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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will You Still Play Your Nerfed Class Post 1.2?


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When I think of the PvP in this game one word comes to mind: Ilum.


SWTOR wins the fail award.


But I will continue to play my Scoundrel, no point in re-rolling. Pretty much every class got nerfed in some way in 1.2.


So like every other game on relase its world pvp failed? great arguement really...


oh wait...

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it certainly doesnt feel 2.3 mil or 1.7 in game thats for sure. look at all transfer me pls server is dead.

its a simple game with no content and on ezymode

I predict F2P within 6 months from now.

when I started all severs were heavy now most are light and std

I think your figures are grossly overestimated.


I'll read your garbage when you can form a sentence other than w/e this crap is...


also when you started they were all capped very low hence all heavy, slow much, thanks...

Edited by mordredz
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Yeah, ill still play my merc, I'm going back to pyro though. Healing in pugs can be frustrating enough, especially when people on your server know who you are and focus you down as soon as you leave the spawn. After the changes id probably be tearing my hair out trying to play. Pyro was what made me love mercs anyways, so ill be content.
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I'm scrapping my sorc I think. I'll continue raiding with her, since that nerf isn't that big over there, but for pvp, nah. When bioware decides to make full specs good, then maybe I'll go for it again, but right now I'm just valoring up my juggernaut. Yea, I know, da jugg will also get nerfed, but I hope he'll still be fun to play after. Since I only have a sorc, a jugg, and an operative at 50, and all are getting nerfed (actually scrapped my operative way before, when the first big nerf happened), well, I gotta play one nerfed class. It's not really the nerfs that bother me, but the fact that they're killing a whole playstyle for my sorc. I don't like playing a full dot class with no burst (madness), and I don't like lightning because.. well, it sucks imo. Thundering blast is just far too weak. So juggernaut it will be, and I just hope Bioware knows what they're doing with the rage nerfs.


It's actually kind of funny. My juggernaut started out in life as my pve main (first char). Never played any pvp with him. Then made a pvp alt in operative, and then a sorc alt when I heard they were ruining him, and now I'm raiding on my sorc and just started pvp on my jugg last week after I heard about the death of the hybrid. A complete reversal of roles for my two characters that I play.

Edited by Boissi
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Already unsubbed. Play time runs out late April. Just in time for Diablo 3 release.


This game was fun for a couple of months, but it has a lot of growing pains to go through still to become a decent mmo.


I feel SWTOR was worth what I paid to get this far, but not really worth a penny more.

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My first MMO was EQ- I started playing a month after launch, in fact. I have played a number of different MMOs subsequently- I am very familiar with the buff/nerf cycle as a result.


Some of you have offered various remarks and opinions, but failed to respond to my question: Will you still play your class post 1.2?


Ops have it really bad- I sympathize for you most.

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Already unsubbed. Play time runs out late April. Just in time for Diablo 3 release.


This game was fun for a couple of months, but it has a lot of growing pains to go through still to become a decent mmo.


I feel SWTOR was worth what I paid to get this far, but not really worth a penny more.


The games given more in 3 months than wow/eq/gw/etc has in a full expansion, so if you think 30 bucks is to much for all the new content then alrighty, and D3 isnt out till late may if that...

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Yes, since when I look at the changes, the main thing that's being nerfed is hybrid builds. I am totally okay with that, and I have very few complaints with the rest of the class balancing. It might've been overdone a tad, but it's really not as bad as it looks in my opinion, and it will likely get better as we get closer to 1.2
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My first MMO was EQ- I started playing a month after launch, in fact. I have played a number of different MMOs subsequently- I am very familiar with the buff/nerf cycle as a result.


Some of you have offered various remarks and opinions, but failed to respond to my question: Will you still play your class post 1.2?


Ops have it really bad- I sympathize for you most.


I think ppl who will quit will quit for a range of reasons not just the nerf to some profs.

The nerf may be part of it.

If the question was, will the changes made in 1.2 be significant enough to tip you into canceling your sub then I say YES


the nerfs alone

no they actually had no part in me canceling my sub even though MY toon is a PT

Edited by Jrovak
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I think ppl who will quit will quit for a range of reasons not just the nerf to some profs.

The nerf may be part of it.

If the question was, will the changes made in 1.2 be significant enough to tip you into canceling your sub then I say YES


the nerfs alone

no they actually had no part in me canceling my sub even though MY toon is a PT


Then quit, move along, and take a writing class or something...

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Each 50 takes less than 3 days played. I simply have excellent time management. You do not.


To wit: I am typing my posts while playing on another monitor.


So you lvl to 50 and stop, ya the sun still wants to play and horrible judging a toon on that alone...

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The games given more in 3 months than wow/eq/gw/etc has in a full expansion, so if you think 30 bucks is to much for all the new content then alrighty, and D3 isnt out till late may if that...


don't yu get even tired of the opiniated stupidity u try to propagate?


it has no FACTUAL basis.

and dont come back with your 1.3 mil now 2.7 mil subs you make us laugh.

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Each 50 takes less than 3 days played. I simply have excellent time management. You do not.


To wit: I am typing my posts while playing on another monitor.


Eh, depends on the playstyle. Many people enjoy the leveling process and story, and to them, 7 50s sounds like a ton, but it's not that many if you just wanna speed-run and play at 50.


To each his own.

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i don't have problem with the nerfing but i am bored of how weak sages/sorc are.

i rerolled to vigilance jedi guardian best op class atm :)


EDIT: i have a sage50lvl BM

now i got a 37lvl Guardian and i'm really exited

Edited by kantnerfme
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The games given more in 3 months than wow/eq/gw/etc has in a full expansion, so if you think 30 bucks is to much for all the new content then alrighty, and D3 isnt out till late may if that...


As I said...another penny would be too much fanboi.


Diablo 3 is out on May 15th, and trust me when I say that BW's empty servers will all be a little more empty on May 15th 2012.

Edited by Fastpasta
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As I said...another penny would be too much fanboi.


Diablo 3 is out on May 15th, and trust me when I say that BW's empty servers will all be a little more empty on May 15th 2012.


Ya think? a game anticipated for going on 5 years now? you really should buy a lotto ticket with insight like this my friend, really...

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