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Sith Marauder Companions


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I am having a lot of trouble figuring out which companion is best for my marauder, and how to gear my companions. I am at lvl 41, and I believe I have all my companions already, the game is getting difficult and I need to start gearing my companions.


Does anyone know what companion/companions are going to help me best? And also, where can i find out what their primary/Secondary stats are, so I can buy gear that will benefit them best.

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Does anyone know what companion/companions are going to help me best? And also, where can i find out what their primary/Secondary stats are, so I can buy gear that will benefit them best.



I don't know that we can make that decision for you. We don't know your playstyle, nor your tolerance for challenge, nor your attention to gearing up companions.


Some players use Vette exclusively, others cannot play without Quinn the healer. Some prefer Jaesa over these two.


I will say, I've not seen too many people advocate the benefits of Pierce or Broonmark. I've found a very nifty use for Broonmark whilst running certain heroics, but it's a very specific case.


So the companion you choose is highly personal to be honest.

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Marauder works well with any companions. If you take a DPS, you'll go through regular mobs faster. With Quinn, you'll make sure they are all on you.


Carnage lack the self heals of Annihilation, so survivability is a bit lower. Using a tanking companion is a possibility.


To solo H2 and champion mob however, you pretty much need Quinn with annihilation self heals.

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I soloed to 50 in Carnage spec using Jaesa. I did not use Quinn once while leveling. I was always 3-4 levels UNDER my class quest after Force Camo, and the only thing I needed help on was the second phase of the last boss at level 46.


It's just so much easier and faster with dps companions.

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if you are having issues ... use quinn


p.s. cunning


p.p.s. companion main stats are the same as they would be for a player, just find out what class they are ... quinn is essentially an imperial agent, they use cunning

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Its Quinn all the way.


You don't have to use him though he makes things a lot easier. With a healer it speeds things up as you move from fight to fight without so much out of combat healing needed.


I agree wholeheartedly.


If you take a dps pet you need to heal after every fight, so it actually goes a tad slower than with Quinn usually. I spec pure dps (annihilation) and just move on to the next fight with Quinn healing me as I go. I have high rage leftover from the previous fight most of the time, so my dps is very high and my down-time is negligible. I'd love to take Jaesa more often because the banter is more enjoyable, but the bottom line is that healing trumps everything else for a dps class like a marauder.


All of the pets are decent if you gear them up, but I'm sad to say that IMHO, Quinn is superior.

Edited by -Vexus-
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I can concur a healing companion makes leveling go a lot faster. I haven't finished leveling my marauder yet, but I applied the same train of thought when I leveled my sorcerer and my mercenary. People thought I was crazy using Talos while leveling my sorcerer until they saw me tear through mobs about twice as fast as using Khem or Xalek. With my merc it is pretty much the same with Mako. Granted both of those classes can self heal in a pinch, but I rarely had to. Having a healer pet allows me to go all out damage and just kill mobs fast.


Like people above have said, it's all about downtime between fights. With a healing companion you don't have as much. That doesn't mean you won't need to rest between fights ever. It just means you can go a lot longer without having to do that.


Ultimately you need to try out each one and see which you prefer. You may prefer a DPS companion because of the way fights feel instead of the reduced downtime. One thing to keep in mind also is that healing companions still do some DPS.

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It's just so much easier and faster with dps companions.


This is misleading, yes the fights are over a little bit quicker if you use a dps companion, but if you use Quinn, you have no downtime between fights to heal up, so it's a trade off.


If you use Quinn, max out his gear with Cunning stats (top priority) and never look back, you'll be almost invincible.

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And also, where can i find out what their primary/Secondary stats are, so I can buy gear that will benefit them best.


I don't even know how is it even possible to play this game without knowing what the primary stats are for your companions, or the type of gear they should use.


They are not naked when you first get them

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I'm on board with most that say they use Jaesa and Quinn.


I've pretty much stuck with Jaesa since I got her and have been doing ok, gearing her as I go. The problem I found with Quinn is that, no matter how much I gear him with cunning, it's just never enough. What I mean is this: obviously having a companion healer is no where near as effective as having a live member of your group as healer. However, I would love to be able to have my companion be close. I was putting "cunning" gear on Quinny ol' boy at every opportunity but his heals were always just enough to keep me alive during a fight so that I ended up healing myself after each fight.


That's when I started using Jaesa. I figured: if I'm going to have to heal myself after each fight anyway, why not make the fights shorter? So far this has worked well. I'm a 36 Carnage. To make matters worse, I just got Broonmark and I can't decide how/if I'm going to try and use him now. From what I've been reading though, I haven't seen anyone say they LOVE using him.


Based on what a few people have said regarding endgame stuff, I haven't completely forgotten about gearing Quinn all together and have been doing so periodically. But it's Jaesa that I've found to be the best companion so far.


Hope the observations help some! :)

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I'm always using Jaesa since I got her, mainly for RP reasons. The only alternative would be Vette for me, as I never found Quinn much useful. As others have already mentioned, it's a trade-off. Quinn's healing enhances your survivability a little, but I didn't find it sufficient, as the damage is missing. The fights take longer, which in turn isn't fully compensated by the healing.


Jaesa is very useful, because she can hold out some time on her own, when my health is drained, so I can use Camo to retreat a little. Normal mobs are finished off quite fast, what I find more troubling is the lack of CC ablities against larger groups.


But I'm used to LotRO, where you never have a healer with you in solo play and the individual mobs are much tougher, so I'm not used to a rushing playstyle.

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  • 1 year later...
I will only use Quinn, and even though I actually hate his whimpyness, he is great for a marauder. For those claiming Jaesa is great, that's total BS unless you have her maxed geared and even then she barely stays alive.
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I will only use Quinn, and even though I actually hate his whimpyness, he is great for a marauder. For those claiming Jaesa is great, that's total BS unless you have her maxed geared and even then she barely stays alive.


Before you call BS, you might want to use her correctly first, she is deadly.

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Before you call BS, you might want to use her correctly first, she is deadly.


She's not just deadly.


She's a blood-soaked butterfly, glowing in the light of Dusk.



She also makes fights awesome, because there's nothing awesomer than two DPS walking into a room and everything just topples down from the incoming pain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i tend to do quests 3-4 levels above my current level, so quinn is a godsend saving time between fights. This is for levelling though. In makeb, nothing beats sending in Jaesa to attack, having mobs surround her then leaping it for an epic lol smash that kills everything and can move to the next group.
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She's not just deadly.


She's a blood-soaked butterfly, glowing in the light of Dusk.



She also makes fights awesome, because there's nothing awesomer than two DPS walking into a room and everything just topples down from the incoming pain.


it is pretty awesome, she got beaten to within an inch of her life on taris, but once i got her some proper gear, :eek:.


I let her charge draw aggro, i charge the other side of the mob and we meet in the middle seconds later. I unsummon then summon and she's back at full health which solves the downtime issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
that's true, but i'm thinking class/indoor missions where speeder's aren't allowed.


Rocket boosts do the same thing for indoors.


I used Quinn when I was feeling lazy or didn't want to have to pay too much attention to what I was doing. I used Vette as my dps but there's something pretty cool about you and Jaesa leaping in at opposite ends of the same pack at the same time. It was a little harder to control splitting the damage with Jaesa but definite points for awesome. Also Vette's teeny bopper chatter drives me nuts so she got put on timeout fairly regularly.

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