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Void Star Window Timers


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Are they different for each side? Does the time scale depending on some unknown factor.



On several different occasions today during the first room fight I witnessed several Imps dying and simply running through the wall like it wasn't there. On one occasion we sent an entire side up to top only to have them instantly come right back down.



I too on a few occasions was killed and ran right out.



Is there something borked in Voidstar?

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If you look at the door you can see a circle divided into four parts. This is your countdown timer-- it is constantly turning over regardless of whether someone (or a whole team) is up there or not.


I haven't timed it myself so grain of salt this but I have seen the number 8 seconds per quadrant thrown out there (for a 32 second total).



This has its pluses and minuses. It can be infinitely frustrating to basically wipe the whole team, but have bad timer luck to where they all come steaming back out seconds later. Likewise on the other side of things I've been killed in the tunnel between the first door and bridge and spawned with the full timer, only to helplessly watch a someone outpace everyone to get a bomb planted before I ever make it out of the holding area.



These times are much easier to remember then the times when I was able to stop two or three bomb plants practically solo because I ht the timers right.

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I'm sure it's dumb (stupid) luck.


But virtually -every- door I get in Voidstar is full.


I'm a scrapper, so I 1v1 a lot of door guards and I can tell you that, after killing them, it is -maybe- 50/50 as to whether I have 8 sec to plant the bomb.


Seems like the majority of the time they come back and shoot me at 5-6 sec.


Then I kill em again and it's rinse-repeat.


I'm pretty sure there's no conspiracy one way or the other, but I get a helluva lot more than my fair share of full doors, while my victims get a lot more instant doors.


In addition, what's up with the 8 second timer being interrupted once the timer reads 8.0 seconds?


This has happened to me dozens of times.


Oh and I play Republic.


Random luck is random... Except when it's mostly bad.

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It's pretty simple.


Obviously, what you want to do it burn defenders down to within an inch of their lives, but wait to kill them off until right after the defender door closes. Then you'll have ample time to plant the bomb.


Pro players will know exactly when the defender doors open and close (every 30 secs), and plan accordingly.

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I understand the concept but it doesn't make me hate the doors less. There is nothing more frustrating than standing at them and seeing that the bomb is set. I think I'd rather take another long speeder trip then just stand there.
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I think the respawn door timers actually ruin this game mode completely.


With two skilled premades, it's common for the winner to be decided based entirely on who get's luckier with the respawn timers.


For example, team A is attacking, and has wiped team B from the door 4 times. But all 4 times, the last 2 people to die on team B got lucky and spawned just as the door was about to open.


This means team A is not rewarded at all for being better than team B.


On the flip side, team B is having trouble wiping team A, but eventually they manage to do it once, and just by pure luck, team A is stuck behind the door for 8 seconds and loses the round because of this random element.


I think everyone should be on a standard respawn timer. That way if you wipe the enemy team all at once, you are rewarded by a guaranteed arming of the door.

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This has its pluses and minuses. It can be infinitely frustrating to basically wipe the whole team, but have bad timer luck to where they all come steaming back out seconds later. Likewise on the other side of things I've been killed in the tunnel between the first door and bridge and spawned with the full timer, only to helplessly watch a someone outpace everyone to get a bomb planted before I ever make it out of the holding area.


In voidstar and Huttball respawn should work like in ACV: Instant respawn but X seconds travel time to avoid lucky respawns after wiping out a team.


In AVC the respawn should work like in Voidstar/Huttball so that teams can work together as a group after respawning.


Right now in PUG vs PUG it is only luck who wins the VS because the team who has more luck with the respawn barrier wins.

Edited by Paralassa
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