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The Robot Before Karraga

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I'm terrible with names.


Just have a quick couple of questions and any advice would be helpful.


But before you read them at least know these few things...


Our guild is 5/8 raiders full of people that have been doing things together since Vanilla World of Warcraft. A good chunk of us (maybe 4 of us) are in almost all Columi gear with a few mixed in Rakata pieces or better, everyone else is at LEAST in full epics or better. We have downed the boss but with effort and we find the boss exponentially difficult in comparison to Karagga.



1) Anyone besides me having trouble with said robot boss?


2) How many people do you use for the consoles (In 8 Man Normal or HM) ?


3) Do you guys AOE stun droids or have melee target them down?



Any other advice is appreciated. BTW Im a sniper and currently the only one in the guild who knows how to pattern the lasers from side to side without messing up. We use 2 people for the strat - me and the other sniper we run with. I run back and forth between mid and right and I literally say "Left" when i want him to just click to pick up or put down a piece. I run to mid when he is firing to throw SOME dps up, and he does the same, but i hardly DPS the boss at all.

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I'm terrible with names.


Just have a quick couple of questions and any advice would be helpful.


But before you read them at least know these few things...


Our guild is 5/8 raiders full of people that have been doing things together since Vanilla World of Warcraft. A good chunk of us (maybe 4 of us) are in almost all Columi gear with a few mixed in Rakata pieces or better, everyone else is at LEAST in full epics or better. We have downed the boss but with effort and we find the boss exponentially difficult in comparison to Karagga.



1) Anyone besides me having trouble with said robot boss?


2) How many people do you use for the consoles (In 8 Man Normal or HM) ?


3) Do you guys AOE stun droids or have melee target them down?



Any other advice is appreciated. BTW Im a sniper and currently the only one in the guild who knows how to pattern the lasers from side to side without messing up. We use 2 people for the strat - me and the other sniper we run with. I run back and forth between mid and right and I literally say "Left" when i want him to just click to pick up or put down a piece. I run to mid when he is firing to throw SOME dps up, and he does the same, but i hardly DPS the boss at all.


1) we struggled until we got the pattern down


2) we use 2 people. A Sorc (because of force speed) and a healer


3) That's our snipers job. He calls for help when there are multiples.


If you and the other sniper are absolutely the only people in your group that can do the puzzle, you still need to do absolutely everything you can to get as much DPS on him as possible, when he's vulnerable.

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1) we struggled until we got the pattern down


2) we use 2 people. A Sorc (because of force speed) and a healer


3) That's our snipers job. He calls for help when there are multiples.


If you and the other sniper are absolutely the only people in your group that can do the puzzle, you still need to do absolutely everything you can to get as much DPS on him as possible, when he's vulnerable.


Im the only one that knows the pattern at all. Are you saying that it would be better to have a healer do it and have just one healer on the tank at all times ?\


This is our current placement.


EDIT** Sorry i fail at paint >_>



Edited by Awfeel
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in 8 man mode.


We kite him from right to left and skip the middle.

We have 3 clickers up (ranged dps) with a healer.

Atleast 1 sorc to pull ppl back up if someone gets pushed down or pulled to boss.


4 peeps down, 2 tanks and 1 dps (melee or ranged) 1 healer.

The tank that doesen't tank + the dps take the stun droids.


in 16 man.

4 dps + healer up to click.

rest +3 healers go down, dps takes down stun droids between te kiting.

Edited by Bobiefatt
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What are the issues you are having? Didn't really see that. What mode you in? Some clarification would be great.


We run 2 Clickers, a Sniper and random other class available.


Use just Left and Right flames, skipping middle in any mode (not worth the potential enrage time and keeping his buffs up really).


In Normal/Hard Mode we entirely Single Tank it, the 10 stacks for our healers are easily healable as long as DPS keep Stun Droids under control (and people move out when they get target for the explosion). Also makes the fight go a LOT quicker


In Nightmare we Two Tank it since the damage is a bit higher and just to be safe.

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We have 3 ranged DPS (though if you have more melee dps you can have one of them do it but won't be able to do any dps)do the consoles, at least one being either commando or sage for off-heals.


One tank on boss, two healers and two DPS.


We move between the right and center positions.


On hard mode we CC the stun droids that drop (since they get destroyed when the middle one is fired). On normal we have the dps on the bottom kill them.


Ranged up top move to the platforms and DPS the boss while he has the damage increase buff.

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What are the issues you are having? Didn't really see that. What mode you in? Some clarification would be great.


We run 2 Clickers, a Sniper and random other class available.


Use just Left and Right flames, skipping middle in any mode (not worth the potential enrage time and keeping his buffs up really).


In Normal/Hard Mode we entirely Single Tank it, the 10 stacks for our healers are easily healable as long as DPS keep Stun Droids under control (and people move out when they get target for the explosion). Also makes the fight go a LOT quicker


In Nightmare we Two Tank it since the damage is a bit higher and just to be safe.




Sorry I guess I derped. We mostly just have issues where the fight is taking SO LONG that the possibility for messing up becomes greater and in some cases healing becomes difficult I suppose.


We also skip the middle flame, and the one melee and the off tank kill the stun droids. I will make a note to my raid leader that there should be a healer doing the consoles with me.


While said healer is doing the consoles does he only heal the people up top ? (Im Assuming himself +3 ranged) Or how does that work, I feel like running back and forth takes up most of my personal time during the fight considering im the one watching the screens. The other sniper DPS's until i say left and he slides back to click the console.

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Im the only one that knows the pattern at all. Are you saying that it would be better to have a healer do it and have just one healer on the tank at all times ?\


This is our current placement.


EDIT** Sorry i fail at paint >_>




Our group is: 1 Assassin Tank (Me), 1 Jugg Tank, 1 Sniper, 1 Powertech DPS, 1 Merc Healer, 1 Sorc Healer, 1 Sorc DPS, and 1 Marauder.


Our DPS Sorc and Merc Healer stay up for the pattern, everyone else is downstairs. The Merc healers primary job is to keep himself and the DPS Sorc alive and click the far left button. The DPS Sorc handles the middle and right buttons, as well as killing any droids that spawn upstairs. Our Sorc Healer has no trouble healing the rest of the group downstairs. Our sniper handles the droids downstairs with the occasional assistance from our Powertech.


We number the three solve locations 1,2, and 3... then our DPS Sorc calls out which number he is solving next and we move the boss accordingly. Once a puzzle is ready to be solved, we get a quick 3 second (firing) countdown and then everyone except the Sorc Healer puts as much DPS as possible onto the boss.


Edit: Forgot 1 thing, we also switch tanks at 5 stacks of the debuff.

Edited by Turst
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Sorry I guess I derped. We mostly just have issues where the fight is taking SO LONG that the possibility for messing up becomes greater and in some cases healing becomes difficult I suppose.


We also skip the middle flame, and the one melee and the off tank kill the stun droids. I will make a note to my raid leader that there should be a healer doing the consoles with me.


While said healer is doing the consoles does he only heal the people up top ? (Im Assuming himself +3 ranged) Or how does that work, I feel like running back and forth takes up most of my personal time during the fight considering im the one watching the screens. The other sniper DPS's until i say left and he slides back to click the console.


I would suggest to encourage your healers to get used to the spawning of the proximity mines and to pop cooldowns to help spam heals on anyone that absorbed them. Also tanks should be aware that healing is very stressful during this time and to help out reducing damage any way they can. Once the mines a gone/moved then healing becomes more relaxed (Especially if you are able to keep up with the damage and no catching up is required!).


If healers can anticipate this damage and keep up with it, this also allows them to burn the boss hard during the burn phase a bit ultimately making the fight that much shorter in the long run.

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This is how you solve the puzzle, me and my guild have fine tuned a very good strategy. We use the basic 2 tanks, 2 healers, 2 melee, 2 ranged party layout. You should not be killing every droid, avoid what you can. Also we only have 2 on the consoles, a dps(pref one that can push) and a healer dedicated to only healing that dps. The other healer is perfectly able to heal the entire raid on the bottom (i AM that healer), just kill the stun droids on the track asap, and make sure all dps is ready when you light him on fire.

Edited by zachbuford
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Two tanks switch roles when they get 5 debuff stacks, the other tank simply taunts the boss.


We have 3 ranged DPS up top solving, who just go Right>Middle and repeat in normal mode.

Other DPS (melee or ranged) take the STUN droids, not the proximity ones. Ranged DPS inbetween solves will clear the upstairs droids.


Remember your adrenals/relics when the shield is down, and EVERYONE should be using the best stim they can (Rakata>Exotech>Other)


Rinse and repeat.



In general we had difficulty with the enrage timer rather than the tactics. We generally get the puzzle solved 5-6 times before he enrages.

Our problem was only 2 DPS were geared in full columi or higher.


Compared to this, Karraga is a joke.

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Strategy we use for HM and NMM:


Up top - 2 ranged DPS and 1 healer


Down bottom - 2 tanks, 1 healer, and 2 DPS (we usually have 1 ranged and 1 melee)


The people at top should get enough practice on the consoles to where the buttons can be moved from side to side in just a few seconds, no words spoken, no mistakes. The faster you can move the icons, the faster you can burn the boss. Stun droids should be focus fired and killed asap while mines up top should be pushed/knocked away or destroyed by walking into them with a bubble (Force Armor, etc). Do not waste time killing the proximity mines!

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We use 3 button pressers (2 ranged DPS 1 healer in the centre).


That way you hardly need to move from the buttons so prox mine damage is reduced. You also only need to clear the stun drones on the boss conveyor belt.


Using 3 button pressers means you can fly through the combinations and the boss goes down in no-time. It works every time for us, here's our tactics video explaining it in full (with voiceover). We've had some really good feebdack on it where people get it down in 2-3 attempts.


Also unless you've got a very very strong healer and tank, use 2 tanks to rotate the stacks of the armor debuff.





Hope that helps you!



Edited by borowmir
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I'm terrible with names.


Just have a quick couple of questions and any advice would be helpful.


But before you read them at least know these few things...


Our guild is 5/8 raiders full of people that have been doing things together since Vanilla World of Warcraft. A good chunk of us (maybe 4 of us) are in almost all Columi gear with a few mixed in Rakata pieces or better, everyone else is at LEAST in full epics or better. We have downed the boss but with effort and we find the boss exponentially difficult in comparison to Karagga.



1) Anyone besides me having trouble with said robot boss?


2) How many people do you use for the consoles (In 8 Man Normal or HM) ?


3) Do you guys AOE stun droids or have melee target them down?



Any other advice is appreciated. BTW Im a sniper and currently the only one in the guild who knows how to pattern the lasers from side to side without messing up. We use 2 people for the strat - me and the other sniper we run with. I run back and forth between mid and right and I literally say "Left" when i want him to just click to pick up or put down a piece. I run to mid when he is firing to throw SOME dps up, and he does the same, but i hardly DPS the boss at all.


2) 1 person does puzzle, with healer standing on the only platform up top to heal puzzle solver and heal ops.


3) we just do the middle and side wher boss stars at, so there should be only 2 stun droids u have to kill,

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I'm terrible with names.


Just have a quick couple of questions and any advice would be helpful.


But before you read them at least know these few things...


Our guild is 5/8 raiders full of people that have been doing things together since Vanilla World of Warcraft. A good chunk of us (maybe 4 of us) are in almost all Columi gear with a few mixed in Rakata pieces or better, everyone else is at LEAST in full epics or better. We have downed the boss but with effort and we find the boss exponentially difficult in comparison to Karagga.



1) Anyone besides me having trouble with said robot boss?


2) How many people do you use for the consoles (In 8 Man Normal or HM) ?


3) Do you guys AOE stun droids or have melee target them down?



Any other advice is appreciated. BTW Im a sniper and currently the only one in the guild who knows how to pattern the lasers from side to side without messing up. We use 2 people for the strat - me and the other sniper we run with. I run back and forth between mid and right and I literally say "Left" when i want him to just click to pick up or put down a piece. I run to mid when he is firing to throw SOME dps up, and he does the same, but i hardly DPS the boss at all.



1. easiest boss in the game


2. 2 ranged


3. melee target them down

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Have two range upstairs managing the buttons, take the boss to the middle and the right exhaust only, use a offtank to tank the boss while waiting for the other tanks to drop(safe to switch at about 7-8 stacks) have two people cc the two adds in the middle in my RF that tends to be the two healers (me and another) the reason for this is to hold our position so we don't have to move throughtout the fight to get full heal throughput, make sure all members whom are near the boss keep distance from one another incase they get targetted by the bomb(it will appear as a little orange reticle over the target then explode in a few secs)
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