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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alderaan Warzone: If you're Losing DON"T CAP!


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yesterday in ald wz, I had the opportunity to witness comeback. The sith team was losing to us 600 to 350 or something ridiculous like that. We held each node and took them. I noticed that people became complacent and started to just mess around on Rep side. WELL, lo and behold the sith came back with a sudden bang and we lost 2 of the nodes. They didn't win but dang it became a fight to the end. And it was one of the most fun times I have had in a couple weeks.


Prior to that win, we were in a wz where we were losing by less than a 100 and the ops leader informed us all to just hold the one node we had and forget trying to cap the other two. JUST gave up and said ahhh hell just farm medals.


Well a few of us decide we were not quitters and again we had a awesome fight to the end. Despite losing, we didn't lose by much. But the attitude not even half way into the game was horrid. IMO... and again I guess we all have different ideas of fun. Mine isn't farming medals by hugging a pod and defending but by working together as a team and trying to overcome your loss by actually doing something.

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NONE of the Warzones REQUIRE you to ever kill anybody. If you are playing every Warzone with a "kill on sight" mentality, you are a terrible awful player.


The only reason you enter a WZ in the first place is to engage enemy players. You are being deliberately obtuse to troll the tread.

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Won another Alderaan today after the "point of no return". A brief span of 3-cap and some long, heavy 2-cap defense and boom, 10 point win.


Good thing OP and his defenders weren't there to sit on left the whole time after things got hairy.


Yeah man. Good thing those defeatist quitters weren't there to cost you a win, I mean after all you would have missed out on so much had you lost that game.


You would have lost 0 Valor. 0 Commendations. 0 Time. 0 Effort.


Maybe they should actually make winning make a difference and then people wouldn't just farm medals and call it a day?

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NONE of the Warzones REQUIRE you to ever kill anybody. If you are playing every Warzone with a "kill on sight" mentality, you are a terrible awful player.


PvP involves fighting players.


If you're avoiding fighting players you're a terrible PvPer. I'd say go back to KTing but Ilum is empty.

Edited by Celebrus
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Nice I love that line, was it Churchill?


Yap, Sir Winston Churchill :cool: it has been answered before by Angel_of_Cain, and i tought it was a sentence fit for this ;)


Regarding the "fun/equipment hunting" topic going around here, i play PvP 'cause i enjoy it! :confused: am i such a big misfit around here?? I love helping my team scoring in HT, i love trying to get a Cannon in Alderaan, i really enjoy defending (instead of attacking) the bomb sites in the Voidstar...mind you, i'm not a tactics freak, i just love shooting stuff, and if it's in PvP, better :D even when i lost, i mostly had a good time! And, as i said before, i never quit...i'm i being pounded? probably, but hey, i bet the other guy is enjoying killing me :D Do i get a reward after? Yes? awesome!! If i don't...well better luck next time! :o

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Saw the first couple posts, skipped most of the thread so i could quickly ask:


What kind of friggin doofus clown shoe wants the game to end faster just because they are going to lose!?!?? I WANT to play those extra couple of minutes! Hell I probably just spent ten minutes waiting for a friggin queue to pop! I WANT to play to the last second because it is FUN!


If you want to make something efficient, go organize your collection of graphing calculators dork. I'm gonna play a pvp match as long as I want!

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Saw the first couple posts, skipped most of the thread so i could quickly ask:


What kind of friggin doofus clown shoe wants the game to end faster just because they are going to lose!?!?? I WANT to play those extra couple of minutes! Hell I probably just spent ten minutes waiting for a friggin queue to pop! I WANT to play to the last second because it is FUN!


If you want to make something efficient, go organize your collection of graphing calculators dork. I'm gonna play a pvp match as long as I want!


Well, if you're a masochist then I can understand why you would like to experience that till the end.


However if they capped 3 towers that usually means they outgear your team, have more tanky chars and/or more healers (and are in a premade).


I'm not sure what you would find fun in a game where you die almost instantly, are unable to kill any opponents.

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Its a mentality thing, really. Not easily debated.


Some will never give up and just finish a lost game for fun or perhaps to learn something. Others will quit to avoid what in their mind is a waste of precious time.


Perhaps RL sports should implement a similar quitting system, I mean, to save us all time. Football, soccer, tennis, hockey you name it - players should be able to quit when the chance of winning are non-exsistant, yes? Why go full time at all, it is a waste of both the audience and players time.


Can't have anyone wasting our time these days!

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If you are going to lose a game against the opposite faction and they 3 cap you,


Don't try to be a hero and cap one of the bases, it just slows down the game.


You can argue for defender points, but it's alot better to farm a position while the flag has been capped by the opposite faction, since they will keep rushing to defend the flag.


This speeds up the game and makes it so you can get your 4 medals quite easily.



Thank you


OP is a looser :-/

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Its a mentality thing, really. Not easily debated.


Some will never give up and just finish a lost game for fun or perhaps to learn something. Others will quit to avoid what in their mind is a waste of precious time.


Perhaps RL sports should implement a similar quitting system, I mean, to save us all time. Football, soccer, tennis, hockey you name it - players should be able to quit when the chance of winning are non-exsistant, yes? Why go full time at all, it is a waste of both the audience and players time.


Can't have anyone wasting our time these days!


^They should stop wasting our time, it's not like I play because I enjoy it. :D

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I know this because I'm a pro.



Please learn from my example.




Right, just about there is where I stopped carrying. The quickest way to Douchebag Town is by blowing steam out of your own behind. You sir just booked a first class ticket on the Douche Express rail.




In Hex Droid, I remember getting into a Civil War match only to find 4 Pubs and Imps controlling all 3 nodes with the points standing at around 300 to us while theirs were untouched. People joined the game and we fought our way to 1 node while two stealthies (including my scoundrel) took another node that they left defended by just 1 imp so they could go recapture the node lost. We won the game with about 100 points to spare. Do you understand that with team work things can actually be done?


We didn't even need to say anything to each other besides catchphrases like 'left!' and we got the job done. If you enjoy people bending over to you without a struggle then you're bound to meet the ones who like to fight back.

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Its a mentality thing, really. Not easily debated.


Some will never give up and just finish a lost game for fun or perhaps to learn something. Others will quit to avoid what in their mind is a waste of precious time.


Perhaps RL sports should implement a similar quitting system, I mean, to save us all time. Football, soccer, tennis, hockey you name it - players should be able to quit when the chance of winning are non-exsistant, yes? Why go full time at all, it is a waste of both the audience and players time.


Can't have anyone wasting our time these days!

They do, actually. Coaches pull players when they know the game is out of reach. To all those people saying not to quit......lets try and be professional, huh?

Edited by olagaton
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Part of the world of sport is to deny the opposition what they want. If you are getting slaughtered and they are racking up the kills then stop attacking them. Playing dumb is only going to get them more medals. If you have some success attacking a turret then fine pour it on, but if they have not had a player die since the start of the match then you just become farm bait. I don't want to be farm bait. If they are a real good team you may be able to sneak a second turret at some time during the match but rest assured they will get it back.


They will probably get ticked off eventually when you are sitting on one turret and attack you anyway.

Edited by TheNegotiator
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No thanks, OP. I believe in the scorched earth and attrition policies if I'm on a team that's losing. I'm also the kind of donkey-hole(stupid filter, how I hate you! :mad:) who will waddle out to a three cap to swipe a node, to keep the fight going. Why? Because I will fight for any chance I can for that victory, or because I want to have it last longer to try and kill at least one more Republic player, or to maybe inspire some people to continue the fight, or because I want to learn more about my character's skills and how to utilize them better.


Plus, the quick "retreat and stop fighting the other team" mentality breeds laziness and entitlement. Not exactly good for building a good reputation, nor a strong community. I don't expect to be carried to easy victories, nor am I looking for easy wins.


Yes, I do have sadomasochistic tendencies. I solo queue. I relish fighting against premades, to look for the weak links, or to make my own reputation.


Never give up, never surrender!


No remorse, no repent!


and also.....


No remorse, no regrets!

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Perhaps RL sports should implement a similar quitting system, I mean, to save us all time. Football, soccer, tennis, hockey you name it - players should be able to quit when the chance of winning are non-exsistant, yes? Why go full time at all, it is a waste of both the audience and players time.


A. Its called a mercy rule.


B. There are so many times where a team is down by a lot in the 4th quarter and their star player(s) are already in the locker room. During the regular season it is quite common to see the bench finish what is most likely a loss.


C. If the score gap is too high I usually turn off the game and watch something else, because it isn't interesting or fun to continue watching.


Need more RL examples? lol

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B. There are so many times where a team is down by a lot in the 4th quarter and their star player(s) are already in the locker room. During the regular season it is quite common to see the bench finish what is most likely a loss.


To prevent injury. You take that out of the equation, the coaches would keep them in fighting for a historic come back, because they are competitors.


C. If the score gap is too high I usually turn off the game and watch something else, because it isn't interesting or fun to continue watching.


We are talking about competitors playing the game, not audience members.


Need more RL examples? lol


Yes please, this is silly fun. Oh I forgot your A. Do you really need a mercy rule for games that can not last longer then 15 min.? 15min? ......15 min? Which they don't if it is a blow out, regardless of what actions you take.

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For the love of God, don't be the 12th man on the basketball team who finally gets some playtime in a blowout, and decides he's going to foul the opponent repeatedly just to stop the clock, so it seems like he's getting more playtime. Nobody likes that guy. His teammates don't even like that guy. Players, and fans, consider that guy to be selfish.


The lesson? Do what's right. Just concede the blowout game, pack it in, and move on to the next, like the real professional players do.

Edited by olagaton
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I met one of those looser and wrote down his name and never play a minigame with him ever again you have to see how pissed he is he made 2 alts to insult me... (wrote down the name of the 2 alts too and dropping even when i see those two)


even if we are winnig someone get log off and he take the spot i just leave i dont care about xp or commandation i just dont wanna ever play with that sore looser every again


^_^ it kind of made an impact if everybody would do like that trust me they would stop.


I will keep doing it because I hate people that play a game in that stupid way and i rather not play with them and i am free to do so... those looser really sicken me

Edited by Pekish
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Professional players have pride - and don't lay down or quit the game no matter what the score is.


Glad to see this attitude verbalized from someone. I've been in too many warzones where a premade of "elites" come in talking crap and ordering everyone around and then, after the first minute of civil war, with each side having one turret and maybe losing the third initially to the other side in a close brawl, they quit saying everyone is beneath them and it's a waste of time, when if the entire group stayed we could still attain victory.



Besides, I fail to see how this game can actually have "professional" TOR players. If you're somehow making any sort of a full or part time living as a gamer, you're here for fun like everyone else. I look at it as your company's industrial league softball or flag football teams. You know it's not the end of the world, but you want to be your best and not get the floor mopped up with you just the same.

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Glad to see this attitude verbalized from someone. I've been in too many warzones where a premade of "elites" come in talking crap and ordering everyone around and then, after the first minute of civil war, with each side having one turret and maybe losing the third initially to the other side in a close brawl, they quit saying everyone is beneath them and it's a waste of time, when if the entire group stayed we could still attain victory.

This is not what the OP or the rest of the thread is about.

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