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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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^ This.


The "let them win" crowd needs to stop queuing.


Same as the "oh they are 5 points up in alderaan better leave and join queue again. - or they beat us to the huttball better leave and queue again - or we didnt cap an objective in 5 seconds or less better leave and requeue" crowd.


I think it was saturday some guy left and came back 3 times in first minute and goes "oh ffs i wanted a fresh one" and left again.

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ITT: A bunch of internet try-hards that like to prolong inevitable losses because they think they're hardcore. If it's going to be a loss, and you have your 4 medals, quit being a futile/scoreboard hero please.


Please tell me your toon name and server - OP too.


I want to know the names of ALL the squids.


That way I can never, ever play with born losers.


I'd rather play with 5 year olds with 11k hit points who aren't quitters than play with a squid goof.


I'm sure the 4 or 5 good PvP guilds on my server would love to know your name too.

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


Slay them all!

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If you all give up too, don't all defend Snow. 8 people defending 1 node is the dumbest thing you can do. Move off the node and allow them to 3cap you if the game is already a loss!


The only possible way to 3 cap in Civil War is if the opposite team disconnects.




they were neither afk nor disconnected. ur argument has been invalidated.

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they were neither afk nor disconnected. ur argument has been invalidated.


Wait, how does a screenshot of a 600-0 game invalidate my argument? lol


also there are 10 people on opposite team shown in your SS, in fact there are more if you scroll down probably...please think about context before you try and post a reply disproving someone's assertions.

Edited by Tyraelium
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I don't Pvp for medals only


I agree. I enjoy trying to make that comeback/making the enemy work for their win. That's the whole fun of it to me, not just maximizing valor/commendation gains.

Edited by Shlamorel
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You people that quit warzones are pathetic... No, actually, quitting is fine. You people that stay in warzones and make everyone else lose because you don't have the balls to turn a game around are pathetic. I'd rather you quit and give us someone who wants to win.



I play warzones to win.

I don't care about a valor number.

I don't care about how many medals I get.

I don't care about titles.

I care about Victory.


I take the gear as it comes, I don't worry about the least time consuming way to get gear. I worry about going out there and knocking the teeth out of those rotten sith.


I can't count the number of huttballs I've won after being down 4 or 5 goals, or count the number of Alderaans I've won when mathematically we were out of it without a 3 cap. Or voidstars where we get 6 capped with over 3 mins remaining, but we still do it faster.


Don't give up. Don't be a BITC*

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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Couple Points:


I was in this one warzone where we where down 250-5 and we won!


That is the laws of averages. Citing one example of an event and stating, ITS POSSIBLE. is like stating I won the lottery. You can toooooOOOO!!!!!!! Ok Tony Robbins.


Lets just use realistic facts.


Huttball win or lose has nothing to do with me. However, I have been known to help the other team score if I see them farming. Down getting scored on? Its over. Seen comebacks happen but honestly the good teams spawn rally to center wait for you to score and re-score finish you off if you get a comeback going.


Down right/left early I won't leave middle.


You can do whatever you want. I don't much care about your opinion of how I should play or view matches.


Your like the guys at the blackjack table telling people not to hit a soft 13 against a dealer 2. Don't tell people how to spend their money or time. Shut up and play. Either way. What bothers me is people who don't know the warzones at 50. That is like the guy at blackjack who splits 10's. What? What? What?


Like say fighting off the node your guarding. Charging into 7 players alone. I got this! Those nubs dont stand a chance against my light armor. I am going in 7vs1.


Just play and worry about yourself.


If I want to punch people in the face or dance on the noid after a long day of pvping and have fun who cares. Sometimes I fight cause I hate the team I playing. others I quit when i run into the 8 man same time queing 4/4 guild team trying to facerolll wzs.


Other times I just need those comms and want to play an alt.


Whatever. Do what ya want. These forum people would have you believe exiting huttball prior to start is your fault you don't want to play huttball.

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Never quit....cant wait for them to put a timer in for those that do.....they will have earned it, lol. If there is no chance of winning, then im gona irritate them. ( whether its because our team of pugs is just horrible or they are just that good.) CC then invis...got to next position...CC and invis....hopefully get my 4 medals first though. Kinda tweaked about the whole medal thing really, if i go to a turret and get it, then stay there to keep it and noone attacks that turret....not enough medals.....but still doing my job for the team!
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You people that quit warzones are pathetic... No, actually, quitting is fine. You people that stay in warzones and make everyone else lose because you don't have the balls to turn a game around are pathetic. I'd rather you quit and give us someone who wants to win.



I play warzones to win.

I don't care about a valor number.

I don't care about how many medals I get.

I don't care about titles.

I care about Victory.


I take the gear as it comes, I don't worry about the least time consuming way to get gear. I worry about going out there and knocking the teeth out of those rotten sith.


I can't count the number of huttballs I've won after being down 4 or 5 goals, or count the number of Alderaans I've won when mathematically we were out of it without a 3 cap. Or voidstars where we get 6 capped with over 3 mins remaining, but we still do it faster.


Don't give up. Don't be a BITC*


Hell I was starting to think I was the only one to think that this

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I've pulled it off before. Once. I actually came into a WZ with the enemy 3-capped and my side losing bad. Someone rage quit and I came in and we ended up winning.


The only time I quit is when my team isn't doing what they need to do to win. If I cap a turret and then notifiy them that I'm capping and then hold the position fo awhile and nobody even bothers to back me up and the enemy takes it back... I'm done. I just find a corner and let the time elapse. Recently, I was in a WZ and we took 2 turrets. The idiotic leaders tells everyone to go right for a 3 cap. I said defend what we have. They actually followed him right and lost mid and didn't get right. I actually left the WZ at that point as I hadn't invested too much time into at that point.


Again, unless you 3 cap for a period of time, you cannot, numerically, win Alderaan if you have less than half the other team's score. In addition, if you 3 cap and you are down under 150 points or so, unless you hold that for practically 3 minutes (I have no idea how you can hold a 3 cap that long), you can't win. The math doesn't allow it.


Whoever owns two caps loses half as many points as the other side. When the other side has under 50% of your points, without a 3 cap, winning, for them, is impossible. And the lower their score (or yours) is, the more foregone the conclusion of the match will be. Even if you are 120-240, unless you can 3 cap, the best you can do after capping two nodes is a tie.

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Couple Points:


I was in this one warzone where we where down 250-5 and we won!


That is the laws of averages. Citing one example of an event and stating, ITS POSSIBLE. is like stating I won the lottery. You can toooooOOOO!!!!!!! Ok Tony Robbins.


Lets just use realistic facts.


Huttball win or lose has nothing to do with me. However, I have been known to help the other team score if I see them farming. Down getting scored on? Its over. Seen comebacks happen but honestly the good teams spawn rally to center wait for you to score and re-score finish you off if you get a comeback going.


Down right/left early I won't leave middle.


You can do whatever you want. I don't much care about your opinion of how I should play or view matches.


Your like the guys at the blackjack table telling people not to hit a soft 13 against a dealer 2. Don't tell people how to spend their money or time. Shut up and play. Either way. What bothers me is people who don't know the warzones at 50. That is like the guy at blackjack who splits 10's. What? What? What?


Like say fighting off the node your guarding. Charging into 7 players alone. I got this! Those nubs dont stand a chance against my light armor. I am going in 7vs1.


Just play and worry about yourself.


If I want to punch people in the face or dance on the noid after a long day of pvping and have fun who cares. Sometimes I fight cause I hate the team I playing. others I quit when i run into the 8 man same time queing 4/4 guild team trying to facerolll wzs.


Other times I just need those comms and want to play an alt.


Whatever. Do what ya want. These forum people would have you believe exiting huttball prior to start is your fault you don't want to play huttball.


No, you weren't. Unless you capped all 3 turrets for over 5 minutes without losing one. If you were in Alderaan and you were down 250-5 the only way (and I mean ONLY WAY) you won is to hold 3 turrets for the rest of the game. I doubt that unless you zoned in with a premade that wiped the other team completely out after your earlier "teammates" quit the match.

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When I am in a losing wargame that isn't even close I use that opportunity to practice, or in other words continue doing my best to capture and keep control so I will be better in the next game. For me that is not a waste of time. I am sorry you feel it is but honestly my fun is more important to me than yours. Edited by Ealhdun
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The only possible way to 3 cap in Civil War is if the opposite team disconnects.


I have been in 2 matches that was a full 8/8 and won 600-0.


Also been in one where the mid has never been capped and the final score is 5-0 on civil.


So anything is possible.


The only time you should give up is void star when the enemy gets further that you, as no matter what you do, you can't win.

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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I have been in 2 matches that was a full 8/8 and won 600-0.


Also been in one where the mid has never been capped and the final score is 5-0 on civil.


So anything is possible.


The only time you should give up is void star when the enemy gets further that you, as no matter what you do, you can't win.


We're on the 15th page now so nobody is reading the OP anymore...


OP is talking about situations where it is impossible to win, thats when you should allow the opposing team to 3cap you.


edit for clarification:

OP is NOT talking about 600-0 3caps. Nobody said to give up when you're losing. They're saying give up when you've lost. Since a lot of people refuse to read the thread, the OP is talking about when the score is 2x : x, most commonly happens when the score is around 420-200 (varies depending on when the nodes were capped and when the advantage was achieved), about 10 minutes into a match.


From here on out, it is statistically improbable that you will win, since you need to secure 3 caps for the remainder of the ENTIRE match (about 5 minutes) and overcome the fact that you have been losing for the first 10 minutes.


The opposing team can sit 8 people on a node and turtle to secure the win. Clearing these 8 people from a node is near impossible unless you somehow manage to down them all simultaneously (pretty difficult achievement) while praying that you do not lose any nodes for the rest of the game. Remember that this is versus the same team that has farmed you for the past 10 minutes and defended their nodes successfully.


0.01% of the time you just might somehow win. The stars align, lightning strikes someone's house and the entire team's computers freeze. Fine. Right. Pray for the miracle to happen.



Edited by Tyraelium
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I don't post much, well never actually. But I have 2 points. I play this game when i have time to waste. So I hardly ever get upset at what other players do. Secondly, fighting during the "inevitable" loss for 5min goes by a lot faster for me than sitting on my butt for 2min. doin nothing. Thats just me though.
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You really can't get 4 medals (max valor capable) before hitting the point of no return in CW? If so.....yikes!





If you're the only person on your team capable of solo defending a turret you often get stuck doing so in order to let that other person help cap. That nets you 2 medals if your team keeps the rest so occupied that they never hit yours. Even when a second is with me guarding a turret, i ask someone to switch at about 300 so they can get their medals.


If you earn a reputation as a very hard to kill tank, then youre less likely to get capped without an all out rush simply because youll be tieing up 1-3 of their team mates for the duration.


Heck, I switched to dps for a while and informed nonguildies every game and I still wound up guarding solo or with one lowbie on most games.


I tend to grab a handful in huttball and let them slowly, very slowly kill me while my team scores :p


Of course defender points work much better with 1.2 so it won't be a realistic scenario for long.


TL;DR? Ask someone to switch about 300 if you're the guy usually guarding in civil war.


In regards to all who keep QQ'ing about a point of no return, let me reiterate, this is the perfect time to work on coordination, strats, and communication. Ragequitting or letting them cap is robbing your team of the next win bc no one learned anything from the previous face-stomp. If you PVP a lot, you are going to be playing with these people quite often, so get started now.

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TL;DR? Ask someone to switch about 300 if you're the guy usually guarding in civil war.


In regards to all who keep QQ'ing about a point of no return, let me reiterate, this is the perfect time to work on coordination, strats, and communication. Ragequitting or letting them cap is robbing your team of the next win bc no one learned anything from the previous face-stomp. If you PVP a lot, you are going to be playing with these people quite often, so get started now.


You can ask to switch or you can just leave the node once your team has twice their ship's HP. You'll still win by defending just one node.


If you're somehow suggesting for a team that couldn't secure 2 nodes in the first 10 minutes to somehow restrategize and get and keep 3 nodes for the last 5 minutes, I hate to break it to you, but the time for effort has already passed.


If you want to strategize and coordinate, thats what the beginning of matches are for. Many players seem to want to get 4 medals first, then worry about winning. It is the other way around. Once you have won, you can worry about getting extra medals you need.

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