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who is a better pilot


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Pretty sure Anakin is the best pilot the Galaxy has ever seen according to G-Canon. If you go further and make C-Canon equal to G (Heresy, I know) then Jaina would give him a huge run for his money, and Wedge was a wily mother ****er.
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Pretty sure Anakin is the best pilot the Galaxy has ever seen according to G-Canon. If you go further and make C-Canon equal to G (Heresy, I know) then Jaina would give him a huge run for his money, and Wedge was a wily mother ****er.


Wedge outflew Luke Skywalker in a training excersise. I remember that comic! :D

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Wedge outflew Luke Skywalker in a training excersise. I remember that comic! :D


Like I said, Wedge was a wily mother ****er. Crap, he was entering his sixties as of Jacen's "Sith" episode and he was still flying complete rings around people, he disabled his daughter's ship with pretty much surgical precision all because he recognized her flying style. He's a BAMF.


Jaina Solo beats all. But just between Han and Anakin there is no question...Anakin Skywalker. Han is arguably one of the best non-Force sensitive pilots though.


You really need to separate piloting skills by Force Sensitives and Non-Sensitives, because a little precognition can give someone the biggest edge ever. I really, really like how "I, Jedi" did this when Corran had to fly against Rogue Squadron while in disguise, he barely made it out alive even with precognition because pilots just think differently.

Edited by Aximand
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Toss up


Anakin has the precognition advantage.


Han Solo has the advantage of being incredibly talented and having a tendency for doing things that even force sensitives can't expect.


Remember Tycho Celchu and Wedge Antilles both can outfly Jedi. Corran Horn nearly ended up getting killed by Tycho in I, Jedi.


So Force Sensitivity may be an advantage, but that still doesn't mean they can outfly someone.

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First Imperial: "He's drifting lazily to the left!"

Second Imperial: "Wow! This guy really knows some maneuvers!"


Hyperdrives in SW aren't exactly like Warp Drive from Star Trek. You can't change course while in Hyperspace...


Han was limited in what maneuvers he could make because he was trying to do a hyperspace jump.


If you'll notice in Empire Strikes back he didn't try the fancy maneuvers until after he tried to go to hyperspace.

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Hyperdrives in SW aren't exactly like Warp Drive from Star Trek. You can't change course while in Hyperspace...


Han was limited in what maneuvers he could make because he was trying to do a hyperspace jump.


If you'll notice in Empire Strikes back he didn't try the fancy maneuvers until after he tried to go to hyperspace.


*facedesk* I advise watching the Family Guy ESB titled "Something Something Something Dark Side" to get the joke. :p

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Anakin may have been able to use the force but can he do the kessel run in under 12 parsecs


That was because the Millenium Falcon was fast enough to get close enough to the singularities that surround Kessel and not get pulled in. Btw, Chewie was co-piloting that run. It wasn't just Han. lol

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What Piloting did Anikan do???? All he did was spin.


Episode 1 = Spin


Episode 2 = ....


Episode 3 = Spin (those were bad movies)


Episode 4 = " I Have You Now...WHAT? OH SHI-- It's Han Solo! Where did he come from?"


Han Solo's piloting record


Episode 4 = Evade 2 stardestroyers, re-group with luke and sucker - punch some tie fighters a tad underhandedly but efficiently




Episode 6 = Fly casual, but not too casual?

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Anakin may have been able to use the force but can he do the kessel run in under 12 parsecs


Han solo cant fly at all , i think chewie is flying the falcon, and the quote proves that.


A parsec is a unit of length not time.

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Han solo cant fly at all , i think chewie is flying the falcon, and the quote proves that.


A parsec is a unit of length not time.


And if you ever read up on Kessel, it's surrounded by quantum singularities. The Kessel Run is basically an obstacle course out in space that usually takes 15 parsecs to complete. The Millenium Falcon was fast enough to dodge close enough to the singularities to actually shave more than 3 parsecs off the distance travelled.


Yes, I understand it was written that way to cover for George's bad writing, but it is canon now, and I think the author did a damn good job of filling in that plothole. :)

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And if you ever read up on Kessel, it's surrounded by quantum singularities. The Kessel Run is basically an obstacle course out in space that usually takes 15 parsecs to complete. The Millenium Falcon was fast enough to dodge close enough to the singularities to actually shave more than 3 parsecs off the distance travelled.


Yes, I understand it was written that way to cover for George's bad writing, but it is canon now, and I think the author did a damn good job of filling in that plothole. :)


I thought Han just made that up to try to impress Obi and Luke...

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I thought Han just made that up to try to impress Obi and Luke...

Yeah, the look on Obi-Wan's face implies he knows Han's just trying to talk big...


...then the EU tried to come up with a plausible explanation for how making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs was some sort of speed achievement. /facepalm


Sometimes, EU, sometimes...you just go TOO FAR.


Anyway, now that's stuck. Near Kessel is a cluster of black holes called the Maw; smugglers like it because no authorities (Imps, at the time) really dare to approach it, so it's the best route to get to & from Kessel without the Imps on your tail. Navigating it in the shortest distance became a competition among smugglers. I don't know who invented that, but I know who made it even more ridiculous: Kevin J Anderson. He plopped a secret Imperial weapons development facility in the middle of the Maw. With a working prototype Death Star hidden there, too. UGH.

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Yeah, the look on Obi-Wan's face implies he knows Han's just trying to talk big...


...then the EU tried to come up with a plausible explanation for how making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs was some sort of speed achievement. /facepalm


Sometimes, EU, sometimes...you just go TOO FAR.


Anyway, now that's stuck. Near Kessel is a cluster of black holes called the Maw; smugglers like it because no authorities (Imps, at the time) really dare to approach it, so it's the best route to get to & from Kessel without the Imps on your tail. Navigating it in the shortest distance became a competition among smugglers. I don't know who invented that, but I know who made it even more ridiculous: Kevin J Anderson. He plopped a secret Imperial weapons development facility in the middle of the Maw. With a working prototype Death Star hidden there, too. UGH.


Darksaber. The first death of a movie character in the books. Crix Madine.


Also that wasn't an arguement for Han's piloting skills. In fact, Chewie did most of the flying, from what I've seen. :p


In fact, about the ONLY arguement in favor of Han is that he was trained by Soontir Fel.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Yeah depends on the measurement.


If it's not just about pure technique and instead about the results you want, I would give it to Han. Landing your big ship onto a ship you're trying to escape from without them noticing would take an incredible amount of subtlety and skill, especially with a big freighter like the Falcon. I mean, what's easier to maneuver, a little sports car or a big old old semi truck?


Besides, you could consider using the force is cheating! :p

(Yeah, I'm a Han fan.)

Edited by Stenrik
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Also that wasn't an arguement for Han's piloting skills. In fact, Chewie did most of the flying, from what I've seen. :p.


You know what... I think your right... Chewie flew the MF more in the movies!


These smugglers... they're so sly in taking credit for other people's actions... oh and other peoples credits too :p


Alright, now that the truth's out then lets change the question for this thread:


who is a better pilot


Anakin or Chewie



Who's balder windu or vader unmasked


(I'm joking... mostly...)

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