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The Yuuzhan Vong


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biotech doesn't belong in Star Wars. That's some Star Trek BS right there.


Might be nitpicking, but if you're going to use another franchise as an example of where biotech should "belong", then Star Trek is a pretty poor choice. Better to go with a series like Babylon 5, which had multiple races using extensive amounts of biotech; Vorlon, Shadows, other First Ones, Minbari, Drakh.


That said one of the main reasons the Vong made for such a good and effective enemy was how absolutely bizarre they were compared to what the New Republic and Jedi were used to. I don't believe the Vong were so superior to the New Republic, it was the timing of their invasion and state of affairs politically that allowed them to march through the galaxy as easily as they were able to.


It was only 21 years or so after the Empire had been defeated at Endor, with multiple crises after that up until the Vong invasion. The New Republic was not at a truly impressive level of military strength, they could only defend a handful of systems among thousands with any real force. Not to mention that those systems were united in pretty much name only, the politicians were constantly tying the hands of their own forces for their own petty and/or near-sighted reasons.

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Honestly, I could take 'em or leave 'em. My problem was the series not the species. It just seemed like the writers felt that they had to take the Jedi and the republic down into the deepest depths of despair and then push them down even farther with each successive book. Most readers (I know) prefer their heroes to have some modicome of success even on their way down, the NJO had none of that. I simply could not take it anymore and stopped reading at about (what turned out to be) the half way point in the series.


At the point I quit reading the series, the Vong had taken about half the galaxy and terraformed maybe 25% beyond recovery. At that point it was starting to look like the republic was fighting back. Of course by then the would actually have ceased to function as a government. Even in the books, individual planets were trying to negotiate with the invaders. That was only limited by the invaders seeing negotiations as a weakness to exploit.


My thought was the amount of time it took the republic to begin to fight for survival made the whole plotline ludicrous. They kept trying to get the Vong to talk, like it wasn't a battle of extermination. It also lasted far too long.

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I simply don't like Biowank-species. Biological starships and weapons are plain moronic, since there is absolutely no realistic way they could ever be as good as non-biological materials.

To quote someone else "There is a reason we switched to steel". You can bioengineer a horse as much as you want, there is no way it'll ever be faster than a mechanical vehicle (it might have niche applications, for example it can forage food, which makes it better when you are cut off from supplies).

It gets worse when we increase the scale - you could bioengineer a whale as much as you want, there is no way it will ever be as tough as an armored battleship. Yes, it can heal if it gets damaged - but we can also repair damage to ships, and you can only heal when you survive - if you have been squished to little pieces, you won't heal.

Now if we increase the scale to that of starships, bioships should be ludicrously easy to squish.


Now if the Vong had been highly force-sensitive, that would have least been an explanation that would allow me to disregard their blatant violation of realism. Except they are the exact opposite, presumably to look more evil and to screw with some force-users.


Dude, the force is a violation of realism. It's space magic.

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Dude, the force is a violation of realism. It's space magic.


Nope...its Space Herpes. When Lucas went to the miticlorian count as indicative of one's force powers, that made the entire premise just plain silly.


Obi-Wan's description of the Force to Luke in the original movie (I saw it when it was just called Star Wars, not A New Hope, or Episode IV), was simple, elegant and ambiguous enough to suspend disbelief.


The Vong were good adversaries, and SWG should have advanced the timeline and set the game during that part of the EU. Would have made things more interesting, as you'd still have the remnants of the Empire in their sector, the New Republic, and the Vong.


At least we might not have been able to see Leia on four planets at the same time rofl.

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Nope...its Space Herpes. When Lucas went to the miticlorian count as indicative of one's force powers, that made the entire premise just plain silly.


Obi-Wan's description of the Force to Luke in the original movie (I saw it when it was just called Star Wars, not A New Hope, or Episode IV), was simple, elegant and ambiguous enough to suspend disbelief.


The Vong were good adversaries, and SWG should have advanced the timeline and set the game during that part of the EU. Would have made things more interesting, as you'd still have the remnants of the Empire in their sector, the New Republic, and the Vong.


At least we might not have been able to see Leia on four planets at the same time rofl.


Darn, forgot about the mitochlorians =( Many people think of Star Wars as sci-fi whereas it's more accurately science fiction. Sci-fi implies that it may be possible someday whereas Lucas doesn't even pretend or imply anywhere that Star Wars is at all possible. For crying out loud they have swordfights in an age of superluminal travel and laser canons!


Science fantasy is really hard to pull off, though the Star Ocean and Phantasy Star game series pulls it off very nicely. Star Wars too, especially since it's a challenge to make science fantasy without being labeled a Star Wars wannabe.

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  • 1 month later...
Oh the Star Wars Tyranids? I remember them, pointless mary sue race that didn't need to be added.


^This. The Vong are a pointless race. I felt nothing but contempt for them while reading the NJO/Vong series.


PS. You changed your font color?

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NJO was one of the best series ever written


It's all about story story story



An extra galactic race comes in, after many thousands of years of watching and probing (yes, KOTOR had them, Mace Windu foresaw them, and Sidius knew they were coming, you could say the whole Palpatine/empire thing was to prepare for the invasion), they come in and kick the crap out of everything they come across until the final endgame. And then the story builds up to jacen Solo's demise.



So much win in those books. But then again, it doesnt have Starkiller or 1337 lightning so the kiddies think its dumb.

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You mean the terrible God Mode Sue race that was created, and used exclusively by, writers of awful fan fiction that somehow got published by Del Rey?


Since they don't actually exist in the Star Wars universe, my opinion of them is moot.


And they don't exist why?


In C-Canon they exist. Games and books don't mess with G-Canon , thus they can and do exist in C-Canon.

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The Force IS life.


Anything that's cut off from the Force is, by definition, not alive.


The Vong should, by all rights, not be able to live.


Plus biotech doesn't belong in Star Wars. That's some Star Trek BS right there.


Making stuff immune to Jedi powers because the writers can't come up with any other way to make them a viable threat is incredibly lazy.


I'd had just about enough when they dropped a moon on Chewbacca and the tidal stress didn't cause earthquakes to shatter continents and kill everyone on that entire hemisphere of the planet, as would have realistically happened.


Thats the understanding of the Froce in "our" galaxy , but they didn't come from "our" galaxy , but beyond.


And tidal stress was creating earthquakes and floods by that time. When people say a moon landed on Chewy , its not literial. Chewy lost his grip and told Han time was out , the ground seperated and he was gone in the dust. The moon hit as the Falcon was getting (barely) out of the atmosphere.

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