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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unlock the quick slot needs to go.


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solution? quit being a clicker. Force yourself to learn to use keybinds. I honestly dont see how anyone can play clicking hotbars. If you're clicking the hotbar you arent watching what's going on on screen. If you're clicking your hotbar you have zero control over where your camera is facing. If you're clicking your hotbar you are unable to click target an enemy meaning you are relying only on tab target which is fail.


Said it before and I'll say it again. I KNOW you are used to being a clicker. I know it's hard to change ones ways after playing a certain way so long. But for the love of god FORCE yourself to learn to use keybinds. It's 500 x better using keybinds than it is clicking. You just have more control over your character.


Please dont tell me you are a keyturner as well?

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Why not just keep your bars out permanently? I have all 4 bars out, all keybound. I use 1 keybind to bring up my comp bar when I need it but keep it minimized most of the time.


The guys above are correct with respect to learning how to keybind. Clicking is like fighting someone with 1 arm tied behind your back. The sooner you learn, the sooner you get better.

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solution? quit being a clicker. Force yourself to learn to use keybinds. I honestly dont see how anyone can play clicking hotbars. If you're clicking the hotbar you arent watching what's going on on screen. If you're clicking your hotbar you have zero control over where your camera is facing. If you're clicking your hotbar you are unable to click target an enemy meaning you are relying only on tab target which is fail.


Said it before and I'll say it again. I KNOW you are used to being a clicker. I know it's hard to change ones ways after playing a certain way so long. But for the love of god FORCE yourself to learn to use keybinds. It's 500 x better using keybinds than it is clicking. You just have more control over your character.


Please dont tell me you are a keyturner as well?


I am a keyturner, and I would never do anything else for the simple fact i strafe ALOT in pvp. And i have a naga, so I don't use any keybinds aswell :-P Yet I think I have some impact in wzs, so there are other viable ways.

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How about setting the "1" ability to something less vital. Just as my 10-key has abilities bound that I don't need frequent rapid access to because it's a tick slower to get to 'em, you can also move a less frequently used item to that "1" slot to make it less of an issue.



If you aren't in as frenetic a situation when using it you are less likely to 'misclick' and hit that little lock.

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I am a keyturner, and I would never do anything else for the simple fact i strafe ALOT in pvp. And i have a naga, so I don't use any keybinds aswell :-P Yet I think I have some impact in wzs, so there are other viable ways.


I would not want any keyturner to be on my warzone team.


Also, how does you having a Naga mean you dont need to use keybinds? Does a Naga make you click better or do you BIND SKILLS TO YOUR NAGA?

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Said it before and I'll say it again. I KNOW you are used to being a clicker. I know it's hard to change ones ways after playing a certain way so long. But for the love of god FORCE yourself to learn to use keybinds. It's 500 x better using keybinds than it is clicking. You just have more control over your character.


Please dont tell me you are a keyturner as well?


I'z be a testament to this!.. I bought a RAZR Nostromo to help me get past the "Clicker", but after 13 years of being an MMO "Clicker" I still find it hard, my Main I can barely play since I leveled him entirely as a "Clicker", but alts I'm finding it much easier to play with keybinds mapped to the game board. The hardest thing has been re-learning timing on rotations, I go through them so much faster through keybinds than via clicking and find myself ending channeled abilities too soon because I'm not not looking anywhere near the channel bar on the screen.

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I am a keyturner, and I would never do anything else for the simple fact i strafe ALOT in pvp. And i have a naga, so I don't use any keybinds aswell :-P Yet I think I have some impact in wzs, so there are other viable ways.


Wait. You are a key turner because you strafe a lot? That doesnt even make sense. Get rid of your turn keys and keep the strafe keys. At the very least.

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Others have told you to stop clicking, but it's even easier than that...


Right-click is automatically bound to whatever is in your first slot by default. So you don't even need to stop clicking, if that's what you prefer -- just stop clicking 1. Right click your target to use the 1 ability, and then click everything else if you want... but then you'd have to go back and forth between your bar and target.


So i guess you should just stop clicking...

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I can't even imagine trying to play this game as a clicker. Every class/spec except for one has like three times more frequently-used hotkeys than any other MMO that I have played -- and I have played a lot of them.


Playing a Watchman Sentinel is like playing a piano. At least my Kinetic Shadow, despite having 6 abilities to keep in rotation, has more of a rhythm to it.

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I would not want any keyturner to be on my warzone team.


Also, how does you having a Naga mean you dont need to use keybinds? Does a Naga make you click better or do you BIND SKILLS TO YOUR NAGA?


In his defense using a naga and using keyboard binds are two totally differant ways to play

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I am not a clicker but I am losing abilities from quickslots too.

Especially in PvP that you will be moving and turning around a lot that if you happened to forget to lock it back, you are likely to lose them. Your intention to click on an enemy (because of stupid tab targeting) can easily fail and result you dragging something out of our quick bar without realizing it.


My suggestion is:

(A) When you try to remove an ability from an quick bar, confirm it through a dialog.


(B) An an option in the preferences to "Auto Lock Quick Bar" that will lock your quickbar automatically 5 minutes after you unlock it. This way, you won't make mistake forgetting to lock it back. It won't harm anyone since it is an option, instead it will help everyone because not everyone is perfect and very sure that they will never forget to lock it back.

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Why is this in the PvP forum?


To see the clicker rage.


To be fair clicking is still hella easy as as ranged. Heaven help you if you are melee though.


You dont even have to be a clicker for this to happen. My bars get unlocked randomly when i join the game. I go to rotate the screen but since my cursor is down at the too bar, out goes my skills.

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...clicking buttons with a mouse to PvP.. is like trying to drive a car with your nose.


So is "that's just my playstyle" a valid excuse for when you drive your car into a ditch like it seems to be with MMO players?


hay guys stop bein mean to him i click to im good player


I use a trackball and I'm super leet /sarcasm


I am a keyturner, and I would never do anything else for the simple fact i strafe ALOT in pvp. And i have a naga, so I don't use any keybinds aswell :-P Yet I think I have some impact in wzs, so there are other viable ways.


wha?? You have a naga... you don't keybind... Why did you buy a naga if you're not going to keybind it? If you're just going to click, there are thousands of cheap 2-button mice to use. Or do you not consider the 1-12 thumb keys on the naga to be keybinding? Either way, you need way more than just 12 buttons so even with a naga, there are still things that will have to be keybound to the keyboard.


Also, the strafing thing doesn't make sense to me either because whenever you hold rt-mouse to mouseturn, the A and D keys automatically change to strafe left and right.

Edited by ViperI
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I would not want any keyturner to be on my warzone team.


Also, how does you having a Naga mean you dont need to use keybinds? Does a Naga make you click better or do you BIND SKILLS TO YOUR NAGA?


the naga has as many button combinations as there are quickslots.

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the naga has as many button combinations as there are quickslots.


That's not my point at all. My point is that he is binding skills to buttons and not clicking them. So in a sense he is still using keybindings. Or should we call them mouse button bindings so the derps dont get all confused?


And as others have posted, I have no idea why strafing someone means he has to keyturn...That makes zero sense at all lol.

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