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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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Just nerf the damned "hybrid" spec to shut the people with no constructive feedback up. Then buff the other 2 trees so that they are actually competitive in a group environment.

Then move on to nerfing the next class, until there is no-one else to play the game.


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Just nerf the damned "hybrid" spec to shut the people with no constructive feedback up. Then buff the other 2 trees so that they are actually competitive in a group environment.

Then move on to nerfing the next class, until there is no-one else to play the game.



I have a better idea, remove the class from the game because everyone seems to hate it anyway. When you've done that remove all the other classes in the game and make everyone have a generic class with generic ability but perfect balance.


The only bad thing about that is that nobody will be left to play the game then.

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My bad. I should have mentioned that a 31/0/10 shadow/assassin are in no way capable of doing 100k healing.



Umm that 12th picture, is an Assassin. I don't understand how you see a picture of it, and still live in denial.

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My bad. I should have mentioned that a 31/0/10 shadow/assassin are in no way capable of doing 100k healing.


Ok i'm giving you that, he's not 31/0/10 in hes screen shot.


But what about http://i.imgur.com/Y17eK.jpg? Is that close enough to 100k for you? And i've been over 100k as well, sadly i don't have screenshots so that will have to do for now.

Edited by Cyannez
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1) That wasn't 300k damage and 100k healing, which is impossible. As the screenshot shows, you have to do over 600k damage to get anywhere near 100k healing. Plus you need to forgo Wither and take Death Field, which only works well when you have a good pocket healer. Which leads to...


2) The guy had a pocket healer doing nearly 600k healing in Void Star, which is by far the easiest WZ to get inflated numbers since he can spam Death Field on cooldown against the max number of target every time. As someone in another thread succinctly said, showing screenshots of Voidstar when you have a pocket healer would be like showing a screenshot of damage against a training dummy. A Marauder in the same situation could probably break a million damage.

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Ok i'm giving you that, he's not 31/0/10 in hes screen shot.


But what about http://i.imgur.com/Y17eK.jpg? Is that close enough to 100k for you? And i've been over 100k as well, sadly i don't have screenshots so that will have to do for now.


What I see is another tank with a pocket healer doing over 600k healing. I'm just stunned that a tank that never dies due to healing is able to put up steady damage numbers over an entire WZ. Then I used my stun breaker but was immediately stunned again, since this is Stun Wars. :p

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Looks like you were going against a Pub team of primarily healers, which affords you the ability to live a lot longer in the first place. The most deaths anyone had on your team was 8. After that, the highest death total from another player was 4, which isn't very much for most warzones. This means that your opponents DPS was not very high, and your team had free reign to DPS as they pleased without worry of their own deaths. This type of scenario can often inflate numbers very easily, even for a non-DPS spec'd player. If i hit on a target for 15 straight minutes, i would only need to put out 667 dps to achieve 600k damage. Very easy imo, for any class given the circumstances.

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Shadow tanks do not have light armor and have 38-41% damage mitigation from armor alone, you should have this talented because it gives the ability spike to be used out of combat.


Sprint is amazing for anti kiting since it breaks roots and snares when used


1 burst attack that is their execute? I guess 100% crit shocks that have a 45% chance to proc another shock for 50% of the damage can't be considered burst? Or Super lightning channels that can hit pretty hard.


Wither hit's quite hard and so does Death Field... So not really mediocre at all.


Sages can stun for 30 seconds? Sages can hit for 8k a hit? WHAT game are you playing?


Wow please show me this non light armor you speak of..Then while your at it could you teach me how to get death field and wither at the same time...That be awsome..


this myth keeps getting better and better every day. What you fail to realise is that if you try and spam shock and wither you will be force starved within seconds as wither is 30 force and shock is 45.


Tankasin is an ok spec..Its better for below avg- to avg players. Its a very strong class in hutball. In skilled hands it can be dominating..But most skilled sins will be in dps spec.


I lasted in tank spec for 2 days and got bored. The dps is a joke..yeah I can avg 250k in wz as a tankasin but its mostly wither and discharge fluff damage.


Id much rather be in dps spec...Not many classes I cant solo. Tankasins? lmao 90% are dead before they know how to counter..The good ones..well thats a different story and comes down to cooldowns.

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Wow please show me this non light armor you speak of..Then while your at it could you teach me how to get death field and wither at the same time...That be awsome..


this myth keeps getting better and better every day. What you fail to realise is that if you try and spam shock and wither you will be force starved within seconds as wither is 30 force and shock is 45.


Tankasin is an ok spec..Its better for below avg- to avg players. Its a very strong class in hutball. In skilled hands it can be dominating..But most skilled sins will be in dps spec.


I lasted in tank spec for 2 days and got bored. The dps is a joke..yeah I can avg 250k in wz as a tankasin but its mostly wither and discharge fluff damage.


Id much rather be in dps spec...Not many classes I cant solo. Tankasins? lmao 90% are dead before they know how to counter..The good ones..well thats a different story and comes down to cooldowns.


So. You clearly never read the tooltip on Dark Charge, which increases armor by 150%, with an additional 20% from the tank tree (resulting in over 40% damage reduction).


Averaging 250k as a tankasin? I average more than that on a lvl 20 tankasin alt. And you must have missed the screenshot album someone posted a few pages back of a tankasin averaging 600-800k (go check it out he has 20 different screens!).


So if you don't understand one of the basic attributes of the spec, and pull half the damage of many aforementioned tankasin, does that make you a "below avg- to avg player?"

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1) That wasn't 300k damage and 100k healing, which is impossible. As the screenshot shows, you have to do over 600k damage to get anywhere near 100k healing. Plus you need to forgo Wither and take Death Field, which only works well when you have a good pocket healer. Which leads to...


2) The guy had a pocket healer doing nearly 600k healing in Void Star, which is by far the easiest WZ to get inflated numbers since he can spam Death Field on cooldown against the max number of target every time. As someone in another thread succinctly said, showing screenshots of Voidstar when you have a pocket healer would be like showing a screenshot of damage against a training dummy. A Marauder in the same situation could probably break a million damage.


So what are you trying to argue? It is impossible to do 300k damage and 100k healing? No one would care if someone did 300k damage and 100k healing. 600k+ from someone with 31 OR 27 points in their tank tree is just silly.


And what do you mean Death Field requires a pocket healer? You are giving up FOUR POINTS in the tank tree. You keep essentially ALL of the survivability. What sort of death field spec are you playing? Lightning Charge??



I know a shadow that did 400k damage using ONLY DOUBLE STRIKE (Thrash).




The notion that 600k damage is AoE spam from a tankasin is absurd, and either you know this and are just afraid of a nerf, or you are just bad at your class.

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It's an Assassin with a 27/0/14 spec, not a 31/0/10 spec which is what the person you quoted said.


Either spec is still pretty nice, considering you can still maintain the damage, self-heal, and survivability. This just concludes that hybrids are still used and Bioware have not fixed it.




What I see is another tank with a pocket healer doing over 600k healing. I'm just stunned that a tank that never dies due to healing is able to put up steady damage numbers over an entire WZ. Then I used my stun breaker but was immediately stunned again, since this is Stun Wars. :p


Please, please stop saying "pocket healer". Using "with a pocket healer" is not an excuse. Almost any pre-made WILL have at least one healer. It is a given there will be healers on both team. Even most pugs I play now will have healers. So saying he was with a pocket healer is not a justify excuse to him putting up those numbers.

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1) That wasn't 300k damage and 100k healing, which is impossible. As the screenshot shows, you have to do over 600k damage to get anywhere near 100k healing. Plus you need to forgo Wither and take Death Field, which only works well when you have a good pocket healer. Which leads to...


2) The guy had a pocket healer doing nearly 600k healing in Void Star, which is by far the easiest WZ to get inflated numbers since he can spam Death Field on cooldown against the max number of target every time. As someone in another thread succinctly said, showing screenshots of Voidstar when you have a pocket healer would be like showing a screenshot of damage against a training dummy. A Marauder in the same situation could probably break a million damage.


Pocket healer is your excuse ? When rated Warzones come I guess you will have 2-3 pocket healers and the same thing will happen.


Why hasn't a marauder hit 1 mil yet ? I'm sure their are Marauders in Warzones that have experienced the same situation many many times.


Also, why is death field and wither the crutch in voidstar ? More than half the damage of a tank Shadow is Single target damage. There are players that have showed just using double strike ALONE as a Tank can result in 400k+ damage..


I assume everyone can agree shadow tank doesn't need a nerf. Everyone thinks 700k damage as a tank is perfectly fine :)

Edited by Vyndeta
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Soon 30k views and 800 posts, assassins/shadows better prepare for the nerfs.


"To the ground."


You can't nerf one tree and not expect it to hurt PvE and the other 2 trees...one of which needs a buff.

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You can't nerf one tree and not expect it to hurt PvE and the other 2 trees...one of which needs a buff.


I am fine with buffing Deception a little bit, even though it is very viable right now just not up there with Kinetic/Hybrids. If holding aggro is an issue for PVE for Kinetic, then it can be addressed somehow, but not boosting tank damage so they can hold aggro. There's a reason why 90% Assassin are running around in Tank spec with dps gear.

Edited by heikaze
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So what are you trying to argue? It is impossible to do 300k damage and 100k healing? No one would care if someone did 300k damage and 100k healing. 600k+ from someone with 31 OR 27 points in their tank tree is just silly.


And what do you mean Death Field requires a pocket healer? You are giving up FOUR POINTS in the tank tree. You keep essentially ALL of the survivability. What sort of death field spec are you playing? Lightning Charge??


I know a shadow that did 400k damage using ONLY DOUBLE STRIKE (Thrash).


The notion that 600k damage is AoE spam from a tankasin is absurd, and either you know this and are just afraid of a nerf, or you are just bad at your class.


No, I'm saying to get those kinds of numbers in a tank spec (anything over 300k damage really) you need a good pocket healer. I'm also saying it's impossible to get 100k healing with only 300k damage. You need over 600k damage for that, and to get that you have to be in combat, never dying, for an entire WZ, which is only possible when you have at least 400k+ healing incoming on you. Any of the three tanks can put up stupid large numbers when they have massive incoming healing and never die. That's why I laugh when I see these screenshots of the 'overpowered' assassin, because they always always have healers with huge healing numbers in them.


Once we finally get our combat logs, you'll see how much of that damage is just AoE spam on groups. 400k damage from double strike is such an absurd statement it's not even worth addressing because even if it were true (how would he even know without a combat log?) it would have to involve some kind of gimmiky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots.

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No, I'm saying to get those kinds of numbers in a tank spec (anything over 300k damage really) you need a good pocket healer. I'm also saying it's impossible to get 100k healing with only 300k damage. You need over 600k damage for that, and to get that you have to be in combat, never dying, for an entire WZ, which is only possible when you have at least 400k+ healing incoming on you. Any of the three tanks can put up stupid large numbers when they have massive incoming healing and never die. That's why I laugh when I see these screenshots of the 'overpowered' assassin, because they always always have healers with huge healing numbers in them.


Once we finally get our combat logs, you'll see how much of that damage is just AoE spam on groups. 400k damage from double strike is such an absurd statement it's not even worth addressing because even if it were true (how would he even know without a combat log?) it would have to involve some kind of gimmiky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots.



You need to understand that healer is EXPECTED, geesh how many times do we need to address that. If that healer is putting out massive healing, then it is bad skills or game play by the other team.


Show me a picture of a tank spec Juggernaut / Guardian or Vanguard / Powertech putting up those damage and healing. Then I'll retract my statement.


You can't, you know why? The other two tank spec does not have the resources to put out those damage numbers.

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No, I'm saying to get those kinds of numbers in a tank spec (anything over 300k damage really) you need a good pocket healer. I'm also saying it's impossible to get 100k healing with only 300k damage. You need over 600k damage for that, and to get that you have to be in combat, never dying, for an entire WZ, which is only possible when you have at least 400k+ healing incoming on you. Any of the three tanks can put up stupid large numbers when they have massive incoming healing and never die. That's why I laugh when I see these screenshots of the 'overpowered' assassin, because they always always have healers with huge healing numbers in them.


Once we finally get our combat logs, you'll see how much of that damage is just AoE spam on groups. 400k damage from double strike is such an absurd statement it's not even worth addressing because even if it were true (how would he even know without a combat log?) it would have to involve some kind of gimmiky pre-made vs mouth-breathing idiots.


lol i don't rly kno what to say to this. 400k damage w/ jsut double strike as tank spec extremely easy. My guildies have done it many times w/ just double striking the whole match (obvously bored and know how much faceroll OP Ez the class is)


I'm guessing you agree 700k damage is normal from a tank recieving pocket heals in a Rated Warzone. Your AoE as a tank is so pitiful you can ST and it won't make a difference because your ST damage as a Tank is above decent.


Prove me wrong because on my server I'm sure one of my shadow guildies would b glad to show you how much damage you can do as a shadow tank.

Edited by Vyndeta
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