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Top ten biggest huttball mistakes


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Here is my list of the top ten worst things you can do in a huttball match.


10. Fighting the other team in your own endzone. If you have played enough huttball, this activity is a sign of a losing team. It is out of desperation. Unless the enemy ball carrier is in the area of your endzone, you should not fight there. Go after the ball carrier and ignore the enemy players near your endzone. If you can stop the ball carrier before he gets to your endzone, you have effectively taken all of those spawn campers out of play, and they are not going to be able to stop your team from scoring.


9. Running across fire pits when you don't have to. If one of your team mates is standing on the other side of the fire pit, you should throw it to them. The other team is just waiting for you to try and run across so they can unload all of their crowd control on you. There is nothing worse then getting fried when your team was right there waiting for you to pass it. Don't be a hero and try to score when you can avoid the hazards by passing the ball.


8. Running the wrong way. Need I say more?


7. Killing enemy players when your team has the ball. This is a hard concept for many to grasp. When you kill a player, they spawn right where your ball carrier is trying to go. Nothing is more frustrating for a ball carrier than to be right at the goal line and have half of the other team emerge from the spawn. It is frustrating because it didn't need to happen. Be aware of when your team has the ball, and instead of killing players, use your knockbacks and stuns to clear a path for the ball carrier. You could also try to get open for a pass.


6. Dying with the ball near your own goal line. If your team successfully kills the enemy team's ball carrier near your goal line, that is an excellent play. If you team coughs up the ball a few seconds later right near your own goal line and they get an easy score, that is one of the worst things you could have done. It is demoralizing, and it should never happen. A smart team would run to the middle and get the reset ball and the person with the ball should look for a safe place to throw the ball away. Doing this could lead to a quick score for your team. Trying to run out of the pit in front of your goal or throwing it to another player near your goal could lead to disaster for your team.


5. Allowing ball carriers with gap closing abilities to leap up to you. These abilities are reliant on the your team being dumb enough to put yourself into a position so that they can use them. When you are between your goal and the ball carrier, be aware of what type of ball carrier it is. Drop down in such a way so that they cannot use you to escape the rest of your team for an easy score.


4. Not controlling the middle. If the other team is always getting to the ball first when it resets, you know your team is not controlling the middle like they should. A well timed stun or knockback is all it takes for you team to get control of the ball when it resets. One or two team mates can accomplish this. To even have a chance at winning, you have to be able to control the middle.


3. Wasting Crowd Control Abilities. Save them for when the ball carrier is trying to cross a fire pit or when the ball carrier gets knocked into the acid. Every Time your team uses a CC on the ball carrier, his resolve bar fills up. If he has a full resolve bar by the time he reaches the fire pit, he can safely walk over it and nobody on your team can stop him. If the enemy ball carrier is being healed, your only hope to stop him is to use your crowd control when it most effective.


2. Running with your own ball carrier. Only healers and tanks using a guard ability on the ball carrier should be doing this. Everyone else should be moving toward the goal line and trying to get open for a pass. Though you don't want to get so far away from the ball carrier that you are out of range and he has nobody to throw to.


1. Putting people on your team down when you are losing a match. If you make a habit of this you are going to end up on a lot of ignore lists and not just the ignore lists of those that you were putting down. Raging is a sign of immaturity, and you shouldn't do it. It makes you look bad. Instead, say something encouraging. Raging in chat doesn't impress anyone, and nobody is adding you to their friends list when you do it. There are more constructive things you could do to help your team and help your reputation on your server.

Edited by Pcolapat
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4. Not controlling the middle. If the other team is always getting to the ball first when it resets, you know your team is not controlling the middle like they should. A well timed stun or knockback is all it takes for you team to get control of the ball when it resets. One or two team mates can accomplish this. To even have a chance at winning, you have to be able to control the middle.


That example is not "controlling the middle". It's "Other team controls middle and run in and Ninja grab the ball"

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for #7, if you are a ballcarrier with a charge, sometimes making a few enemies respawn so you can charge them is exactly what you need.


and ive had #5 happen to me a few times, mostly because you cant tell who has the ball or what class he is when you are behind the barrier, and trying to select a ball carrier in the middle of a pack of 10 people is difficult.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Using AoE knockbacks specifically the BH jet AoE can be very dangerous and some what unpredictable in which direction the enemy goes . I've seen many a well intentioned Knockback actually throw the ball carrier over the line. :/
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Good points, though I disagree with #10. Losing or not, letting the enemy sit in your endzone waiting for a pass is just stupid, same as letting them set up on your sides bridges. Knock em down, off, out, just get them out of there, preferably without killing. Which brings me to a replacement for your #10...


DONT filll the enemy ball carrier's resolve bar with useless stuns when he's on a bridge or about to get near a ledge. If you do that, he cant be bounced/pushed/pulled away from your goal line. Only use your cc as a last resort, i.e. he's about to cross the line, or is in a firepit. Otherwise you are reducing your defense options to 1 - killing him, which is a lot more time consuming than bouncing him out of play.

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Good points, though I disagree with #10. Losing or not, letting the enemy sit in your endzone waiting for a pass is just stupid, same as letting them set up on your sides bridges. Knock em down, off, out, just get them out of there, preferably without killing. Which brings me to a replacement for your #10...


DONT filll the enemy ball carrier's resolve bar with useless stuns when he's on a bridge or about to get near a ledge. If you do that, he cant be bounced/pushed/pulled away from your goal line. Only use your cc as a last resort, i.e. he's about to cross the line, or is in a firepit. Otherwise you are reducing your defense options to 1 - killing him, which is a lot more time consuming than bouncing him out of play.


If you instead went and killed the ball carrier and left him there, he is in the worst possible defensive position when your team has the ball. If you attack him it encourages others coming out of the spawn behind you to also attack him. The more you have fighting in your endzone, the easier it is for the other team to advance the ball. The whole time their ball carrier is getting closer and closer to your goal line. By the time he does get there, you will be waiting for him, but all of your best abilities are on cooldown from your fight with the spawn camper.


Your own endzone is the worst place to defend from. As a sith warrior, I can tell you that on many occasions I have force leaped into the endzone and AOE stunned half of the enemy team and left them there wriggling on the ground like a bunch of dying cockroaches. It is pretty embarrassing for them, and an awesome feeling for me as a ball carrier. Just don't fight there.


The only time I would attack someone in your endzone is if the ball carrier is almost there already. You don't have time to stop the ball carrier, but you could remove a passing option for him. Otherwise, ignore the spawn camper and head up-field to where the enemy ball carrier is.

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5. Allowing ball carriers with gap closing abilities to leap up to you. These abilities are reliant on the your team being dumb enough to put yourself into a position so that they can use them. When you are between your goal and the ball carrier, be aware of what type of ball carrier it is. Drop down in such a way so that they cannot use you to escape the rest of your team for an easy score.


This is probably the most frustrating to watch happen.

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1. Putting people on your team down when you are losing a match. If you make a habit of this you are going to end up on a lot of ignore lists and not just the ignore lists of those that you were putting down. Raging is a sign of immaturity, and you shouldn't do it. It makes you look bad. Instead, say something encouraging. Raging in chat doesn't impress anyone, and nobody is adding you to their friends list when you do it. There are more constructive things you could do to help your team and help your reputation on your server.


Most important of all. These people will be found "afk" quite often when 1.2 comes out. I can't wait.

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Good points, though I disagree with #10. Losing or not, letting the enemy sit in your endzone waiting for a pass is just stupid, same as letting them set up on your sides bridges. Knock em down, off, out, just get them out of there, preferably without killing. Which brings me to a replacement for your #10...

It depends on situation. It is just as stupid to have 4 people zerg 1 person at your goal line if the ball is still in the middle.


PS As a shadow that likes to hide to get a pass I can tell you it is far more effective to just be ready to pull/knockback/push me when I am being passed to instead of killing me. It isn't the first time I had someone attack me cause they detected me, but since they did it at the pit edge I just knocked them in the pit, cloaked and re-positioned to get the pass.


It is also not the first time I intentionally let myself be detected to have several people leaving the gate go after me so my companion cloaker can get an easy pass without opposition.


It is true if the ball stays in the middle area I have to take exceedingly larger risks of being detected by trying to position myself on the bridge everyone uses to go to the middle, or to position myself between the firepits giving risk of snares and roots.


What I am trying to say is, the most important thing is to adapt to your enemy (also to your allies in pugs as there is no use being at the enemy ledge if nobody bothers to pass to each other).

Edited by Ealhdun
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10. Fighting the other team in your own endzone. If you have played enough huttball, this activity is a sign of a losing team. It is out of desperation. Unless the enemy ball carrier is in the area of your endzone, you should not fight there. Go after the ball carrier and ignore the enemy players near your endzone. If you can stop the ball carrier before he gets to your endzone, you have effectively taken all of those spawn campers out of play, and they are not going to be able to stop your team from scoring.


Good read, but I have to disagree with this. I feel this goes along with 'controlling mid' and if you let them hang out in your own end zone, or one of those 2 outer catwalks connected to your end zone, then you subject your team to easy scores.


Yes, it's not a big deal if your team is well organized is constantly putting pressure on the opposing team(if they're in your end zone/catwalk then it puts their team at a disadvantage).


However, usually that team can go without that one person since a lot of the time someone on your team is constantly 2v1ing people on your team or distracted in general(thus making the numbers even).

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Good read, but I have to disagree with this. I feel this goes along with 'controlling mid' and if you let them hang out in your own end zone, or one of those 2 outer catwalks connected to your end zone, then you subject your team to easy scores.


Yes, it's not a big deal if your team is well organized is constantly putting pressure on the opposing team(if they're in your end zone/catwalk then it puts their team at a disadvantage).


However, usually that team can go without that one person since a lot of the time someone on your team is constantly 2v1ing people on your team or distracted in general(thus making the numbers even).


The next time you are in a losing huttball match, pay attention to where your team is when the other team has the ball. I think you will see that many of your team are fighting on those side catwalks and in your endzone instead of attacking the ball carrier. The fact that you are losing the huttball match is enough proof to make my point. Don't take my word for it. Go into the game and pug a few times, you will see what I am talking about.

Edited by Pcolapat
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Good list as obvious as many of these seem, you still see 'em time and time again though there are times and ways that many also can have caveats


Here is my list of the top ten worst things you can do in a huttball match.


10. Fighting the other team in your own endzone. If you have played enough huttball, this activity is a sign of a losing team. It is out of desperation. Unless the enemy ball carrier is in the area of your endzone, you should not fight there. Go after the ball carrier and ignore the enemy players near your endzone. If you can stop the ball carrier before he gets to your endzone, you have effectively taken all of those spawn campers out of play, and they are not going to be able to stop your team from scoring.



If it's a pretty fast kill (i.e. no healer in the area) and its a primary ballcarrier or puller- it can be worthwhile to spend a second taking him down to ensure he won't be able to contribute to the next goal right away. Seeing three people frustrated at being scored on beating on a healing duo and going nowhere however is a pet peeve




9. Running across fire pits when you don't have to. If one of your team mates is standing on the other side of the fire pit, you should throw it to them. The other team is just waiting for you to try and run across so they can unload all of their crowd control on you. There is nothing worse then getting fried when your team was right there waiting for you to pass it. Don't be a hero and try to score when you can avoid the hazards by passing the ball.



This one can be another huge irksome point. Standing on the other side with cc-breaker up and a full health bar only to watch that supposed hero get bbq'd-- especially when not stunned just trying to bull through with a slow on him.


That said, I've used the reverse and knowing I had my cc-breaker up and someone on the other side I'd run through a fire-pit myself trying to get them to waste stuns on me, if I can't survive through the focus fire often this can translate to my getting far enough that the other player can position for an endzone pass instead of catching the pass only to be stunned long enough for the Defense to catch up, or one lone defender knocking him into the pit.



8. Running the wrong way. Need I say more?



Doesn't happen often but have seen it more often then you'd think. I might change this one to 'not running the right way' so you can add in the person that doesn't really advance the ball at all. Have seen a well-positioned player stop to fire off a cast-time attack or two which buys the defense time to get into position.


I could add to the 'wrong way' thing too-- running towards the proper goal, but in an opposite manner to your support. It can be very frustrating to sprint through an active fire pit, taking my health down by a nice chunk only to tun around and see the ballcarrier (that I passed on my way accross to be fairly easy to see) decide to pick the opposite catwalk and go chugging along out of range of myself, often another supporter as well. To catch up to the action we either have to eat a second dose of fire or wait it out and watch him stuck 1 v 3-4 defenders.



7. Killing enemy players when your team has the ball. This is a hard concept for many to grasp. When you kill a player, they spawn right where your ball carrier is trying to go. Nothing is more frustrating for a ball carrier than to be right at the goal line and have half of the other team emerge from the spawn. It is frustrating because it didn't need to happen. Be aware of when your team has the ball, and instead of killing players, use your knockbacks and stuns to clear a path for the ball carrier. You could also try to get open for a pass.


I'll defend that sometimes there's no choice, or sometimes it can also be worthwhile (while still relatively close to the middle you can argue that with the proper cooldowns up its easier to bull through those last few steps in a crowd then fend off defenders the entire length of the catwalks. As someone else mentioned there's the leaper aspect too.


6. Dying with the ball near your own goal line. If your team successfully kills the enemy team's ball carrier near your goal line, that is an excellent play. If you team coughs up the ball a few seconds later right near your own goal line and they get an easy score, that is one of the worst things you could have done. It is demoralizing, and it should never happen. A smart team would run to the middle and get the reset ball and the person with the ball should look for a safe place to throw the ball away. Doing this could lead to a quick score for your team. Trying to run out of the pit in front of your goal or throwing it to another player near your goal could lead to disaster for your team.



This one is a bummer, but I would say if the immediate threat is minimal then hopping down in the pit and running it out (especially if supported) isn't always a terrible strategy especially if you don't reliably know what's happening in the middle. Sometimes spiking the ball for safety's sake just puts it right back in their hands with their positioning still mostly set already for a fast goal.



5. Allowing ball carriers with gap closing abilities to leap up to you. These abilities are reliant on the your team being dumb enough to put yourself into a position so that they can use them. When you are between your goal and the ball carrier, be aware of what type of ball carrier it is. Drop down in such a way so that they cannot use you to escape the rest of your team for an easy score.



Sometimes it can't be helped and you feel a little sorry for the victim (coming out of spawn for example) but watching a ranged class peaking over the edge of a pit to dps the ballcarrier makes me wish I had a 'friendly' knockback sometimes.



4. Not controlling the middle. If the other team is always getting to the ball first when it resets, you know your team is not controlling the middle like they should. A well timed stun or knockback is all it takes for you team to get control of the ball when it resets. One or two team mates can accomplish this. To even have a chance at winning, you have to be able to control the middle.


Middle control comes in a few ways. Sometimes a team with low mobility and high firepower will dominate the middle. The advantage to this is that low mobility and dedication to the middle makes them a poor ball carrying group and you can eat ballcarriers and work the wings to circumvent this issue.



3. Wasting Crowd Control Abilities. Save them for when the ball carrier is trying to cross a fire pit or when the ball carrier gets knocked into the acid. Every Time your team uses a CC on the ball carrier, his resolve bar fills up. If he has a full resolve bar by the time he reaches the fire pit, he can safely walk over it and nobody on your team can stop him. If the enemy ball carrier is being healed, your only hope to stop him is to use your crowd control when it most effective.


Poor timed CC on catwalks can make a huge difference. I know I've had to sit on a knockback watching their resolve bar only to be cc'd or knocked away myself before it dropped. That said, the further from the catwalk the more cc-leeway I think you can give, especially if you have teammates trying to catch up to the action.


If free and easy with it in the middle generally speaking your CC cooldowns and their resolve bar have recovered by the time it gets to the catwalks, and sometimes you can harass someone into a bad pass or outrunning you along with all his support, leaving him on an island against multiple defenders.



2. Running with your own ball carrier. Only healers and tanks using a guard ability on the ball carrier should be doing this. Everyone else should be moving toward the goal line and trying to get open for a pass. Though you don't want to get so far away from the ball carrier that you are out of range and he has nobody to throw to.


Sometimes this can be helpful though. As most of these mistakes I put as solo-queuer focused I can't always trust that ballcarrier to pass it ahead, not miss the pass, or go in the direction of support. Being with him to throw a knockback or stun at an oncoming defender can be quite useful when you don't completely trust the ballcarrier.



I've also positioned myself only to watch the ballcarrier get knocked back out of passing range and burned down, which puts you behind the action trying to catch up on D.




1. Putting people on your team down when you are losing a match. If you make a habit of this you are going to end up on a lot of ignore lists and not just the ignore lists of those that you were putting down. Raging is a sign of immaturity, and you shouldn't do it. It makes you look bad. Instead, say something encouraging. Raging in chat doesn't impress anyone, and nobody is adding you to their friends list when you do it. There are more constructive things you could do to help your team and help your reputation on your server.




It has actually been pretty civil on my server. Sometimes there are a bit more obnoxious gloaty-type winners-- I get just as annoyed mocking the other team in ops chat when you are winning by a large margin as people electing to rage against everyone because of the rough score.


Either way show the other 15 people in there some modicum of respect.

Edited by paul_preib
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Not really denying your point. It is a waste to have 4 defenders killing one dude in your endzone if the enemy has the ball. However, ignoring him and leaving him there unmolested when the ball is in the hands of the enemy is a mistake. Unfortunately this goes into my other point, in that people invariably use their cc's on these endzone people TOO EARLY, filling their resolve and making them immune to bounces/pushes out of the area or stuns when they are about to catch. Really hate that. CC is thrown around too much in this game, but in huttball it is often better NOT to use it except as a last resort, just like rooting/snaring someone far away from the ball is better than killing them so they respawn closer to it.


And the other thing about fighting in your wz which drives me batty is defenders that stand on the edge of the pit and fire down into it, ignoring the fact that there are leapers down there...

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One thing I do that sometimes works really well when I am coming out of the spawn is to immedietly target the ball carrier and try to positon myself behind a spawn camper in line with the ball carrier. I do not attack, I wait for the pass. As soon as I see it I force leap toward the passer. Interceptions have no resolve bar, healing does not stop them, and you don't have to kill anyone. It takes some practice to do this, but I look for this opportunity every time I come out of the spawn. I have been able to do it several times. It is a cool play when you can pull it off. It is a desparation move and I would try it in a close game, only when we are well behind, because if I miss, they get an easy score.


Sorcs and BH can do this with a knock back. I have seen a few do this multiple times in one match. Very effective.

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Another common mistake not on the list-- don't always dogpile the ballcarrier.



This comes in two manners, first is that tanking marching along with heal support that can't be spiked-down fast enough when getting healed. This seems simple commonsense but still happens.



The other bigger one is would be knocking a ballcarrier down into the pit, then everyone dives in after him, especially if it's a non-leaper. This results in him either spiking it and the other team having something like a 6 on 2 advantage at midfield, advancing the ball before those in the pit can catch up or him getting pulled/passing it to someone waiting comfortably up above that can then waltz into the endzone unscathed.

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