybertech, I got in early, before the market became completely flooded, and was able to make some good money specializing in tanking earrings. And I used that money to diversify my offerings. Now, with a flooded market, I still sell my earrings at 50k a pop and ignore the undercutters. Different things sell at different times, depending on what undercutters are currently undercutting, but because I have a variety of goods, there's always something they aren't carrying and I get my sales there. Don't sell large quantities, but it provides a nice steady income. Great thing about undercutters, because what they charge isn't really worth their time, they rarely stick around and/or keep sufficient stock up. And odds are, because my profit margin is higher, I make more money than them too ;)


My BH is an armormech. I noticed nobody was making medium cunning armor, so focused on that. Started with bracers and belts, expanded to include helms, boots, and legs. Also do a minor bit of orange armor work, for some styles I think look good, though I don't make too much profit off those, mostly a bit of a community service. And lightly dabble in some heavy armor, but not really. Had the market all to myself for quite a while. Do have some minor competition now, but, like with my cybertech, not a huge issue.


I have another that dabbles with Synthweaving, but don't do too much with him, other than some light armor stuff. Don't really feel like putting in the effort required, mostly just use him as a way to use up the silk I get from UT 340 missions.


Sometimes I think people are terrible at math or they just don't care.


On my server, Zal Alloy sells around 1.3k - 1.5k each.


340 Scavenging Missions sell in the 10k - 12k range and you usually get right around 25 Zal Alloy.


If you buy the missions for 12k and they cost 3k to run, your cost is 15k. 25 Zal Alloy * 1.3k is 32.5k. You are easily doubling your money but yet the missions sit and sit and sit on the GTN.


Server dependent there. On my server, Zal Alloy is around 1k each, though you can often get it for less. And the 340 scavenging missions go for 25-30k. I'm not sure why, since at that cost, not really worth it.


I do, however, keep both my scavenging character's companions running Control Measures (abundant zal alloy) as much as possible. For 1500, get an average return of 6+ alloys, works nice.

Edited by Battilea
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