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Everything posted by Breighton

  1. WHY??? WHY??? DELL I Do Not Want A New Laptop!!!!!!!
  2. It's funny. On my niece's account, I pre-ordered her game from Best Buy the same time I pre-ordered MW3. Why is it that last night I finally got the email from them with the pre-order code? #confusedbybestbuy
  3. I think my F5 button is broken now.....lol
  4. I still can't believe that some are still griping about the "up to five days" thing. Up to means just that. It's just like buying a car when they say up to $ on your trade.
  5. What is this email thing of which everyone speaks?
  6. I love this. By the time I get my EA, there won't be a large mob trying to kill the same spawn I'm working on.
  7. Okay, I'm on this elevator and a man walks into it...... I guess he was drunk.
  8. I can't keep up with the posts. It's like 1.5 pages per sec.
  9. Not a "fanboi" as you put it. I am a person who knows how the gaming industry is. If you don't have the patience to wait for your EGA, then you don't need to play. Just a thought...... well ...... no, you don't need to play.
  10. Wow!! Do some of you realize how childish you sound? I mean this is a game. Last I checked, this game does not determine if you live or die. Yes I pre - ordered this game and no, I haven't received my EGA. I am not complaining because it clearly states "UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY" in all disclaimers. So if I get access on Dec 19th at 11:00 pm, that is still EA for the game. As far as BW not opening it up for everyone, just imagine a levee break or a dam collapse.
  11. I love the idea of this staggered start. It makes the transition easier for everyone to play without the massive LAG and the over abundance of players trying to wait for the same mob to spawn. Good Job BW. Keep up the good work. BTW I'm not playing yet either. I am playing it cool and waiting for my turn to log in.
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