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Ahsoka Tano's fate - Surviving Order 66?


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Something's gonna happen to Ahsoka. I think that's fairly obvious.


I doubt she's going to be killed off. Surviving and staying with the Jedi Order, being knighted or reassigned to another Master is probably the most likely fate of hers that's been theorized. The current show IS aimed towards a younger audience, so killing her off is going to lead to a lot of crying, traumatized kids who are going to feel alienated towards the series. They also have to deal with the already-made RotS. It'd be illogical to have some sort of tragedy happen to her and have no one mention her during Episode III, especially Anakin who has such a hard time dealing with death.


And say she does survive, does that open the doors for a spin off show (or at the very least, mini-series) set between Episode III and IV about her and possibly other surviving Jedi to explain her/their ultimate fate?


i believe Ahsoka will be killed by captain rex during order 66

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Its time for my # rediculous ends to the worst character in the lore.


1. Ahsoka gets knocked up by Anakin on a mission, goes into hiding in Kashyyk in the Shadowlands, after Order 66 begins. Her son is raised on Kashyyk and is who Yoda talks about when he says "there is another." And don't give me that, "It was Leia" stuff either. No you not, what Yoda was thinking, hmmmm.


2. Rather than kill her, Anakin spares her by placing into carbon freeze (since Lucas/Filoni has decided that is a pedestrian procedure). She is placed someplace safe, maybe in Naga Sadow's tomb where she is discoved by Luke when he stars the New Jedi Academy. Double points if she is also pregnant with Anakin's baby when she is unfrozen.


3. She turns to the Darkside, being unable to resist her master's influence. She already shows signs of it anyway. She is then offed by Palps or one of his many secret Sith trainees that he keeps around to keep Vader on a leash.


4. She escapes and goes into hiding. She emerges later to help the Rebel Alliance (since apparently there are far more Jedi running around than Yoda knew, or let on that he knew.) This also encompasses the "married to Rex" theories, who I believe, if he lives, would also be active in the Rebel Alliance.


5. Padme gets Boba Fett released from Coruscant prison and hires him to off Ashoka after she finds her holonet love letters to Anakin. Boba Fett then promptly disappears to become a Bounty Hunter of fortune. Alternately he and Ahsoka run off together, and then she is later killed by cougar Aurra Sing for messing with "her man".


6. She dies during order 66, or after, having an enormous price tag on her head courtesy of the Empire. Aurra Sing doesn't like her very much anyway, and Bossk and Fett both have grudges for her part in imprisoning them.


7. She escapes order 66, but then commits ritual suicide because she is overwhelmed with grief at Anakin's turn to the darkside.


8. She escapes order 66 but becomes a renegade who no longer accepts the Sith/Jedi dichotomy of the force choices, and instead becomes a neutral lightsaber for hire. Additionally, she escapes and gives up the force completely, marries an Architect, has children, and lives out the rest of her days as a faithful Imperial servant.

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how come many peeps don't like Ahsoka? yes she has an attitude but her attitude is just like Anakin's.


I think Ahsoka will not die and just will go into hiding like most jedis


I dont get the hate either, she is one of my favorites SW characters of all time.


So i hope she dont die, or go dark side(what is it with people and the dark side anyway?).

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I dont get the hate either, she is one of my favorites SW characters of all time.


So i hope she dont die, or go dark side(what is it with people and the dark side anyway?).


Because, the dark side is where TRUE power lies!! But anyways I personally hope she is killed in one way or another. I imagine it would be something like this...


Order 66 commences


Ashoka is currently near clones/ leading a squad of clones


Clone troopers hesitate for a moment the screen fades to black and blaster fire is heard.

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  • 5 months later...
how come many peeps don't like Ahsoka? yes she has an attitude but her attitude is just like Anakin's.


I think Ahsoka will not die and just will go into hiding like most jedis


I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. At best I only tolerate because she is around, but anyway no hiding. There were so many jedi that sprung up as 'hiding' that it seemed to make Order 66 worthless.

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Something's gonna happen to Ahsoka. I think that's fairly obvious.


I doubt she's going to be killed off. Surviving and staying with the Jedi Order, being knighted or reassigned to another Master is probably the most likely fate of hers that's been theorized. The current show IS aimed towards a younger audience, so killing her off is going to lead to a lot of crying, traumatized kids who are going to feel alienated towards the series. They also have to deal with the already-made RotS. It'd be illogical to have some sort of tragedy happen to her and have no one mention her during Episode III, especially Anakin who has such a hard time dealing with death.


And say she does survive, does that open the doors for a spin off show (or at the very least, mini-series) set between Episode III and IV about her and possibly other surviving Jedi to explain her/their ultimate fate?


That's the exact opposite attitude to have. We shouldn't underestimate the strength of children. They can handle the death of an important character in a cartoon show. In fact, many of them are looking for exactly that. I remember myself as a kid, always wondering why every single member of the team of heroes absolutely HAS to survive every situation they get into, no matter the odds stacked against them. It was so refreshing to see main characters die, in the few shows that featured such things.


Same goes for video games. The moments that stick with me are when characters sacrifice themselves for the good of the quest. And it's always disappointing when a show convinces you a character is going to sacrifice themselves, and then that character lives. Or when a character you thought was dead returns by way of a ridiculous plot device (Darth Maul with robotic spider legs? No thank you.)



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She shouldn't even make it to Order 66. And let me tell you why. The story of Star Wars is the story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker. Everything in the prequels led up to that one moment in the Chancellors office, when Anakin fell to the Dark Side. Darth Sidious has been manipulating Anakin from the moment he arrived on Coruscant. Everything he told Anakin was meant to drive him further down that path. But it was more than just words. He also set certain tests for the Chosen One to complete. The final battle with Dooku is one of them. Now what could Sidious do to send Anakin further down that path. The death of a loved one? Yes. Shmi's death brought him farther down the path. The visions of Padme's death sent him hurtling down the path to the Dark Side.


Where was I? Oh right. The best was for Sidious to keep Anakin on that path is to remove Ahsoka, who is a positive influence on his life, from the dejarik board. In fact, Sidious knew the Coucil would send Obi-Wan to attack Grievous on Utapau, that effectively left Anakin alone to face the Dark Side temptations. Anakin is like a child, very impressionable. Sidious took advantage of that. He used the Jedi Council's suspicions of himself and Anakin to push Anakin down the path. But how can he remove Ahsoka? An easily answered question. There are two ways for Ahsoka to be removed. Both of them involve her death.


The first and most likely option is for Count Dooku to kill her. This will add to the tension between the two during their battle on the Invisible Hand, as well as push him down the path.


The second is for Ahsoka to die due to some event that Anakin wouldn't be able to stop. This will cause him to blame himself for her death, but also make him seek more power. This power would only be available from the Dark Side, or so Sidious would say. This would also make him more desperate for a means to save Padme from death. He would obviously seek more power to prevent her from sharing the same fate as Ahsoka and Shmi.


For the record, I do not hate Ahsoka. I do not like her either. I mearly tolerate her presence on the show, in hopes that someone will kill her to further the future Darth Vader's journey to the Dark Side.


PS: I also believe far too many Jedi have survived Order 66. It was a key component to Sidious' grand plan. Far too many Jedi have survived it for it to be effective.

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PS: I also believe far too many Jedi have survived Order 66. It was a key component to Sidious' grand plan. Far too many Jedi have survived it for it to be effective.


Agreed, there. It's unrealistic to think that every single Jedi could be killed, all at once. Some must escape. But if there really were this many Jedi slipping through the cracks, Yoda and/or Obi-Wan would have surely contacted them. How can that many Jedi live, without even one of them helping the rebels before Luke?


The destruction of the Order was so complete, that in 18 short years people started believing that the Jedi were nothing but a myth. There can't be Jedi running around all over the place. And you know if Ahsoka lives through Order 66, someone will pick up the character and write a book with her doing all sorts of heroic things. She's such an important character, there's no way she just fades into nothing after surviving Order 66, like other Jedi might. No way her actions would go unnoticed by Yoda and Obi-Wan, who are basically just sitting around meditating all day.



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Something's gonna happen to Ahsoka. I think that's fairly obvious.


I doubt she's going to be killed off. Surviving and staying with the Jedi Order, being knighted or reassigned to another Master is probably the most likely fate of hers that's been theorized. The current show IS aimed towards a younger audience, so killing her off is going to lead to a lot of crying, traumatized kids who are going to feel alienated towards the series. They also have to deal with the already-made RotS. It'd be illogical to have some sort of tragedy happen to her and have no one mention her during Episode III, especially Anakin who has such a hard time dealing with death.


And say she does survive, does that open the doors for a spin off show (or at the very least, mini-series) set between Episode III and IV about her and possibly other surviving Jedi to explain her/their ultimate fate?


What I never understood about The Clone Wars series and Ahsoka Tano is, how could Anakin have a Padawan, when he fell to the Dark Side before he could become a Jedi Master? Seems that part of the story goes against everything we know about the Jedi and the Star Wars Universe.

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What I never understood about The Clone Wars series and Ahsoka Tano is, how could Anakin have a Padawan, when he fell to the Dark Side before he could become a Jedi Master? Seems that part of the story goes against everything we know about the Jedi and the Star Wars Universe.

By that time Anakin is already knighted so he has the right to train a Padawan. IIRC, Qui-Gon Jinn was also only a Knight and he trained Obi-Wan.

Edited by alricka
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Agreed, there. It's unrealistic to think that every single Jedi could be killed, all at once. Some must escape. But if there really were this many Jedi slipping through the cracks, Yoda and/or Obi-Wan would have surely contacted them. How can that many Jedi live, without even one of them helping the rebels before Luke?


The destruction of the Order was so complete, that in 18 short years people started believing that the Jedi were nothing but a myth. There can't be Jedi running around all over the place. And you know if Ahsoka lives through Order 66, someone will pick up the character and write a book with her doing all sorts of heroic things. She's such an important character, there's no way she just fades into nothing after surviving Order 66, like other Jedi might. No way her actions would go unnoticed by Yoda and Obi-Wan, who are basically just sitting around meditating all day.




Agreed. Order 66 did in a matter of days, what the Sith failed to do for millenia. But far too many Jedi are surviving the greatest moment in Sith history.

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Agreed. Order 66 did in a matter of days, what the Sith failed to do for millenia. But far too many Jedi are surviving the greatest moment in Sith history.


I feel the opposite way - far too many Jedi were killed by mere clone troopers and a false distress signal. What are the chances that even 50% of the Jedi were accompanied by a full squad of clones when the order was given?

Would the Jedi not feel the deaths of their fellow Jedi piling up? For the Jedi accompanied by Clones, this would remove the element of surprise. The rest of the Jedi would know that the distress signal is a trap.


The two Jedi closest to the center of Order 66 (Yoda and Obi-Wan) both survived. Why not Jedi who had to face mere clones?


Sure Palpatine was clever, but he can only do so much.


So, I think it would be very plausible for Ahsoka to survive Order 66 - she would be very in-tune with Anakin, and would probably sense his turning. This would improve her chances, at least.

Edited by JettrikRyflix
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I don't think that Darth Vader kills her so that leaves us with several options:

A) She doesn't survive the Clones Wars. In this option Order 66 doesn't kill her because she's already dead.:(

B) She's killed by Order 66. Bork you Palpatine!:mad:

C) She survives Order 66 but is killed by a 3rd party.

D) She survives Order 66 but is killed by Palpatine/Vader.

E) She survives the Great Jedi Purge entirely. Which leaves the question of where she is during Luke's Jedi Order:confused:


My gut is telling me that it's "C," what do you all think?

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I feel the opposite way - far too many Jedi were killed by mere clone troopers and a false distress signal. What are the chances that even 50% of the Jedi were accompanied by a full squad of clones when the order was given?

Would the Jedi not feel the deaths of their fellow Jedi piling up? For the Jedi accompanied by Clones, this would remove the element of surprise. The rest of the Jedi would know that the distress signal is a trap.


The two Jedi closest to the center of Order 66 (Yoda and Obi-Wan) both survived. Why not Jedi who had to face mere clones?


Sure Palpatine was clever, but he can only do so much.


So, I think it would be very plausible for Ahsoka to survive Order 66 - she would be very in-tune with Anakin, and would probably sense his turning. This would improve her chances, at least.


Pretty much every Jedi was in the midst of battle. They wouldn't have felt the deaths of their fellow Jedi because they were focused on the flow of the battle. Coupled with Darth Sidious pretty much blinding them in the Force left only one Jedi capable of feeling their deaths: Yoda.


Yoda could feel the deaths of his fellow Jedi because of his mastery in Force farsight and he survived Order 66 because of his mastery of battle precognition. Obi-Wan's varactyl mount took the brunt of the blast and allowed Obi-Wan to survive the attack.


Palpatine was more than clever. Waging a fake war. Turning the Jedi Order's trump card to the Dark Side and then using him to destroy the Jedi. Everything during the Prequels happened because of Palpatine and his plan.


Palpatine wouldn't let her survive the war. He knows about Force bonds and would most likely have her removed before Order 66, before ROTS even. I address the reason for this in one of my previous posts.

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Looked around the internet about Ahsoka and found a few things. First of all in an interview at Comic-Con with the producer, Dave Filoni he said "I've done eight different endings for her. I'll be talking to George about it soon," so I guess at least one must include her death, and other things considered by you guys. So don't dismiss her death as not suiting the Clone Wars 'feel'.


I also found a speculation of that these 8 endings may be. The link is here but I'll give you a list:


Fate #1: Ahsoka Lives: Leaves Jedi Order before Order 66

Fate #2: Ahsoka Dies: Killed before Battle of Coruscant

Fate #3: Ahsoka Lives: Escapes Order 66

Fate #4: Ahsoka Dies: Darth Vader's Jedi Purge

Fate #5: Ahsoka Lives: Spared by Darth Vader

Fate #6: Ahsoka Dies: Anakin Kills Ahsoka

Fate #7: Ahsoka Lives: Anakin mindwipes Ahsoka

Fate #8: Ahsoka Dies: Darth Vader's Assault on the Jedi Temple


Fate 7 is an interesting one, don't think anyone's considered that.


EDIT: Forgot about this, Ahsoka's one of the photos indicating her death is being considered as a possible fate

Edited by Beniboybling
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Pretty much every Jedi was in the midst of battle. They wouldn't have felt the deaths of their fellow Jedi because they were focused on the flow of the battle. Coupled with Darth Sidious pretty much blinding them in the Force left only one Jedi capable of feeling their deaths: Yoda.


Yoda could feel the deaths of his fellow Jedi because of his mastery in Force farsight and he survived Order 66 because of his mastery of battle precognition. Obi-Wan's varactyl mount took the brunt of the blast and allowed Obi-Wan to survive the attack.


Palpatine was more than clever. Waging a fake war. Turning the Jedi Order's trump card to the Dark Side and then using him to destroy the Jedi. Everything during the Prequels happened because of Palpatine and his plan.


Palpatine wouldn't let her survive the war. He knows about Force bonds and would most likely have her removed before Order 66, before ROTS even. I address the reason for this in one of my previous posts.


Yes, Palpatine does recognize the bond between Anakin and Ahsoka. This could be the reason Ventress is hunting her down in Season 5. Who knows.


I just don't want to give Palpatine more credit than he is due. Remember, this is the same guy who got picked up by an old robot and thrown down a pit.

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Yes, Palpatine does recognize the bond between Anakin and Ahsoka. This could be the reason Ventress is hunting her down in Season 5. Who knows.


I just don't want to give Palpatine more credit than he is due. Remember, this is the same guy who got picked up by an old robot and thrown down a pit.


Sidious could contract Ventress because she's a bounty hunter now. So that is a possible scenario.


Sidious' death is actually a matter of arrogance. Let's just put ourselves in his shoes for a moment...


The galaxy is in his control. Nothing happens without him knowing about it. His power is almost limitless. He has become a nexus of Dark energy. His Empire is on the verge of crushing the Alliance fleet and he has the son of Skywalker almost begging for mercy. He takes this moment to enjoy snuffing out the last candle in the Darkness. Suddenly, his apprentice grabs him from behind and throws him down a reactor shaft. He was arrogant, but he had a reason to be arrogant. He failed to realize that the love that he used to bring Anakin to the Dark Side would also turn him back to the Light. This is Sidious' biggest mistake. But do not blame him for being arrogant. He assumed that he was untouchable, but as he found out no one is untouchable. He was defeated in the only way that he could have been defeated at that time.


But you are logical in only giving credit where credit is due, but Sidious deserves the credit. Everything that happened in the PT was by his design.

Edited by Aurbere
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Something's gonna happen to Ahsoka. I think that's fairly obvious.


I doubt she's going to be killed off. Surviving and staying with the Jedi Order, being knighted or reassigned to another Master is probably the most likely fate of hers that's been theorized. The current show IS aimed towards a younger audience, so killing her off is going to lead to a lot of crying, traumatized kids who are going to feel alienated towards the series. They also have to deal with the already-made RotS. It'd be illogical to have some sort of tragedy happen to her and have no one mention her during Episode III, especially Anakin who has such a hard time dealing with death.


And say she does survive, does that open the doors for a spin off show (or at the very least, mini-series) set between Episode III and IV about her and possibly other surviving Jedi to explain her/their ultimate fate?


Honestly, I can literally see her sacrificing herself for something the republic needed to keep quiet with the order supporting it driving anakin to become a master so he can change the way of the orders relationship with the republic.


It would be epic and make sense as to why he acted like a spoiled teenager in episode 3 when they council didn't see him as a master and why he was against spying on palapatine.

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Honestly, I can literally see her sacrificing herself for something the republic needed to keep quiet with the order supporting it driving anakin to become a master so he can change the way of the orders relationship with the republic.


It would be epic and make sense as to why he acted like a spoiled teenager in episode 3 when they council didn't see him as a master and why he was against spying on palapatine.


To be fair, looking at it Anakin deserved the title of master. Only thing that stopped him(which is what the council probably feared) was his emotions, if they had just made him a master it probably would have mellowed him out more and not have him be in a strain with the other jedi.

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