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PreMade Warzones = Griefing.


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I believe warzones should be random.


Allowing premades is basically griefing to others. You are facing a well geared, good comp group with communication against random guys.


It is not fun getting owned match after match when facing a premade team over and over.


If people want to make groups it should be groups against groups.

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i never been in a premade but i believe its fair, you can easily counter a premade with your own premade, but yes i do agree that premades should only go against premades as to not always have to fight a team you know you will lose cuz its premade
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I couldn't disagree more.


I also find it ridiculous that you assume every premade is fully geared, excellent at the game, in vent, and that the randoms are going to be horrible. I see a lot of premades. Some of them are fully geared. Most aren't. Most are people halfway geared grouping to finish up or have fun. Sometimes I see knew 50s mixed in because people are helping their friends get new gear.


A premade is just a group of people who Q together. That's it and that's all it means.

Edited by Dystopic
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I believe the system is trying to put premades against eachother but there are times when there's only one premade searching, in which case the system eventually has to put it against pugs. So it's basically a population problem.


Another population problem takes place early mornings, atleast on my main server. There's only 16 or so of us PvP'ing at that hour so it's the same people in every match. Some are better than others and when those people end up on the same team it's game over for the rest. There's nothing to do about it really.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I believe warzones should be random.


Allowing premades is basically griefing to others. You are facing a well geared, good comp group with communication against random guys.


It is not fun getting owned match after match when facing a premade team over and over.


If people want to make groups it should be groups against groups.


It's like your going out of your way to set a record for how many bad threads you can start today

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I strongly disagree with the OP.


However you can't deny that eventually a top ranked team of 8 players in full war hero gear will queue up for unranked warzones just for fun and grief the PUG teams. Bascially they will just camp spawns, draw matches out as along as possible and try and irritate people.


The fact that this is possible means it is going to happen, unfortunately there really isn't any way around it unless Bioware has some system in place to completely separate pre mades from solo the solo queue.

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All I am asking for is a even match. It people are ok with basically e.g. grown men beating down kids and call that excitment what can i say?


Oh man.


You want everyone to run around like an idiot?

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I've been in PUGs that have completely destroyed premades. If they get paired with 4 *******, they can put up a decent match, but they won't just run away with a win. Unless you're on a bad PUG, in which case, you(the only guy with a brain) should be able to determine that and quit getting bent out of shape about it. Go pick a 1v1 if it gets really bad. It's good practice time.
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I believe the system is trying to put premades against eachother but there are times when there's only one premade searching, in which case the system eventually has to put it against pugs. So it's basically a population problem.


Another population problem takes place early mornings, atleast on my main server. There's only 16 or so of us PvP'ing at that hour so it's the same people in every match. Some are better than others and when those people end up on the same team it's game over for the rest. There's nothing to do about it really.


lol, as an Imp on Davik's Estate, this is exactly what I experience. There's one guild on Republic side that runs premades. 9 times out of 10 when you're playing Civil War or Voidstar, you're going to go against 4 guys from <Open Rebellion> and 4 other Repubs, and occasionally, one of your Huttball matches will be against them.


In the morning, if I play in between classes I can get my daily done in 30 minutes some times because it's almost nothing but Imp vs Imp Huttball, and if you get some of the best players on your side, you faceroll 4-5 minute matches. Of course, I've also been on the unlucky side of that scenario and finished my Ilum daily(doing just WZs) before finishing my 3 win daily.

Edited by Numerii
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I don't like well working pre-mades either, but they're necessary so that I don't have to wait forever to que for the next wz.


As bad as the server populations are cause there are just too may servers, I just don't think I need any road blocks put in place to slow things down more than they are, no :PvP level range brackets, no only solos vs solos & pre vs pres & the kick feature in 1.2 better have no impact on the regular que'ing thing that regularly brings new players into warzones in the 1st place. Man, the kicks feature better not be a buggy mess.

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So u guys are saying that guys who just hit 50 are gonna get into a good premades or are you saying new lvl 50s could get together and form a premade? New 50s against established 50s?


You think that is fair?


What if you don't have time to run a premade. You got 30 mins to play? Do you want to spend half or all of it setting up a good premade to compete.


Random should be random.



I played WOW rateds. I am not afraid to play good teams. I just don't believe beating down people effortlessly to be fun.



Being outnumbered in a post like this does not mean anything to me. I can remember in WOW how much TWINKS cried like babies because they were getting their own bracket. They actually had to play against equally good players.


They were crying so bad... what to u mean we grief players.. we help them.. we teach them how to play the game.. lol yea right..


Babies.. I am not afraid of competition.

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I strongly disagree with the OP.


However you can't deny that eventually a top ranked team of 8 players in full war hero gear will queue up for unranked warzones just for fun and grief the PUG teams. Bascially they will just camp spawns, draw matches out as along as possible and try and irritate people.


The fact that this is possible means it is going to happen, unfortunately there really isn't any way around it unless Bioware has some system in place to completely separate pre mades from solo the solo queue.


Unranked Wz's are still limited to ques of 4. 8 man WZ's are for Ranked only.

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Get some friends. Sometimes I pug, sometimes I run in a premade. The premades I am in are mostly full BM geared repubs (hell, everyone is at the mo since they made it easier to gear up), do we win every warzone? Normally yes. But so we should , were organised, communicate and each of us know's what they are doing.


When I pug, the repubs just run around like headless chickens, no one communicates, people rarely work together. You might get one odd warzone where you get all the good players, but normally it's just chaos. Republic pug players are horrible, on my server anyway.


If you don't want to get rolled as a pug player, get your own premade and stand a better chance of winning, it doesn't take much, just 3 other people who know what they are doing, otherwise take it on the chin.


You choose to pug warzones, so expect to get beat down by people who choose to group up.


Don't forget, you will get your easymode PvP when 1.2 lands as any decent players & premades will be in rated warzones.

Edited by Archaar
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I just finished a miserable match against a very good premade in Aldaraan. We lost all three turrets, I was marked (which is not fun for a healer, especially against an organized team) and, with four opponents on each side of the wall that separates left and mid, I was dead within 30-seconds whenever I stepped off the speeder landing. It was, in short, not fun at all.


But despite that, I can't blame our opponent. They were just really good. And we just...weren't. If every game was like that, I think I'd be angry. But it isn't. The Republic on our server usually fares pretty well. Sometimes we even dominate the Empire (although I don't think I've ever seen anything as lopsided as tonight).


Hopefully, when rated Warzones arrive, these elite groups will find worthier opponents. But in the meantime, I'll just tip my hat, take my beating and work on getting better.

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I believe warzones should be random.


Allowing premades is basically griefing to others. You are facing a well geared, good comp group with communication against random guys.


It is not fun getting owned match after match when facing a premade team over and over.


If people want to make groups it should be groups against groups.


LOL this is a good one.

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God forbid that I actually MMO with friends in this MMORPG. I queue with friends, when they're on, so that I don't have to put up with a full set of 7 useless gimps that I normally have to endure in a random solo queue.


If I couldn't queue in a premade sometimes I think I would've quit a couple of months ago.

Edited by ilovethepink
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I know it can be frustrating playing against 4 players with a balanced team that are coordinated but honestly...there's a lot that aren't.


You probably beat more premades than you think and didn't even know it was a premade.


Sometimes it's just people that know each other on the server queueing up and that's about it.

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