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If Healing nerf over sages goes live...whats the point of the class?


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Paper wearing armour

castable instant shield every 17 secs (if talented and with pvp pieces) that absorbs 1 hit (if we lucky)

long castable heals

long channeled heal

No instants heals

very low survivability


We were already sitting ducks, now we are like dead beavers to the enemy who jumps on you/pulls you/stuns you, KB you, interrupt you, etc. etc. etc.


Really, what's the point of a healing sage now?

And im NOT speaking about DPS, something needed to be done (even if is too much the nerf imo).


I will never understand why bioware hates so much healers....


This post is both unique and new to MMO's. I have never seen a healer class whine about not being the best healer or about not being straight up OP.


When are healers happy with an MMO. When they can tank 3 dps at the same time. Not die, and not have to use CC, escape tools or any dps spells. If this isn't happening? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.


Be lucky they even have "support classes" where people can use 3-5 buttons, bunny hop around and play whack a mole with health bars. You are STILL the most important thing in this game (except for the guy pressing taunt and guard by you).


With how silly guard/taunts and heals work together in this game it is LAUGHABLE to see a post from any healer complaining about anything. Hell you don't even have to worry about spell tree lockout in this game.


I swear the only bigger whiners then the "mage class" in mmo's are healers.


Before you rage at me? Expertise means more in 1.2 The formula is different. Maybe just MAYBE the changes are due to that as well...Now? rage on. I don't care to reply anyways. I see one nerd raging healer in every pug wz I have ever queued in (usually a sage/sorc). I have heard it all lol.

Edited by biowareftw
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You heal as a sage?


My sage is death in a robe I destroy everything in my way


Jokes aside if you feel th nerfs to much

Switch to a dps spec and have fun owning Everything

don't worry about your teammate dying around you

When your dps Their not your problem

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For the OP, you will still have a ton more utility than Ops and a better shield on a shorter cooldown. We get by as healers.




Play a healer and you'll understand. Dual glowstickers stick out ahead of the other DPS by a sizable margin. The good ones are brutal. Especially if you're an operative and get squat for tools to deal with them.



Ironic, since operatives are trained to kill Jedi =(

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Utility: Force Wave, Force Speed, Mind Snap, Rescue, Revival


Major CC: Force Stun, Force Lift, Force Slow.


Minor CC: Forcequake, Project, Telekinetic Throw


And that's base without being talented.


Sage is the King of Utility and CC, that is the point of the class.


CC and Utility is everything is objective PVP.

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Utility: Force Wave, Force Speed, Mind Snap, Rescue, Revival


Major CC: Force Stun, Force Lift, Force Slow.


Minor CC: Forcequake, Project, Telekinetic Throw


And that's base without being talented.


Sage is the King of Utility and CC, that is the point of the class.


CC and Utility is everything is objective PVP.


WRONG. Survivability is everything in objective PVP something Sages completely lack.

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Utility: Force Wave, Force Speed, Mind Snap, Rescue, Revival


Major CC: Force Stun, Force Lift, Force Slow. force slow is also available to sins. Force lift breaks on damage...


Minor CC: Forcequake, useless in PVP Project, Telekinetic Throw fairly useless in PVP w/o hybrid spec, nerfed now...


And that's base without being talented.


Sage is the King of Utility and CC, that is the point of the class. wrong


CC and Utility is everything is objective PVP.


Utility is NOT everything. You can't bring utility if you are dead. You can CC all day, but damage will break your CC. In other MMOs, if you have to go to a DOT spec, then they give you a skill so that you can CC AND DOT. Otherwise, you can pick a high DPS, glass cannon spec.


In SWTOR, there are other classes that bring very good CC (I just gave one example of the top of my head, there are many others) and better DPS, with better survivability in 1.2. Our 31 pt balance skill takes 18 seconds to do its damage. The tree that should be the high DPS (TK) isn't used because no one has proven it it to work well...

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Doesn't your dispell have a heal on it but it's very small? Don't you have a bubble that prevents damage? Don't you have CC? Don't you have a knock back that can be talented to root? Don't you have a bubble that can talent to blind the target? Don't you have a bubble that can be talented to increase run speed? Don't you have a sprint?


LOL. Sages do not get a 31/31/31 spec, although its too late given the mess that is 1.2..... Chances are OP is likely running 31 points in the healing tree...so he probably does not have ALL these capabalities, which come partially from fairly high up in the TK tree.


If a sorc/sage specs for utility, IN GENERAL, they will give up something-- healing, DPS, etc. In this case, a healing sorc/sage won't likely have a bubble that blinds for example.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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The OP isn't saying he wants to be the best healer.


He is stating that we are losing our ONLY burst heal...which even right now is easily interruptable. We have absolutely no heals that doesn't require a long cast time that's effective. He is not talking about PVE - he is not talking about dps - he is talking about healing in a pvp situation.


If you are up against a good pvp team, they are on healers like glue and it's almost impossible to get heals off as a sage healer without that burst heal (and even with it, it's damned near impossible at times).

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The OP isn't saying he wants to be the best healer.


He is stating that we are losing our ONLY burst heal...which even right now is easily interruptable. We have absolutely no heals that doesn't require a long cast time that's effective. He is not talking about PVE - he is not talking about dps - he is talking about healing in a pvp situation.


If you are up against a good pvp team, they are on healers like glue and it's almost impossible to get heals off as a sage healer without that burst heal (and even with it, it's damned near impossible at times).


and if you are on a good team, the moment anyone attacks the healer he gets instagibbed. and if we are talking about 3v1 or so, everyone gets smoked.

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considering your a healer u should have guard on you anyways..


And this is the real problem.


We're seeing less and less healers to the point that there's excitement when one is in the group.


I'm not asking for a buff to me, or a nerf to other classes, or whining about targeting.


The biggest problem is lack of love healers get from their OWN TEAM. Put protection on them if you can - stay WITH them to peel harassers off if you can. Watch THEIR health as they are trying to keep YOU alive.


Healers, ASK for help from your team if you aren't getting it.


If we put the same kinda dedication into protecting our healers as we usually do burning THEIR healers down...I think that would do alot to help.


The only reason I made a healer was to help out others in PvP/group content. Yet I always find myself dreading to log him in because my other class is so much more enjoyable. There's only so much running for my life I can take...sure, I can survive a long time against 1...and keep a few busy and away from what they should be doing..but that's not fun to be doing 95% of the match lol.



Edited by BBCHiyde
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