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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you like the amount of Stuns and Snares?


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I am glad to FINALLY see several threads where the community is recognizing the problems with CC in this game. It has taken far too long for this realization to occur.


That said, the actual stuns in this game are, for the most part, fine. 4 second stuns are about right. The problem is that snares and roots are not on the resolve bar. They need to be, period.


As other posters have said, knockback + long duration root should not belong to one class. ESPECIALLY when that class has a sprint to get away.

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I am glad to FINALLY see several threads where the community is recognizing the problems with CC in this game. It has taken far too long for this realization to occur.


That said, the actual stuns in this game are, for the most part, fine. 4 second stuns are about right. The problem is that snares and roots are not on the resolve bar. They need to be, period.


As other posters have said, knockback + long duration root should not belong to one class. ESPECIALLY when that class has a sprint to get away.


That class has to spec to get into it.


In the meantime, I'd like to draw your attention to my sniper, unless he headshots you before you see him - more powerful knockback, and has a root attatched with it. Oh, he can also make himself immune to CC (Yes, all forms of cc!), and leap immunity


Why do people ignore snipers all the time? They have good utility...

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Yes. I like my PvP to be fun and varied with different types of abilities that make the game more challenging. I don't want to pvp where two people stand there and mash 2 buttons to see who does more damage. That is called PvE.


So, let me get this straight... You'd rather stand there and mash 2 buttons to render your opponent utterly disabled, preventing them from fighting back while you decimate them -- and you consider THAT pvp and not pve?

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It's not horrible, they're just relatively un-dynamic. I'd rather see some shutdowns, more interrupts, and buff removers (different from debuffs) added for some more dynamic forms of control, perhaps even some buffs that give partial immunities.
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CC does not bother me one bit, but let it be just that.




1) take me out of the fight

2) put me on hold

3) slow me down


I can live and handle this above its part of the game I get that.




1) Stun me where I can do nothing about it for a long time and while I am stunned I can also take damage and be killed without even a chance and or when the stun wears off I have less than 10% hp do really do nothing.


That really pisses me off, sure if you want to CC a healer, take them out of the fight while you dps down a few people, I get that or CC a big DPS threat.


But do not make it about I can CC you and then after I CC you I can then do damage to you without you doing anything back to me, and I /lol

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I wouldn't mind all the CCs if:


A) The CC breaker gave complete immunity for either a set amount of time after popped OR the complete decline of the resolve bar.


And by immunity I mean not a D@MN thing is going to stop me from moving.




B) Some system of diminishing returns.

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I am glad to FINALLY see several threads where the community is recognizing the problems with CC in this game. It has taken far too long for this realization to occur.


That said, the actual stuns in this game are, for the most part, fine. 4 second stuns are about right. The problem is that snares and roots are not on the resolve bar. They need to be, period.


As other posters have said, knockback + long duration root should not belong to one class. ESPECIALLY when that class has a sprint to get away.


There is 10 root-type skills in game. 7 of them belongs to melee classes. 2 of them belongs to the sniper, 1 is long range stun and 1 is aoe knockback with root.


Everyone complains about sorc/sage root, which is even not granted, it have to be specced for.


Community is amusing...

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