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When can we expect to see a nerf of the Hybrid Sin/Shadow?


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And when can we expect the other trees to be balanced to be better for group play.



There's a reason why 90% of the people playing Assassin/Shadow are now playing hybrid.


As mentioned before I think all Shadow/Assassin trees should have their own form of Harnessed Shadows.



Kinetic - Damage debuff to target attacked with Tele Throw : 5/10/15% /per stack. -20% Force/Melee Damage when in Combat Technique. Increase the heal in Combat Technique by 200 to help the actual tanks who were wanting to tank keep themselves up due to the loss of the heal from HS.


Infiltration - Increases Tele Throw damage by : 6/12/18% /per stack and reduced Force cost by 20/40/60%. +30% armor while in Shadow Technique. Switch the Kinetic Field (30% AoE Dmg Reducton) down to the tier 1 and replace Harnessed Shadows there for Infiltration. They no longer need the extra armor since Shadow technique automatically has the armor increase.


Balance - Each tick of Telekinetic Throw Heals the player by 2/3/4% max health . +20m range on Telekinetic Throw/Project while in Force Technique. Toss out Mind Ward and make that an innate ability for people in Force Technique and replace that tier with the Harnessed Shadows for Balance.

Edited by AMKSED
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Clearly you dont see things from the Empires point of view. I could argue that almost everyone plays a Trooper for that ol' grav spam favourite.


People play Sith Assassin because a) its a cool class b) requires the player to actually WORK for their kill, instead of pressing just one button to rack up 400k+ damage.


Jedi Knights/Consulars have enough tricks up their sleeves to take out an Assassin when used correctly. Try learning your class?


I've spent hours watching youtube videos, trying out several builds and finally(after 8 different attempts) found a build that deals alot of damage(if my crit kicks in), actually INVOLVES me to play and importantly, is alot of fun to play.

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Clearly you dont see things from the Empires point of view. I could argue that almost everyone plays a Trooper for that ol' grav spam favourite.


People play Sith Assassin because a) its a cool class b) requires the player to actually WORK for their kill, instead of pressing just one button to rack up 400k+ damage.


Jedi Knights/Consulars have enough tricks up their sleeves to take out an Assassin when used correctly. Try learning your class?


I've spent hours watching youtube videos, trying out several builds and finally(after 8 different attempts) found a build that deals alot of damage(if my crit kicks in), actually INVOLVES me to play and importantly, is alot of fun to play.


I play the hybrid Shadow and if everyone is going to roll it because it's OP and FOTM then I'd rather see it nerfed as long as the other specs get something to compete with.

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I play the hybrid Shadow and if everyone is going to roll it because it's OP and FOTM then I'd rather see it nerfed as long as the other specs get something to compete with.


suuuure you do... what do you mean by hybrid? be more specifiic

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Yeah, Assassins seem a little over the top imo. They don't seem to have any real weakness and almost every tool in the shed.


Maybe its the player you come up against? Ive dropped like a sack of potatoes in some battles and others, I can kick butt.


Alot of it I am guessing will be gear based as well. But as I have said, do some research - you could be surprised at what you find - I was.


My BM Stalker set doesnt use the mods/enhancements provided, I have tweaked them so I can deal more damage. If you guys expect to own using the basic stuff, think again.

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Go to my videos.






Those specs with DPS gear.


i play 34/0/7 in damage gear. if you're good you can take anything but you still struggle against good playing sents,troopers and what not. assassin is probably the most balanced class imo and others.

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Go to my videos.






Those specs with DPS gear.


Which video? The only one I saw was where you were killing farmers and ganking? The 31/0/10 is old news tbh and is a great spec for new Assassins to earn some medals.


I will give you some credit for being an old SWG veteran but seriously, in the

, I didnt see anything wrong
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Which video? The only one I saw was where you were killing farmers and ganking? The 31/0/10 is old news tbh and is a great spec for new Assassins to earn some medals.


I will give you some credit for being an old SWG veteran but seriously, in the

, I didnt see anything wrong


The class is OP.


Get over it lol.

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nothing overpowered with that video. seems like you're in bm gear too. am i right?


The video wasn't anything to show about being OP. He told me to play my class and he didn't believe me I played a Shadow so I directed him to me playing.

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The class is OP.


Get over it lol.

compared to other classes it's pretty much balanced. a good imp operative or a bounty hunter would faceroll you. even if you pop all of those assets you have.. and that pretty much sums it up. with my hybrid bounty hunter i would prob have 70 % hp left estimated if i came upon you. and im in full champ with some cent . all about combination and routine , and ofc adapting after a loss.

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tank sin/shadow is quite ridiculous compared to infiltration or balance..

it is just wayyyyyyyyyy too good.


but its true, if you compare it to for example tracer missles.. then yeah there are other things to nerf first

Edited by Akyio
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compared to other classes it's pretty much balanced. a good imp operative or a bounty hunter would faceroll you. even if you pop all of those assets you have.. and that pretty much sums it up. with my hybrid bounty hunter i would prob have 70 % hp left estimated if i came upon you. and im in full champ with some cent . all about combination and routine , and ofc adapting after a loss.




Doubtful. It's a shame though. It that video about 1 minute in I didn't get the first recording kill of a Rage Juggernaut, while having a Operative and Tracer Merc on me then went on to kill the Operative.

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Right now 31/0/10 can lose half of its DPS and it'd still be a decent PvP tanking spec.


Wither needs to be reworked. It needs to lose the stack of HD. 27/0/14 at least in theory has some counters because you must go to melee range at some point to generate more stacks of HD. 31/0/10 can generate all its HD stacks safely from range which pretty much prevents the spec from being countered. Disjunction should be moved to Deception since it's a ridiculously powerful tier 3 talent which also ensures no pure Deception/Madness spec can ever have it. This would mean Darkness/Madness hybrids cannot get Disjunction so you don't just have movement effects literally bounce off because of Disjunction. With these changes the Darkness specs would at least have to be at some risk of retaliation while doing its damage. You can probably have a Thrash based Darkness build that still does nearly as much damage, but without Disjunction (you can't get it if it's 11 points deep in Deception like I proposed) then you can actually stop Thrash with KBs.

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Wheres your proof that the Sith Assassin is too op? You scream like a girl that it is, without actually putting any weight behind your arguement.


Because I play it and I have other 50s and in comparison to the others it is OP? Hence why nearly everyone is playing it. I'd love for Bioware to pull statistics of what level 50 Assassin/Shadow specs are being played and what type of gear. Would that be the proof you need?

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And I'm the one mad lol?


And on my server, everyone went hybrid Sin due to the fact that another player named Prestige and I would absolutely destroy them.

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Maybe its the player you come up against? Ive dropped like a sack of potatoes in some battles and others, I can kick butt.


I have BiS gear so that definitely not the issue.


I can't point to a specific thing and say "that's op" . But I can just observe a very large tool-set and wonder how this is balanced. We essentially have a class that deals impressive burst damage, has various tank utility like Guard,Taunt and pull as well as Stealth and Speed.


Effectively an invisible tank with incredible DPS.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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