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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Can't wait until people start drunk rage posting, the best has yet to come!! lol


7/24 redeemed here, ill get in eventually


I'm off to the pub in about an hour til 1 am, I wonder who'll be in a worse state when I get back, me or this thread?

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Originally Posted by LilithPaige

Urm... Well my reciept says Pre-Ordered fee £4.17 +VAT thats was.... *PRE-OREDER FEE*





kk thanks, have a nice day now.


that fee is taken from what the game cost... whine less



How did you get early access, you paid. Doesn't matter where this money is taken from. It could be taken from a blackhole in a alternate dimension that in return gets you a net yield of 1 million dollars.


Still wouldn't change the fact that






The vagueness of service is only thing that should be up for debate.

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hey i dind got my email either. and i shoulda get it but i dont care :D. cus its almost 19:00PM here and il just make some dinner and kick back and relax on the couch and watch a movie or something i dont worry about it. il just wait for to morrow if i get in or not perhaps indeed i got in or not who knows i dont mind. cus everybody will play all on dec20 right. and then u get 2 weeks of atleast i did vacation. so il just look when i get home after work. i dont mind i dont know why the bigg fuzz is man just relax be happy u get to play 2 days in advanced right. :cool:
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Yay I preordered 3 weeks ago \o/. Loose I'd say.

The funny thing is: The shop were I bought it said that they just packed my game and send it to me. So I guess in 2 days or even tomorrow I will have the game. Before the 'Early-Game Access'.

That kinda funny and sad.


lol I can't check that, I used my mom's account to order the game with instead of mine and she would kill me if I went on seeing as she ordered all my christmas gifts lol

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good for you!! They said up to 5 days, great, THEY said EA is based on when you redeemed your code, LIE. It's been proven. So how can you trust anything you are told by them? or are you just a fanboi


Not a "fanboi" as you put it. I am a person who knows how the gaming industry is. If you don't have the patience to wait for your EGA, then you don't need to play. Just a thought...... well ...... no, you don't need to play.

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This is such a terrible way to launch an mmo. I mean seriously, I would be much happier queueing for 6 hours to get onto a server so I can ***** about it on the forums.


You people really do my head in. The early access is "up to" now guaranteed. You would also most definitely be whining your collective asses off if they opened the gates to everyone and you were slapped with massive queues.


Seriously, Bioware is damned if they do, damned if they don't.


This isn't launch day brah, official launch day is 20th.

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This isn't an accurate status server, simply because people are still @ work or @ the gym or whatever they doing in their routine. Its not weekend, its Tuesday !!! Even at supposedly peak times (18:00 - 23:00 for games), servers won't be heavy loaded until Friday.


Will be a huge mistake to release many waves today, based on the servers' traffic right now. If they release 5-10 waves everyday @ weekend would have many crashes and huge queues.


Only about 25% of the invites of every wave would actually play the game right now.


So the status of servers isn't accurate.


So what you're saying is 75% of the invites sent are not playing because of work and school? Hmmm...I guess game companies are stupid to release games on Tuesday's right? I don't buy any of this. The early game access was suppose to be on the 15th. The 15th would be Thursday, light server loads because of work or people would take off of work. Then the massive load of players would come in on the weekend. Instead, they went with the Tuesday EGA release and people took off from work just to play. Those people who took off of work are sitting at home wondering if they'll get invites while servers sit at light and medium.


Hype my bratha, nothing more.

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